Plague inc scripts.

Yandex Plague Inc : Scenario Creator is an application that allows you to bring the craziest and most incredible ideas to life. Users will get unique opportunity

create in a super laboratory without any moral restrictions. Here you can create various diseases, medicines, or even destroy entire cities with a deadly virus.

Reading stories about scientists who made incredible discoveries, many would like to be in their place. It’s so exciting, having unlimited opportunities to influence the whole world. If you've always dreamed of being inside a laboratory and creating something truly great, Plague Inc: Scenario Creator will give you that chance.

The program is not an independent game. This is just a scenario editor that adds new levels and features to the game of the same name. Here you can feel like a scientist who has a variety of chemicals at his disposal, and with their help he can make good and bad discoveries in various industries. Bring your darkest and craziest ideas to life and no one can stop you. Working in a laboratory, you can create a deadly virus that will destroy an entire city. Or, on the contrary, produce an antidote and save the world's population. Don't like animals? Only here there is a unique opportunity to exterminate entire species of mammals with absolute impunity. The Plague Inc: Scenario Creator app will add new ones to the game dangerous viruses

and epidemics.

There are five types of laboratories in the program, each of which is responsible for its own subsection. In the main one, the main game scenarios are created. The process of work itself takes place in the research laboratory: the creation of viruses and vaccines. Governmental - attempts to combat dangerous epidemics. The Public Relations Laboratory helps city residents adapt after being infected with viruses. And the last one, which contributes to the creation of events that affect the course of the game as a whole. The application interface looks the same as the game itself. It presents settings, various viruses, epidemics and other methods of destroying humanity are available. There are many countries in the program. You will be able to produce the disease and decide for yourself which people to use it against. Download the Plague Inc: Scenario Creator app on your smartphone and become an unrivaled villain who will make the most strong nations peace.


Engage the laboratory and use the powerful and handy tool- develop your own unique scenarios for Plague Inc. Create new types of diseases, worlds, events and much more, and then share it all with your friends and 85 million fans of this game!

Scenario editor for Plague Inc. is a stand-alone and powerful content creation tool that lets you bring your deadliest custom scenario ideas to life for Plague Inc. All that remains is to show them to the world!

With the Plague Inc. scenario editor. you can try all this, and even more! Don't hold back your imagination and show the world amazing/bewitching/shocking/creepy [delete as unnecessary] masterpieces.

◈◈◈ Use the most high-tech developer laboratories ◈◈◈
In the scenario editor, you will have five specialized laboratories at your disposal. Choose them to your taste for each scenario you create:

● The main laboratory is designed to create basic script data, write narrative texts, set victory conditions, edit translations into other languages, etc.
● The research laboratory develops the individual characteristics of the disease, its regulated symptoms, as well as modes of exposure and transmission routes.
● The Global Public Relations Laboratory deals with issues of adaptation in different countries, taking into account the characteristics of the population, climate, health care budgets and air routes.
● The Government Monitoring Laboratory coordinates government responses to information about the disease. You can change existing actions and create completely new ones.
● Event Control Lab lets you create game-changing events and contextual pop-up messages using powerful scripting tools.

◈◈◈ Share your scripts and let them spread around the world like a plague! ◈◈◈
Choose suitable way distribute your scripts:

● Share with friends - send scripts via e-mail(or link on Twitter/Facebook, etc.).
● Publish your best scripts with the click of a button and be seen by 85 million people worldwide. You can track how many people have played your game and how much they liked it. Infect as many people as possible with it! :P

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IMPORTANT! This application is a tool for creating custom scripts for Plague Inc. This is not a game! To play the scenario, you must have the original Plague Inc. game installed on your device. To obtain it, go to

Engage the laboratory and use a powerful and convenient tool - develop your own unique scenarios for Plague Inc. Create new types of diseases, worlds, events and much more, and then share it all with your friends and 85 million fans of this game!

Scenario editor for Plague Inc. is a stand-alone and powerful content creation tool that lets you bring your deadliest custom scenario ideas to life for Plague Inc. All that remains is to show them to the world!

With the Plague Inc. scenario editor. you can try all this, and even more! Don't hold back your imagination and show the world amazing/bewitching/shocking/creepy [delete as unnecessary] masterpieces.

◈◈◈ Use the most high-tech developer laboratories ◈◈◈
In the scenario editor, you will have five specialized laboratories at your disposal. Choose them to your taste for each scenario you create:

● The main laboratory is designed to create basic script data, write narrative texts, set victory conditions, edit translations into other languages, etc.
● The research laboratory develops the individual characteristics of the disease, its regulated symptoms, as well as modes of exposure and transmission routes.
● The Global Public Affairs Lab focuses on adaptation issues across countries, including populations, climates, health budgets, and air travel.
● The Government Monitoring Laboratory coordinates government responses to information about the disease. You can change existing actions and create completely new ones.
● Event Control Lab lets you create game-changing events and contextual pop-up messages using powerful scripting tools.

◈◈◈ Share your scripts and let them spread around the world like a plague! ◈◈◈
Choose the appropriate distribution method for your scripts:

● Share with friends - send scripts via email (or link on Twitter/Facebook, etc.).
● Publish your best scripts with the click of a button and be seen by 85 million people worldwide. You can track how many people have played your game and how much they liked it. Infect as many people as possible with it! :P

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IMPORTANT! This application is a tool for creating custom scripts for Plague Inc. This is not a game! To play the scenario, you must have the original Plague Inc. game installed on your device. To obtain it, go to