Rules for wearing jewelry.


Despite the excellent online editor, which we consistently improve and expand on DashaMail, some of our clients prefer to use . Sometimes this is due to the strict rules of the brand book, sometimes due to the legacy left from previous marketers. In any case, we respect this right and try to help our clients make email campaigns adaptive and look great in different contexts. mail clients

Android, etc.) Unfortunately, the developers of all these applications acted inconsistently in best traditions

multiplying standards. Some of these clients, some not, some attributes and styles are supported mobile clients

and are not supported on desktop. Moreover, support for HTML and CSS can vary from version to version of what appears to be the same program. Web versions sometimes simply cut the code or add their own. In order to minimize the consequences of this bacchanalia, we have developed 5 rules

, which should guide you when creating your own html layout.

1. Layout with tables If you want a simple and reliable solution, then tables are the way to go. obvious choice

. It will definitely save you from problems with old email clients. Don't forget about the browsers that open web versions of email clients; some of them may be IE7 or even, God forbid, IE6.

2. Check the universality of attribute support for HTML tags and CSS properties

We, which will allow you to quickly and easily check support for various attributes and properties in the 10 most popular email clients. If you are not sure about something, then do not hesitate and check your assumptions about the correctness of your layout.

3. Forget about block CSS Use of CSS is recommended strictly inline . Of course, this can cause pain when manually generating the html code, so DashaMail suggests using this tool

automatically - immediately after loading the html code in the 2nd step of creating a newsletter.

Many desktop email clients have a maximum message viewing area of ​​approximately 600px, which allows us to fit the letter while leaving small margins. 600 is also a multiple of 1-2-3-4-5-6, which will allow you to implement a normal adaptive multi-column structure without using "shit and sticks". If you divide 600 by 9, you get a lot of sixes. This is basically not applicable in any way, but it’s just cool. In general, as they say, “don’t reflect – spread it.”

5. Media-query is not very cool.

Support for media queries in most email clients is limited; for example, it is stupidly disabled in email Gmail clients, both in the browser and in mobile applications. It is possible to achieve responsiveness without using this CSS component, although it is a little tricky. But I believe in you, my young Padawans.

Using these 5 rules will allow you to create correct html code, universally displayed in all email clients and browsers, which means that all your subscribers will experience the deepest satisfaction from contemplating it in their mailbox.

Let it be so! With love, Dasha.

To organize the transfer of data from an HTML form to a PHP script, you first need to configure the php.ini file:

register_ globals= on // direct access to form fields by name

error_reporting=E_ALL//report all errors

display_ error= on//output errors to the document


//format for errors (opening tag)

error_ append_ string=”font>”

//format for errors (closing tag)

The main rule in connecting an HTML form and a PHP script is to create a variable for each element passed HTML forms. That is, if you have one text field in the form called Text and a Submit button, in the receiving PHP script you no longer need to create a variable for text field and somehow initialize it, since this $Text variable will be automatically created with a value equal to the value entered into the text field.

The form and PHP script can be placed in one document. To do this, you need to specify action=" in action" .


if (isset($im)) (print $im;)

The is..() family of functions.

The isset() function is used to determine whether a variable has been assigned a value. If a value is assigned, the function returns true. Here is a prototype of this function:

int isset ( any variable)

A small example of using the isset function.

if (isset($a)) ( echo ($a); )

unset() function used to destroy a variable, freeing all RAM associated with the variable.

void unset (any variable [, any variable [, ...]])

The is_int(), is_integer() and is_long() functions determine whether a variable is an integer:

bool is_int (any variable);

bool is_long (any variable);

bool is_integer (any variable).

is_double(), is_float(), and is_real() determine whether a variable is a floating point number:

bool is_double (any variable);

bool is_float (any variable);

bool is_real (any variable).

The is_string function determines whether a variable is a string:

bool is_ string (any variable).

Data type conversion

There are several conversion rules.

The first rule is that if a string begins with a valid numeric value, then when a numeric operation is performed on it, this string will be converted to an integer. If the string does not begin with a number, then it will be converted to 0.

$str = "23SomeText";

$res = 5 + $str;

echo $res; //will output 28

//will output 23SomeText,

//because the value of the variable itself will not change

//when performing this operation

The second rule is that a string is converted to a floating point number only if the number occupies the entire string. If any alphabetic characters are found in the string, the string is converted to an integer.

$res = 5 + $str;

echo $res; //will output 5.8

In addition, there is a way to explicitly convert types:

$a = (int)$a; //=99

$b = (double)$a; //=99.0

$c = (string)$a;


multiplication table. A form with 2 fields for entering 2 numbers and a Submit button. When you click the button, a multiplication table is created from the first number to the second by numbers from 1 to 10.


Multiplication table

Enter the starting number of the multiplication table

Enter the end number of the multiplication table


if($number1 == 0 || $number1 ==1) (

if($number2 == 0)(

if($number1 >= $number2)(

echo "


Enter the first number less than the second!


echo "<=10; $z++)

Enter the first number less than the second!


Enter the first number less than the second!


".$z."<= $number2; $i++) {

Enter the first number less than the second!


for($i = $number1; $i<= 10; $y++){

if($number1 >= $number2)(


Enter the first number less than the second!


Enter the first number less than the second!

for($z = 1; $z
for($y = 1; $y




First number









case "plus": echo ($num1+$num2); break;

case "minus": echo ($num1-$num2); break;

case "multiply": echo ($num1*$num2); break;

case "divise": if($num2==0)

( echo "Did you know that you can't divide by zero?";break;)

else(echo ($num1/$num2); break; )

default: echo "Unknown. What exactly did you want

As you can see, over time there is a change not only in established rules and stereotypes, rules for wearing jewelry, and even more so the rules of fashionable jewelry etiquette, are undergoing significant changes. Fashion, as you know, is not constant, prone to changing preferences and rules, and as for the instructions regarding wearing jewelry, there is nothing to say here - fashion designers “rule the roost” not only regarding fashionable shoes, but also jewelry!

rules for wearing jewelry

Well, for example, this - regarding the number of pendants that a young lady can wear at the same time, there are also no more disputes - combining, for example, a necklace with a choker (a necklace that fits tightly around the neck), or with a necklace, with a pendant and a pendant is not considered bad manners – this combination is considered fashionable and modern. The only thing is that you should decorate your neck during the day with less flashy combinations - for example, instead of a choker - also very original! 🙂

Many ladies and young ladies like them, but previously jewelry etiquette prohibited wearing large earrings during the day; it was only permissible to decorate your ears with such earrings in the evening, and even then a special occasion was required! In our age, massive jewelry has been given a wide berth, thanks to fashion designers who take into account the desires of many representatives of the fair half of the planet's population. Of course, a woman with intuition and taste will not give preference to baroque earrings in the daytime - this, despite all the loyalty of fashionable jewelry etiquette, is still bad manners - rules for wearing jewelry.

This especially applies to elaborate, overly decorated earrings from the Dolce & Gabbana brand, but large jewelry for the earlobes can be elegant or not so impressive, with a simple silhouette, why not wear them during the day?! Yes, it’s easy if you have such a passion for jewelry of impressive size. And another controversial issue is whether they can be mixed, or whether it is strictly forbidden... If you follow the opinion of fashion designers, then such mixing is encouraged. Young ladies and ladies can wear earrings from one set along with rings or bracelets from another. The main requirement will be similarity in jewelry design or color scheme.

Many people also know that in the trend of the previous and current seasons, some asymmetry is allowed in jewelry, that is, it is quite acceptable to even decorate yourself with earrings or rings from completely different sets. they demonstrate this with success at fashion shows, so why shouldn’t fashionistas follow their example - you just need to thoroughly examine your favorite jewelry box - rules for wearing jewelry! 🙂

Another doubt is whether it is worth decorating yourself with costume jewelry along with precious jewelry. It turns out, and this is quite acceptable, it’s just that designers did not always remember fashionable, unforgettable ideas that allow you to combine precious stones with semi-precious ones. Thanks to celebrities who often walk the red carpet, and naturally do not miss the opportunity to show off their diamonds with emeralds and rubies, which they combine with rings, necklaces and other jewelry made of semi-precious stones - rock crystal, turquoise, quartz.

A famous singer or actress can show off in necklaces and earrings with magnificent sapphires and fingers, painted rings with cubic zirconia, or even rhinestones. Of course, it is also known that there is a jewelry that is not inferior in price to precious jewelry, but this is between us, girls! 🙂 We can do a little more modest experiment - if we have a ring with a diamond or emerald, we will combine it with a rubber or ceramic bracelet, which is also quite acceptable - rules for wearing jewelry!

In relationships between a guy and a girl, sometimes misunderstandings arise, even if young people have been dating for a long time. One of the most complex facets, which has a lot of nuances, features and subtleties, is the topic of intimacy.

Girls are sometimes embarrassed to ask something, young men are afraid of offending their chosen one, and in the end they both rack their brains, not knowing anything about their partner.

To avoid this, it is important to talk to each other, asking questions, provocative and uncomfortable; thanks to the answers, you can get to know each other better and understand the preferences of your partner.

Representatives of the fair sex take a long time to decide on such conversations, after carefully thinking through their questions. What questions can you ask a guy, how to delicately clarify his preferences in bed, whether it is worth discussing sexual activity with him - and this is not all that worries a girl, but only a small part.

It’s best to start with the basics - find out about your previous relationship, its duration and the reason for the separation. It is possible that if you have not been together for so long, the young man may refuse to answer such questions.

In this case, do not press, he needs time to prepare for such reasoning, or the feelings left over from the previous experience are still disturbing.

Many girlfriends advise “putting pressure” on the guy, looking for his ex-girlfriend on his VK page and contacting her on his own, or threatening to write to his lover in order to squeeze the truth out of him.

What do girls usually ask their boyfriends? There is no exact formula that will help you find out the necessary information and ensure that the guy answers honestly and sincerely. You will have to compose it yourself.

There are topics that are safe and general, allowing you to get general information about a person, and there are more acute and intimate ones, giving insight into your personal life. There are usually no problems with the first type of questions, and such information is clarified during the first stage of the relationship. With the second, some difficulties arise.

If you definitely decide to ask tricky questions to a guy, then think about them in advance. They should not sound offensive or derisive. For example, if you ask why your lover hasn't had sex before, you shouldn't mock his inexperience. And, conversely, if he had many girls, you should not make him out to be a womanizer and extremely promiscuous in terms of sexual contacts.

The safest way to start a conversation is to ask about preferences. The guy will share his tastes, talk about his favorite fantasies, or share his innermost desires that could not previously be realized. This will help you get to know your man better, and also make his erotic dreams come true in the future.

To help indecisive girls start a difficult conversation, we recommend viewing TOP 15 acceptable provocative questions that can be asked to your chosen one.

  1. How old were you when you had your first sexual intercourse?
  2. How do you like to make love?
  3. Do you prefer traditional sex or using auxiliary objects (toys, costumes)
  4. What do you think about role-playing games?
  5. What part of a woman's body is the most erotic for you?
  6. How do you feel about variety in bed?
  7. Is there a difference for you between making love and having sex?
  8. Do you consider yourself vulgar? And if so, why?
  9. What intimate topics bother you?
  10. What do you absolutely dislike about sex?
  11. What things do you consider acceptable in an intimate sense, and what things do you strictly not accept?
  12. What things do you find sexiest?
  13. What girls turn you on?
  14. Can you describe your latest erotic fantasy?
  15. Tell me about the first girl who made you want to have sex?

You can make 100 questions that interest you and invite your lover to choose 20-30 of the ones he likes most and answer them. When drawing up, remember that the main goal is to get to know each other better, and not to quarrel during the discussion.

A great way to talk and have fun at the same time is the game “Truth or Dare?”, most likely you have already heard about it or even played it with friends.

If it is unfamiliar to you, find the rules on the Internet; fortunately, they are quite simple even for beginners. During the game, you can safely ask interesting questions on the topic of relationships, sex and personal preferences, without making the guy very nervous because of the seriousness of the conversation.

In the midst of the game, completely at ease, you will learn about your innermost thoughts and get an honest answer to the most inconvenient and vulgar questions. After all, it's just a game.

Dirty questions for a pen pal

If you are at a distance from each other or are in a correspondence relationship, you can ask your questions on various social networks: VKontakte, Twitter or via Skype when communicating. This will save you from unnecessary embarrassment and allow you to raise topics of interest without any awkwardness during the discussion.

Questions for you

What to do if the young man decided to start the conversation first and find out all the delicate nuances of the relationship himself? First, answer honestly. This will help you get to know each other better and also eliminate misunderstandings in the future.

Secondly, don't be afraid. No matter what difficult questions (may even be tricky) he asks, remember that this is not an interrogation with bias, but a confidential conversation between two close people. Your answers will affect future relationships, but should not become a reason for avoidance or ridicule.

Third, talk about the positives without focusing on past failures. If in a previous relationship a young man left you without even leaving a letter of apology, expressing some complaints, do not rush to accuse the entire male population of infidelity and callousness.

It’s better to clarify that the past experience was not the most successful, but now you have a chance to build a full-fledged relationship.

And finally, remember that vulgar questions to a guy or questions addressed to you personally are aimed at learning about each other. They are needed to smooth out all the rough edges in a relationship, find common ground and build further actions based on preferences and avoiding unpleasant aspects. Good luck!

At the moment, most browsers display sites, independently deciphering and correcting webmaster errors. However, you need to be careful when writing HTML - you need to follow the rules of validity, because correct layout is important for site optimization, and will also help not go crazy for users who open your site in earlier versions of browsers.


Elementlocated on the first line of any HTML page. It determines the version of markup language that is used on the page. Currently it is recommended to use a doctype like- it is universal for any version of the language.

Use the correct document structure

Tags , , must always be present in the code, this makes the page compliant with standards and ensures that it will be displayed correctly.


Hello world!

hello world!


Hello world!

hello world!

Define technical page information correctly

Meta tags and styles should be specified in , and not somewhere in the body of the page. It is preferable to include scripts at the bottom of the page before the closing tag. The advantage of this approach is that before the page content is displayed, the browser only loads the styles, and it will load the scripts last, which allows the user to see the page content faster.


Hello world!


Hello world!

Follow markup standards

Use elements according to their semantics

Check the html code for validity

Use alt text for images

Images must always include an alt attribute. The browser relies on this attribute to provide context for the image. The alt attribute must contain text that will be displayed if the image has not loaded.



Don't use styles in HTML markup

This creates pages that take too long to load and are difficult to maintain. Write all styles in a separate CSS document. Try to use the tag and style attribute to a minimum.

Write comments

Comment the code, but don't overdo it. Comments that are written concisely and clearly can serve as a great help to other developers, as well as an important reminder for you after some time has passed.



Use appropriate class names

Give names to css classes in accordance with the content of the block, for example: header - header, footer - footer, menu - menu, content - content. This will make the code much clearer and easier to maintain.

Bad code

  • Menu item 1

  • Menu item 2

  • Menu item 3

Good code

Rules for writing CSS

CSS also has rules that you can follow to keep your code simple, easy to read, and well organized.

Reset browser styles to default

They can interfere with the styles we actually want to apply. You can download the file for resetting standard browser styles here - reset.css.

Use shorthand properties and values

Bad code

padding-top: 5px;
padding-right: 10px;
padding-bottom: 15px;
padding-left: 20px;

Good code

padding: 5px 10px 15px 20px;

Specify selectors and rules on a new line

Bad code

Element (display:block;position: relative;padding:5px 10px 15px 20px;)

Good code

Element (
display: block;
position: relative;
padding: 5px 10px 15px 20px;

Enter zero values ​​without units

Bad code

padding: 10px 0px;
margin-left: 0%;

Good code

padding: 10px 0;
margin-left: 0;

Write comments

Separate the main blocks with comments, this will improve the readability of the code.




footer (

Check the CSS code for validity


These guidelines and rules are just the basics, as HTML and CSS languages ​​are evolving faster and new methods of writing correct code are being developed. By following our recommendations, you will be sure that your code is simple, easy to read and optimized. You will also receive +100 karma and gratitude from the developers who will work on the site after you.