The radar detector arrow gps program is broken. Strelka map app - download for android

Application Strelka Map is a convenient and very simple replenishment of your Moscow region transport card. But that’s not all its advantages, because now you can check your balance and perform all the necessary operations at any time convenient for you, and anywhere. All you need to do is download Strelka Map for Android, install the application and start using it.

Why is it worth downloading Strelka Map for Android?

Now you can manage your Strelka card even on your mobile phone. The application is adapted for any modern operating systems installed on devices.

Only after installing this application, you will not only understand how simple everything has become, but also be able to save a lot of time. You will be able to perform any transactions without leaving your home, cafe, or while at work. But this is not all the advantages that this application has. Now you can always be aware of your balance, so replenishing it on time will not be difficult. Doing this is now also very convenient, because you will have several options available, so use Visa or Mastercard directly on your device.

Also, you will now always be aware of your movement, because all the routes are indicated there, as well as how much money was spent on each trip. To make working with a transport card easier, you just need download Strelka Map for android and start using it right now. The application is constantly updated, so now you have access to such an option as blocking the card, or accessing it using a fingerprint. A new card can now be added using the barcode on the back. The developers constantly monitor your wishes and try to add them to the application in the shortest possible time. Therefore, using the application becomes even easier and more convenient every time.

Alexander Shikhov, 08/25/2016 (03/04/2019)

Driving a car along a familiar route is not difficult: you know where the traffic police cameras are, where the pedestrian crossings and potholes are located. But as soon as you drive onto an unfamiliar highway or even a street in your hometown that you rarely drive through, the situation changes radically. Potholes on the road pop up directly in front of the car, pedestrians suddenly run out, and the traffic police sends “chain letters” for speeding.

A smartphone program will help in this case. Radar detector Strelka. It will warn you about speeding and remind you about a pedestrian crossing or a pothole on the road.

Features of the Strelka radar anti-radar program

The secret of the application is the presence of an up-to-date database of all dangers on the road, regularly updated by the users and developers themselves. Using a GPS sensor Radar detector Strelka determines your location and speed, warning in advance about bumps on the road, cameras and other points that require you to slow down and give way.

  • Warning about traffic police posts and traffic police cameras. Due to the cancellation of mobile radars, the installation of stationary detection cameras will increase, which means the usefulness of the Strelka Radar Anti-radar application will increase.
  • Bad road warning. It is important that the warning signal is issued in advance. In the settings, you set the warning activation distance, sound and duration of the signal.

  • Regular updates of the radar database and road hazards. Strelka radar updates its database with a frequency that only Navigator from Yandex can rival. More precise user databases are available for some regions.
  • Work in the background. The Strelka radar does not interfere with your use of the navigation program, listening to music or watching a movie.

Radar Strelka is a navigator who always has at his disposal a detailed and up-to-date database of troubles on the road. You can download and install the application for all popular platforms: Android, iOS and Windows Phone.

The paid version is cheaper on the official website of the developer, and its price (150-190 rubles) is paid for by the first fine for speeding that is not received.

The application has a free Lite and paid version. The main differences between the paid delivery option are:

  • possibility of setting up earlier warning of danger,
  • warning option only in case of actual speeding – less distracting from the road,
  • the database is automatically updated every day,
  • warning with voice messages, in the free version - only with built-in sounds,
  • a number of other options for fine-tuning the behavior of the program, making using the application more convenient.

Download Radar Strelka Lite (free) for Android

You can download Radar Strelka PRO below.

First, a few words about radar detectors

The cost of a normal device is from 3 thousand rubles. They identify “Strelka” with grief, but often squeak about sliding doors, and about cars with lane control, and about power lines... And the “boxes” also do not know how to detect radarless complexes like Avtodorii or dedicated lanes for public transport.

The Strelka Radar Detector app costs only 190 rubles. and warns the driver about stationary cameras, traffic police posts and other dangers. Of course, the smartphone does not have radio antennas that catch the beam, but works with a database of objects using GPS coordinates.

Having connected to satellites, the Strelka program goes into the background and does not interfere with the use of the navigator or other applications. The moment the car enters the coverage area, the application begins to inform about the presence of cameras, radars, ambushes, traffic police posts, etc. In addition to basic notifications, Strelka can provide information about bumps, turns, tunnels and other objects.

I was very pleased with the presence of quite interesting functions that make it easier to launch the application: when connecting/disconnecting a docking station, charging, a certain Bluetooth device, etc. In my opinion, a brilliant solution!

Moving on to the interface, I would like to note the flexibility of the display settings. The notification resembles a widget that appears when you approach the radar and appears on top of other programs. The widget has four standard sizes: from small to detailed. You can select a sound signal from 40 built-in ones or set your own. The voice phrase, beeper frequency and duration, behavior before and after exceeding, etc. are configured. As it approaches the radar, Strelka begins to actively warn about the event. For each type of object, three notifications are configured, which follow each other. The closer you are to the radar, the more active the Strelka signals.

The developers made sure that the program did not distract in traffic jams and at traffic lights, and made a minimum speed setting. It is also possible to set an excess limit: if you do not exceed it, the program is silent...

There are three work profiles: city, metropolis and highway. They can switch automatically or manually. In each profile, you can make your own separate settings for notifications for each object, distance to objects, and also set the width of the detection beam. If you go deeper into the settings, you can adjust the types of notifications to suit you, but, rather, this is for more advanced users.

Additional options include recording a track and adding your own objects. I liked the ability to save settings - both in the cloud and on a memory card. If the car has a Bluetooth-enabled multimedia system, the application can communicate and interact with it.

To summarize, I can say that the absolute advantages are:

  • price only 190 rub. - two and a half times less than the smallest fine and 7 times cheaper than the most budget radar detector
  • unique operating algorithm: thanks to early detection of radars, you can bypass the moment when the camera “shoots in the back”
  • a huge database of objects containing information about almost all radars, Strelka, traffic police posts, sectional cameras, etc.
  • support for Avtodoria sectional cameras, public transport lane control cameras
  • ability to load databases from text files
  • very flexible system of settings: alerts, windows on top of other programs, sound and voice information, as well as fine settings
  • running in the background allows you to use the navigator and other applications in parallel
  • Availability of track recording and waypoints
  • the ability to download several databases, which allows you to use the program when traveling abroad
  • automation, quick functions button, sharing settings and your objects and much, much more.

A nice addition is the free StrelkaMap application, which shows objects from the database on the map.

The Strelka Radar Detector application is available on all popular OS versions: Android, iOS and Windows Phone. The developers have put a lot of effort into creating a useful and high-quality application.

From personal experience of almost daily use, I can say that the application will be very useful for any driver. Every trip we are monitored by a large number of radars, and with this application you begin to drive more disciplined and therefore safer.

Have a good trip everyone without fines!

Distributed in a trial version (LITE) and a full version (PRO). You can read about the limitations of the trial version.

Main features of the Strelka radar detector program for Android:

1. Warnings are issued on top of all windows.
The program launches a separate process and does not interfere with your full work with the communicator. For example, you can drive using your favorite navigation application (Yandex Navigator, Navitel, 2-GIS, Sygic, iGo, Tom-Tom). You will receive a radar warning at the right time.

2. The program supports many types of objects
- Stationary: cameras (Strelki, Autouragans, Avtodorii, KRIS, Arenas and others), traffic police posts, public transport lane cameras, roadside control, cameras in traffic lights and those monitoring the stop line, sectional cameras.
- Hazards: populated areas, artificial bumps (speed bumps), crossings, transitions, dangerous turns, tunnels and other dangers.
- Potential locations for mobile ambushes and tripods.
- Points added by other users
- Own points.

3. One or three warnings for each type of radar. The first is 1000-2000m, the second is 300-1000m and the third is 50-300m. This helps protect against Strelka, which catches violators at a great distance, “leads”, and takes photographs in close proximity to the camera.
4. For each warning, you can set the distance for which you want to warn, configure the type and characteristics of the window, and configure an audio notification:
- warning melody,
- voice prompt (professional studio voice)
- beeper (tone sound) with increasing duty cycle, the ability to set the frequency and duration of the signal and pause,
and also turn on vibration.

5. A pop-up warning notification shows the camera type, radar distance, speed limit and your current speed. And also (detail window) up to three objects ahead.

6. Loading databases of cameras and traffic police posts through is done in one click via the Internet; loading of objects from text files and complex loading via direct links is also supported. In the latter option, you can choose which types of objects to load and it is possible to load arrows on top. In addition, automatic database updates are available every 24 hours.

7. Custom points and cameras. You can add a camera that is not in the database, as well as any point “for yourself” (for example, a gas station, a cafe or a hole in the middle of the road). Moreover, “on the go” this is done in two clicks (coordinates, motion vector, etc. are entered automatically).

8. A lot of additional settings are available:
- Screen backlight control (including “turn on-display notification-turn off” mode),
- shutdown when battery is low,
- city-highway-metropolis profiles with auto-switching
- customize interface themes and colors
- audio channel settings
- Automation - launching the detection process based on power-on events, gps, wi-fi, bluetooth, cradle? launching programs together with the start of the detection process, etc.

9. There are also widgets (1*1, 2*2) with display of speed and the nearest camera, and a control panel widget (3*2) with adding points in one click and controlling city-highway modes. Samsung Edge curved screen supported.

Program cost

is 150-199 rubles. This is half the minimum fine for an arrow and it is even less than what you usually give to a traffic cop.
You can pay by any means - through Yandex.Money, QIWI or other methods - write [email protected], let's agree