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Libra - Libra. September 23 - October 23. Seventh . Its symbol is two scales. This means the desire for stability, harmony, awareness of the highest Law of the universe, and objectivity of judgment. Libra symbolizes the sunset. Air sign, cardinal, diurnal, warm, humid.

Typical representatives of the sign Libra

Such people strive for balance, harmony, order and beauty. Their activity is associated with the desire for peace, hence their peacefulness (there is no desire to worry and quarrel). Libras strive to resolve conflicts through compromise. If they can’t do it, they leave and shy away.

They do not like and avoid scandals. They are endowed with a refined view of the world, love beauty, nature, are highly impressionable, sensitive, and receptive to nature and everything beautiful. They are reasonable and diplomatic. These are romantics, very amorous. They love company and easy pastime. They are courteous, kind, noble, pleasant to talk to.

Advantages in character- know how to appreciate goodness and be grateful. They are talented, ambitious, impressive and trust their first impressions when meeting people. Characterized by sincerity in love, friendship, marriage.

Characteristic lack of confidence in one's own strengths. With a partner they become more self-confident. At the same time, they achieve high positions through partnership and cooperation. They do not like physical labor, but have a penchant for social activities.

Negative features of severe solar damage: may lose good opportunities in life due to lack of confidence in their strength (this is a lack of energy). Because of this, inconstancy, variability, and betrayal are possible. Such people constantly need approval. This is a painful desire to be recognized, because the will is weak. Sublime theories are only in the head, not in practice. Isolation from reality and commercialism are possible.

Weak side(vulnerability)– feel bad without a partner, it is difficult to make decisions on your own without consulting your partner or other people.

Planets in the zodiac sign Libra

In your The planets listed below may be:

Ascendant in Libra (rising sign)

Others see you as a compliant, gentle, harmonious and generally wonderful person. You are sociable, easily enter into a conversation, sincerely say what you think, but do not impose your opinion, outwardly you are inclined to agree and give in, nod your head as a sign of approval during a conversation, your speech is expressive, intonated, with pauses, beautiful, moderate gestures. You don't like being alone and don't feel comfortable when you have to rely only on yourself. Marriage has special meaning for you. You always avoid extremes in anything. In all matters you show good artistic taste and a sense of style.

Patron planet Venus

In the physical world, Venus corresponds to magnetism.

  • Ruler of the day of the week- Friday.
  • Numbers 6 and giving a total of 6. For example, - 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60, 115…
  • Substances- copper, cupronickel, brass, beryllium bronze.
  • Interactions and combinations of objects- combinations of harmonious colors, arrangement of bouquets, connection with various fabrics and materials.


Assessment, examination, tendency to be in tune with our Self, always a symbol of an acquaintance, issues of marriage and business cooperation, consulting and legal procedures, social and public activities, humanities and architecture, jewelry and design, fashion and beauty salons, culture, painting, sports associated with beauty and grace.

Business - consulting and PR companies, marriage and legal agencies. Raiders, opponents, competitors.

Manifestation of Venus in the horoscope

The personal planet Venus is responsible for beauty and the feeling of love.

Venus function- symbolizes our sensual emotions - what we like and what we don’t like. Shows our ability and ability to love another person, as well as express our feelings in art, literature, poetry.

Qualities of Venus– this is our attitude of love towards people, nature, art. How deeply we can experience feelings of tenderness, be soft, affectionate, pliable and flexible.

Location of Venus in the Zodiac sign shows how a person expresses his feelings in personal relationships. It is also an attitude towards money, personal property, recognition of ethical and aesthetic values.

Venus in the houses of the horoscope shows in what areas and in what form a person carries out his financial affairs, what he likes, what attracts him, what are his artistic, aesthetic and ethical (for men - erotic) aspirations.

Seventh - VII house

Spouse. DSC - Sunset

Planets in the Seventh House

The seventh house is identical to the sign Libra and the planet Venus.

Seventh house in the horoscope, cooperation and co-authorship, the process of taking into account the interests of partners, competitors and opponents, issues related to marriage and personal relationships, legal matters, rights and equality, cultural entertainment. A time of love and harmony, reconciliation and cooperation, the ability to get along or not get along with people, competitions, tests, competitions. Serious agreements and contracts, recommendations and consultations.

Seventh housedefines personal relationships of a person, his connection with other people, partners (including marriage). Analysis of the seventh house through relationships with other houses answers questions such as:

  • what are the main motivations for marriage
  • will there be a marriage or not?
  • there will be an early marriage, a late marriage, with disruptions or delays
  • how many marriages will there be
  • what kind of marriage partner will he be?
  • can widowhood
  • if there are indications of misalliance (a person lower in position, education or age)
  • financial motivation for marriage
  • whether the partner will be of foreign blood or a foreigner
  • marriage is for love and love is the main motivation
  • tendency to destroy a marriage or friendship with a partner
  • the possibility of a fictitious marriage or secret relationship
  • adultery, etc.

Unfavorable 7th house rivalry, enmity, conflicts, obstacles in marriage, love relationships, struggle with competitors, communicating with people through conflict or denial, inability to get along and reconcile in relationships, difficulty in expressing oneself in relationships with others - fighting, swearing, fighting. Inconsistency in relationships, eternal problems and bad luck with partners.

The material used the concept

Synthetic sign Libra

You are a born diplomat: reasonable, tolerant, fair, always ready to listen to different points of view, to look at an issue from a different point of view. Even if you strongly disagree with someone, you are more likely to try to find points of similarity and agreement rather than highlight differences. You often avoid extremes and one-sidedness in anything. You have a strong desire for harmonious, pleasant relationships, personifying the spirit of cooperation, compromise, friendship and fairness. You really want to be loved, and due to your need for approval and recognition, you are easily influenced by other people's opinions, especially in your youth. You are so eager to please that you often neglect interests and feelings just to avoid offending others. In all matters you show good artistic taste and a sense of style. From the furnishings of your home to your clothing choices, everything should be aesthetically pleasing, not just functional or utilitarian.
Your shortcomings: You have a tendency to become extremely dependent on your partner - to the point that you may not be perceived as an independent person outside of the relationship. The problem for you is to find a balance between being yourself and being another person. Characterized by vanity, vanity, exaggerated self-image, fear of work, and lack of independence.

Allegory for Libra

And there was a morning when God stood before his twelve children and placed in each of them the seed of human life. One by one, each child stepped forward to receive their assigned gift.

“To you, Libra, I give a mission of service so that a person can remember his responsibilities towards other people, so that he can learn cooperation, as well as the ability to think about the other side of his actions. I will place you wherever there is discord, and for your efforts I will give you the gift of Love.”

And Libra retreated to its place.

Martin Shulman from the book “Karmic Astrology”.

Key words in the horoscope for Libra - Venus - Seventh House:

Sociability, mutual understanding, beauty, grace, art, business proposals, official marriage, wife or husband, contracts, alliances. Peacekeeping, consulting, PR promotion, betting, official agreement, proposals on a competitive basis. Royal combination in the horoscope.

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Tags: Libra zodiac sign, Sun in Libra, Synthetic sign Libra, Libra zodiac sign, Libra talisman stone, planet Venus, Seventh house, functions and quality of Venus

The only inanimate symbol in the zodiac, Libra is the second sign of the air element. A distinctive feature of representatives of this sign is the desire for harmony in everything. Sensitive to beauty, born diplomats, possessing fortitude and an unbending will to win in any rivalry, Libras often act as judges, as well as lawyers at all levels. Constancy, reliability and creative power are the best qualities of this sign.

Character of the sign

The desire to evaluate, weigh and demand equality makes them difficult partners both in business and in love. Hesitations and doubts, difficulties in making decisions, and a non-stop search for the best option often painfully accompany Libra in all areas of life. An endless number of points of view on one problem often irritates people close to Libra, because in this way Libra tries to postpone the decision and shift some of the responsibility onto the shoulders of others. Libras often have an attractive appearance, pleasant manners in communication, and are neat and consistent. If you make them angry, you can see Libra from a completely different side - as stubborn, aggressive fighters for justice. They have the real power of the law, although the representatives of this sign themselves often deliberately violate it. Libras are excellent organizers, managers, legislators, lawyers, artists and directors. Possessing physical endurance and patience, they are strong athletes, military personnel, researchers and scientists. Workaholics, who want to improve the lives of other people, have physical endurance and a resilient body. They have a good sense of humor and often implicitly and intellectually superior to their surroundings.

Venus, as the symbolic ruler of Libra, gives representatives of this sign acting abilities, a special sense of beauty, and talents in artistic fields. Libras are sociable, somewhat aloof even when close, often unsure of themselves and need the support of a close circle and a strong partner. Libra's diverse interests form a very heterogeneous social circle, in which Libra often observes interesting models, learns from experience, and brings charm and charm to interesting interlocutors. They love intellectual debates and strive to understand culture.

Strengths and weaknesses of Libra

Indecision and rationality in matters of love can be considered the main shortcomings of Libra. Too strict assessments of a partner’s actions, the desire to make judgments with or without reason, and the detachment of the observer make Libras intolerable people on a personal level. Those qualities that are most in demand in society extremely hinder the achievement of intimacy with a loved one. Libras often allow themselves to be loved, but in their personal lives they rely on the arguments of reason and social stereotypes of their circle. Both men and women of the Libra sign are prone to flirting. They like to openly sort things out and can be jealous because of a visit to an exhibition, a gift from a colleague, or a new outfit for work. Best compatibility with signs of the fire element and with your sign. Difficulties in relationships with Cancer, Scorpio and Capricorn.

Libra men

They always manage something or someone, lead the process, exercise the power of the law. They are difficult to comprehend for earthly women, but attractive to representatives of the fire element. Self-absorbed and distant in love, Libra men break more than one fan's heart. Their excellent communication style makes them interesting characters for a romance, but in marriage they will have to keep their distance. Libras do not like restrictions and are demanding of their partner. They encourage good manners and the desire for self-development, take into account the very richness of the inner world, but give preference to women with outstanding external data. Rare egoists.

Libra Women

They always strive to look good, have some kind of talent in art, are well versed in fashion and culture, and often serve as a standard of beauty or demeanor. They strive to make a good impression on others, are popular, and often achieve success in their profession. They like to work in public. Good friends, Libra women are difficult wives. They often overestimate the capabilities of their partner, make claims of a material nature, evaluating every action from the height of universal morality. It is difficult to come to an agreement with them in a dispute; conflicts can become protracted, because the Libra woman will never completely give up her position if she is not admitted in time to be right. The best companions in a brilliant social romance, but the most demanding wives regarding their husband's professional success, are Libra women. Often the leaders themselves achieve success and high positions if they are financially interested in the business.

Libra Child

Hates violence and aggression, conflicts of any kind. He needs predictability of the events of the coming day, calm communication without coercion, time to think and doubt. A Libra child cannot make a decision instantly. It is useful to offer the child a choice, explaining the properties of the object, the moral assessment of the action, and the possible consequences of the actions. It’s good for these children to constantly tell stories about “what is good and what is bad” and ask them to make their own judgments about what they see. The Libra child will be very grateful for tact in communicating with him and protected personal space. Drawing, martial arts, figure skating and acrobatics are important as developmental activities.

Health sign

Vulnerable in the lumbar region, susceptible to kidney and nervous diseases. Mountain air and mineral water are beneficial; it is recommended to strengthen joints, blood vessels and the heart with regular physical activity. Women's excretory system suffers, men are stronger and physically more resilient.

Interesting countries: China, Japan, Argentina, Burma, Austria, Hawaii, Egypt, England.

Significant cities: Frankfurt am Main, Copenhagen, Vienna, Antwerp, Johannesburg, St. Petersburg.

Celebrities born under the sign of Libra: Catherine Zeta-Jones, Will Smith, Dmitri Shostakovich, Ani Lorak, Gwyneth Paltrow, Brigitte Bardot, Dolphin, Monica Bellucci, Marion Cotillard, Chulpan Khamatova, Sting, Sergei Yesenin, Gwen Stefani, Kate Winslet, Vladimir Putin, Leonid Kuravlev, Marina Tsvetaeva , Egor Beroev, John Lennon, Pavel Durov, Igor Vernik, Hugh Jackman, Margaret Thatcher, Valentin Yudashkin, Nikolai Baskov, Friedrich Nietzsche, Mikhail Lermontov, Ilya Lagutenko, Oscar Wilde, Sergei Bezrukov, Kim Kardashian, Nikita Mikhalkov, Catherine Deneuve, Ryan Reynolds

Scales This is the 7th sign of the zodiac, masculine, cardinal. The sign Libra belongs to the element of air. The sun enters Libra 23 September. Date (dates) of the beginning and end of the sign Libra 23.09 - 23.10. The most pronounced characteristic for all typical representatives of the Libra zodiac sign is the love of harmony in everything, from relationships to everyday life. It is worth considering that the characteristics of the Libra sign described in this article will be more pronounced in typical Libra, i.e. if most of the personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) in the individual horoscope are located in the sign of Libra.

As a rule, people of the Libra zodiac sign are welcoming and friendly. They easily find a common language with others. Because of their desire for harmony and balance, Libras are willing to compromise. But often Libra’s desire to preserve peace and tranquility at any cost causes them a lot of trouble. People of this sign are inferior to stronger and more decisive signs of the zodiac; it can be difficult for them to defend their rights. And because of the reluctance to enter into conflict, Libra can retreat and quickly give up. Libras do not tolerate competition and the spirit of competition is alien to them; their will is quite weak, which is especially difficult for men of this sign.

Scales driven people, they need support and support in life, they need a strong partner nearby to feel confident. They want to live in love and harmony, surround themselves with beautiful things and loved ones. Without a partner or an understanding person nearby, Libras feel lonely and unhappy, especially for women. Libras need a “pusher”, a person who will not let them think too long, will encourage them and instill confidence in them.

The greatest desire for people of the Libra zodiac sign is peace of mind. Difficulties and situations of choice when you need to quickly make a decision unsettle Libra. Libras need a lot of time to dare to do something. Here Libra exactly corresponds to their symbol - they carefully weigh every option, think through all possible paths. But this characteristic protects them in life from many mistakes that are characteristic of risky zodiac signs.

Scales diplomatic and tactful people, but this is their superficial characteristic. Because of the desire to please everyone around them, Libra tries to be polite with everyone, even with those people who cause them hostility and irritation. For this reason, almost all typical Libras are hypocrites. And if a person of the Libra zodiac sign smiles at you, even perhaps says compliments, you should not think that you mean something to him, Libra simply cannot do otherwise, they need peace with everyone at any cost.

Screaming and swearing cause typical Libra pain even on a physical level; Libra cannot respond in kind to their opponent and stand up for themselves. In situations of conflict, when pressure is put on them, Libra gets lost and begins to make mistake after mistake.

Libras are tolerant towards the people around them, they are forgiving of the shortcomings of others, they easily make concessions, because they believe that “a bad peace is better than a good war.” People of the Libra zodiac sign are often the first to reconcile. Libra's peacefulness helps them forgive people.

In relation to their family and friends, Libras show care, affection and attention. They “turn a blind eye” to many of the misdeeds of their loved ones and are often biased towards them. But these characteristics are more characteristic of a woman of the zodiac sign Libra, as a homemaker.

Libra, like other air signs of the zodiac, love communication and maintain friendly relationships with people. They can listen, offer sage advice, and lend a helping hand. But you should not expect manifestations of deep warmth in friendship from typical Libra. When communicating, Libras always keep their distance, perceive their interlocutor with their minds and do not get emotionally involved in their problems. This characteristic is common to all air signs.

People of the Libra zodiac sign have an innate sense of justice, and this helps them admit their own mistakes and asking for forgiveness is not difficult for Libra. With high spiritual development, Libra objectively evaluates themselves and the people around them. It is not for nothing that the Goddess of Justice Themis is depicted with scales in her hands and with a blindfold, symbolizing an impartial assessment. Even the very concept of justice means an unconscious desire for harmony in relations between people. And this is precisely the main characteristic of the zodiac sign Libra.

Justice in astrology is inherent in three zodiac signs - Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius, but for each of these signs it means different things. For people of the zodiac sign Libra, justice lies in the equality of members of any group, be it a family or a work team - no one should humiliate another, shout, all matters should be resolved peacefully. For Libra, it is important to comply with all ethical standards, social norms, and the law. For fear of disrupting harmony, Libra may not tell the whole truth, unlike Sagittarius, for whom justice is synonymous with truth, sometimes tactless and offensive. And for Aquarius, justice lies in personal freedom - each individual is free to do as he wants. We can say that justice for Aquarius is freedom of choice. Aquarius violates social norms and considers it fair.

The justice it represents Libra at the legal level, cold and rational. In fact, it has nothing in common with human justice. The law is often cruel to people, because... decisions are made formally, by reason, excluding all human emotions and feelings. This characteristic most likely refers not to the very qualities of a typical Libra, but to the concept of law as such, accepted in society (it is not for nothing that the planet Saturn in Libra is in exaltation). Although, with the low development of people of the zodiac sign Libra, this type of justice can take place.

Libras have a sense of proportion; they do not like extremes. Typical Libra, in contrast to Aries, a sign that is located in opposition to them, will never take risks; they are not characterized by impulsiveness. In life, highly spiritual Libra always adheres to the “golden mean”.

People born under the sign of Libra, are able not only to love and appreciate works of art, but also have creative abilities themselves.

Ruler of the zodiac sign Libra – Venus

Venus is the ruler of both Taurus and Libra and also gives Libra a love for everything beautiful that is on Earth. Typical representatives of the zodiac sign Libra know how to enjoy the beauty of nature, music, poetry, and painting. But unlike Taurus, Libra is not so much interested in physical pleasure from contact with beauty as in its aesthetic side. Libras take great pleasure in visiting various exhibitions, theaters and concerts. Libras have good taste. They dress beautifully and elegantly.

Scales More than other zodiac signs, they are focused on observing social norms. The ruler Venus forces Libra to evaluate the world around them through their ethical standards, which are formed depending on their upbringing, immediate environment and spiritual level. People of the Libra zodiac sign are dependent on public opinion, are afraid of condemnation and rarely go beyond the bounds of morality. The rule of Venus encourages Libra to behave in such a way as to always please everyone. It is important for them to leave a good impression of themselves. It is precisely this characteristic that does not allow Libra to enter into conflicts, so as not to spoil relationships with others and remain good to everyone.

Thanks to its ruler Venus, Libra attracts attention with its pleasant appearance and charm. Both Libra men and women use this “weapon” very skillfully in everyday life. Having made a mistake or been guilty, they will immediately ask for forgiveness, charm you with their smile, and therefore it is impossible to be angry with them for a long time. As they say, “no sword can cut a guilty head”! But with low spiritual development, Libra can use their charm for selfish purposes.

Characteristics of the career of the zodiac sign Libra. Professions most suitable for Libra.

People of the zodiac sign Libra They can’t stand fuss and haste, they don’t work well if you push them on or constantly criticize them. Libras need a calm environment to concentrate and perform the assigned task well.

It is better for Libra to work in cooperation, because... It is not in their nature to take initiative. Even if Libra has their own business, they definitely need a business partner, a more decisive one, who will be an organizer, and Libra will be happy to take on the role of performer, designer and take on the creative part of the project.

In general, all creative professions are suitable for people of the zodiac sign Libra. Among Libra there are many famous actors, musicians, artists, writers, poets - actors Sergei Bezrukov and Alexander Mikhailov, poets Sergei Yesenin and Mikhail Lermontov, artists Nicholas Roerich and Victor Chizhikov, author of the Olympic bear, writer Nikolai Ostrovsky, singer and musician John Lennon, opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky, etc.

An innate sense of artistic taste allows people of the Libra zodiac sign to choose the profession of designer, stylist, makeup artist, and fashion designer. Everyone is familiar with the Russian fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin, born under the zodiac sign of Libra.

Libra's ability to resolve conflicts peacefully and negotiate gives them the opportunity to work where diplomacy is needed. Because of Libra's inherent sense of justice, they may choose to become a lawyer or judge. And in politics, Libra’s personal charm helps them earn the people’s trust and authority. Vivid examples of political figures of the Libra zodiac sign are Vladimir Putin and Margaret Thatcher.

Characteristics of the financial sphere of the zodiac sign Libra. Libra's attitude towards money.

Typical Libra They try to manage their funds wisely. Although they will happily spend money on expensive paintings, elegant jewelry, or going to the theater, Libra will always consult with their loved ones or partner on what is the best way to spend the money.

Typical Libras are not prone to hoarding; they love to give gifts to their loved ones, and do not spare money for their loved ones, children, or their home. If a person with the Libra zodiac sign is well-to-do, he will always borrow or simply give money to relatives in need. Typical Libras are not greedy.

What the zodiac sign Libra needs to learn.

Libras need to try not to let themselves be manipulated by stronger zodiac signs. Because of their eternal readiness to compromise, Libra is ready to forgive a lot, but sometimes this character trait brings Libra grief and trouble. Libras try to evaluate themselves through other people, but people of the Libra zodiac sign need to understand that it is impossible to please everyone in the world.

Due to the desire to please everyone, Libra may forget about personal needs, causing harm to themselves. Libras also need to think about their needs and learn, at least sometimes, to say “no” to others.

Article publication date" Characteristics of the Zodiac Sign Libra" 05.07.2012

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