Why not install the nvidia graphics driver. How does the Nvidia graphics driver work?

Many users know that the Nvidia graphics driver is an indispensable assistant for a video card. However, there are many questions associated with the operation and installation procedure of this software solution, which we will now try to answer.

What is a graphics driver

Got a cool toy? Cool graphics, exciting plot, well, everything suits me. I just want to install it as soon as possible. A great desire to join the world of the game, to feel the whole atmosphere and energy of the developing events. But here's the problem. You are having problems installing or downloading the game. Possibly because your driver version is extremely outdated. You need to update or reinstall it. Nvidia-drivers - NVidia graphics driver. It contains the binary layout of an object that performs the main job - interaction with the board. The driver includes two components: the X11 driver and the kernel module. They, in turn, are included in one package. Because of this feature, you need to select some options before you start installing the driver. Drivers of this model can easily interact with any board, regardless of how old its version is.

Cannot install driver for NVidia video card

If you still can’t install the Nvidia graphics driver, don’t worry. There are several options to fix this. First, make sure you have removed all components of the previously installed driver. If not, then here are a number of steps on how to do this:

Now you need to install the latest version. How to do it?

  1. First, you need to download the new version (select your laptop model, video card type and type of operating system from the list).
  2. Open the downloaded driver.
  3. For a more correct installation, it is better to disable all anti-virus programs and windows blocking the system.
  4. Install the new driver - click “Install”.

If you again have problems with the installation, we offer another option for installing the graphics driver:

  1. Open “Start”, select “Control Panel” and the “Device Manager” button.
  2. The Installed Drivers window appears with drop-down lists. Select "Video adapters".
  3. Right-click and select “Uninstall Nvidia Graphics Driver.”
  4. At the top of the window, select “Update configuration” and click on the button.
  5. Again select “Video adapters”. Right-click “Update”.
  6. After these steps, install the drivers as described above.

What to do: Nvidia Graphics Driver - Installation Failed

Everything seemed to be all right, but suddenly something went wrong as we thought. While installing the driver on your PC, a window appeared informing you that a failure had occurred. After all, such a difficult task as Nvidia graphics driver failure, which befalls many, has a solution:

  1. You may have chosen a bad driver version, try downloading another one and installing it. If it helps, then congratulations - everything went well. If not, then proceed to the next step.
  2. Completely uninstall your video card software.
  3. Restart your computer.
  4. You need to clear the entire system of temporary data, as well as the “TEMP” system folder on the C:\ drive.
  5. You need to restart your PC again.
  6. Find new drivers that are compatible with your PC's operating system.
  7. Download the file of your choice and start installation as administrator.
  8. When installing the driver for the first time, check the box next to “Perform a clean installation.”
  9. Wait for this installation to complete and restart your PC again.
  10. The Nvidia graphics driver has been successfully installed on your PC.

Nvidia Driver Update

You can download and update driver versions for this video card on the official website. This is the best source for obtaining the source file as there will be few installation problems. Most often, information about Nvidia updates appears automatically, without prompting. A window appears asking you to install a high-quality and latest version, which you can agree or refuse. If such a window does not appear, then there is a simple solution. Open this video driver. We see the “Update” button and click on it. If you have the Internet, everything will go well.

3D technology Nvidia graphics card driver

If you want your monitor to not only reproduce and show the movie picture, but also bring it to life, then 3D Nvidia will help you with this. Provided that your monitor or laptop screen supports such functions, and you have a special attribute - 3D glasses.

How can this be achieved? That's how:

  1. Launch the player through which you will watch the movie, and select the “File” button at the top.
  2. Depending on what glasses you have, select the atmosphere you need in the drop-down window.
  3. It is better to leave the image format as default. Enjoy your viewing.


Your video card and graphics driver are responsible for the quality of your picture, the playback of your movie, and the smooth graphics of your game. And the driver that was installed on it is responsible for the operation of your video card. Always download high-quality products, do not clutter your computer with all sorts of junk. Take care of your computer and it will serve you for a long time.

When installing a video card driver, users are faced with the error: “failed to install NVIDIA software.” Read this article to learn how to avoid this error and successfully install NVIDIA programs.

Reinstalling the driver

Sometimes something interferes with software installation. These could be third party files or a previous driver. If you encounter such an error while installing NVIDIA software, there are 2 ways to solve the problem: clean installation and manual installation.

Advice! To find out the model of the video card that is installed on the PC, press Win + R and run the dxdiag command

The video card model will be indicated in the “Screen” tab.

Clean installation

Download the driver installation files for your video card from the official NVIDIA website:

Advice! A firewall or antivirus with advanced security controls may be blocking installation files. Restore default security settings or pause them during installation.

Manual installation

If you continue to get the error, try installing the driver manually. For this:

  1. Uninstall the previous version. Go to “Explorer” - “Uninstall or change a program”. Select "NVIDIA Graphics Driver" and click "Uninstall".
  2. Using a standard uninstaller, remove the program.
  3. Reboot your PC when the procedure is complete.
  4. The driver can only leave behind an empty folder C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation
  5. Go to Device Manager (found in the context menu caused by right-clicking on Start).
  6. Find “Video adapters” and right-click on the video card - select “Update drivers..”
  7. Click “Search for drivers on this computer” and select the folder where you unpacked it at startup (usually the C:\NVIDIA drive). Click Next.
  8. Wait a few minutes.

There are many reasons for the inability to install the NVIDIA driver. From a banal mismatch between the version of the operating system and the driver to the lack of information about the video adapter in the driver itself. We will dwell on the latter case in more detail.

First of all, you need to be sure that the video driver you are installing is compatible with your operating system and video card. If they are not compatible, you will see a message: “It is impossible to continue installing NVIDIA.”

This warning looks like this:

The installation program signals that the video adapter for which this driver is intended is missing, but this is not always the case.

The sequence of actions will be carried out in the Windows 7 x32 operating system, therefore some differences are possible for Windows XP.

First of all, you need to get into the “Device Manager”. Click “Start” “Control Panel” “Device Manager”.

Without a driver, any video card is defined as “Standard VGA graphics adapter”

Double-click on the inscription “Standard VGA graphics adapter” and in the window that appears, go to the “Information” tab. In the drop-down menu, select the item “Hardware ID” and the top line is the identifier of our video card.

Those. in our case, the video card identifier will be the line: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0407&SUBSYS_30CC103&REV_A1, right-click on this text and select “Copy”, now the line with the device description for the driver is on the clipboard.

After the first installation, the NVIDIA driver is self-extracted by default into the directory C:\NVIDIA\DisplayDriver\301.42 (folder named driver version)\WinVista_Win7\International\Display.Driver\ Next, find the nvaa.inf file located in the Display.Driver folder

Open it using notepad or any other text editor. Using the Ctrl+F key combination, find the line inside the file. Below it is a list of video cards identified by this driver for Windows Vista and Windows 7 and without SP1

Now, you need to add the line copied to the clipboard. The same thing needs to be done under the line. As a result, it should look like the picture below.

Everything is fine, the driver has recognized our video card, and we can begin installation.

Despite the fact that the process of active computerization began more than two decades ago, it is still very far from completely eradicating the difficulties that arise during the interaction between the user and the computer. So, now one of the pressing problems is the process of installing control programs for this or that computer equipment.

Two bridges to the world of video

Once upon a time, video adapters for computers were produced by various companies: Trident, S3, NVIDIA, Ati, Cirrus Logic, Matrox, etc. Much has changed since then, and at the moment the most common products are from only two companies - AMD and NVIDIA. The famous Intel never presented a discrete solution, limiting itself to a line of central processors. It is believed that the popularity of Nvidia products is higher than that of AMD, so it is understandable that users more often encounter difficulties when using video cards from this particular manufacturer.

This is the main reason. It is worth noting that due to all of the above, it is impossible to say that Nvidia is not installed, while the Intel driver works stably. It is also necessary to take into account the degree of distribution of solutions from a particular manufacturer. In this article we will answer the question “why does the Nvidia geforce driver not install?” and point out ways to solve it.

Correct control program

In order for applications to display all colors correctly and be able to use 3D acceleration, you must install the video card driver. This is a special program that is installed once and ensures interaction between the operating system and the hardware units of the video adapter.

One of the reasons why the Nvidia video card driver does not install is that users download the control program from unverified sources. These can be various forums, overclocking resources, websites in specific areas. For “advanced” computer scientists, such drivers are an opportunity to increase the performance of the video subsystem or get any additional features blocked in official releases.

However, ordinary users who decide to get all these fabulous bonuses are often faced with the fact that the Nvidia driver is not installed. When you try to install, you may receive messages about some kind of discrepancy, an error in memory addresses, a driver already present in the system, etc. All this can be avoided if you download the program from the manufacturer’s official website. So, the first rule says: the driver must be obtained from the Internet resource of the company that manufactures the video chip; support disk included with the computer/laptop; website of the assembly company (Asus, MSI...).

Reading the label

Some users, having visited an Internet page, get lost in its seemingly simple menu and download the wrong thing. It is not surprising that an attempt to use other control programs leads to the fact that a topic is often created on the forums “why is the Nvidia driver not installed?” Every owner of a personal computer or laptop must know the full name of the video adapter installed in his system unit or the type of chip used. These data are provided on the website of the assembly company.

Let's look at two examples. There is an Asus GTX780TI-P-3GD5 video card. By going to the website of the same name and selecting the “Computers and Components” section, you can find the specified model. Its characteristics indicate that this card is based on the nVidia 780Ti video processor.

Or, the laptop sticker says “nVidia GeForce 8400 GS”. In this case, the name of the chip used is directly reported. In other words, the second rule is: know the exact name of the video chip!

Right choice

Avoid the question “why won’t the Nvidia driver install?” It is possible if you select a program that matches the chip. Previously, the principle was followed that the latest versions could be installed to support outdated video card models, but now this is the exception rather than the rule.

Thus, on the Nvidia website you need to go through the menu tree “Drivers” - “Download drivers”. Here the user will be asked to fill out a simple table, indicating the type, series, family and operating system. After clicking the “Search” button, a link to the most suitable program that needs to be downloaded and installed will be displayed.

The manufacturer also offers the opportunity to try a test version of the control program, which, theoretically, should have a number of advantages. The selection is similar, except that you need to follow the “Beta Versions” link. Note that trying to install it may cause an error like “Nvidia video card driver is not installed” - depending on your luck.

So, rule three: it is recommended to download and install a control program marked as WHQL (compliance tested). An indispensable condition is an accurate indication, if not of the video chip family, then at least of its series (for the 780Ti it is 700, and for the laptop 8400GS it is the 8M series).

I have contact

Sometimes even experienced computer scientists are faced with the fact that the Nvidia driver cannot be installed in any way. The reason may be not only software, but also hardware. As you know, it is inserted with a comb of sliding contacts into a special connector on the motherboard. Fixation occurs using screws or special fasteners. In some cases, in order for the card to move out of the connector a little, it is enough just to accidentally touch the rigid video adapter-monitor cord. Performance is not completely lost, but software problems arise in the form of the inability to use 3D functions, limited color gamut, and periodic artifacts on the screen. This does not install the Nvidia driver, so it is not possible to solve the problem this way.

California company problem

Users who follow the news and read thematic forums know that Nvidia has become famous for the fact that one of its lines of video chips has a factory defect, which manifests itself in the gradual degradation of BGA soldering and, as a result, complete or partial failure of the entire video card . Since there is nothing special to lose, many people practice baking such a video adapter in the oven (there is a technique), which in many cases allows you to restore functionality for a period of from several days to six months. The problem with soldering manifests itself, in particular, in the fact that the Nvidia driver takes a long time to install or displays an error message, although previously everything could work stably. Thus, the fourth rule states: problems with installing the control program can be caused by hardware failures both in the video card itself and in the logic of other components. All of them must be eliminated.

You can try to install the driver in forced mode, even if the installer displays an error message. To do this, you need to launch the desired distribution package with the program and select the unpacking folder. After the message about the impossibility of installation (assuming that it is displayed), you should follow the path “Computer” - “Properties” - “Device Manager” and select “Video adapters” from the list. By clicking on its name (as a rule, the choice here is small - one element), you need to select “Driver Update” and, when performing a search on this computer, indicate the folder where the distribution package was extracted. If everything is done correctly, a list of supported video cards will be displayed - all you have to do is indicate “Any” and agree to the installation, ignoring the warning. This method is not a panacea, but in some cases it allows you to overcome installation errors.