Remember everything where the settings are. Remember Everything - the best voice-controlled reminder

iOS users They boast with might and main of the ability to use the Siri program in Russian, which recognizes human speech and performs tasks spoken by the owner. The time has come for owners of mobile devices based on another equally popular OS to rejoice - because now they can download “Remember Everything” for Android. This application will understand any phrase that indicates the time or date and the event that needs to be reminded. All you need to do is say, for example: “Wake me up at 8.30”, “Remind me to turn off the heater in half an hour” or “Tickets for the match will be available early next month.” The program itself keeps track of time and will not let you down! Once you decide to download “Remember Everything” for Android, you will not only free your head from excess information, but also not miss a number of important things.


  • To record a reminder, just one click and one phrase is enough;
  • recognition of both specific temporal designations and vague ones;
  • editing notes manually using the keyboard;
  • choice of voice recognition engine: Google or Nuance Dragon Mobile;
  • setting up synchronization with Google calendar;
  • selecting a signal, setting vibration;
  • displaying a list of past and upcoming tasks;
  • widget available.

Principle of operation:

After launching the application, you will see an on-screen display with the main buttons and a list of tasks. To add a note, just press the key voice recording, speak a reminder, and the program will immediately display it in the menu. Everything recorded by voice can be edited using on-screen keyboard. At the bottom of the interface there are a couple function buttons, which will allow you to view the entire list of reminders and edit, move or delete tasks. For convenience, notes are divided into active and completed (that is, past). By tapping on Settings, the user will be able to change some parameters in the program. In particular, it will be possible to turn vibration on or off or give, so to speak, a more precise definition of an expression like “next week.” Here you are asked to indicate what time your morning, afternoon and evening begin.


  • works on all Android devices starting from version 2.1;
  • recognizes words in Russian perfectly;
  • understands any indication of time;
  • has no analogues;
  • free distribution.


You might be thinking, why do I need this app if... mobile device Already have a standard organizer? On the one hand, yes. But aren’t you tired of writing reminder letters every time, setting the day and time, instead of saying it in a few seconds? And how nice it is when your smartphone understands you perfectly! "Remember everything." for Android will save a lot of your time.

Today we will talk about software that belongs to “reminders”. Previously, I only used ProDo, which I will talk about in one of the following posts. But in Lately, I began to use another program more and more - Remember Everything.

I switched to “Remember Everything” not because I lacked the capabilities of ProDo, but because the program is completely voice controlled. As I already said on one of my blogs, I’m tired of writing, so on some blogs I switch to podcasts, because it’s easier for me to “talk” information than to write it. At the same time, many people find it more convenient to listen than to read.

The “Remember Everything” program allows you to “speak” your tasks. At the same time, the system is quite accurately

determines what is dictated. If in other programs, it was possible to dictate using some software, for example, using voice printing, which is present in , then in “Remember Everything” the system determines not only the dictated action, but also calculates the time when this action should start.

For example, in any reminder, you can dictate “Finish work on the design,” and then set the date and time for the reminder. However, in the “Remember Everything” program, you can simply say: “Finish work on the design the day after tomorrow at four o’clock in the afternoon.” , and “Remember everything” will automatically set both the date and time the reminder is triggered. “Remember Everything” understands such time frames as - tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, morning, evening, in a week, in a couple of weeks, in a month, within a week, within a week, etc.

The program uses several engines voice control. However, I was unable to launch Nuance Dragon Mobile until 4 came out. Android version to my device. However, Google's engine does its job just as well.

“Remember Everything” allows you to manage reminders, mark them as completed, reschedule them to another day and time, view them, etc.

When the “Remember Everything” reminder is triggered, it says: “Master (hostess)...” and reads out the reminder, followed by a musical signal. Please note that the program will only read if your device is connected to the network. Otherwise, the program will only play the signal you selected. The word “Master” can be replaced, but it will cost you one dollar. By paying a dollar you can download a plugin for “Remember Everything”, which will allow you to set the name that the device will call you.

Also, if you want to sync your reminders with Google calendar, you'll have to purchase the plugin for two dollars. The program itself is free. By the way, I purchased a plugin for the calendar - it’s a useful thing.

Planners and academics studying human memory, recommend making lists of important things to remember throughout the day. It is believed that it is much more effective to write down information about the agenda. This will relieve our brain from trying to retain the necessary data in our heads and allow us to focus on completing tasks.

Your smartphone can be a good help for making a list of current tasks. It is always at hand, which means you can turn to it at any time. daily plan and make adjustments to it. I offer a review of the 4 most popular applications with reminders for the Android platform.

Any.Do - to-do list (leader)

Millions of people use Any.DO to organize everything they do. With Any.DO you can easily keep your tasks under control and be confident that you will get them done. It's free, simple and fun.

I can say from myself that after trying quite a lot of reminders, I finally returned to Any.Do. Although I deleted this application several times in search of something better. What do I like about it? Firstly, convenient widgets for the first screen. Eat voice assistant, with which you can add tasks (though it doesn’t always work). The most important thing is the convenience of adding reminders, because... minimum steps need to be taken to

- talk to the phone

Many people dream of Siri in Russian, and even on the operating system from Google. Thanks to the efforts of Luitech, this became possible!

The Remember Everything app works with your plans. Just tell him what and when he needs to remind you. For example: “Go to the movie premiere in the first ten days of next month,” “Wake me up in the morning at 7 o’clock.”

You don't have to spend a lot of time typing. A couple of seconds, a few phrases - and your daily routine, plans for the future, important notes are entered into the phone database.

Interestingly, the application does an excellent job of speech recognition. It perfectly understands any temporary structures, so when communicating with it you don’t have to choose your words. Developers are constantly improving the voice recognition algorithm.

By the way, some additional functions paid programs. For example, you can buy synchronization with Google Calendar for a reasonable fee.

– a simple and convenient notepad

And this application is recognized as one of the most convenient and lightweight notepads among all similar programs for Android, useful for those who prefer text format notes. It can be used to record text, create reminders, emails, to-do lists and shopping lists. There is a widget that displays all notifications on main screen in the form of stickers.

Notes can be sorted by color. All entries and reminders are brought together in the calendar, creating a visual schedule. If necessary, notes can be stored under a password. But be careful! If you forget your password, you'll have to reset it and any locked notes will be deleted for security purposes.

The application also works with the iOC platform. All data in automatic mode synchronized between tablets and phones on two operating systems. Backup Notes can be saved on a memory card.

Tasks - full functionality of Google tasks

Surprisingly, Google has not yet released a full-fledged client for its Tasks service. And here third party developers dealt with this problem quite successfully. Synchronization with Google-tasks is a central feature of the Tasks application.

The program has a reminder system. Moreover, it can notify by minutes, hours and days. There are widgets that allow you to display a list of current tasks on the main screen of your smartphone.

In demon paid version The application has full functionality, and purchasing the paid version will remove advertising. Please note that all your data will be stored on remote servers Google, so reinstalling the application will not affect their safety in any way. But transferring the application to an SD card is not possible, since there are problems with widgets.

– your memory storage

This application is one of the most popular in Google store Play. It was used by more than 600 thousand people, professionals from various industries: training foreign languages, trade in art objects, management popular blog about cooking and so on. The program has received numerous development awards.

In Evernote, you can store a variety of information: take quick notes, save ideas, make plans and to-do lists, collect photos and files, take voice notes. Realized very convenient search according to the array of information. Moreover, text search is supported in Office files, pdf and scanned images.

The main feature of the program is the synchronization of information recorded in notebooks between almost all modern platforms: phones and Android tablets, computers, tablets, Apple phones and players, Windows computers, phones and tablets.

Not long ago, long-awaited reminders appeared in the program. You can save text from the Internet and set a reminder to read it later. You can make a list of important things and set up notifications about them.

Using the program is free. But to actively work with it you will have to purchase a VIP account, which will allow you to use 1 gigabyte free space every month, work without an Internet connection and protect your data with a password.