Radmin - computer assistance at a distance. Remotely managing computers using Radmin

Ten or fifteen years ago, in one of the IT publications, I came across a very interesting figurative comparison of activities system administrator, running around the office from computer to computer with a box of CDs and floppy disks, with the work of a chemical machine weaver (remember the famous shots from the film “The Shining Path”?). However, even today IT specialists in some companies work in a similar way - after all, setting up workstations is often carried out directly at the workstations where they are installed. The main reason for this ineffective approach is that the means remote control Computers built into modern client and server operating systems cannot perform all the operations required to support users. The optimal scenario for supporting workstations and servers, of course, would be completely remote administration, allowing you not to run around the office, travel to branches and not freeze in the server room.

Companies specializing in system integration and development software, in addition to the listed tasks, often provide technical support to their customers or deploy new versions of embedded applications to them. To do this, you usually have to go to the customer’s office, but it would be beneficial for both the customer and the contractor to avoid such visits. This is especially true for companies operating ATMs and payment terminals - after all, they are distributed over a large area, are associated with cash and are located in publicly accessible places, which means that their maintenance requires not only an IT specialist, but also security.

IN Lately Many companies, in addition to administration, are faced with the need to organize remote work for users who need access to their workstation or resources corporate network while on a business trip or from home. This mode of operation contributes to better data security - after all, if data of commercial value does not physically leave the company’s office, then it cannot be stolen along with the employee’s laptop (as you know, the theft of laptops is one of the most common channels for leaking confidential data).

Speaking about data security, we note that in some companies it makes sense to monitor the activities of employees behind the scenes. corporate computers, for example, to stop the leakage of confidential data or misuse of corporate resources.

We also note the increasingly widespread use of online learning, which allows you to save considerable money due to the absence of travel expenses. Distance learners may be scattered throughout the world and should not be concentrated in one place. And holding online presentations and meetings is no longer exotic these days.

All of the above tasks require remote computer management tools. Of course, there are such tools in modern operating systems, but they are not always optimal in terms of speed and ease of use.

What should be the optimal means of remote computer control?

What should a remote computer control tool be like that solves the above problems? Ideally, it should not just connect to a remote computer (there are tools for this terminal access, available in one form or another in all modern operating systems), but also be able to connect in cases where the computer is frozen, allow changes to be made in the BIOS, remotely load or install the operating system, and use multiple connections to one computer. At the same time, the remote computer control tool must provide image quality sufficient for comfortable administration and high speed its transmission, support for different screen resolutions, and also be able to exchange text and voice data with a controlled computer (with users whose technical support is carried out remotely, because you need to communicate somehow...). And, since we are talking about ATMs and payment terminals, the protection of transmitted data and means of delineating access rights must completely exclude the possibility of their leakage.

In this article we will talk about one of such tools - the Radmin system from Russian company Famatech.

What can Radmin do?

Radmin is very familiar to many IT specialists and enjoys well-deserved popularity among companies different scales and from various industries. Its third version is now available.

Principle of operation

The operating principle of Radmin is quite simple. The product consists of two parts: the licensed Radmin Server application, which is installed on the computer that is subject to remote administration, and free application Radmin Viewer, installed on the computer from which administration is carried out, and these two applications exchange data with each other. You can use Radmin as follows: local network, and via the Internet.

How Radmin works

Radmin Server supports all modern 32- and 64-bit operating systems Windows family, namely Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008/2008 R2, Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Server. And Radmin Viewer can be run under control of not only the above systems, but also Windows emulators: Wine for Linux and Parallels for Mac OS. This allows remote access using Radmin from computers equipped with Linux or Mac OS.

Radmin functionality

What can Radmin do compared to Windows terminal access tools?

It allows you to connect to a remote computer in full access, view only, file sharing, reboot/shutdown, text and voice chats, command line, editing BIOS using Intel technologies AMT, as well as in the mode of sending instant text notifications.

Radmin has a simple and intuitive user interface, quite familiar to users, including those who have not previously used terminal access tools or virtual machine management tools.

Radmin User Interface

Note that Radmin optimizes the transmitted traffic by sending only changes to the image on the screen, and not the entire image. In addition, this product supports any screen resolution and multiple monitors, as well as smooth color depth changes from black and white (for minimal traffic) to full color (for accurate color reproduction). In this case, when transmitting data, an intelligent compression algorithm is used, which allows you to automatically adjust the compression level to suit throughput channel and processor load, providing an accurate correlation between processor load and data link width. This sets Radmin apart from built-in remote desktop access tools. Windows desktop, starting with Windows 7. The minimum color depth when transmitting images when accessing a remote desktop is 16 bits, which significantly increases network traffic.

Radmin allows you to perform several simultaneous connections to one remote computer and one computer to several and switch between user sessions, which again distinguishes it from Windows remote desktop access tools, since in client Windows versions with such a connection, the user session is blocked, and from the built-in Remote Assistant tools, which require the mandatory presence of the user of the managed computer and do not allow either transferring files or running applications on behalf of account with administrator rights.

Among other useful features, we note such as two-way work with the clipboard with Unicode support and a built-in computer scanner in address book the computer on which Radmin Viewer is installed. In addition, a free Radmin Deployment Package program is available for administrators, with which you can quickly and easily remote installation Radmin on thousands of computers, configure access rights, activate or update Radmin.


From a security point of view, Radmin is an extremely reliable product. Absolutely all transmitted data (including screen images, cursor movement and keyboard signals) is protected in all connection modes by modern standard protection AES data, which eliminates the possibility of leakage confidential information. User authentication is performed using the system Windows security with the support Active Directory and the Kerberos protocol. In addition, Radmin uses its own built-in authentication system, Radmin Security, using individual access rights to allow access only for certain computers and subnets.

Security system Radmin Security: IP address filtering

Note that Radmin includes protection against password guessing, such as activating time delays when a password is suspected of being brute-forced and blocking suspicious IP addresses.

Radmin supports the ability to set a connection request to a remote computer to protect against unauthorized access.

Radmin Server 3 runs exclusively as a service operating system, which eliminates the possibility of accessing it without the appropriate rights. In addition, Radmin includes self-testing procedures that protect program code from changes, which makes it resistant to malicious code.

Security system Radmin Security:
differentiation of access rights

Finally, Radmin Server actively protects the settings stored in system registry. Only a user with administrator rights has access to this registry branch.

Who uses Radmin

As already mentioned, Radmin is used in many industries. However, it is most often used in banking sector for remote maintenance of ATMs and payment terminals, as well as for supporting and configuring computers in a distributed banking network, including in a number of the largest Russian banks, in retail networks for managing POS terminals and monitoring them, as well as in government agencies(city administrations, mayor's offices, federal government bodies) and many commercial structures in which monitoring the activities of employees and their remote training in working with modern software are relevant.

Many companies also use Radmin for remote access employees to office resources using inexpensive netbooks. Such solutions, as already mentioned, reduce the risk of leakage of confidential information. In addition, a netbook capable of running the very resource-intensive Radmin Viewer application costs much less regular laptop, and, which is also important, it weighs much less.

On this moment Radmin has been translated into 27 languages, and is sold and implemented by more than 5 thousand Famatech partners around the world. All users are provided with free technical support. The Radmin license, which is important, is unlimited, and educational establishments can purchase this product at a discounted price.

So, we have become familiar with the remote administration tool Radmin. I can’t help but notice that thanks to the expanded capabilities of supporting data exchange between the control and managed computers and reliable security tools, the scope of application of this product today is very diverse and includes not only remote administration of computers, payment terminals and ATMs, but also technical support for users, monitoring of actions employees, online presentations and seminars, distance learning, remote work. Note that Radmin was originally designed to be multilingual, and the fact that its manufacturer is located in Russia means that no problems with incorrect localization, which, alas, are common in many foreign products, will not arise. I believe that Russian IT specialists should pay close attention to this decision.

Write down the IP address of your computer. Select your connection type for further configuration:

A: You are connecting to a computer inside the local network or the remote computer has an external IP (see more details)

B: You connect to a computer on another local network and have access to the router settings (see more details)

To configure port forwarding on your router, please follow the instructions below:

Briefly about setting up port forwarding:

  1. Open a browser window and enter address bar IP address of your router. The default address is
  2. In the window that appears, enter your username and password to access the settings of your router. Usually this: login admin, there is no password.
  3. In your router's settings window, select Advanced (Configuration), and then Virtual Server (Port Redirection).
  4. IN Virtual settings Server, please select the following:
    use Virtual Server(Port Redirection) - yes (Enabled)
    Protocol type: Both
    Private port: 4899
    Public port: 4899
    Local IP Address: here enter the IP address of the machine on which Radmin Server is installed.
  5. To connect to Radmin, you will need to enter the external IP address of the server computer, you can view it.

C: You are connected to a computer on another local network, you do not have access to the router (see more details)

1. Please download Radmin VPN from here: Radmin VPN.

2. Install Radmin VPN on your local computer.

Launch Radmin VPN and create a network by clicking on the "Create network" button.

Specify the desired network name and set a password.

Click the "Create" button.

The new network will appear in the main Radmin VPN window.

3. Download and install Radmin VPN on the remote computer.

4. Launch the program and click the "Join network" button.

Enter the network name and password in the window that opens.

Click the "Join" button.

The previously created network and its participants will be displayed in the Radmin VPN working window.

The connection between the computers has been established.

Controlling a remote computer via the Internet.

1. Download and install Radmin Server on a remote computer.

2. In the Radmin Server settings, create a user and set access rights.

3.Download and install Radmin Viewer on local computer.

4.Connect the local and remote computers using the Radmin VPN IP address.

5.Select: "Radmin-->Management" in context menu remote computer.

6.Enter the username and password specified in the Radmin Server settings.

and join already existing Network, enter your name and password to connect to the created network. Then, if you hover your mouse over the Radmin Server icon, you will see two or more IP addresses. You have finished installing the virtual network.

Before installation

Radmin 3 consists of two modules:

The server module (Radmin Server) must be installed on remote computer (for example, on an office PC), which you want to access.

The client module (Radmin Viewer) must be installed on local computer (for example, on a home PC or laptop), which you want to use to access the remote computer.

Both computers must be connected to each other via TCP/IP protocol on a local network, via a modem or via the Internet.

Installing and configuring Radmin Server 3

Step 1:

To install Radmin Server download and run the file rserv34ru.exe on the computer, to which you are going to connect remotely. Follow the instructions on the screen. When installing necessary files will be copied to system directory default (C:\WINDOWS\system32\rserver30\). Previous versions Radmin Server 3 programs installed on the computer will be automatically replaced new version(with all settings saved).

Step 2:

Configure access rights to Radmin Server. Follow the instructions below.

Select "Access rights..." from the menu.

Select a security mode. The Radmin security system is most convenient when connecting via the Internet and has more flexible settings access rights. Windows NT security is primarily used in internal corporate networks.

You need to add the user to the security system. If no user has been created, access to the Radmin Server is impossible under any circumstances.

Add a new user to the system. It is advisable to enter the username and password in Latin characters. The minimum password length is 6 characters.

Now you can set access rights for the created user. If no option is checked, access to the Radmin Server is impossible.

To provide an additional level of security, you can change General settings Radmin Server. If you use Radmin only for a technician to connect to you and solve your problems remotely (when you are at the computer), you can configure confirmation of incoming connections (reject or allow connections manually and by timer). In addition, you can change the default port through which a technician or administrator connects to you. If you have changed the default port, write it down or tell your administrator that this port number will be needed to configure Radmin Viewer.

Step 3:

Write down the IP address of your computer; to do this, hover your mouse over the Radmin Server icon.

You can also see your external IP address. If you do not have a dedicated external IP address, contact your network administrator to configure the router.

Step 4:

Now you can connect to Radmin Server using free program Radmin Viewer (see installation and configuration instructions below).

You can use the full-featured version of Radmin Server for free for 30 days. After the 30 day period has passed, you will not be able to connect to the Radmin Server until you enter license key. To continue working with the program, do not forget to purchase and activate recently installed copies Radmin Server 3.

Installing and configuring Radmin Viewer 3

Step 1:

To install Radmin Viewer download and run the file rview34ru.exe on the computer, from which You are about to connect remotely. Follow the instructions on the screen. During installation, the necessary files will be copied to the default directory (C:\Program Files\Radmin Viewer 3\). Previous versions of Radmin Viewer 3 installed on your computer will be automatically replaced by the new version (with all settings retained). Process Radmin installations Viewer 3 is similar to the installation process of Radmin Server 3.

Step 2:

Launch Radmin Viewer and create a new connection.

Specify the IP address of the computer on which Radmin Server is installed and configured and to which you are going to connect. Please also provide a friendly name for the connection.

If necessary, you can change the default connection settings to save network traffic or to increase the speed of work with a slow Internet connection (for example via GPRS).

Step 3:

Check the accessibility of the remote computer by scanning with the built-in scanner. If the connection icon after scanning was checked - Radmin Server on remote computer installed and ready to connect.

Enter the username and password previously specified in the Radmin Server settings on the remote computer.

Now you can enjoy fast and secure remote control of your computer!

How to control another computer via a local network? Last time this question increasingly affects not only ordinary users personal computers, but also local network administrators. I'll start by considering a program that not only controls a computer, but can also control several machines simultaneously.
Radmin – please love and favor!

Radmin: what is this program and how to use it?

This program is very famous on the Internet. It is advisable to download it from the official website. The program consists of two subprograms, these are “Radmin Viewer” and “Radmin Server”. The first subroutine is installed on the computer from which control will be carried out, and the second, accordingly, on the remaining computers. Let's start by setting up "Radmin Viewer".

How to configure Radmin Viewer?

After you install the program on your computer and run it, the main settings window will open in front of you.

Don’t forget to install “Radmin Server” on the rest of your computers, since without this subroutine the work will be impossible.

So, click on the “Connection” tab and go to the “Connect to” tab, a window will open in which you will need to specify the IP of the remote computer and click the “Ok” button.

The next window will ask you for a username and password, which you will need to set in the “Radmin Server” setting.

After entering data will happen connection, and you can control another computer over the local network.

How to find out the IP address of another computer and configure access to the “Radmin Server”?

Now it's time to set up the second subroutine. After installing Radmin Server on the computer that you wanted to manage over the local network, you will see an icon of two computers in the lower right corner, and when you hover over it you will see the IP of your computer.

Right-click on this icon and go to the “Radmin Server” settings tab.

Now you need to select the “Radmin” tab and click on the “Access Rights” button again.

In the next window, click the “Add” button and enter any username and password.

Check the box " Full access" and click the "Ok" button. Now you have configured access rights in the program and can manage this computer via a local network.

Select the menu item “Access rights...”

Select a security mode. The Radmin security system is most convenient when connecting via the Internet and has more flexible settings for access rights. The Windows NT security system is primarily used in internal corporate networks.

It is necessary to add the user to the security system. If no user has been created, access to the Radmin Server is impossible under any conditions.

Add a new user to the system. It is advisable to enter the username and password in Latin characters. The minimum password length is 6 characters.

Now you can set access rights to the created user. If none of the options are checked, access to the Radmin Server is impossible.

To provide an additional level of security, you can change the general settings of Radmin Server. If you use Radmin only for a technical specialist to connect to you and solve your problems remotely (when you are at the computer), you can configure confirmation of incoming connections (reject or allow connections manually and by timer). In addition, you can change the default port through which a technician or administrator connects to you. If you have changed the default port, write it down or tell your administrator that this port number will be needed to configure Radmin Viewer.

Step 3: Write down the IP address of your computer. To find out the IP, hover your mouse over the Radmin Server icon.

You can also see your external IP address.

If you do not have a dedicated external IP address, contact your network administrator for router settings.

Step 4: Now you can connect to Radmin Server using the free Radmin Viewer program (see installation and configuration instructions below).

You can use the full-featured version of Radmin Server for free for 30 days. After the 30-day period, you will not be able to connect to Radmin Server until the license key is entered. To continue working with the program, do not forget to purchase and activate recently installed copies of Radmin Server 3.

Installing and configuring Radmin Viewer 3

Step 1: To install Radmin Viewer download and run the file rview34ru.exe on the computer, from which You are about to connect remotely. Follow the instructions on the screen. During installation, the necessary files will be copied to the default directory (C:\Program Files\Radmin Viewer 3\). Previous versions of Radmin Viewer 3 installed on your computer will be automatically replaced by the new version (with all settings retained). The installation process for Radmin Viewer 3 is similar to the installation process for Radmin Server 3 (see above).

Step 2: Launch Radmin Viewer and create a new connection.

Specify the IP address of the computer on which Radmin Server is installed and configured and to which you are going to connect. Please also provide a friendly name for the connection.

If necessary, you can change the default connection settings to save network traffic or to increase the speed of work with a slow Internet connection (for example, via GPRS).

Step 3: Check the accessibility of the remote computer by scanning with the built-in scanner. If the connection icon is checked after scanning, Radmin Server is installed on the remote computer and is ready for connection.

Enter the username and password previously specified in the Radmin Server settings on the remote computer.

Now you can enjoy fast and secure remote control of your computer!