A program for forming an organization's budget. Budgeting automation program. Here is a partial list of what she can do

We continue to monitor the most interesting applications sent by domestic developers to the “Best Applications for Windows 7” competition. Last week's winner was CIS: Budgeting, an application that supports ten new features of Windows 7 and, as a result, scored a record number of points.

"CIS: Budgeting" is a set of programs, services and methodological support, the main function of which is budgeting. The application is aimed at medium and large enterprises.

In addition to the main interface and server parts, for real work with “CIS: Budgeting” you need the “Configurator” and “Calculation Server” applications. Additionally, operational control of the movement of money and obligations, Microsoft SQL server reporting and analytics tools, and Microsoft SharePoint server can be used.

With simple use of “CIS: Budgeting”, only two budgets are formed: Cash Flow Budget and Income and Expense Budget. When using the product in full functionality, a comprehensive business development plan is drawn up, including more than a dozen types of documents, as well as files containing unstructured information that can be useful for making management decisions.

⇡ Data entry

In small enterprises, one specialist can work with the application, but in holdings and large companies, where more than a hundred employees, geographically distant from each other, are involved in the budget process, each of them can enter certain data into the program. For example, one employee may be responsible for generating forecasts, another - for preparing normative and reference information or actual data (if the latter are not automatically projected from accounting systems).

Each task can be carried out either individually or by a group of employees united by their job responsibilities into one “Planning Center”.

Control over the deadlines for execution of orders is carried out in the “Regulations” section. It is easy to monitor the status of execution of orders thanks to color identification.

Executed orders can be accepted into the budget or rejected. In addition, the previous version of the data can be selected. For clarity, the change control page uses different colors.

Various visualizations of planning periods are used for editing. Each budget item can contain a transcript - a comment that helps to better understand and track the mechanism of budget formation. Files containing explanations or financial information may also be attached to articles.

Often there is a need to automate the filling of budget documents from existing Excel files or any other sources with available information. In the CIS: Budgeting complex, data is imported through three types of information gateways: from Microsoft Query (any heterogeneous sources), from Microsoft Excel, from the 1C Enterprise application versions 7.7, 8.1, 8.2.

By importing data, you can use information without re-entering it. In this case, personal data import is completely under the control of the user, and the history of downloaded and accepted data versions is stored in the system.

⇡ Budget calculation

To calculate the budget, the “Calculation Server” application is provided, and monitoring of the calculation process and limitations is carried out in the “Calculation” section of the main interface.

By the way, methodological support for budget calculations became the basis of the textbook “Budgeting: Theory and Practice” (ISBN 978-5-390-00244-5), which is recommended for economists of industrial enterprises and university students (UMO stamp) by the educational and methodological association headed by the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation.

As part of the budget calculation tools, it is possible to work with the “Cost” and “Production Plan” modules.

The “Cost” module is designed to manage costs and generate planned and actual costs of products (works, services). Costs are calculated using various methods, depending on the industry characteristics of enterprises. For example, the ABC (Activity Based Costing) method makes it possible to gradually distribute indirect costs, reduce the amount of “boiler” costs and more accurately determine the cost of production.

The method based on direct costs (Direct Costing) makes it possible to calculate the partial cost of production. By analyzing direct costs (variables and some fixed ones), you can obtain additional information for making decisions on pricing and reducing production costs.

The Average Costing method is distinguished by the following features: the transfer of the cost of semi-products and services, internal cooperation work to the cost of the target product or service is carried out only in terms of direct costs; flat overhead percentage.

In general, the basis of the product cost management system is cost forecasting and planning on the basis of scientifically based norms and standards, an established cost distribution system, a system of accounting and control over the formation of costs.

The “Production Plan” module makes it possible to create a coordinated plan for production or gross output of products and services. The plan can be created for any selected period of time, and the following information is used to create it: demand for products, operating schedules of production equipment and personnel, inventory at the beginning of the planning horizon, the possibility and conditions of purchasing resources from suppliers and contractors, semi-permanent needs enterprises, etc. In addition, alternative uses of equipment, the availability of alternative manufacturing specifications and periods of their use, control of storage periods and supply periods, discontinuity or continuity of production and supply, use of returnable waste, production of related products and other factors may be taken into account.

⇡ Information analysis

"CIS: Budgeting" uses data views and reports to analyze budget information. The basic version of the program has 150 views and 65 reports, which are grouped into sections: “Production Plan”, “Sales Budget”, “MTS Budget”, “Energy Budget”, “Payroll Budget”, “Inventory Budget”, “Estimates” costs and semi-fixed costs”, “Cost and calculation”, “Budget of income and expenses”, “Cash flow budget”, “Summary indicators”, “Accounts receivable and payable”, “Investment budget”, “Tax budget”.

Data views can have different modes for analysis. Thanks to additional settings, you can format and save information as an Excel file.

The tabular mode of data presentation allows you to obtain various groupings, sortings, and data selections. Structured views make it possible to show information in various sections (region, customers, Central Federal District, products, etc.)

The reporting system in the software and methodological complex "CIS: Budgeting" is built on a familiar information processing tool for most users - Microsoft Excel. Standard reporting forms reflect the enterprise's consolidated budget and control over its execution. Any report created in the system can be saved for future use as an Excel file. Direct budget information in reports can be expanded with additional information from any external sources, if you use one of the capabilities of the data import system.

⇡ Options and settings

"CIS:Budgeting" has extensive customization capabilities, so the application can be easily adjusted to meet the tasks of a particular enterprise. Among the available configuration tools are:

  • Determination of budget parameters (planning horizon and intervals; payment currency; type of budget; level of cooperation for a group of enterprises);
  • Connecting data sources;
  • Changing class headings;
  • Editing and creating new data views;
  • Use of regulatory and reference information;
  • Description of data structures;
  • Setting up limiting filters;
  • Setting calculation parameters;
  • Designing reports.

When working in data presentation mode, you can determine how information blocks are viewed, use structures, generate summary lines using reference books or in interactive mode, and set many other parameters.

The Report Designer allows you to create your own forms and make changes to the basic reporting forms. Information content can be produced from Excel files.

⇡ Configurator

“CIS: Budgeting” provides the ability to configure the system taking into account the business procedures used at the enterprise. To perform work on setting up and adapting an automated budgeting system, as well as administering the system, the “Configurator” application is intended. The Configurator tools provide developers and functional administrators of the budget process with tools for adjusting the structure of existing objects based on a standard model and forming new system objects.

At the system configuration stage, the structure of normative, reference and forecast information is formed, forms are created for entering and loading initial data, storage of entered and calculated information is organized, and information blocks are developed. In the “Configurator”, Users and Planning Centers are specified, which are assigned access rights to data and the roles of participants in the budget process are defined. “Configurator” allows you to organize additional analytical sections, new directories, and documents.

The information structure is designed at the level of the types of subject area objects being processed provided in the system. Configuration objects, presented in the form of specific classes, are combined into general groups and presented in the form of a tree, which includes directories, documents, enumeration, planning centers, users, and information blocks.

Each object created in the system has a name and has a set of properties specific to this group. Some properties from the entire set of properties of this object can be changed during the system configuration process. The nature of changes and their limits are set at the system level. Metadata objects can be either independent or subordinate to each other. System objects such as directories and documents have a form for entering and editing information.

A metadata object of the “Documents” type is intended for entering (importing) forecast data into the system, reflecting the features of the external and internal environment of the enterprise for the planning horizon, and actual information for carrying out plan-fact analysis. In the CIS:Budgeting system, documents consist of a header and tabular parts. The header contains details that are common to the entire document. The tabular part is a list of rows of the same type. The structure of each specific document is determined when it is created in the Configurator.

An information block (infoblock) is an object of the SQL server. Basic information blocks are the information basis of the system. Derived (complex) information blocks can be configured on their basis. Basic information blocks can contain “input” (forecast data) and “output” information (calculation data). Moreover, this information can be either internal - related to the current database, or external - for example, accounting data from an accounting system to monitor the execution of budget assignments.

Basic information blocks are divided into primary basic information blocks, calculated basic information blocks, additional to basic information blocks and external basic information blocks. Based on basic information blocks, you can configure derived information blocks, add new or select existing fields, filter data, and define calculated or aggregated fields.

IT service specialists can create information blocks using Transact-SQL (a procedural extension of the SQL language). The Configurator differentiates user rights according to their job responsibilities and determines their role in the budget process.

Protection against unauthorized access to information is carried out using the Microsoft SQL server. Restrictions are set both for Planning Centers and directly for users.

⇡ Additional features

The application “Operational management of DDS” is an integral part of the PMK “CIS: Budgeting” and is intended for drawing up an operational plan for obligations, developing a financial plan for the month and conducting a plan-fact analysis of cash flows, recording applications for payment of obligations and monitoring their implementation. The basis for the formation of a financial plan, which reflects the receipts and payments of funds in the context of budget items and elements, is the forecast data of the centers of functional responsibility (FRC), prepared taking into account current obligations, planned purchases and data from the enterprise’s annual budget. Developing an operational plan for the purchase of material resources, services, and other consumable budget elements and monitoring expected execution allows us to objectively assess the need for monetary resources, taking into account emerging payment obligations for each central federal district.

The budget of an enterprise consists of many documents. To consolidate them and generate the final reporting file, a simple sequence of actions is provided.

First, documents are “printed” by Microsoft XPS Document Writer, then all “printed” documents are added to the list of merged files and a final report is generated.

Data processing is done through SQL server stored procedures, so IT professionals can configure custom menus using Transact-SQL.

Since the server part of the application is based on the Microsoft SQL Server platform, its Reporting Services and Analysis Services can be fully used. A system of stored procedures has been developed to interact with the server portal platform Microsoft Office Share Point Server.

“CIS:Budgeting” is constantly evolving, and the “Configuration Update Control” application is intended for updating. When the application is launched, basic and system objects are updated, while user objects configured for the organization's accounting system remain unchanged. During the update process, the control window sequentially displays information about the updated elements. Successful actions and possible errors are highlighted in color. The update is posted on the website, downloaded and executed centrally, and then copied to workstations.

⇡ Conclusion

"KIS: Budgeting" is a completely self-sufficient solution for planning the activities of enterprises, since it includes tools for financial planning, and tools for resource planning, and capabilities for managing purchases and inventories, and functions for calculating the production program, taking into account resource limitations and alternative manufacturing options . However, it is important that at the same time this solution is completely open, allows you to import data from external sources, as well as save reports in popular formats.

Budgeting primarily means planning the movement of financial resources for a certain period. The introduction of a budgeting system at an enterprise makes it possible to create an effective and easy-to-use management system. Also, properly organized budgeting should serve both to resolve current problems and contribute to the achievement of strategic business goals.

The budgeting automation program, which has proven its effectiveness in the practice of successful implementation, is the “ITAN: Budgeting” subsystem, which is part of the “ITAN: Management Balance Sheet” configuration, the main purpose of which is to draw up financial plans (or budgets) for the company’s upcoming business activities.

Budgeting can significantly reduce the percentage of inappropriate spending of an enterprise's funds through timely planning of operations, the movement of financial flows and control over their compliance with planned indicators. Despite its exceptional importance, budget planning is often underdeveloped in domestic companies.

Benefits of budgeting:
  • identifying problem areas in enterprise management and providing the opportunity to correct them;
  • providing information for quickly making the right management decisions;
  • a budgeting automation program can increase employee productivity by freeing up their working time from routine operations;
  • automation of budgeting will help to avoid errors when entering data and minimize the impact of the human factor.

Setting up budgeting in an enterprise

This is a rather complex process that requires significant time and effort. Particular attention should be paid to the organization: develop the structure of the Central Federal District, the structure of budgets, budgeting regulations, etc. The ITAN: Management Balance configuration can significantly simplify and shorten the implementation process thanks to its powerful functionality, ease of use and full compatibility with other accounting systems based on 1C. . “Budgeting” from ITAN easily integrates with the company’s “1C: Enterprise” platform, without making changes to the core of the program.

The Budgeting subsystem is necessary to ensure effective budget management. Its main goal is to provide real assistance to top managers of companies in making strategically thought-out decisions, quickly providing the necessary information with the possibility of further analysis and comparison of data. The subsystem easily copes with processing a large amount of information, presenting it in an understandable, formalized form, which reduces the working time of company employees, freeing them up to do more important things.

The main advantages of the budgeting automation program

  • ETHAN: Budgeting is far superior to Excel.
  • The subsystem is much superior to the Microsoft Excel program familiar to many enterprises, which is used for planning and accounting for a not too significant number of indicators. The budgeting system offers, without changing the usual format of spreadsheets and the method of data entry, to create more effective planning, using a system that provides for the presence of related indicators, forms and a budget structure that forms a common information space for applying a systematic approach to financial management.

  • Automated calculation of derived budgets.
  • The tool for linking various indicators allows you to create various mathematical formulas for calculating some types of indicators based on others, including calculations of the tax budget in accordance with expected income and expenses and tax rates; calculations of product costs based on the price of raw materials and direct costs during production, etc.

  • Planning based on natural indicators.
  • The subsystem is not limited only to budget items, which distinguishes it from other similar systems, allowing planning based on natural indicators, including sales, purchases, the percentage of profitability of sales and other indicators when forming budgets. The entered natural indicators are automatically recalculated into derived budgets. The result is a transparent management system showing which indicators need to be influenced in order to obtain the planned result. The subsystem also supports manual data entry, if necessary.

  • Availability of multi-scenario modeling.
  • The “ITAN: Budgeting” subsystem was created based on the principle of a matrix constructor of various financial models. This means that the user who decides to build such a model can set any values ​​of the planned indicators with any calculation rules, in any analytical sections. This allows for business planning processes; identifying and tracking key indicators for the Central Federal District; detailing and delegation of budgets at all levels of management.

Main objects of the ITAN budgeting subsystem

  • Budget model.
  • Our subsystem allows the simultaneous use of different budgeting models for different companies in accordance with the areas of its activity. The budget model is a set of budgeting settings that describes the planning model for various indicators.

  • Classifier-analyst.
  • It is used to determine and subsequently configure analytical sections of indicators, i.e., it determines where planning will actually be carried out. Types of analytics used: Central Federal District, Counterparties, Projects, Types of items, Budget items, etc.

  • Document "Budget".
  • Determines the composition of the structure of budget orders. “Budget” has a fixed number of documents specified in its structure during setup. Users work with data using the “Budget Order” document, intended for preparing budget data - tables of indicators in the required analytical sections.

  • Budget reporting.
  • Implementation of budget reporting was carried out using a modern financial report designer. Its peculiarity is that it gives the user the opportunity to independently, using only accounts, formulas and analytics, set up any budget reports. Also, “ITAN: Management Balance Sheet” includes a set of standard reports on the budget chart of accounts (for comprehensive control and data analysis).

Budgeting with ITAN

The “ITAN: Budgeting” subsystem, part of the “ITAN: Management Balance” system, has proven itself as an effective tool for creating and implementing an integrated long-term planning system in companies of various business lines and sizes.

The universal means of the subsystem are:
  • to enable the director and management to obtain a complete picture of the financial actions of the enterprise in a certain planning period;
  • distribution of financial obligations between departments while simultaneously establishing relationships and assessing their contribution to achieving expected indicators;
  • obtaining the estimated cost of goods and services;
  • reducing risks when working in the financial, commodity, and money markets;
  • taking into account seasonal and other specific factors;
  • proper financial planning in the area of ​​financial flows to ensure investments and various marketing activities during the planning period.

The “Budgeting” subsystem, which is part of the budgeting automation program “ITAN: Managerial Balance Sheet”, was developed taking into account all modern requirements for the planning, control and accounting system and is designed to significantly facilitate the work of managers, freeing up their working time for solving the most important tasks.

Automation solution:


ITAN company specialists implemented a test example of accounting for business contracts in the ITAN: Management Balance system with integration with the existing budgeting, management accounting and cash management system in the Aktion group of companies. As a result of the test analysis, work is planned to implement the “Contract Management” subsystem. Aktion-Development is a dynamically developing company in the commercial real estate market. She owns several

The ITAN project team completed a project to automate budgeting using a complex economic planning model in the Podruzhka retail chain. The implementation project was carried out according to the standard project methodology and was completed in 6 months. As a result, the budgeting model was tested and Podruzhka formed a budget for 2013 in the new system. In the future, work is planned to implement the “Cash Management” subsystem

The ITAN company has completed work on setting up a management accounting system for the Museum company. The implementation project lasted two months, and as a result, a management accounting model was customized to meet the Customer's needs. The ITAN company completed work on setting up a management accounting system for the Museum company. The implementation project lasted two months, and as a result, we

Within the framework of the project, the following functional blocks were introduced: Cash flow budgeting, Treasury, Document approval. Client: JSC “V.I.P. Service" / "V.I.P. Service" Project: Automation of cash management on the configuration "ITAN: Management Balance" and "1C: Management

The ITAN project team has completed work on automating budgeting in the Aktion media group. As a result of the project, the formation of income and expense budgets and cash flows in the context of items, central financial districts and projects was automated. The ITAN project team completed work on automating budgeting in the Aktion media group. As a result of the project, the formation of income and expense budgets and traffic flows was automated.

TEL improves the efficiency of financial management using the ITAN: PROF management balance system. The implementation will be carried out by TEL's IT service. Today the TEL group has its own fiber optic network, which covers the whole of Moscow and the immediate Moscow region, with a total length of over

The Design-Moda company contacted us in September 2014. The company had a task to automate the management accounting of a group of companies. The company's management decided to automate the management accounting system based on software

ITAN company specialists have automated cash management in the Aktion media group. As a result of the “Standard Project,” the following business processes for cash management were automated: 1. Setting budget limits for the Central Federal District, budget items and projects; 2. Formation, budget control and electronic approval of applications for payments; 3. Formation of a register of payments; 4. Postro

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Sberbank NPF has been working fruitfully with the ITAN: Management Balance system since 2013. “ITAN: Management Balance Sheet” has been implemented and is successfully used for the purposes of budgeting, contract management, treasury, and accounting for the location of contracts. Sberbank NPF has been working fruitfully with the “ITAN: Management Balance Sheet” system since 2013. “ITAN: Management Balance Sheet” has been implemented and successfully used for budgetary purposes

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TatSotsBank held a tender to automate the bank's treasury. The bank needed a modern tool for solving problems. More details. "TatSotsBank" held a tender for the automation of the bank's treasury. The bank needed a modern tool to solve problems: Budgetary control of BDDS by limits. Formation and approval of applications for payments and checking them for limits. Building a payment calendar. Control

The ITAN company won the tender for the development and implementation of an information system for corporate financial management in the Terra Auri Group of Companies. The purpose of creating and implementing a corporate financial management information system is to automate the process

In 2012, the Lendor company acquired the software product “ITAN: Management Balance Sheet” in order to automate the accounting and reporting system according to IFRS. In 2012, the Lendor company acquired the ITAN: Management Balance software product in order to automate the system

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Start of a joint project to automate management accounting in the Museum company based on “ITAN: Management Balance”. Integration of the management system is planned to be carried out with 1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7. The main activities of the Museum company are tea and coffee for enterprises in the HoReCa segment.

The ITAN company completed a project for setting up financial accounting and reporting in accordance with IFRS in the branch of the Alpen Pharma company - Alpen Pharma Ukraine. more details The ITAN company completed a project for setting up financial accounting and reporting in accordance with IFRS in the branch

Specialists of the ITAN company completed the translation and adaptation of the management accounting and budgeting model performed on ITAN: Management Balance Sheet and 1C: Accounting 2.0 to the 3.0 edition of the 1C: Accounting configuration in the Taber Trade company (chain of stores " Girlfriend"). The Podruzhka chain of stores is an active and successful Russian chain of stores.

01/20/2016. Standard implementation of management accounting in Maguros More details. Cooperation with the Maguros company began with the implementation of a test example by ITAN specialists according to the Customer’s data. After implementing the test example, the management of the Maguros company made the final decision to implement the ITAN: Management Balance software. The Maguros company will solve problems

The Mircon company previously worked on the ITAN: Wholesale Trading House 7.7 program, which comprehensively automated the operational and management accounting of a trading enterprise. more detailsThe Mircon company previously worked on the ITAN: Wholesale Trading House 7.7 program, which integrated the operational and management

ITAN company specialists have completed work on setting up the cash management model for the specifics of HOMAX GROUP. As part of setting up the model, the following work was carried out: DDS analytics and payment priorities were configured. The DDS budget model has been set up. The types of payment transactions and applications are highlighted. The org is set up. structure and routes for approval of payment applications. Levels of access to applications and sections of the DDS budget have been determined. On

The company had a task to automate management accounting and budgeting. To implement these tasks, the company's management decided to purchase the ITAN: Management Balance software product. Cooperation with the company MIR GAZA began in November 2014. The company had a task to automate management accounting and budgeting. To achieve these tasks, management

The company "ITAN" and "Ginza Project" begins work on the implementation of the program "ITAN: Management Balance" to improve the efficiency of financial management. The management of the holding "Ginza Project" decided to introduce a comprehensive system of budgeting and management accounting

The ITAN company's implementation department has completed a project to implement and configure the "Budgeting" subsystem of the "ITAN: Management Balance" configuration to automate PL budgeting and generate Plan-fact reporting for STS Eventim.Ru. The ITAN company's implementation department has completed a project to implementation and configuration of the “Budgeting” subsystem of the “ITAN: Management Balance” configuration to automate PL budgeting and form

The management of the Kholodilnik.ru company decided to introduce budgeting and cash management subsystems based on the ITAN: Management Balance system. The implementation will be carried out by Kholodilnik.ru specialists based on standard models of the ITAN company. Kholodilnik.RU is a Russian online store specializing in the sale of all types of domestic and foreign household appliances. Project open

The accounting department of Sberbank NPF turned to ITAN to solve the problems of creating a complex balance sheet “Calculation of own funds”. Read more. The accounting department of Sberbank NPF turned to ITAN to solve the problems of creating a complex balance sheet “Calculation of own funds”. There was a report

Specialists of the ITAN company have completed work on setting up the ITAN: Management Balance system in terms of maintaining management accounting in accordance with the accounting policy of HOMAX GROUP. The product "ITAN: Management Balance" is integrated into the work base "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management". As part of setting up the control model

The ITAN company and the Regent holding are launching a joint project to automate management accounting, budgeting and cash management. The implementation will be carried out mainly by the IT department of the Regent holding with the participation of ITAN consultants for training and&n

The ITAN design department has completed the refinement and implementation of the contract management system for the specifics of Terra Auri. During the setup process, the following work was completed: System “ITAN: Management Balance” in “1C: Accounting 3.0” of the Customer. The contract management model has been configured. Improvements were made to fill out accounting documents from contracts. The accounting of primary documents under contracts has been set up. Accounting and planning analytics expanded

The ITAN project team completed a project to automate the generation of management reporting in the Podruzhka retail chain. The implementation project was carried out according to the standard project methodology and was completed in 4 months. As a result, the management reporting system based on “ITAN: PROF Management Balance” has undergone trial operation, and allows you to quickly receive reports such as: OBDR, OBDS, Father

The implementation of an automated accounting and reporting system in accordance with IFRS will be carried out by specialists of the ITAN company using the standard project methodology based on the software product ITAN: Management Balance Sheet. Read moreThe company "PARTER.RU" contacted us on the recommendation of our clients. The company has a task to automate accounting and reporting according to IFRS. Implementation of an automated accounting and reporting system for&nb

Sberbank NPFs use ITAN: Management Balance Sheet for budgeting, contract management and treasury purposes. The accounting service needed a tool to record the location of contracts. more details Sberbank APFs use “ITAN: Management Balance Sheet” for budgeting, contract management and treasury purposes. The accounting department needed a tool

The Ethan company has completed the stage of trial operation of an automated cash management system at JSC Ostek Enterprise. The system has been put into commercial operation and is functioning stably. All cash movements are reflected in the system, and payment requests are routinely entered and approved. Forecasting payments and creating a payment calendar is carried out

The implementation of a management accounting system based on 1C trade management 11 and the management balance sheet in KPI has been completed. The implementation by Ethan specialists was completed in 4 months. As a result, KPI received a modern tool for maintaining management accounting and generating management reporting. "Coil Products International

In October 2015, the management of NTZ Volkhov decided to introduce an automated system from the ITAN company. more In October 2015, the management of NTZ Volkhov decided to introduce an automated system from the ITAN company. The project as a whole was planned to be completed in 6 months. In March 2016, NTZ Volkhov launched the second stage of the project: automation of consolidated reporting. As part of this stage, ITAN specialists will configure the software

Company JSC "V.I.P. Service" increased the efficiency of financial management at the enterprise by introducing modern management accounting automation technologies based on the ITAN: Management Balance software. The implementation was carried out by the Customer’s own IT service, with consulting support from ITAN company specialists. Client: JSC “V.I.P. Service" / "V.I.P.

In 2104, the PLPC company decided to automate the management accounting system based on the ITAN software product: Management Balance. The main tasks are the automation of cash management, budgeting and document regulations. The management accounting system is planned to be built on the existing standard configuration “1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 1.3” with the introduction of the “ITAN: Management Balance Sheet 2.4” configuration into it. The implementation will be completed

ITAN company specialists have completed work on setting up the management accounting system to suit the specifics of the Terra Auri company. As part of the project, the following settings were made: The “ITAN: Management Balance” system in the Customer’s “1C: Accounting 3.0”. The chart of accounts for management accounting has been set up. The management accounting analytics has been set up (6 features: CFS, CZ, Project, Article, Counterparty, Agreement), and the rules for filling it out. The correspondence between the RBSU and ex. accounts has been completed. accounting. Nastro

The implementation of an automated accounting and reporting system in accordance with IFRS was carried out using the standard project methodology. The project lasted 4 months, as a result, employees prepared reports for 2013 in a new program. The implementation of an automated accounting and reporting system in accordance with IFRS was carried out using the standard project methodology. The project lasted 4 months, resulting in reporting for 2013

The Ethan company has begun work on implementing a standard management accounting model of the “ITAN: Management Balance” subsystem for the “1C: Trade Management” configuration in the “Red Triangle” trading house. Trading House "Red Triangle" offers a wide range of rubber-fabric conveyor belts (conveyor belts), as well as other rubber products (sleeves,

The ITAN company and the BI Partner company have entered into a cooperation and partnership agreement. As part of the cooperation, the BI Partner company will promote the ITAN: Management Balance software product. At the moment, negotiations are underway on joint participation in projects to automate management accounting in several companies, based on software

In just 2 months, literally from scratch, our ITAN specialists wrote a subsystem for the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management configuration. Now the system allows for correct allocation of accounting items, with convenient scenario planning of the budget for the year. Additionally, we have included a double check method for the reliability of correct calculations, and therefore for the efficiency of financial management. Employees of STS Eventim ru are already successfully working

The ITAN company has completed the first stage of work on setting up a management accounting system and developing a property management unit for Voentorg OJSC. The ITAN company has completed the first stage of work on setting up a management accounting system and developing a property management unit

IMPLEMENTATION OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING AND “ITAN: MANAGEMENT BALANCE” IN “SUMOTORI GC” Independent implementation of the “ITAN: MANAGEMENT BALANCE” system in “SUMOTORI GC” has been successfully completed. Tasks of automation of financial accounting of Sumotori Group: Automation of the process of preparing individual and consolidated financial statements based on

In October 2015, the management of NTZ Volkhov decided to introduce an automated system from the ITAN company. Read more. The financial department of NTZ Volkhov has long considered the ITAN: Management Balance system as a good option for solving the problems of auto

Specialists of the ITAN company completed a project to automate plan-fact analysis of revenue in the company STS Eventim RU based on the configuration "1C: Enterprise Accounting 2.0" more details Specialists of the company ITAN completed a project to automate plan-fact analysis of revenue in the company STS Eventim RU" based on con

Specialists of the ITAN company are implementing a standard management accounting model of the ITAN: Management Balance subsystem for the 1C: Trade Management 10.3 configuration in the TelecomInvest company. Specialists of the ITAN company began to carry out joint work with the Customer on the implementation of a standard model of management accounting of the ITAN: Management BA subsystem

In July 2016, Sberbank NPF carried out a planned transition to a new edition of the accounting program: 1C: Accounting 3.0 + 1C: NPF Management 4.0, which includes the “ITAN: Management Balance Sheet” subsystem, this system is used for budgeting,

The project team from ITAN completed the main work on automation of management accounting in the Aktion media group. The next stage: launching management accounting into trial operation. Aktion Media Group is the leader of the Russian market of specialized and professional periodicals. Aktion-Media CJSC and the media group's subsidiaries have been producing news for a long time.

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Ochakovsky Concrete Concrete Plant is introducing modern management accounting automation technologies based on ITAN: PROF Management Balance Sheet. The implementation is planned by our own IT service. The history of the Ochakovsky Concrete Products Plant began in 1990, when an independent enterprise was formed on the basis of workshop No. 3 “Reinforced Concrete Products-10”. From a small company, to a price list

The ITAN company has begun work on the implementation of a standard management accounting model of the ITAN: Management Balance subsystem for the 1C: Trade Management 11.1 configuration in the AMARE company. The ITAN company has begun work on the implementation of a standard management accounting model of the ITAN: Managerial Balance subsystem "for configuration "1C: Management torus

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The ITAN company configured and finalized the cash management system for the Terra Auri holding. The following settings have been made to the projects: “ITAN: Management Balance” system in “1C: Accounting 3.0” of the Customer. A cash flow budget model has been set up. The document “Monthly payment plan of the Central Federal District” has been finalized for the Customer’s business processes. Types of applications and routes for their approval have been configured. Payment reports have been improved

The Liebherr Russland subsidiary initiated a comprehensive project to automate financial management. The project will begin with the formalization of accounting policies in accordance with IFRS. Currently, the group of companies includes ten industry divisions. The holding company of the Liebherr group of companies is Liebherr-International AG in Bühl (Switzerland), which is wholly owned by members of the Liebherr family.

Budgeting is the name given to the sum of all processes within an enterprise that are associated with:

  • Development of budget strategies
  • Budget planning
  • Tracking and controlling the movement of funds
  • Analysis and adjustment of adopted budgets
  • Reporting on budget execution

Until recently, it was believed that budgeting automation was needed only for the largest companies with hundreds of employees. But now more and more managers are coming to understand that a transparent and understandable budget, as well as simple management of it, are necessary for any company.

What does budgeting automation provide?

Why do you need to automate budget management? This initiative provides a number of benefits:
  • Building a budget strategy, that is, priority goals for which the budget should be allocated. Goals are arranged in a hierarchy.
  • Budget planning. This includes annual, quarterly, monthly, and weekly planning. This applies to both the incoming and outgoing parts.
  • Budget control.
  • Budget analysis: which items provide the most income and expenditure, which expenses turned out to be expedient and which were not.
  • Budget adjustments in case of force majeure and other circumstances. Flexibility is a mandatory characteristic of a well-structured company budget, because it allows you to quickly make changes if circumstances change.
  • Comparison of the budget plan and the final actual budget for the reporting period. Receiving reports becomes possible in real time.
  • Simplification and transparency of the process of making, agreeing and approving decisions on budget changes. Centralized management reduces costs and wasted funds.
Automation of the budgeting process helps eliminate losses of funds, increases the transparency of all ongoing business processes affecting the finances of the enterprise, increases the flexibility of the budget, and allows you to obtain comprehensive information about its status at any time.

Difficulties in automating budgeting

Automation of work with a company’s budget in most cases is not carried out on its own, but is carried out either in conjunction with the automation of management processes, or on its basis. The first stage of budgeting automation is to begin accumulating and entering into the database data on the company’s business processes related to budget execution. After this, it becomes possible to plan, control and analyze.

Before starting to search for software solutions, it is useful to build the structure of the enterprise budget, implement data collection systems, and build strategies for developing, making and approving budget decisions. After this, it makes sense to start choosing software products.

The implementation of the program itself is not a magical means to improve the company's performance, but represents one of the stages on the way to this. When choosing a software product you have to deal with the following:

  • Software products are expensive. This applies, first of all, to imported solutions from foreign manufacturers. The additional payment for the brand and fame of the developer in this situation can be quite noticeable.
  • The implementation of programs to automate budgeting in an enterprise involves large costs. These include the costs of purchasing the program, but even more so – the costs of its maintenance and configuration. Often, the head of the company “does not see” the full real cost of the program at the acquisition stage, because he does not include maintenance in the estimate. As a result, expenses grow many times higher than expected.
  • Some programs do not have sufficient functionality for the company's needs; for example, they do not support forecasting. Others, on the contrary, have too broad functionality that will not be actually used by employees.
  • Almost always, to customize and optimize a software solution for a specific company, you need to attract developers, in some cases, create an IT department, which leads to constant additional costs.
  • The incompatibility of a budgeting automation program with other software solutions is not just a drawback, but a critical problem. After all, most often, as already mentioned, such a program is built into the company’s already existing business process management system.

Budgeting automation solution based on Comindware Business Application Platform

All solutions based on the Comindware Business Application Platform are affordable, easily integrated into the enterprise system and do not require complex maintenance. Automation of budgeting based on Comindware Business Application Platform involves:
  • Product implementation without expensive maintenance and setup
  • Integration with other products, including the 1C line
  • Integration with an employee management system, if the enterprise already has one
  • Tracking the execution of the expenditure and revenue side of the budget
  • Prompt creation of requests for inclusion of costs in the expenditure side of the budget, coordination and approval by management
  • Interaction between different specialists and tracking the stages of specific tasks does not require correspondence or telephone conversations between employees
  • New data is entered through a browser or mobile application; any computer or smartphone is suitable for working with the system
  • Changes to the program can be made on the fly, without stopping its operation and without major changes to the code
  • It is possible to store data on a separate company server or in the cloud, which is more affordable
The budgeting automation system based on Comindware Business Application Platform supports three levels of budget planning:
  1. Strategic
  2. Tactical
  3. Operational
The object of the program is sections and items of the budget, as well as financial reporting centers. This allows you not only to bring together data and numbers, but to clearly see how specific business processes relate to specific costs, and draw conclusions based on this.

If you are looking for an inexpensive but working solution to automate your company's budgeting, try a product based on the Comindware Business Application Platform. Order a demo for free and evaluate all its capabilities without compromising your budget.

Program "Budget" is intended for planning and analysis of the activities of an enterprise and its structural divisions based on planned and actual indicators and optimal planning of enterprise resources to achieve its goals.

"Budget" allows you to predict the state of the enterprise for a period specified by the user, conduct a comparative analysis of the planned and actually obtained results, while identifying the cause of deviations, for further correction of the enterprise’s activities.

Budgeting is necessary to obtain clear goals of the enterprise, an idea of ​​the need for current resources and the amount of future ones. The program will allow you to resolve these issues, and using deviation analysis, to improve the work of planning and economic services and the enterprise as a whole.

The budgeting program allows, based on user-entered planned and actual indicators of economic activity, expressed in monetary and physical terms, to obtain intermediate and final planned and actual budget forms:

Interim Budget Forms
— Sales budget.
— Production budget.
— Inventory budget.
— Budget for direct costs of materials.
— Budget for general production expenses.
— Business expenses budget.
— Management expenses budget.
— Business expenses budget, etc.

Final budget forms
— Surplus (deficit) of income.
— Surplus (deficit) of funds.
- Gains and losses report.
— Cash flow statement.

Analytical tables
— Calculation of the break-even point.
— Calculation of net present value (net present value, NPV), both for all and for core activities.

The program is equipped with a list of features and services, including:
— the ability to automatically consolidate an unlimited number of department budgets into one;
— the ability to navigate through all tables and graphs of the program;
— the ability to protect cells from unwanted changes;
— possibility of drawing up a report;
— choice of accounting for direct wage costs: with or without tariffs;
—convenient, visual and functional graphics;
— analysis of changes in both absolute and relative terms;
— selection of the base for distribution of general production costs, etc.

Program structure:

The “Budget” software product is made in the form of 2 MS Excel books:
1. Division.xls
2. Consolidated Budget.xls
The “Division” file is intended for recording and analyzing the structural divisions of an organization or its subsidiaries.
The “Consolidated Budget” file is intended to consolidate department files into one and provide a general analysis of the company’s development.

Country support:
Operating system: Windows
Family: Universal Accounting System
Purpose: Business automation

Program budget

Main features of the program:

    Work with money in any currency is supported

    All departments of the organization can work in a single information system via the Internet

    The program shows current balances in real time for any cash register or bank account

    You will be able to keep full financial records: post income, any expenses, see profits and view various analytical reports

    You will have a unified database of clients and suppliers with all the necessary contact information

    You can plan cases for any client

    The program will allow you to plan expenses for a certain period

    You will always have all detailed reporting for each cash register or account in any currency “at your fingertips”

    All financial movements will be under your complete control. You can easily track what you spend the most money on for any period

    The program will show you statistics on savings or excess costs for your items

    A clear visualization of profit dynamics will help you easily analyze the company’s activities and profitability

    Separation of access rights is supported. Each employee will see only what he is supposed to see

    Integration with the latest technologies will allow you to shock your clients and deservedly gain the reputation of the most modern company

    A special program will save a copy of all your data in the program on a schedule without the need to stop working in the system, automatically archive and notify you when it is ready


    Connection with payment terminals so that customers can pay at the nearest terminal. Such payments will be automatically displayed in the program


    The scheduling system allows you to set up a backup schedule, receive important reports strictly at a certain time, and set any other program actions

    Reliable control will be ensured by integration with cameras: the program will indicate data on payments made, payments received and other important information in the captions of the video stream

    You can quickly enter the initial data necessary for the program to work. This is done using convenient manual data entry or import.

    The program interface is so easy that even a child can quickly figure it out.

We have completed business automation for many organizations:

Language of the basic version of the program: RUSSIAN

You can also order an international version of the program, into which you can enter information in ANY LANGUAGE of the world. You can even easily translate the interface yourself, since all the names will be placed in a separate text file.

Budgeting for organizations is kind of one of the best and common financial control tools. Planning using a budget program in a company leads to the correct setting of priorities and objectives of the company. To do this, it is necessary to quickly obtain reliable information about the company’s activities, its daily processes and ongoing operations. Based on such data, you can draw up a strategy for further development, respond to emerging problems in a timely manner, and correctly allocate the budget. Drawing up a budget with a program, drawing up plans for the future period, based on the results of previous periods, are the best decisions for business. The main advantage of budgeting is the ability to control and plan enterprise expenses in advance.

The best solution today for optimizing a company’s operations and increasing its profitability is to install programs for the organization’s budget. There are a huge number of budget planning programs on the market of supply and demand, but choosing the best budget program from them, the one most suitable for the specifics of the company, is extremely difficult. The budget analysis program must meet such criteria as the ability to install it throughout the organization’s internal network, integrate it into Windows, have an extensive database that can also be imported from other programs, and have other functions that are important for the organization’s transition to automation as painless as possible. We bring to your attention the Universal Accounting System, which combines many such functions. This budgeting program is perfect for both large enterprises and small firms.

The monitoring and control program can be used by:

  • Any government company;
  • Private company;
  • Individual entrepreneur;
  • Self employed;
  • and so on.

By watching the following video, you can quickly familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the USU program - the Universal Accounting System. If you do not see the video uploaded to YouTube, be sure to write to us, we will find another way to show the demo video!

Budget control and management capabilities

  • Strengthening financial control using a company budget program;
  • You can set the best time frame for your organization in the budgeting software and always receive any necessary reports promptly;
  • Keeping records in the USU budget management program and working with the organization’s budget is carried out completely reliably and transparently, because you will always have access to all operations carried out in the USU program;
  • You can have a system of notifications and automatic distribution of tasks in the budget calculation program, generate reports on the work done and identify the best employees;
  • With the help of automation of analysis and budget planning, top management will be able to make better financial, management and marketing decisions for the new period relative to the previous period;
  • Using the analysis functions of the USU program, you will see the most objective picture of the state of your business and will be able to strive for better performance indicators. You can learn about the functionality of the USU in the video review of budget programs;
  • Universal Accounting System is the best program for budget planning, one of the most flexible and customizable programs for accounting automation, control and budget planning;
  • The Universal Accounting System company is the only developer of the budget program and, accordingly, has access to the internal settings of the system, which can be changed and modified, corrected and updated, based on the needs of your business;
  • The best USU budget program has a simple and easy-to-use interface that even inexperienced and new employees can understand;
  • Specialists of the program for the organization's budget provide the best training for working in the program after it is installed in the internal system of your organization;
  • If you are just starting to select a suitable budget analysis program for your organization, then the best solution would be to install a demo version from our website, because you can try it for free;
  • If you have any questions about the demo version of the USU, you can always contact our specialists, who will give you an accessible and understandable presentation of this software product and answer your questions;
  • A significant advantage of this software is the ability to import and export data into various programs such as Excel and others;
  • A large and convenient database, which you can create from scratch or transfer from other files and programs, will provide additional ease of use;
  • A convenient and multifunctional search system in the program makes it possible to instantly find the information you need by using several search criteria simultaneously