View and edit followers on Facebook. The “Follow” button is a new feature in Facebook Personal Profile

The more options you have for collecting contacts, the better. Subscription forms take first place among channels for attracting customers, and it’s good when there are several of them. If you have a community on Facebook, you can also use it to attract new customers by adding a separate tab with a call to subscribe (). Since my first acquaintance with this function, some settings have changed, but in general the principle is the same.

How to add an iframe subscription form on Facebook

To customize the form, use the Static HTML iframe tabs application.

    In the account from which the corporate page is managed, we enter in the search engine:

In principle, any of these applications are suitable. Let's take the first one as an example.

2. In the window that appears, click on the “Add Static HTML to page” button

3. Select the page on which we plan to place it from the drop-down list.

4. The application will be added to the left control panel of the page and it will immediately become visible to users.

5. Go to the application and click “Edit tab”. In the window that opens, insert the finished iframe

6. To get to the “Edit name and image” tab, the Static HTML iframe tabs application will ask for permission to your page. There is nowhere to go and you have to agree.

We give a beautiful call to action in the “Tab Name” field and save the name and the entire form. You can also upload an image here, but there is also a workaround (see point 8)

7. To view our masterpiece, click View tab as a visitor - display mode as your group members will see the subscription page.

8. And here is the long way to adding a picture to the application.

Settings (top panel) -> Applications -> Static HTML iframe tabs

In the window, select “Edit” next to “Custom Tab Image”. The most unpleasant moment awaits you here - the image size must be 111 x 74 pixels and weigh up to 1 MB. Strict with this.

Once the image is uploaded, the changes immediately take effect.

And further...

    For NOT iframe forms you need to install the HTML Tab application. The setup principle is even simpler.

Go to the application, paste the code and voila, the form is immediately saved. You can customize the title and insert an image in the page settings, as is the case with the iframe form.

    If you want to track which users came from a Facebook subscription, you need a separate form. Otherwise, all users from the site and social networks. networks will be collected in one group.

    To remove any application from the page, you need to go to “Settings” -> Applications on the top panel.

Also in the settings you can change the order of links in the user's panel. To do this, go to the “Edit Page” tab.

The social network Facebook invites users to subscribe to pages. Using this option gives you access to a number of benefits. Don't know how to subscribe to a Facebook group or page? This article will help you figure this out.

Why do you need a subscription?

Newcomers to the social network Facebook often wonder why they should subscribe to pages? Subscribing to an account is a great way to learn about the latest events of a community, company or person. Thanks to this feature, the user can monitor:

  1. Profile updates.
  2. News content.
  3. Interesting posts.

Subscribe to group updates

The question of subscribing to groups on Facebook is incorrect, since users join communities. In order to subscribe to the community and receive information about updates, you must:

  1. Go to the main page of the group, news information about which you want to see on your page.
  2. Click the “Subscribe” button.

Further actions depend on the community settings and the administrator's decision. After all, there are several types of groups on Facebook that you can subscribe to:

  • In automatic mode.
  • After the consent of one of the community members.
  • After admin confirmation.

Subscribe to the page

In order to stay up to date with updates to a Facebook account of interest that is not on your friends list, you can use your smartphone or PC. The procedure via a computer consists of the following steps:

  1. Go to the website of the online platform at
  2. Go through the authorization procedure.
  3. Find the profile of the person you need. For this purpose, use the Facebook search engine.
  4. Click on the user's nickname to go to their profile.
  5. Click on the “Subscribe” button, which is located under the avatar.

The owner of the smartphone must:

  1. Launch the Facebook mobile application.
  2. Go to the profile of the user or community whose updates you want to receive information about.
  3. Touch the “Follow” button, which is located next to “Add friend”.

Sometimes it happens that the “Subscribe” button is missing in the user profile. This means that the person has disabled this option in their profile settings. You won't be able to subscribe to it. We recommend sending the user a friend invitation to stay updated on new publications. If the request to add as a friend is confirmed, when you go to the page you will see the inscription “You are subscribed.” Hover your cursor over this line to open a window with the “Display Priority” and “Default” options. Install the one that appeals to you most.

In order to keep abreast of updates and publications of the public, the user needs to click on the “Like” option.

Cancel your subscription

If a page or group you are subscribed to has ceased to interest you, then to clear your feed of unnecessary content you will need to:

  • Go to your social network account or group.
  • Tap on the “Subscriptions” button.
  • Select “Friends”, then “Unfriend”.

Write questions on the topic in the comments to the article.

It’s so good that some questions coming from readers help from time to time put things in order that I just wrote about on Facebook. So, how do you know if you've been rejected as a friend on Facebook? They refused, they didn’t respond for a long time, they removed us from friends - it’s the same thing: we become subscribers. Almost like VKontakte. It’s easy to check: you need to go to the “Friends” tab, open the submenu, find the word “Subscribers” and follow this link. The “Friends” tab can be found on your page or on the main page.

facebook - friends - subscriptions

By the way, about Vkontakte: just yesterday I discovered that bots are actively working there. I haven’t sent any friend requests to anyone. And suddenly it turned out that I was a subscriber of 27 people. Deleted it again. On the same day, four appeared, despite the fact that the number of friends did not change, that is, no one removed me from friends.

Let's move on to Facebook. Here I discover that someone, apparently, has not responded to my application for a long time. I don’t even remember this person anymore. Therefore, I move the cursor over the word “Subscriber” and perform the necessary action in the drop-down menu. In this case, I refuse to subscribe.

Two remain. One of them is Pavel Durov. It’s clear that this is a public person, and what he publishes is interesting to me, but I haven’t seen anything for a long time. The founder of VKontakte has more than one hundred thousand subscribers on Facebook. I went to look and this is what I saw:

Not much - about the pedophile lobby, and even from Twitter! Why does he need Facebook if he has his own network? And we only have one friend in common, although the most real one. And we refuse this subscription! 🙂

Someone once asked me what to do if official friendship on Facebook is impossible, in particular, if the permissible limit is chosen - 5 thousand people. It’s also simple: you need to become a subscriber. For example, with Konstantin we have a mutual subscription. It’s quite enough to follow updates, comment and even like. There are always notifications about new subscribers. To become a subscriber, you can go to the user’s page, and there is this tab there.

In the early years of Facebook, most users created accounts to communicate with friends. Naturally, the expansion of the audience and the ever-growing user activity began to attract media figures and brand owners (promoted and not so popular), eager to tell the whole world about themselves. Regular profiles became more and more difficult to control over time, and the mass entry of users into the group complicated the administration process. As a result, the management of the social network decided to introduce so-called Pages - a kind of brand profiles. Their number has long exceeded tens of thousands, and subscribing to the Page has become commonplace for ordinary users.

Subscribe to the Page

If you are reading this article now, it means that you are having problems subscribing to the Page you like. Therefore, we will not drag our feet and will immediately tell you how to carry out this action.

In fact, there are no difficulties, and you can subscribe in just a few seconds. Just follow this simple diagram:

  1. Visit the Page that piqued your interest.
  2. Click the “Like” button located in the public header.

That's all! Just two steps - and you are already a subscriber to the Public Page on Facebook. As promised, no difficulties! And in general, as practice shows, even the Page search itself raises more questions. This is what we will talk about now.

So, on Facebook there are many pages dedicated to all kinds of brands, show business stars, vacation spots, universities, communities, etc. This is not surprising, because It is publics that allow you to reach the widest audience. If a traditional user group is usually invited by its creators and administrators, then anyone can subscribe to a freely accessible Page. The only question is how to find the very public whose publications you will be interested in seeing in your News Feed.

First, of course, you need to decide on your interests. Secondly, find pages that correspond to these interests using a standard search. Let's say you love funny pictures and videos with animals and would not mind subscribing to a public page dedicated to them. You can find it using the following scheme:
1. In the search bar located at the top of the site, enter a key phrase. In our case it will be Funny Animals.

2. In the drop-down list of options, select “Show more results for...”.

3. In the “Result Type” column, select the “Pages” section and view the list of results that match our request.

4. To subscribe to the public pages you like, simply click “Like”.

That's it, in just 4 steps you can find interesting Pages on Facebook and become their subscriber. One more question remains to be answered: why do you need to subscribe at all?

Benefits of being a public subscriber

In fact, subscriptions are the best way to always be aware of events that interest the user. By subscribing to a public page dedicated to your favorite TV series/actor/athlete, you will receive the latest information - who, where, when and with whom. If a Facebook Page was created for the purpose of promoting a brand, its subscribers often have the opportunity to participate in interesting promotions. For example, advertised goods/services are often raffled off. On the one hand, Facebook users have every chance of receiving a treasured gift from their favorite brand. On the other hand, the brand itself is promoted on social networks by attracting freebie lovers. In the end, everyone wins!

So, publics are one of the most visited sections of Facebook. Every day more and more new Pages appear, to which thousands of users want to subscribe. Subscribing won’t take you much time, but scrolling through a wall filled with interesting posts can take several hours.

I am sure that the vast majority of computer users know first-hand what social networks are and what is the point of using them. In principle, each of us invests personal benefit in them: some people find it convenient to communicate with friends from another city through social networks, others watch movies and listen to music this way, there are even those who hold virtual conversations with subordinates. In general, each social network has a lot of purposes.

Nevertheless, I think I will not be mistaken if I note that the first thing we do when we go to our page is scroll through the news, and only then move on to other things. News, in turn, consists of updates from users and groups that you are subscribed to. Do you know how to subscribe to a Facebook page? No? Then now we will correct this oversight!

How to follow a user's Facebook page

If you are interested in another Facebook user and want to stay updated on his page, you need to follow him. This is very simple and does not require any special knowledge from you, and you can verify this yourself further.

  1. Log in to your account (log in).
  2. Go to the page of the user you would like to follow.
  3. Under his main photo there will be a “Follow” button, click. Done, you will now see profile updates for the selected user.

By the way, you can also add this person as a friend, you just have to click the “ ” button right there, under the photo. After he accepts your application, when you go to his page you will see a check mark and the inscription “You are subscribed.” It is noteworthy that the Facebook developers have added an interesting feature: if you hover your mouse over the above inscription, a small window will appear. There will be two lines - “Display priority” and “Default”. You can choose the one you want, depending on how important this user's new publications are to you.

How to subscribe to a group's Facebook page

The same is possible. To do this, all you need to do is go to the page of the group you need and click on the “Join” button. Now you are a full member, and will be informed about all updates to this community as soon as they occur.

That's all, I hope you have less questions regarding the use of the social network Facebook!