Check apple products by serial number. Free iPhone IMEI check

At the moment, it has never been easier to come across a fake or refurbished version of an iPhone disguised as an original. The fall in the ruble exchange rate also plays a role, which forces people to look for ways to save money and turn to the services of dubious sellers, and simply ignorance of the features of Apple technology when buying the first iPhone.

This page provides detailed instructions on how to check an iPhone for authenticity, after studying which you can easily identify even a high-quality fake.

Checking iPhone by serial number

Using the serial number, you can not only find out general information about the device, but also generally find out whether they are trying to deceive you.

Checking iPhone by IMEI

First you need to find out the IMEI, and this can be done in several ways.

On the website, enter 15 digits in the appropriate line and click Check. If the information is not true, then you have a fake.

Checking iPhone Status

Despite the fact that the overall quality of counterfeits has increased markedly over the past few years, minor flaws can still be seen immediately if you look closely.

Pay attention to small details:

  • The back cover must not be removed.
  • The body of the original iPhone is made of aluminum, while manufacturers of fakes like to save money and often try to emit metal with plastic.
  • A real iPhone cannot have two SIM cards.
  • All current models, starting from the fifth generation, have a proprietary Lighting charging connector, no Mini/Micro-USB.
  • The system should not have Google Play, and the settings should contain information about the iOS operating system. Any mention of Android means it's a fake.
  • On the back cover of any iPhone (including versions for the Chinese market) there should be the inscription “Designed by Apple in Califormia. Assembled in China". If instead of this inscription there are hieroglyphs or any other text on the back cover, then this is a fake.
  • If you have had experience using an iPhone or other Apple devices, then you will probably be able to identify a fake by the quality of the screen, menu design, fonts and similar nuances.

Therefore, if you are buying an iPhone for the first time, it makes sense to go to any store selling Apple equipment and turn the display sample in your hands so that you have something to compare with.

One more nuance, go to Settings - General, there find the Software Update item. If it is not there, then this is a fake.

Checking with iTunes

Perhaps the easiest way to identify a fake is to try to connect the device to a PC with iTunes. If the program recognizes the connected device, then this is the original, but if nothing happens, then you have connected a fake.

How to identify a refurbished iPhone

Despite the fact that refurbished smartphones, in most cases, are not inferior in durability to ordinary copies, there is still a chance to stumble upon an unsuccessful model, and you always want to use a brand new device. Unfortunately, even in large stores you can come across refurbished models that are sold as new at full price. This could be either intentional fraud on the part of the store or simple negligence, since the devices are completely identical in appearance.

Look at the settings menu

  1. Open the settings menu.
  2. "Basic".
  3. "About this device."
  4. Find the "Model" item.

The first letter of the model name will help you determine if your device is new.

  • M - the phone is new.
  • F - refurbished smartphone.

The last two characters indicate the region in which the device is intended for sale. If you bought your iPhone in the Russian Federation, and this is the version officially certified by Rostest, it should be abbreviated RS, RR, RP or RU.

Identifying a refurbished iPhone by packaging

If you have not yet purchased the device, you can identify a refurbished phone by its packaging. Of course, it is unlikely that the smartphone will be sold under the guise of a new one, but it is worth knowing about it.

Determining a restored iPhone by IMEI

You can find out whether an iPhone is new by comparing the information from the IMEI with what is actually there. After entering the IMEI on the appropriate website, you will receive part of the device data. Here you should pay attention to several main characteristics.

  • If a newly purchased smartphone has the Find My Phone function activated, then it is refurbished. New devices have this feature disabled by default.
  • If the color does not match, then the case has clearly been changed, so the phone may well be refurbished.
  • If “Expired” appears next to the warranty service lines, then the device has been in use for quite some time.

This also works when buying a smartphone secondhand, the owner of which is trying to sell the refurbished device under the guise of a new one.

In general, despite the improvement in the quality of Chinese counterfeits, it is still quite easy to distinguish them from the original. You just need to be more careful and know about some of the features of Apple products.

Many of you probably know that any mobile phone has its own unique equipment identifier, the so-called IMEI number. Apple's iPhone mobile phones are no exception; each of them also has its own unique identification number - IMEI.

Most users will most likely never even need this number, but there are situations when you need to know your iPhone. For example, to check if it is blocked by mobile operators.

Briefly about what IMEI is and what it is needed for, as well as details about where to look and how to find out the IMEI of an iPhone in several different ways we will tell you in this article.

The article, unexpectedly for us, turned out to be quite large, since we tried to describe all the methods in detail, with pictures and screenshots, so for faster and more convenient navigation we made content with quick links.

What is IMEI

To begin with, it’s worth briefly talking about what an IMEI number is, why it is needed and how it is used.

IMEI(International Mobile Equipment Identifier) ​​is an international mobile equipment identifier that is unique for each device using it. It is used in all mobile phones operating on GSM, CDMA and IDEN cellular networks, as well as in some satellite phones. Any modern phone, smartphone and even tablet with a 3G/4G module (i.e., anything that supports a SIM card) has its own, unique “name”.

This number is assigned to each device with the ability to work in the above networks at the manufacturer and is stored in the gadget’s memory, and it is used to identify your device in mobile networks. IMEI is always a 15-digit number.

Thus, according to the rules, there cannot be two mobile devices with the same IMEI, although such situations do occur in the case of illegally changing this number (criminal punishable in many countries), but this is quite difficult for an ordinary user.

We’ve decided on the concept, now let’s figure out how where is the IMEI iPhone you can look.

How to find out IMEI iPhone

In fact, there are quite a lot of ways. Some of them may be useful in certain situations (when the device itself is not nearby, or when for some reason it is not possible to turn it on), so we decided to list them all. And you use the one that will be the easiest and fastest for you. So, let's begin.

The best place to look at the iPhone IMEI is information about your device in the smartphone settings. To do this, find and open the menu item "About this device". It's very easy to do this:

As you can see, everything is simple, but you can see it even faster.

Command to display IMEI

Perhaps the fastest way to find out IMEI on iPhone command- , which you can enter on the dialing screen in the application "Telephone", that is, in the standard iPhone dialer. Enter the following code there:

Immediately after entering this command, you will see the IMEI directly on the screen of your smartphone.

If you don’t have a phone in your hands right now, but you urgently need its number, and you never throw away boxes from your purchases, then the easiest way to find out is to look. It is printed on the back of the sticker.

View IMEI via iTunes

Another place where the IMEI code of your iPhone is indicated is the phone information in the application "iTunes". To see it there, do the following:

Pretty simple, isn't it? But what to do if you don’t have either the device or the box for it? There is an option!

Find out IMEI via iTunes without a phone

The probability is, of course, small, but a situation may well happen that you need to find out if you have your iPhone when you have neither the box nor the device itself. For example, if you lost your phone and the box was thrown away a long time ago.

However, even in this case, there is a place where you can look up the IMEI of your phone using a computer and a program "iTunes". True, for this you had to synchronize your iPhone with this computer via iTunes at least once and make a backup copy.

If you did this, then follow these instructions:

So, finding out the IMEI of your Apple smartphone is not a problem even without the physical presence of the phone and its box nearby.

What if you have a phone, but for some reason you can’t turn it on? For example, it is blocked, or the battery is dead. And even this is not a problem. In this case, you can determine it using one of the methods listed below.

View IMEI on the phone body

If you have a smartphone at hand, then you can see its IMEI without even turning it on. The number you are looking for is located on the back of your smartphone. However, this is not true for all iPhone models, but to be precise, for the following:

  • iPhone
  • iPhone SE
  • iPhone 5
  • iPhone 5C
  • iPhone 5S
  • iPhone 6
  • iPhone 6 Plus

If your phone is not included in this list, the IMEI can still be seen without including the iPhone. How? Look elsewhere.

View IMEI in SIM card tray

This is perhaps the last way to find out the name of a popular smartphone in this manual, but in some situations it may be the only one that works.

In those iPhone models where the number we need is not engraved on the back of the phone, the IMEI is written in the SIM card tray (sim tray), just take it out and look closely (the font is small, people with poor eyesight will need glasses or a magnifying glass).

Owners of one of the following gadget models will be able to find the IMEI of their iPhone in this place:

  • iPhone 3G
  • iPhone 3GS
  • iPhone 4
  • iPhone 4s
  • iPhone 6S
  • iPhone 6S Plus
  • iPhone 7
  • iPhone 7 Plus

Perhaps we can stop here. At least one of the above methods will certainly help anyone who is trying to find out the IMEI number of their Apple smartphone. You can also refer to some other useful articles on our website, for example, if you want or.

Conclusion (or “why do I need to know IMEI?”)

In some situations, knowing the IMEI number of your smartphone can be very useful.

For example, when buying a used iPhone, you must first make sure that the number on the device box, on the case (or in the SIM tray) and in the phone settings matches. If this is not the case, then most likely they are trying to sell you a repaired or illegally obtained device.

If it happens that your phone is stolen, then you can always contact your cellular operator (through the police) to block your phone by IMEI. In addition, with due desire and perseverance, if your stolen phone is registered on the network with a new SIM card, the operator will be able to tell the police not only the passport details of the person for whom it is registered, but also its location with an accuracy of several tens of meters , which significantly increases the likelihood of the iPhone returning to its rightful owner.

Perhaps you have heard about “locked” iPhones? Using the IMEI number, you can check whether the smartphone is tied to any telecom operator (otherwise it will not work for others), and also find out about the warranty for the device.

The serial number helps to fully identify a device of any well-known brand.

There are many sites that allow you to literally check a phone in a few minutes and find out, for example, whether it is real, whether it is wanted, etc.

Let's look at why you need to check, in which cases you simply need to do this, how to find a verification site and how to understand it.

Why check your iPhone serial number?

In the case of the iPhone, there is even an official website for this in Russian.

Using the Apple website, you can not only check whether the device you received actually belongs to this particular brand, but also what its status is in the company’s service - whether it is under warranty and what kind of warranty obligations apply to it.

There are so many fake iPhones! And they are sometimes executed so skillfully that not every experienced person can tell them apart from a Chinese copy.

Therefore, when purchasing a device from someone else, you should be extremely careful. This is where the site identifier comes to the rescue.

Official site-identifier

The site has a completely Russian-language interface and it’s not difficult to understand, you just need to follow the instructions.

You can go to the verification section from the official website page, or directly go to the desired resource by entering this request into a search engine.

If you want to check the device right now, just follow this link.

You will find yourself here:

As you can see, everything is extremely clear, it is impossible to get confused here.

How to use the site?

Let's go through the basic steps. So, we are on the site page. What to do?

  • You need to enter this same serial number in the search bar, then confirm that you are not a bot by entering a visual code (the code can also be spoken, not pictured, if you click on the speaker) and click “Continue”. But what if you don't know your serial number? This problem is also easily solved. Here, under the code entry line, there is an interactive footnote to the instructions "How to find the serial number". Click it. You will find yourself here:

How find the serial number:

What to do if there is no access to the device itself? (For example, the iPhone is stolen and you need to report it as missing.)

Then you can try the following:

Here, in the site tab for identification "How to find the serial number" It is proposed to obtain more detailed information on how to find the number by selecting the device type.

If you don't understand, click the icon "iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, iPod" and get more detailed instructions.

So, you have found the serial number, you just need to enter it in the search bar. Now you can “Continue”.

A page will load containing detailed information about your device.

It will take a while to load, so you'll have to wait a bit.

First of all, you will find out whether the serial number of this iPhone has been activated.

If not, you need to activate it and you will see a notification about it.

That's all - information received. As you can see, everything is extremely simple.

What will you learn about the desired specimen thanks to these simple operations?

What can you find out from the serial number?

First, you will find out whether it is actually an iPhone or . So, identifying the serial number will provide an indispensable service when purchasing an iPhone.

You can try to distinguish the original device by many signs, if you understand them, but a search engine for identifying serial numbers will help you find out for sure, one hundred percent.

Everything is clear here: Either the company released this device or it didn’t.

So, if you are just about to purchase, be sure to take advantage of the identification option.

The second useful thing that you will find out by entering the device number in the Apple search engine is whether the device is under warranty, as well as the terms and specifics of the warranty.

This is very important if you want to buy an already used iPhone from someone else. They can tell you whatever they want, but the serial number won't lie.

Such information may also be needed if, for example, you lost documents from your iPhone and do not remember what information they contained regarding warranty service.

What kind of warranty service you can get for this iPhone, you can find out by its serial number.

Here, on the information tab, you can get technical support by phone.

So, if your device requires warranty service, or the information received does not satisfy you, you can take advantage of this opportunity.

Why activate the serial number?

If your device has been activated by serial number on the official Apple website, you have access to service.

If some problems arise with your iPhone, you need help with settings, etc., you can contact the technical center and get the necessary information and help.

Apple offers similar activation, or identification, for its other devices.

In addition to iPhones, you can punch through the serial number, and, as well as accessories.

The list is long, here are some examples:

All these icons are located on the Apple website in the “How to find the serial number” tab.

If you want to get to this page now, click .

In addition to the list of company products that can be identified by serial number and instructions for searching for the number, there are a couple more suggestions here.

What to do if your iPhone is stolen?

A very important point, what to do if your beloved device, be it an iPhone or another device, is suddenly stolen?

Often, it is the loss of an iPhone that prompts you to look for its serial number.

Here, in the tab "How to find the serial number" You can find detailed information on what to do in this case.

Interactive string "Report a missing or stolen Apple product" will take you straight to the instructions in a separate section.

The page looks like this:

As you can see, it is useful to familiarize yourself with this information even before the device is stolen.

Special tracking programs “Find iPhone” and “Find Mac” allow you to report a missing iPhone, or by adding the device to the balance of the devices you are looking for.

These programs also provide access to personal data and make it possible, if necessary, to clear existing information.

Search programs will also allow you to find out the location of the device.

From here you can follow the interactive footnotes.

And also “Apple Watch and Mac Computer”.

By clicking what you need, you can try to find a stolen device if it is included in the Find iPhone and Find Mac search engines, and what to do if you need to find an iPhone without these search engines.

So, if suddenly your iPhone disappears, click the line “Lost or stolen iPhone, iPad, iPod touch”.

The footnote will take you to a page with detailed instructions.

Here she is:

If you want to access it now, click .

As you can see, the instructions here are more than detailed. It is proposed to find the device, both using the “Find iPhone” and “Find Mac” programs, and without, both in an active state and in a switched off state.

Each point describes exactly what needs to be done in each specific situation. You just need to read carefully.

Having chosen the most optimal search option in your circumstances, follow the active footnotes of the desired item and follow the instructions received.

This effort will not only increase your chances of finding your missing iPhone, but will also help protect your personal information.

To do this, using the Apple service, you can set or change passwords. Just follow this link:

Here you will also find instructions on how to protect yourself from financial fraud if your iPhone is lost.

If payments and bills are linked to your phone, you'll see how to temporarily block access to them.

In addition to all these useful things with passwords and finances, family search is offered. You can use it by following the active footnote.

It is also suggested that you use it to report the loss to local law enforcement agencies.

If luck smiles and the iPhone is found, you will need to unblock the accounts and cancel the status of the missing iPhone.

There are also detailed instructions on how to remove an iPhone from the balance of the devices you are looking for.

As you can see, the serial number is simply necessary! You can’t do without it if you need to get information about the originality of the iPhone you are purchasing.

He will tell you about warranty obligations and their terms. Also, thanks to the serial number, the company will provide invaluable assistance in finding the missing device.

So, feel free to use all these available gadgets of the Apple service in the sections of the official website.

Just read carefully, follow the instructions received and you will succeed!

How to check iPhone by serial number - detailed instructions (2019)

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Each mobile device has its own individual number – IMEI. Changing it is very difficult even for a professional, since manufacturers are constantly improving the protection system for their products. Using this code, cellular providers distinguish telephone sets from each other.

What is a phone number

IMEI is a unique code assigned to each mobile device. It consists of 14 digits and one additional control. The code contains the serial number, model and country in which the device was manufactured. The first 8 digits indicate the model and place of production (where it was made). The remaining part of the code indicates the serial number, and the last digit is a control number, with which you can check the legitimacy of the entire combination. Everyone can check their phone number in several ways, but why is this necessary:

  • for identification on the network;
  • for tracking a mobile phone;
  • to block a stolen device at the cellular provider level;
  • for recognizing stolen devices.

Check have

Manufacturers assign a code to each cellular device, and it is contained in the factory firmware, so the numbers cannot be changed. The main task of the digital combination is authorization. Users are interested in what they can find out from their phone number? If the device has been lost, then searching by IMEI can be effective. In the US and EU countries, the owner of a lost smartphone submits an application, after which all calls, except emergency services, are banned on the mobile device.

When you try to call the police, you receive a signal about the time and place of access to the network. This is how manufacturers counteract theft, because when a mobile phone is blacklisted, an Android or iPhone becomes useless. How can I find out my phone's serial number? In order to check it, you should dial the command *#06#. After this, a 15-digit code will appear on the display. Information is also located next to the serial number under the battery, in the warranty card and on the original packaging.


The SNDIP info service is designed to check smartphones and tablets for originality. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s an iPhone, Nokia, Samsung based on Android or a regular mobile phone. To do this, enter the IMEI or serial number of the mobile device in the provided field. In a couple of seconds, the service will provide information about the smartphone model, serial number and check digit. The site may also be useful if your phone has been stolen or lost. The identification code can be entered into the database that is present on the service.

Check iPhone by name

How to find out your name on iPhone or iPad? If you cannot determine by appearance where this device is from and whether it is Chinese, then you can check the IMEI and serial number on the official Apple website. It's easy to check your iPhone if you inspect the SIM card tray and back cover. The code is also indicated on the packaging (barcode label). In the iPhone itself, you should enter the universal combination *#06#, after which the IMEI will be displayed on the screen.

Check have Samsung

On the company's official website, you should find a special column and enter the identification code. The service allows Samsung users who do not have warranty documents with them to be serviced at the Service Center in their city throughout the entire warranty period. If you purchased the product from a dealer, check the IMEI on the manufacturer’s website before using it.

How to find out if your phone is stolen

Losing a mobile device, a person loses contact with everyone around him: friends, colleagues, family. How to check your phone if it is stolen? Unfortunately, today in Russia there are no tools for independently searching for mobile devices. Information on your name is kept by mobile operators, who do not have the right to transfer it to third-party services. Law enforcement agencies can determine the location of your mobile phone. The police can only obtain information upon official request.

Video: how to find out what is on your phone

Not everyone can afford a brand new iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus. If you are one of them, but really want an iPhone (not necessarily the latest model), it makes sense to buy it on the secondary market, that is, “used”. How to do this without consequences in the form of hardware and software malfunctions, read under the cut.

Buying a used iPhone. Seller's choice

If this is your first time buying a used product online, know that there are many times more scammers on the secondary market than honest sellers. Therefore, be careful when choosing a seller. Advice: don't trust anyone!

The model of a decent and sensible seller of a used iPhone looks something like this:

  1. Doesn't hide his contact phone number.
  2. Will not refuse a personal meeting.
  3. Will not refuse to check the status of the phone.
  4. Will not give away your iPhone at a price below average on the secondary market. Although you can always bargain on the spot.

Full set

Buy a used iPhone in the factory configuration and, if possible, with a receipt from the store. The latter will be needed when contacting Apple support to regain control over, for example.

iPhone kit:

  1. Smartphone.
  2. Branded box with a barcode and information about the device (model, batch number, serial number and IMEI).
  3. Charger.
  4. USB cable.
  5. Wired Apple EarPods headset with control buttons and microphone.
  6. SIM card ejector.
  7. Documentation.

It’s not critical if your used iPhone doesn’t come with a power supply, USB cable, headphones, a paper clip, or instructions. It is important to have the original box (for support).

Check that the data in the iPhone settings matches the original packaging

Check if the information on the box matches, in the iPhone settings in the “General -> About this device” menu and on the back cover of the device. The following data must correspond:

  1. Model. For example, ME305LL/A.
  2. Serial number(not indicated on the back cover of the device).
  3. IMEI. Compare the identifier indicated in the device information, on the box and on the SIM card tray.

If any of this data on the box, in the phone settings and on the SIM card tray differs, the device has been repaired. This can also be checked using IMEI.

How to check if an iPhone is authentic by serial number

On a special page of the official Apple website (Check Your Service and Support Coverage), enter the iPhone serial number in the appropriate field.

If the device is original, the system will recognize its model and display information about the warranty status. It is important that the “Valid Purchase Date” field is checked - this confirms that the device is original and purchased from Apple.

If more than a year has passed since the purchase of the device, Apple's international warranty no longer applies to it. Information about this is located in the lines: “Telephone Technical Support” and “Repairs and Service Coverage”.

If you need more information, using the same serial number you can determine: the phone model, the country for which it was manufactured, the identifier and model number, the main technical characteristics (processor clock speed, screen resolution, case color, memory size), year and month of manufacture, and also manufacturer.

An example of checking my iPhone 5s by serial number:

  • Serial number: F18LND37FF9R
  • Nice Name: iPhone 5s (GSM/North America)
  • Machine Model: iPhone6.1
  • Family Name: A1533
  • Model Number: ME296
  • Group1: iPhone
  • Group2:
  • Generation:
  • CPU speed: 1.3MHz
  • Screen size: 4 inches
  • Screen resolution: 1136x640 pixels
  • Colour: Space Gray
  • Production year: 2013
  • Production week: 45 (November)
  • Model introduced: 2013
  • Capacity: 16GB
  • Memory - flavour: xx
  • Factory: F1 (China, Zhengzhou - Foxconn).

This means that I have an iPhone 5s 16 GB, GSM model A1533, gray, produced at the Foxconn plant in Zhengzhou in November 2013.

You can also identify an iPhone restored by the manufacturer (Refurbished) by the serial number. For such devices, the serial number starts at “5K”.

How to check iPhone by IMEI

Comprehensive information about the iPhone (and not only) can be obtained using the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI - International Mobile Equipment Identity), for example.

The IMEI of an iPhone is engraved on its back cover and SIM card tray, indicated on the barcode label on the packaging and in “Settings -> General -> About this device”. In the "Phone" application, enter the combination " #06# " and the IMEI of the iPhone will be displayed on the screen.

Short: If you have never owned an iPhone and you cannot determine its originality by appearance, check the iPhone by serial number on the official Apple website and check the information in the information about the device and on its packaging. It's enough.

For reference: If in the iPhone settings there is no data in the “Wi-Fi Address”, “Bluetooth” or “Modem Firmware” lines in the device information, then the Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or modem modules, respectively, are not working.

Checking a used iPhone for mechanical damage

Visually inspect the iPhone and check:

Checking iPhone lock using Apple ID

The originality, external condition and performance of a used iPhone are important, but even an original, fully functional and externally perfect device can be absolutely useless if it is blocked by Activation Lock. An iPhone with the " " function enabled is not possible in normal mode (only. Only the owner of the Apple account, which is connected in the device settings in the "iCloud" menu, can disable the "Find iPhone" function and activation lock. You need access to the primary email address or answers to security questions.

Never buy an iPhone with Find My iPhone enabled and Activation Lock active. It is impossible to disable it without your Apple ID password.

For peace of mind, connect your Apple ID in Settings -> iCloud or erase content and settings in the General -> Reset menu.


From all of the above, I would like to note:

  1. Do not buy a used iPhone with prepayment.
  2. Inspect it and check the operation of the controls. The Home and Power buttons are needed to enter the iPhone into and.
  3. Require that Find My iPhone and Activation Lock be turned off.

Have questions? Write in the comments - we will answer everyone. Happy shopping!

Expensive branded equipment is often counterfeited. Owners of expensive gadgets are interested in knowing how to check the authenticity of an iPhone. The device is popular due to its beautiful design, fashionable brand and hassle-free operation of the device. Several ways to distinguish an original gadget from a Chinese counterfeit, an unlocked gadget or one not made for Russia. How to do this will become clear from the presented review.

How to check the authenticity of an iPhone on the Apple website

Equipment from this manufacturer is considered to be of high quality and top-end. But everyone would like to purchase a genuine device, because there are many fakes. An easy way to check your iPhone by serial number through the company's official website. Distinguish the true product without even opening the box, before purchasing the product. To check your iPhone by model number, look on the packaging for a combination of numbers and Latin letters (12 characters).

By serial number

In the latest models, the serial code is applied to the packaging. In earlier versions, the serial number is located on the back cover of the device. You can also recognize it through the iTunes application, in the gadget settings, or look for it in the SIM card tray. Moreover, in all cases the number remains the same. Check the serial number online on the official Apple website. To do this, go to the “Support” section and select the appropriate section.
Algorithm of actions on how to check the originality of an iPhone:

  • Find the number on the package (in settings).
  • Go to the official website.
  • Find the support section.
  • Enter the number through the verification panel.
  • If the gadget is original, then information about its sale, warranty periods and other data will appear.

According to

Another way to distinguish the original iPhone is to check the code. This unique identifier is assigned to each device upon release. IMEI is printed on the back cover of the phone, on the SIM card slot, and is indicated on the barcode of the box or in the gadget settings. This code is used to track the device or block it. Checking your iPhone is as simple as the serial number. If the device has been activated, then the code is viewed through the iTunes program or in the settings.

How to check the authenticity of an iPhone using imei:

  • Find the code (on the packaging or in the device settings).
  • Go to the International Mobile Equipment Identifier website.
  • Enter the number within the appropriate deadline.
  • See all information about the phone.

By model

How to check the authenticity of a new iPhone by external signs:

  1. The company logo in the form of an apple must have a bite only on the right side.
  2. The model name must be original.
  3. The back cover of the gadget is not removable on the original.
  4. Built-in antennas, a stylus or a body in non-original colors other than white, black, or gold indicate that the smartphone is fake.

How to distinguish a Chinese iPhone from the original

Almost everyone has heard about this gadget, but not everyone has seen it or held it in their hands. Unscrupulous sellers count on this when they sell counterfeit gadgets. When purchasing products of this brand for yourself, you should carefully study its external and internal data. It is important to know how to distinguish a Chinese iPhone 5s from the original so as not to overpay for a fake. The set includes headphones, a cable and a charger of high quality and neatly packaged in transparent hard film.

How to check whether a Chinese iPhone is or not:

  • The original gadget does not have a built-in stylus.
  • The genuine device does not include a slot for a second SIM card.
  • The Home button of the original is concave inward.
  • The original gadget instantly responds to user commands.
  • A TV antenna is a sign of a Chinese counterfeit.

The hieroglyphs on the box or the inscription “Made in China” indicate that the smartphone is not original. Apple has equipment assembly plants in this country; in addition, the product can be produced for sale in Asian countries, but the marking is applied exclusively in Latin letters. A gadget that does not require activation is not necessarily fake. The seller himself could set it up before selling to save time.

IPhone 5

How is the Chinese iPhone different from the original 5s? Everything is very simple:

  1. Inspect the packaging, name, logo, markings.
  2. On the back of the smartphone there is a serial number by which authenticity is verified through the website.
  3. The numbers on the box and on the case must be identical.
  4. The company's service provides everything about the product using the code; if there is no information about your smartphone, it is fake.
  5. If, when opening the App store application, Google Play Market opens, the smartphone is fake.
  6. Connected to the computer via iTunes, it is detected only as an iPhone 5c.

iPhone 6

Chinese smartphones may look like original ones, but it is almost always possible to spot a fake. If you have the Internet, it is important to determine the authenticity through the official website. If there is no network access, then you should contact the operating system. The Chinese never install Yos. Menu items and interface may differ; poor-quality translation especially gives away a fake.

Iphone 4

Absolutely all gadgets that were not produced in Apple workshops are considered fakes. Due to expensive materials, this gadget is not completely copied, so identifying the original is very easy. The fourth model has a metal body and buttons. You cannot remove the smartphone battery or disassemble it. How else can you check the authenticity of an iPhone? Please note that the original has a SIM card inserted from the outside and does not have flash drives. The screen of a genuine Retina smartphone can be easily distinguished from a Chinese TFT.

How to check an iPhone when buying it in person

The manufacturer does not skimp on packaging, additional paraphernalia and other little things. Even a used gadget will delight you with its impeccable performance and quick response to your requests. The box is made of cardboard, which feels like plastic. The bottom of the package is marked with a sticker with device data. The wires of the headphones and charger are soft, slightly rubberized.

Analyze the price market; the cost of the selected gadget should not be lower than usual. Ask the seller where the smartphone came from and how long ago it was purchased (all data can be easily checked on the official website). The instruction envelope that comes with your purchase contains a colored insert with two company logo stickers. The case is monolithic, the back cover cannot be removed.

Video: how to check if an iPhone is real

Only a genuine product from the manufacturer will allow you to feel and appreciate all the advantages of the model. A fake smartphone is a waste of money. How to identify the original iPhone is useful for anyone who is aiming to buy one. It is distinguished by external characteristics, interface, operating system, etc. More information in the video:

Hello. Apple technology belongs to the elite price segment, so not everyone can afford to buy new gadgets. Many people prefer to buy used smartphones in good condition, the price of which is not so high. But before purchasing a used phone, you should know how to check an iPhone by IMEI and serial number in different ways.

The market is oversaturated with various fakes, “exact” copies of the iPhone. My friends have repeatedly fallen for this bait, giving away their hard-earned money for a dummy. Even experienced users can sometimes miss the trick.

Or they may offer you a stolen device, which you can use until the first reset to factory settings. And then, if the owner blocked it remotely, you will see the phone number on the screen and will no longer be able to use the device.

How to check the authenticity of an iPhone? There are several options, which we will consider in detail below. In the meantime, I advise you to read a few important recommendations.

What do you need to know before buying used devices?

Of course, appearance is not the main factor, although no one would want to take a broken and badly worn gadget. Fully equipped is good, but this criterion should not play a decisive role either. What then should you pay attention to first?

  • First you need to assess the reliability of the seller. If he offers to meet on neutral territory, refuses to provide his personal information (name, phone number), or disclose the origin of the device being sold, most likely you are dealing with scammers.
  • Be sure to look through at least 10 advertisements for the sale of a similar smartphone on the Internet to find out the average cost. If you are offered a device at a greatly reduced price, you should think about the catch.
  • If you order through an advertisement site and are asked to make a large amount of money as an advance payment before sending the goods, immediately refuse such a transaction.
  • Be sure to check your WiFi connection (or other internet connection) when you meet so you can immediately see if your iPhone is locked.
  • Check whether the case has been opened (there should be characteristic signs of tampering). If you find something like this, ask the seller for an explanation. As statistics show, if the iPhone has already been opened for repair or restoration, then the problems may recur. It is also advisable to make sure that the battery is in good condition. It’s good if you have a device for measuring voltage at hand.
  • A friendly seller usually shows activity himself and shows the device in operation, all its shortcomings, and does not hide from questions, with the hope of quickly selling the goods.
  • Ideally, buy an iPhone with packaging and documents. This way you will protect yourself from possible problems in the future.

How to check iPhone by serial number? Just follow the instructions:

  • You need to open the “Settings” of your phone and go to the “General” section. Inside there will be an item “About the device”, opening which you can see the real information:

If the data in the field is missing, this indicates a fake or a software glitch.

  • Now you need to download the official Apple website using the link and on the main page go to “Support”:

  • After the transition, scroll through the contents to the “AppleCare...” section and click on the link on the left to check the warranty:

  • All that remains is to indicate in the input field the serial number that you previously found in the device settings. The resource will provide you with complete information on this device, which you must carefully compare with the product offered (name, activation date will show the actual service life).

This method is the simplest and fastest. It is enough to have the Internet at hand and a couple of minutes of time.


How to check iPhone by IMEI on the Apple website? The unique device identifier is no less important than the serial number. You can find out the authenticity of the IMEI using several methods, but first you need to find this very code:

  • Use the instructions from the previous section to go to the “About device” settings section and see the necessary data there:

  • On the fifth series iPhone it is indicated directly on the back cover of the case, on newer gadgets - inside, near the SIM card attachment point. Also, IMEI can be found on the packaging, near the barcode.
  • If you have a computer nearby with the iTunes application installed, simply connect your smartphone with a cable and in the program go to the “Browse” tab, where you will see all the necessary information by clicking on the “phone number” value.

It is better to check your iPhone by IMEI on the official website of the international equipment identifier at the link:

Just indicate the number, put a tick below to prove that you are not a robot, then click on the “Check” button and receive confirmation of authenticity (or, vice versa).

To learn how to find out the imei iPhone by serial number, follow the link.

Which method is better to use?

To reduce the likelihood of fraud, you should resort to both methods discussed in this article. This is the only way you will be as confident as possible in the correctness of the decision. It is worth noting that the check should be performed several times in case information about the gadget is not displayed. This happens sometimes. Just refresh the page and enter your IMEI or serial number again.

And finally...

I was prompted to write this article by an interesting incident that happened to a friend of mine in May 2017. For more than two years he used an Apple smartphone, purchased second-hand (without packaging, documents), iCloud was clean.

And then one day the “body” began to slow down terribly (a rather rare phenomenon for such equipment). He decided to do a hard reset. And what a surprise he was when, after rebooting, a message about blocking was displayed on the screen, and a phone number was indicated. Having called it, an acquaintance found out that the device was stolen 2 years ago, and after some time the owner decided to “block” it remotely. The attackers managed to somehow hide this fact programmatically, but after the reset the problem surfaced. I had to return the phone, receiving in return only “Thank you!”

These are the kinds of stories that sometimes happen. So be sure to find out how to check an iPhone by IMEI and serial number before making a purchase.

Sincerely, Victor!

Here you can check the IMEI number (TAC code) and find out the phone model from it. The service will also automatically calculate the last 15th digit of the IMEI number and give you the full IMEI form, even if you only entered the first few digits.

For each IMEI (TAC), basic information is provided - the make and model of the phone, but additional data can also be provided, such as photographs of the phone, model release date, chipset, operating system, etc.

If IMEI (TAC) is not found in the database, or you need additional information, you can use automatically generated links to similar services, as well as to all possible options for writing the IMEI number in search engines.

What is IMEI? TAC?

IMEI - International Mobile Equipment Identity, international mobile equipment identifier.
A unique hardware number for each mobile phone, smartphone, GPS/GSM tracker and, in general, any GSM or UMTS device. It consists of 15 digits, the last of which is now a checksum and is calculated based on the first 14, and previously it was always equal to “0”. TAC - Type Approval Code, literally: type confirmation code.
The first 6 (for older models) or 8 (for new models) digits of the IMEI number. They clearly indicate the model of the telephone.

You need to understand that in modern realities, when China is gradually taking over the world, the IMEI number may be far from unique, and the TAC of completely different models can be repeated and give contradictory results.

How to find out your IMEI?

Dial on your phone *#06# and you will see at least 14 digits of the IMEI number.

The 15th digit may not be displayed at all, it may be replaced by “0” or equal to the current checksum. One way or another, only the first 14 digits matter.

If the numbers are higher, don't worry. You are shown the so-called The IMEISV number is the same IMEI number but with the last digits added to indicate the firmware version of the mobile phone. We are only interested in the first 14, because... They are the ones who uniquely identify the phone.

All new iPhones require activation. After purchasing a new phone, to start working with the Apple smartphone, you need to activate it. Before doing this, insert the SIM card and connect to the Internet, which will allow the iPhone to connect to Apple's servers and activate. You can connect your phone to a Wi-Fi network or use cellular data.

After completing the activation procedure, the owner of the new iPhone can start using the device. If the iPhone you purchased did not require activation after the first turn on, then you are not the first owner of this device. But this method is not 100%. Apple's mobile operating system has the ability to restore software, which means that the phone will be reset to factory settings. After restoration, the iPhone requires activation again. That is, the operating system is activated, not the phone itself. Thus, any cunning person can use this trick and sell you a non-new iPhone at the cost of a new one.

But don't worry, iPhone verification is done in another way. The company took care of its customers and created a special service on its official website. To do this you need to go to the menu item “Verification of the right to service and support”, add the device serial number and you will be informed, whether this device has been activated previously. iPhones that were activated earlier store the device serial number in the configuration, to do this, go to Settings, then in Basic and press item About this device. There, in one of the list items, you will receive information about the serial number. If you want to check not unpacked or not activated iPhone, the serial number can be found on the device box or on the rim of the SIM card tray.

Checking iPhone step by step instructions

Upon completion of iPhone activation on the company website in the section Right to service and support, you will see a date appear after which your device warranty expires. Typically the warranty is 1 year from the moment the iPhone was activated. Try subtracting one year from the specified date, and you will get the exact activation date of your iPhone.

This is another way to check whether your iPhone is new or not. If, after making calculations, you receive a date different from yours, then quickly run to the place where the device was purchased and demand money from the seller. You have all the evidence in your hands, so don't be afraid.

There are examples where entrepreneurs buy locked (customized for a specific operator) iPhones, which cost much less. Next, they perform the unlocking procedure and sell the device in their stores at the regular price. In order to unlock an iPhone, you need to activate the device, then restore the system and seal the phone back in its packaging. In theory, such an iPhone is no different from a new one, since it has not been used by anyone, but when checked, its activation date will not coincide with yours. These iPhones are called gray because they were brought into the country unofficially.

Using these instructions, you can find out whether your iPhone is new or has been used by someone else before.