Rating of the 10 best search engines. Search engines in Russia: what else is there besides Yandex and Google

With the rise of censorship and surveillance, alternatives to Google and Yandex are becoming more and more interesting to users. We will tell you about three no-holds-barred search engines that do not collect personal information about you, but, on the contrary, protect your privacy.

Startpage: The World's Most Discrete Search Engine

Startpage.com calls itself "the world's most discrete search engine." Since 2016, the service has been merged with the Ixquick website. As proof of the security of its search, Startpage.com bills itself as the only search engine with an EU privacy certificate.

Startpage.com promises not to store user IP addresses and, according to the service,does not use cookies for tracking. Additionally, Startpage.com is accessible from the Tor network.The search engine servers are located in the Netherlands.

The site has a convenient feature:Search results can be viewed using the Proxy option, which encrypts the connection to the corresponding web page using a proxy server. Thus, this is a real search engine without restrictions: you can safely view what your provider blocks.

Search proxies: Startpage easily bypasses Yandex.DNS blocking

Search proxies are the main feature of Startpage, which make it a search engine without censorship. If you need to search without blocking, this service is for you.

DuckDuckGo: anonymous search engine from the USA

DuckDuckGo is the most widely used secure alternative to Google with over ten million searches per day.Even though the search engine's servers are located in the US, DuckDuckGo.com still offers some interesting features.

When searching through DuckDuckGo.com, your IP address will not be saved. The system alsoDoes not use cookies for tracking.DuckDuckGo uses HTTPS encryption. You can also enter a query into a search engine via the Tor network. You can also use different themes to customize the appearance of your search page.

You cannot open websites through a proxy here. But taking into account the fact that the system is outside the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, it is not subject to, for example, the “right to be forgotten” in the sense in which it is understood in our country.The search results may not be perfect, but they are still quite useful.

The right to be forgotten: DuckDuckGo finds sites with compromising evidence blocked in the Russian Federation. Google - news only

This service is more suitable for those who primarily value anonymity and search without tracking. Or for those who want to find information excluded from search results in the Russian Federation. However, we should warn you: in Russia, DuckDuckGo has become a partner of Yandex, so you can expect everything.

notEvil: Internet search that doesn't exist

The notEvil search engine allows you to search the Internet using the anonymous Tor network. To do this, you do not need to install any additional software (although you will need it in order to open search results).

This search engine allows you to search on the so-called darknet - that part of the Internet that is usually inaccessible to the average user. Due to blocking, useful services are gradually moving into it, for example, for downloading content.

Most web search engines on Tor shamelessly make money from advertising: you get results from Tor, and in addition - a handful of advertisements and tracking for free. notEvil fundamentally does not do this. It is clear that we are not talking about IP tracking and the use of cookies here at all.

notEvil: helps you find things in Tor that may not exist on the Internet

The site will be useful for those who want to get acquainted with the contents of the invisible Internet; hardcore anonymity guaranteed. By the way, we recommend that you immediately save the link to your bookmarks - URLs in the “Tor-to-web” category are very unfriendly in terms of remembering.

Anonymous search engines as a safe alternative to Google

All three search engines do not log your IP address or use cookies for tracking. Encryption using HTTPS is provided by all named providers.

The DuckDuckGo search engine showed the best search results in the test, and you will receive guaranteed security when choosing an alternative search engine with the Startpage.com system. EU data protection certification confirms that the search engine stands by its promise of search anonymity. NotEvil, in turn, is useful for searching the darknet.

Runet is a place where you can find almost everything. But only if you use the right search engine. There are already a dozen of the latter on the Russian part of the Internet today, but some of them are used by almost all users, while others are used by only a small percentage. This is due both to the characteristics of the search engines themselves and to the established opinion that Yandex and Goggle are cool, and the rest are just trying to keep up with them.

Do you know who invented Yandex and Goggle? Here .

What is a search engine

A search engine is a service that searches for information on the World Wide Web based on a given user search query. In order to find this very information, you need to open the search engine website and formulate a request. It is not necessary to write entire sentences in the search bar. Search engines today are already so “smart” that they can understand a user’s request literally at a glance.

In the modern world there is practically no person who has not searched for something on the World Wide Web at least once in his life. Search engines, with the help of which we carry out searches, have already become firmly established in our lives - we “Google” the titles of films and books, the names and addresses of people, culinary recipes and student works.

It’s hard to imagine how difficult it would have been for us if there were no Yandex, Google, Mail and other information retrieval systems. You would have to write down the names of sites or even select them from a set of characters. But despite the fact that search engines are an integral part of the daily life of a modern person, few people think about how they work and how they appeared.

History of search engines

Surprisingly, the history of search engines dates back to 1945. It was then that the American scientist Vaniver Bush first introduced the idea of ​​hypertext in one of his articles. Subsequently, he also participated in the creation of the first prototype of the search engine, but the main work was still done by other people.

In 1969, scientists from one of the US research projects agencies created a concept that allows information to be transmitted using a computer network. They wanted to use this development for military purposes, but it turned out that the connection was too weak and information leakage could occur. Work on the concept ceased, but was resumed again in 1980. This time it was possible to unite the information library of US universities using computer networks.

The first real prototype of modern search engines appeared in the mid-1990s, when directories of sites were created that could be searched. There were also search engine bots, but they could no longer cope with their responsibilities after the development of the Internet and the emergence of a large number of sites.

Since 1995, modern search engines began their work on the World Wide Web - Yahoo, Google, Yandex and others.

How search engines work

The process of finding information on the Internet by a search engine consists of three stages:

  • Studying all sites - scanning;
  • Indexing;
  • Ranging

At the first stage, the search engine wanders around the World Wide Web, studying the contents of each site. Considering how many sites are present on the Internet and how much information is presented on them, one can only guess at what speed the scanning occurs. After all, the result must be returned immediately after the user’s request.

Search engines are scanned by special robots. They are also called spiders. They go to every site on the Internet and enter information from them into their database. On old sites this is done periodically, but exactly how many times a month is decided by the search engines themselves. When a new site appears, robots quickly scan all its content and take all this information for themselves. Then everything happens exactly the same as on other sites.

At the second stage, the process of entering the found information into the database occurs. Here too, each search engine works differently. For example, Goggle takes all the information found on the site, and Yandex only takes the part that seems useful to it. Search engines then classify the data into topics to make it easier to work with later.

At the third stage, sites are arranged in order, depending on how much the information on them coincides with the user’s search query.

The number of search engine users is growing every day, which means the popularity of the search engines themselves is growing. Perhaps very soon the positions of services will change, they will begin to work in a different way or disappear altogether. And ordinary users can only adapt to them.

So, here are the most common Runet search engines.

Yandex: history of origin

How to use Google search

The work of Goggle is almost similar to the work of Yandex. Here, too, to find the necessary information, it is enough to enter a written request in the desired language into the search bar. You can also set a voice command. To do this, just click on the microphone icon and make a search request.

The search engine will help you find not only sites with text information, but also the necessary pictures, videos or news. To do this, you need to ask a query and then select the appropriate section at the bottom of the search bar.

Search engine Mail

– the largest Internet portal on the Runet, combining several services. One of them is the Mail search engine, which appeared relatively recently - in 2003. This project was launched with the intention of making it as successful as mail.ru, Odnoklassniki or Agent. For this, the developments of Google WebSearch were used, the service was integrated with List.mail.ru, but still the search engine did not become as popular as, for example, Yandex.

Despite this, mail.ru has its own characteristics that distinguish it from other similar services. Thus, the search in it is carried out not only throughout the Internet, but also in the Mail services themselves. The search system can also distinguish between the titles of films and books, remember previous user requests, and provide information on similar requests. In the future, we will create a special service for webmasters, where it will be possible to receive information about:

  • queries that interest search engine users;
  • visited pages;
  • downloaded files;
  • cache of visited pages;
  • ranking of sites by traffic.

Currently, the Mail search engine ranks 3rd in popularity on the RuNet and processes almost 6% of all Internet requests in the Russian Federation.

How to use Mail search

Unlike Google and Yandex, the Mail search bar is located at the top of the main page. But the search algorithm is the same. To find information, just enter a query and click the magnifying glass icon. The Mail sections are similar to the main search engines of the Runet. Here you can also find pictures and videos, but in addition, “applications” and “answers” ​​are available. By selecting the first section, you can use numerous service tools. The second will allow you to find information in Mail.Answers.

And in this article I wrote about services in great detail.

Search engine Rambler

Rambler- the very first search engine of the Runet and a huge information space. Its history began in 1991. At that time, the Internet as such was just beginning to emerge in Russia and was used only in large organizations. These organizations included institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and one of them began to use a local network to transfer data between employees. Later the network was connected to the Internet.

After five years of successful use of the network, under the leadership of Russian programmer Dmitry Kryukov, they created a search engine called Rambler, which means “wanderer.” This name fully reflects the essence of not only this search engine, but also all others.

Now, 16 years later, Rambler exists as a system with a variety of tools - games, weather, news, goods, maps, etc. It accounts for 0.4% of Runet search queries.

The service underwent the most significant changes in 2012: the design changed, and news was displayed by default. But almost immediately after this, the management decided to enter into an agreement with Yandex and move on to searching for it. That is, now requests from Rambler are processed and issued by Yandex, and the service itself works on the basis of its other tools.

How to use Rambler search

Searching in Rambler is no different from searching in other similar services. The user enters a command in the search bar and after clicking “find” the results are displayed. In addition to text information, you can also find pictures here.

Other Runet search engines

Search engine Nigma

Nigma is the most intelligent search engine created by programmers Viktor Lavrenko and Vladimir Chernyshov in 2004. It differs from other similar services in that it uses not only its own search algorithm, but also data from other search engines. Nygma also allows you to use filters to quickly find the information you need.

Here you can separately search for movies, music, pictures, links, and even tools that help students with homework. The filtering function is called clustering. Initially, Nygma was conceived precisely as a smart search system that saves time. This is why filters were created.

Despite all the features of Nigma, it is not as popular as Yandex, Google, Mail and even Rambler. It accounts for only 0.1% of all queries in search engines. Perhaps this is why the Nigma.rf website has become unavailable for use since September 2017, but there have been no official announcements about the closure of the project.

Search engine Sputnik

Satellite is the Russian official search engine that appeared on the market in 2014. Its creator is the Rostelecom company.

The history of Sputnik began back in 2010, when the Russian Government announced the need to create a national search system. The reason for this was the impossibility of controlling existing search engines, since they are not state-owned. In 2011, President Dmitry Medvedev supported the idea, and already in 2013 the project had a name and was preparing to launch. On May 22, it was launched in beta testing mode.

In addition to searching for information, Sputnik offers services such as “Weather”, “Medicine”, “TV program”, “Maps”, “Finance”, “Poster”, etc. But despite this, Internet users did not accept the search engine with much enthusiasm, and in 2017 the project was declared a failure.

How to use Sputnik search

Another Russian search engine, Sputnik, has a simple and user-friendly interface. To search for information in it, just enter a query in the search bar and click the “find” button. The only way this service differs fundamentally from similar ones is the quality of the result. That is, Sputnik will not return as many search results as other, more popular ones.

Search engine Aport

I found a time when we were actively using it. I liked him. Aport as a search engine was created in 1996 by the Agama company, one of the leaders in software development. Initially, the service searched only one site, but over time there were more of them, and then the search became possible throughout the entire Runet.

Until 2000, Aport occupied high positions in the RuNet along with Yandex and Google. The developers changed the design several times, introduced other tools besides search, but still it began to lose ground.

In 2011, Aport entered into an agreement with Yandex and switched to its engine. Since that time, the search engine has ceased to exist as a familiar one to users. Now this is a service for searching prices for various goods and comparing them with those in other stores.

How to use Aport

Aport is a search engine, but it only finds products with prices. To do this, you need to select the desired product from the catalog, and the service will show prices for it in various stores. Then you can go to a store with a better price and buy the item you need.

The service features many sections with a wide variety of products. Thanks to it you can save a lot of money.

Bing search engine

Bing- a search engine from Microsoft, which became the company’s third such project and the most successful. Microsoft management has long dreamed of creating its own search system, and the dream first became a reality in 1998, when the MSN Search project appeared on the market. But the idea was not at all met with enthusiasm by Internet users. And it’s not surprising, since the search engine was nothing worthwhile.

In 2006, Windows Live Search appeared, a year later it was replaced by Live Search, but both were also not successful with users.

Finally, in 2009, Microsoft announced a new service - Bing. Despite the failures of its predecessors, the search engine earned itself fans in a short time. Within a year, it was equal to Yahoo in terms of the number of users, which is an amazing phenomenon in itself, and a little later it entered the list of the best search engines in the world.

Bing is much less popular on the RuNet than on the entire World Wide Web. The main reason for this is that the search engine displays very few Russian-language sites. In addition, in RuNet it is almost impossible to move those search engines that have become established.
In addition to the most popular, there are also a large number of search engines that are little known, but are still used by some users. Thus, in China, more than 60% of search queries are processed by the Baidu search engine.

Bing has a good panel for webmasters. Be sure to add your site there.

How to use Bing

Searching in Bing is as convenient as searching in most other search engines. To find a site with text information, an image, video or news here, just enter the corresponding query in the search bar. The search engine finds information both on Russian and foreign sites.

The main difference between Bing and other services with similar functionality is its beautifully designed interface. Unlike Google, a colorful background is installed by default.

Comparison of popular Runet search engines: where to look for what

Search engines are better the more accurate information they can provide in response to a user's request. Today the most popular system on the Internet is Google, and on the RuNet - Yandex. If we judge by the quality of the results, then they have approximately the same quality, but still it is easier to find about something in Goggle, about something in Yandex. The same goes for other search engines. Each of them is focused on a specific category of users and requests.

The task of all search engines is to find information, but each of them does it in its own way. Everyone has their own search algorithm and their own characteristics. Let's take Yandex for example. You can find almost everything here, but it is more focused on Russian-language sites. That is, if you are looking for information in Russian about a Russian writer, you definitely don’t need another source. But if you need an article in English, you should turn to Goggle or Bing. The same can be said about foreign videos and news. There are plenty of them in the sections of these search engines with the same name.

The satellite is also aimed at Russian-speaking users and here you are unlikely to find much information in foreign languages. Most likely, the results will contain something similar to the information you are looking for, but in Russian.

Mail and Rambler are similar in terms of results on Yandex, but it will be possible to find here something that is not in the main Runet search engine in very rare cases. At the same time, Mail can be used to search in the Answers service, where the necessary information is often found.

Aport is a specific search engine and is designed to search for goods. Therefore, if you intend to go shopping and are looking for great deals, this service will definitely help you. By comparing prices in popular online stores, you can find the best options.

What search engine do you use?

Do you know when the first website was launched? Can you guess? Bye everyone.

Search engines are considered the most popular sites on the Internet. This is not surprising, because to find something on the Internet, you first have to use search services.

There are quite a lot of them and even inexperienced Internet users know at least 2-3 search engines.

What search engines are there? Some people know about one search engine, some people know about 10 search services, but in reality there are many more.

Of course, their popularity varies, as does the interface and the quality of the results. We will present you with a list from different search engines so that you can compare them.

Popular search engines

Search services have been developed for various categories of people. The most famous ones cover countries or even the whole world, while the lesser known ones are designed for regions or user interests.

Below are 10 search engines you should know about:

  1. – everyone knows about this search engine, it is the most popular in Russia and provides a wide range of functionality to its users (from electronic payments to a panel for webmasters).
  2. – the leader among all sites in the world. It is used by people from all over the world and is considered the highest quality search engine. Like Yandex, clients are offered many additional tools.
  3. – search and information system, taking into account Russian-language morphology. The site has several separate versions, for example, XRambler, through which you can search in several services at once.
  4. – This system is extremely popular abroad. It was translated into Russian a long time ago, but it never received much fame on the Runet. Users have access to various searches (by pictures, videos, etc.).
  5. is a well-known company in Runet, engaged in development in several directions at once. In addition to their own search engine and the most popular mail service, they are the owners of such projects as Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte.
  6. – was created as a state resource in Russia, but did not receive mass distribution. Through it you can conduct different search formats and also obtain useful information.
  7. – designed to search for information on the Chinese segment of the Internet. Who knows, maybe this will be useful to you. You can receive news, search for pictures, music, receive maps and much more.
  8. is a project of the well-known company Microsoft. In terms of traffic volume, this site ranks second in the world search engine rankings. It has been operating since 1998 and has been modernized many times during this time.
  9. – this service is used only by foreigners. The project is American and in addition to the search engine, the company has a lot of other sites and services. It is worth noting that they have the largest catalog of links to sites on the World Wide Web.

If you can’t find information in one of the search engines, then why not look for it through another site? Now you have several quality resources, you're sure to find what you need.

We are all accustomed to the fact that when searching for information, we should turn to the Google search engine or, in extreme cases, Yandex, if you are looking for something specifically in the Russian Internet space. Still, in June 2015, this search engine ranked first in Runet in terms of the number of transitions - 57.51% versus 34.76% for Google.

How are things going in the world?


It is clear that Google’s monopoly has no end; this is also typical for the CIS, in particular, for the Ukrainian and Kazakh segment of the Internet. IN THE USA 64,5 % requests are made through this search engine. And Android smartphones with an appropriate browser help Google spread even more. The exceptions are Russia (Yandex is in first place) and China (Baidu is confidently in the lead).


Although Google has an alternative, it is not the same as in the post-Soviet space represented by Yandex or Rambler. For example, the second most popular system, Bing, created in 2009 by Microsoft, ranks only 16% search market. However, it has some advantages, for example, it offers autocomplete more often, offers a conveniently designed list of videos that load faster. Improved image search allows you to better understand user queries and eliminate duplicate images.

Also, this system has owned since 2011 Yahoo- another one of the most popular search engines in the world, but mainly due to the email service. Both systems take approximately 33% shares of the Western Internet.


As you know, the largest search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo are often accused of collecting user data. Therefore, interest in the DuckDuckGo system is increasing ( DDG), which does not save them, does not track your location and does not display search results depending on the user’s preferences. That is, you remain anonymous. At the top right you can see the key phrase of the system: “ We don't track you" The search engine is made using free code, and the most interesting thing is that it is commercial Yandex partner, as the link below says “ In partnership with Yandex».


3 % search queries accounted for by the Ask.com search engine, which was formerly called Ask Jeeves. The peculiarity of the site is that it operates in a question-and-answer format, with answers sent by users. In terms of quality, it is significantly inferior to more famous search engines.


The AOL Search Engine system has been partially since 2005 ( 5% ) is built into Google, the peak of its popularity occurred in the late 90s, after which it was no longer actively used. The system does not have its own database; search results are used ODP and Inktomi.


Speaking about foreign search engines, we must not forget about the Chinese web service baidu.com, which, due to the presence of the Japanese version, is in second place in terms of the number of requests processed - 18,03% share of global search, which is more than Bing. It has its own online encyclopedia, which is more popular than the Chinese Wikipedia, and an antivirus program.


If you've ever used Internet Explorer, you've probably noticed the MyWebSearch toolbar, which is built in automatically. It can also appear as a result of installing free programs, which is extremely undesirable, because it is not so easy to remove. However, approximately 60 million people visit the site every month (Ask has 145 million, DDG has 13 million).


This is a system for sharing knowledge, where answers to questions are offered by an erudite community. The rating of each user's answer changes depending on the ratings of other visitors. Reminiscent of a social network, integrated with Google and Facebook.


One of the few search engines whose server is located not in the USA, but in the Netherlands. The first to delete confidential user data, IP addresses are not recorded at all since 2009, only preferences cookies are used. However, it still uses the Bing, Yahoo and Ask databases. I'm not very good with the Russian language, so it's better to use English


We will give the last place on our list not exactly to a search engine, but to a web archive, from which you can find out what the Internet pages of a particular site looked like before. Peculiar internet time machine. What is typed into the search bar is not a query of one or several words, but the website address. The archive saves copies of web pages, videos, audio files, images and software. This is often important for SEOs to know what their sites used to look like.

Google has an alternative, but it is far from equal. Most other search engines use the same Google, Bing, Yahoo databases. The Chinese Baidu and the Russian Yandex stand apart.

In this article you will find an overview of Russian search engines - domestic developments and global search engines adapted for RuNet. Let's make a small rating from the list of search engines in Russia.

History of search engines in the world and Russia

It all started, of course, with websites and website directories that systematized information about them. But there were more and more sites, and it was not clear how to quickly display search results on several sites and compare them in order to get the highest quality result in response to the question. This problem has been brewing little by little since the advent of the Internet.

But the prerequisite for the emergence of global systems for searching information on the Internet has been in place for a long time - as the number of sites grows geometrically and sites appear in regional languages ​​other than English. Moreover, not only the total number of sites grew, but the number of pages on each of them also increased. Therefore, an automated indexing and ranking system was needed.

Well, with the increase in the number of Internet users around the world to more than 3 billion, the demand and popularity of search engines has increased. You have to somehow navigate this sea of ​​information on the World Wide Web.

This is how the first search engine Altavista appeared, then Yahoo, Google and others.

List of search engines on the world Internet

Currently, there are many search engines on the international Internet, the leader among which is the American Google.

List of world search engines in alphabetical order:

  1. Baidu;
  2. Bing;
  3. DuckDuckGo;
  4. Gigablast;
  5. Google Search;
  6. Soso.com;
  7. Startpage (Ixquick);
  8. YaCy;
  9. Yahoo! Search;
  10. Yandex Search.

Against the backdrop of the comprehensive dominance of the Google search engine, adapted to many local languages ​​and built into all Android smartphones by default, other market players are trying to introduce new features for users or take advantage of other opportunities for their promotion.

For example, DuckDuckGo cares about the privacy and security of its users’ data (it does not monitor them or sell this information to third parties), and Bing from Microsoft is promoted as a built-in search engine in the EDGE browser of the Windows 10 operating system.

Since the appearance of the first search engines, many of them have already ceased to exist. Others were consumed. Yahoo has generally become a diversified company, the significant income of which came not from search, but from investments in Internet services and startups.

Now it is probably impossible to enter this market without significant investments in marketing, science and technology. After all, behind the minimalist search query input line hides a resource- and capital-intensive mechanism, thousands of working employees and hundreds of thousands of man-hours already invested in search engines in the recent past.

And even then, users are very inert and have already formed search preferences that are difficult to change. An example of this is Microsoft's unsuccessful attempts to take a significant share of search on PCs. In many ways, this situation has developed due to the unpopularity of MS browsers among users.

So, ordinary users can only choose the best search service for themselves, and also wait for even greater consolidation and monopolization of existing search engines, or the emergence of new startups in this area.

Major search engines in RuNet

The Russian market has been dominated by Yandex for more than a decade, gradually losing its share under the strong pressure of the harsh Google. Actually, these two players are the main dominant search engines in RuNet. It will not be possible to construct a rating, because at the moment the market division is almost 50/50.

Note! Promotion under Yandex is different from promotion under Google. How to promote a website in Yandex - .

Google came to Russia in 2004 and since then, percentage by percentage, it has been taking away the leadership from the Russian search engine Yandex, but it still hasn’t taken it away. This situation is not unique in the global market; there are at least 2 more countries where Google’s search engine has encountered serious resistance: the Czech Republic and China (PRC).

In order to get a quick idea of ​​the search market in RuNet, follow the link https://www.liveinternet.ru/stat/ru/searches.html?period=month;total=yes

After the PS closed key phrases from other people’s counters, Liveinternet statistics retained their value, if only because they count transitions from Yandex and Google searches. And this is what we see:

And over a period of 2 years, a narrowing of the gap is really visible - Google is catching up and striking back at the Russian search engine.

But how is this possible? Very simple. You probably remember that modern front-end developers adhere to the “mobile first” principle? And it’s not without reason - the Internet really smoothly transitions from desktop to mobile.

What do we have on our smartphones and tablets? That's right, Android. What search is installed by default on Android? That's right, Google Search.

That's it. If the Android startup had been bought by Samsung and not Google, everything could have been different.

Returning to RuNet and search engines, one cannot help but note the gradual decline in the share of searches from Mail.ru, floating around 5-6%. It is used by visitors to Mail.ru Group websites.

There are also so-called second-tier search engines: Rambler, Nigma. Although it would be more correct not to take them into account at all. Rambler (as a company) had many problems with management and Rambler search “died” over time, unable to cope with marketing competition and the technological race. Nygma, in turn, never took off - probably because Russian Internet surfers had already formed user habits and preferences.

Thus, over the 10-15 years of the formation of the “search” Runet, Yandex has lost the title of unconditional and unconditional leader and is now competing on equal terms with the American giant: losing somewhere, winning somewhere.

Moreover, the trend is clearly losing. But let's see, in 2016 no one knows what Yandex is ready to do to retain its search share. Maybe it will be high-tech competition, or maybe an equally ruthless administrative resource - Yandex is already testing the waters, having recently filed a lawsuit against Google in the FAS and won the case. Who knows, maybe Roskomnadzor will block Google on the territory of the Russian Federation 😀 Of course, nothing funny, but I’m no longer sure of anything.

Search engine markets on the global Internet

Moving from the Russian market to the world market, I’ll just note that there’s nothing interesting there. Google's almost limitless dominance. Of course, there are interesting situations in local markets, and I’ll tell you about them.

Türkiye. Yandex entered the Turkish market 5 years ago and by 2016 fixed at around 5-7%%.

China. Baidu dominates, the Chinese government strongly protects the local market. And even a Westerner can’t figure out hieroglyphs without a bottle - such a feature of the local market still affects the quality of the search.

CIS. Yandex is also on approximately equal footing with Google, losing a little in some places and winning a little in others. The downward trend is more obvious than on the Russian market.

USA. The American market traditionally remains the place where other large TNCs - Microsoft, AOL, Yahoo - are ready to “punch Google in the face”, using all possible resources. This is not an uncompetitive little thing that cannot resist. It is not surprising that Google’s share is not a monopoly, but barely exceeds 60-62% as of 2016.

Microsoft's Bing is growing steadily, and the company itself understands the importance of the ecosystem and is playing catch-up with Android. They bought Nokia and are producing smartphones with Windows on board, rolling out a new operating system for desktops and tablets and promoting the convenient Edge browser. People are working. Yahoo doesn't give up either.

That’s probably all that can be said about search engines in Russia and the CIS, on the world Internet. The most popular of them are well-known and firmly hold their places in the global ranking of convenient search services for Internet users.

This article is relevant for 2016 and time will tell who will become the new king of the hill in Russia and the world, and who will leave the market. Users have no choice but to watch, vote with their rubles and their feet. That is, with your hands.