Approximate options for oge. Real options for the OGE (GIA) in mathematics - File archive

Since 2002, 9th grade graduates take mandatory exams. This certification system is called incompetent, but despite this fact, there is no talk of abolition yet. To improve the assessment system, changes are envisaged in the 2017 OGE.

Features of the OGE in 2017

The exam procedure remains the same. Until 2014, students took 4 compulsory subjects, but then the number was reduced to 2. This innovation had a negative impact on the overall level of training of schoolchildren, since most of the students refused to take exams in additional subjects; there were about 10% who wanted to, so the Ministry of Education and Science again decided to increase the number of exams. Due to the small number of subjects taken, there was a significant lack of knowledge among students in certain industries.

In 2015, all ninth-graders had to pass only 2 compulsory subjects and, if desired, could take exams in two more disciplines. But this year changes will come into force; now schoolchildren will take 4 exams - 2 mandatory and 2 chosen at random.

Changes in the conduct of the OGE in 2017

Graduates of 2017 will have an even more difficult time. Students will choose not two, but three additional subjects. The compulsory subjects for the 2017 OGE, as before, remain the Russian language and mathematics.

Students choose additional disciplines independently from those offered.

At the 2017 OGE, students will choose 2 disciplines from the following:

  1. Geography.
  2. Biology.
  3. Literature.
  4. Physics.
  5. Chemistry.
  6. Foreign language – English, German, French, Spanish.
  7. Story.
  8. Social science.
  9. Computer science.

Confirmed on the official website of the OGE 2017 changes made. Moreover, the Ministry of Education and Science plans to further increase the number of exams for schoolchildren. Thus, graduates of 2017 and 2018 will have to pass certification in five disciplines, and graduates of 2020 – in six subjects. The Ministry of Education plans to add 1 subject every 2 years. According to experts, this system will significantly increase the level of knowledge among students and help raise Russian education to a new level.

In 2016, only grades for exams in Russian language and mathematics will affect the average grade of the certificate. Unsatisfactory grades will have no impact. However, next year, when calculating the average score, grades for two additional exams will also be taken into account, but the third will still not have an impact on the certificate. That is, answering the question of how many subjects to take in the Unified State Examination in 2017, we can clearly say that there will be 5 subjects, but one of them does not have any effect on the average grade. Subject to availability only positive ratings For compulsory subjects, the student will be able to receive a certificate of completion of 9 grades.

Another change - since 2016, it has become possible to reschedule the dates or locations of exams if problems arise. emergency situations– natural or man-made disasters.

OGE schedule for the current year

Officials have already drawn up a schedule for conducting exams this year. They will begin on May 26, the first exam will be foreign language. On May 31, certification in mathematics will take place, after which Russian language, chemistry, computer science, and social studies will be taken. The final exams will be in biology, physics, history and geography, which will be held on June 9.

Retake the OGE in 2017

Next year, when calculating the average score, grades in 4 disciplines will already be taken into account. As for retakes, graduates still have this opportunity, but if they receive an unsatisfactory grade, the student can only retake 2 subjects. This applies to both compulsory subjects and those chosen at random. If a student receives a “failing” grade in three or four disciplines, he will also be able to take the exams again, but retaking will only be possible from September 1, 2017, that is, the student will be left for a repeat course.

The attitude towards conducting the OGE in mathematics, Russian language and other subjects will now be more responsible. The work of students will be assessed not by regional bodies, but by state independent commissions. This will make the calculation of results more fair; the system will be completely transparent and independent. The commission members do not know whose work they are checking, so the possibility of influencing workers is excluded.

Now there is a lively discussion on the forums of many educational sites. The topic of discussion is the introduction of the oral part to the exam for ninth-graders in 2017. The innovation project is ready, but not yet approved. Therefore, while adults are making decisions, children should start preparing for the approved exam form.

There were no changes in the conduct of the exam in 2017. The structure, content and assessment remain the same.

The tasks are distributed according to the degree of difficulty as follows: 14 basic tasks and 1 task high level difficulties.

Now let's look at the content and structure of the Russian language exam. The test material for the exam consists of three parts. Each part contains tasks that differ from each other in form, level of difficulty and learning activities. 235 minutes (3 hours 55 minutes) are given to complete all three parts of the Russian language.

Summary. First part.

In the first part you need to complete 1 task with a detailed answer.

The text is played back in audio recording for students. While listening, you are allowed to make notes in drafts. But don’t get too carried away and try to write down everything. This way you can miss a lot of information. Write it down key points, important details, titles, names. Then you are given 3-4 minutes to comprehend original text and work with your notes in drafts.

It is important! When grading, entries in drafts will not be taken into account.

Next, the text is reproduced again. After the second listening, students begin to summary. It is necessary to write at least 70 words correctly, in neat, legible handwriting, to convey the general content of the source text and the content of each micro-topic. You have 90 minutes to complete the first part of the exam.

It is important! If you wrote less than 70 words, the assignment will be scored 0 points.

Short answer questions. Second part.

This part consists of 13 tasks of two types. Open type— the student independently formulates and writes down the answer in a short form. The second type of tasks is a choice answer, here the correct one is selected from several proposed answer options. To complete the task, each student is given a text to read. After familiarization, tasks related to language analysis of the text are completed.

For each correctly completed task you receive 1 point, if there is no answer or it is incorrect - “0” points.

Composition. The third part

The third part includes 1 alternative task with a detailed answer.

The source material will be the same text that is used in the second part of the exam. Next, three options for tasks based on the text will be offered. You will need to choose one and give a detailed, reasoned answer to it in writing, that is, write an essay-reasoning.

Your essay must be at least 70 words.

It is important! If you simply rewrite or paraphrase the original text, then such an essay will be graded “0” points.

It is important! When writing the OGE in the Russian language 2017, you can use a spelling dictionary.

Points and grades

The maximum primary OGE score in the Russian language in 2017 is 39 points.

For the first part of the examination work the maximum initial score is given -7, for the second part - 13, for the third - 9. 10 points is a literacy assessment based on checking the presentation and essay, that is, the first and third parts of the exam. In total - 39 points.

For better orientation and understanding of the principle of evaluation in points, FIPI recommends using a scale for converting primary points into

marks on a five-point system.

The marks correspond to the total number of points received for completing the exam tasks as a whole:

  • A “2” is given when a student scores less than 14 points.
  • You get three “3” if you score from 15 to 24 points.
  • A student receives a four “4” for the number of points from 25 to 33.
  • A “5” is given to those who score from 34 to 39 points.

It is important! To get a “5” you need to score at least 6 points for literacy. Otherwise, the mark “4” is set.

In 2017, the grade received for the compulsory Russian language exam will influence total score certificate A ninth-grader will be able to receive a certificate of completion of nine grades only if he has a positive result.


What to do if, for some reason, a ninth-grader did not pass the exam well and received an unsatisfactory grade? It is possible to retake the exam. According to the rules, a student can re-take the exam only in two subjects out of all compulsory and chosen ones. at will until September 1, 2017.

If you need to retake three or four exams, then this is also possible, but after September 1.


Ninth graders, the main state exam is the first serious test for you during your entire time at school. Your further education depends on the grades you earn. Some of you want to go to 10th grade and continue studying at school, while others can’t wait to go to college or technical school and get the profession of your dreams. In any case, a good certificate score is required.

In 2017, the Russian language exam is mandatory and the main one. It’s actually not difficult to pass it, because the assignments are based on the materials and topics that you have studied. It’s clear that you need to prepare. All methods are good in preparing for the OGE.

Use manuals. Consult with your teacher, he will tell you which ones are best to take and repeat topic after topic.

Be sure to go demo version KIM in Russian. Such training makes it possible not only to further study the material, but also to understand all the nuances and subtleties of the structure of the parts and tasks of the exam.

On the website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI) you can now use open bank OGE tasks. Here are collected exercises and assignments for all sections and topics of the subject for the entire period of study. This is a huge help in preparing for the exam.

And, of course, read this article again. Quick Guide To Action will guide you through all stages of the Russian language and remind you of important points.

Good luck!

Video news, demo versions


The work consists of two modules: "Algebra and geometry". There are 26 tasks in total. Module "Algebra" "Geometry"

3 hours 55 minutes(235 minutes).

as one digit

, squarecompass Calculators on the exam not used.

passport), pass and capillary or! Allowed to take with myself water(in a transparent bottle) and I'm going

The work consists of two modules: "Algebra and geometry". There are 26 tasks in total. Module "Algebra" contains seventeen tasks: in part 1 - fourteen tasks; in part 2 there are three tasks. Module "Geometry" contains nine tasks: in part 1 - six tasks; in part 2 there are three tasks.

The exam work in mathematics is allotted 3 hours 55 minutes(235 minutes).

Write down the answers to tasks 2, 3, 14 in answer form No. 1 as one digit, which corresponds to the number of the correct answer.

For the remaining tasks of part 1 the answer is a number or sequence of digits. Write your answer in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer it to answer form No. 1. If your answer is a fraction, convert it to a decimal.

When completing the work, you can use the formulas containing the basic formulas of the mathematics course, issued along with the work. You are allowed to use a ruler, square, other templates for building geometric shapes (compass). Do not use tools with markings on them. reference materials. Calculators on the exam not used.

You must have an identification document with you during the exam ( passport), pass and capillary or gel pen with black ink! Allowed to take with myself water(in a transparent bottle) and I'm going(fruit, chocolate, buns, sandwiches), but they may ask you to leave them in the corridor.