Periscope is an assistant in live communication. What does Periscope mean?

0 After the widespread distribution of smartphones of different brands and different price categories, software developers paid attention to these devices. This began the golden time of development of programs and games for mobile devices. One of the most popular programs was Periscope. What does Periscope mean?? I recommend reading a few more interesting articles on the topic of Internet jargon, for example, what Hyde Line means, what the term Vintage means, who is called Top Chan, what Twitch means, etc. This new application was developed by Twitter. The main highlight Periscope is broadcasting video in real time from any cell phone. After this program became available to users, it received a huge number of subscribers.

The meaning of the Periscope program

Many newbies ask the question: Periscope what is this program? The task of this program is that, for example, you are walking down the street and see a beautiful girl in tight shorts, you immediately turn on Periscope and start broadcasting the video to everyone for millions of viewers. This application is truly magical in its simplicity and speed.

To get started make money on Periscope, you should approach registering your account with the utmost seriousness. In this case, in addition to your name, you must add brief information about yourself. With this information in front of your eyes, your potential viewers will be able to make a choice whether they need to watch your broadcasts or not. In addition, it is advisable to place a link to your blog or website in this section so that your subscribers can learn more information about you. To make your contact recognizable, you need to place an interesting avatar or your personal photo.

How to watch broadcasts on Periscope?

If you have the Periscope program installed, you can watch any videos; in fact, there are no restrictions at all. In order to find the desired broadcast, you need to select a geographic location on the map or open a global search. After the broadcast, completed broadcasts can still be watched for 24 hours, and then they are deleted. In addition, you can watch any video of the people you follow.
It is possible to leave your comment on the video you like, as well as study the profiles of other periscope users.
Some people wonder what do the hearts on Periscope mean?? This is a special form of expressing your attitude towards a specific video. Hearts on Periscope indicate the popularity of the video broadcast. The more likes a video gets, the higher it will rise in the list of most popular broadcasts. In addition, you can get hearts not only during a live online broadcast, but also when watching a recording. Although likes do not add up to the total number for private broadcasts. During the video broadcast, you need to tap on the screen, this way a one-time expression of sympathy will be expressed.
After your broadcast ends, you will have access to general information such as viewing duration, broadcast time, and total number of viewers. There is a possibility save video in your smartphone, and also allow everyone to watch the broadcast until you have the desire to delete it.

Periscope app from Twitter. How Periscope works - OVERVIEW

Periscope is the most popular platform for broadcasting live broadcasts via a mobile device. Nowadays, people like to follow the lives of other users online. This is a good way to find out how your idols live and chat with them in real time.

You don't need deep technical knowledge to join the world of broadcasting. The creators of the application and web service ensured that the barrier to entry was low. 5 minutes will be enough for training, and the hardware requirements are limited only to the Internet and a good camera. Let's take a closer look at what Periscope is and how to use it on different devices.

History of the service creation

Most Periscope users don’t even know who created this application and when. In 2014, the idea of ​​​​creating a service for streaming video streams to a large audience came to the mind of Kayvon Bikpour. Together with his friend Joe Bernstein, he drew up a detailed plan for future development. At the programming stage, it was Bernstein who was the main ideologist.

At the beginning of 2014, a beta version called Bounty was released. A large advertising campaign and investments bore fruit - in a matter of months the program gained $1.5 million. After this, users gradually began to decline or switch to competitive services - the presence of numerous bugs and the lack of updates affected them.

At the beginning of 2015, Twitter completely bought the rights to Bounty and called it Periscope. The company began promoting through Twitter, which brought success. In March of the same year, a test version was released on the App Store. A couple of months later the program reached the Android platform. That same year, the company announced it had reached 10 million users worldwide. Now you know what Periscope is.

How to use it?

To get started, download the free application via the AppStore or Play Market. You cannot broadcast from personal computers - you can only view broadcasts through the website. After installation you need to register. To do this, use one of two methods:

  • existing Twitter account. The creators completely synchronized the two social networks with each other;
  • Mobile phone number.

After registration, you can start working with the service. Let's figure it out

The application has 4 main tabs.

The first contains a list of people with your subscriptions (accounts whose broadcasts you follow). The list shows active channels. To go live, you just need to click on the channel nickname and wait for the video to load. Here is a list of guests for the last 24 hours of broadcasts.

The second tab shows all included broadcasts around the world. You can view them both in list mode (which is not very convenient) and on an interactive map. The user's location can be immediately determined on the map.

The third tab was created to enable personal broadcasts. Here you can set any settings and name of the future stream. More about this below.

And finally, the fourth tab is responsible for searching for users. Here you can find people, follow them, view channel statistics and any other information within this social network. Here you can open the settings menu, change personal information, and so on.

How does Periscope work?

When you visit another user's stream, you will see on the screen:

  • background - user's camera image;
  • field for entering messages at the bottom;
  • text chat;
  • flying hearts on the right will show the number of likes during the broadcast;
  • the number of spectators is written in the lower corner;
  • the upper right corner is a cross to exit the air.

You will be able to communicate with another user only in text format, and he will respond by voice on the stream if he reads your message. Each entry is stored for exactly 24 hours, unless the owner himself saves it. At this time, you can view it, like and comment.

Let's move on to hosting our broadcast. By opening the corresponding tab, you will see a window with settings: turn on the camera, turn on the microphone, turn on the location. The first two points must be included, the third is optional. Next, the broadcast window will open. Now write the name of your broadcast. The 4 icons on the screen perform the following functions (from right to left):

  • enable/disable geolocation;
  • hide broadcast (privacy);
  • chat access settings;
  • creating a Twitter alert.

To start streaming, click on the "Start broadcast now" button. After completion, your broadcast will also be saved in the channel archive. Now you know what Periscope is and how to broadcast on it!

One of the new “toys” for lovers of communicating on social networks and streaming from the scene. Periscope is the brainchild of Twitter, which appeared in the spring of 2015. In just four months of existence, the project has gathered an audience of ten million users around the world.

The main feature of the application is the ability to connect to the video broadcast of other users around the world or create your own online broadcast.

How it works?

Periscope is a mobile application available for both iOS and . There is also a version of the application for Windows Phone, although it is unofficial. The free application is installed on a mobile device, after which the owner must go through a simple registration procedure: enter the mobile number, which will receive an SMS with a confirmation code.

The code is entered into the appropriate field, and your Periscope profile is ready. After this, you need to choose a nickname for yourself, and you can launch the program.

The program has four main tabs:

— recent broadcasts and broadcasts to subscribers;

— live video broadcasts;

— own broadcast;

— user profile settings.

To start your broadcast, you need to select a tab "Start broadcast", indicate and give the title of the video. The program turns on the camera and microphone itself.

If you are not ready to “become a star” yet, you can start by watching other people’s broadcasts.

Program features

Periscope allows you to quickly share your news with other users. For example, you became a participant in a grandiose street show or witnessed an extraordinary event - tell about it to everyone who has access to Periscope.

Each latest broadcast will be available for viewing for another day. Moreover, the video can be saved to a mobile device and later uploaded to other channels on the Internet.

Periscope provides excellent opportunities for distance tourism or learning. For example, a guide in Paris announces the time of an online excursion, at the appointed hour you connect to the broadcast and receive a virtual excursion to the Eiffel Tower or the Luxembourg Gardens. In a similar way, you can conduct lessons on learning a foreign language.

Periscope is an excellent solution for those who are looking for fame and popularity, because an unlimited number of viewers from all over the world can connect to the viewing. And since the competition among users is not too high yet, you have every chance to become famous.

Some features

The program allows you to leave comments on videos online. The broadcaster can simultaneously read the audience's questions and answer them immediately. Viewers have the opportunity to rate the video (similar to, in Periscope there are hearts for this). The more hearts your broadcast collects, the higher your popularity will be. This means that the rating will grow and the number of subscribers will increase.

Periscope works in conjunction with Twitter, where the user can post a message with a link to the broadcast. This significantly expands your audience reach. It is for this reason that Periscope is very popular among marketers, bloggers and media personalities.

The simplicity of broadcasting (pressing just one button, compared to the quarter of an hour required to send a video to YouTube) allows you to quickly and easily popularize any product.

The “liveness” of the video created a chain reaction: popular people quickly registered on Periscope, which, in turn, led to the registration of millions of ordinary people. Ordinary users are always interested in watching their idols in real time - it is no coincidence that reality shows have always been in great demand.

  • 10. Hearts on Periscope
  • 12. Share the broadcast with friends
  • 21. Periscope update
  • 24. Conclusion
  • Modern Internet technologies constantly break into our lives, opening up something new in it. We can already correspond, spend time playing games, talking, observing each other, even without realizing the distance that separates us. Here's another thing, one new offer under the interesting name “Periscope” allows you to track the broadcasts of other people telling, For example, O life in England, the beauty of St. Petersburg or simple everyday moments of its participants. Such a video can be especially unique for developing your own horizons and spending time profitably.

    From the site article you will learn in detail:

    • Periscope - what is it?
    • Where and how to download the Periscope application?
    • How it works: operating principle;
    • What is needed to connect it?
    • How to start broadcasting on a computer, tablet, phone, etc.?
    • How to create your own broadcast on social media. Periscope networks and is it difficult to do?

    Let's try to understand the issues that arise in the most accessible way and tell you in as much detail as possible about the functions of this application in this article on the site!

    What is a periscope application, how and where to download the application, where and how to watch periscope broadcasts on a computer, etc., read all the answers to these questions in our article.

    1. What is Periscope and why is it needed?

    The history of the creation of the Periscope application does not go back very long. It all started when 2 friends decided to independently launch a social network in which they could talk about what was happening through a regular broadcast (live broadcast).

    The creators of the network liked the idea itself “ Twitter", and wanting to have it for their own use, they offered Kayvon and Joseph a contract to sell it for 100 million dollars. As a result, already in 2015, the application acquired relevance on such a scale that registration programs totaled 10 million users. And this is just the beginning. Since at the moment the number of subscribers and account registrations is increasing daily.

    At its core, PeriscopeThis a new social network that allows you to create your own broadcasts, contact fans, get acquainted and be in the center of events.

    In other words, it is a personal broadcast, similar to television. Everyone determines its necessity for themselves independently. Someone is creating a row travel video, someone helps in practice master new recipes, and someone even earns, making their broadcasts popular.

    2. How to use the Periscope app?

    Using Periscope involves 2 main directions:

    In order to download and run the application, simply follow three steps:

    1. Download the Periscope app

    Download the Periscope app via iTunes
    Download periscope for Android via Google Play

    It is impossible to download Periscope to your computer; you can either view the account and live broadcast of the presenter or download the Periscope application to your computer via an Android emulator or iOS emulator. That is, emulation of a phone, tablet, smartphone, etc. occurs. on your computer on which you also download via iTunes or Google Play.

    You can download periscope absolutely free, this application is free to distribute. That is, download and use.

    2. Login to Periscope app via Twitter or phone number

    The IOS and Android operating systems allow you to log in in two ways.

    Installation of the application is carried out in 2 ways: 1 - through a Twitter account; 2 - via phone number (SMS messages to phone number)

    How to launch Periscope on your computer, read further in the article.

    3. Choose your Periscope username

    It should be remembered that the program settings allow you to select a name for yourself only once and change it later it is forbidden .

    Therefore, when deciding whether these will be your personal broadcasts or business-related broadcasts, set a name that will be convenient for you for the work process itself.

    The username is assigned once!

    At the same time, there is one small nuance that allows you to become the most recognizable and makes it easier for your subscribers to search. The name you come up with should be capitalized.

    4. Online guide to Periscope - 4 sections

    After registration, each user will have access to the Periscope interface.

    He offers us a choice 4 main sections:

    1. List of all online broadcasts in the world . For this purpose, a special map has been developed, on which the time range of the video being created is reflected using multi-colored circles. Here you can watch everything that is happening around the world or select a specific country. In addition, if the user wants to observe only his region or city, this can be easily arranged by limiting the parameters. Produced broadcasts during the last 30 minutes are also available for viewing.
    2. Own video broadcast . This function can be used for its intended purpose. Having seen something interesting or continuing a block of your recordings, pressing the appropriate button begins the live broadcast of your broadcast.
    3. Broadcasts of people followed . These are thoughtful settings that help you timely view those who have been subscribed to.
    4. Search people. The application allows you to select the most popular representatives, whose interest is confirmed by many other participants.

    4 main windows of the Periscope application

    If we evaluate the situation as a whole, then when using your device (tablet, smartphone, phone), a blank screen will open, which will be filled as you perform actions. All network navigation is very simple, and you can work with it even on an intuitive level.

    The first tab that will open for you will show broadcasts made online.

    At the very bottom of the screen, on a wide strip, from left to right, there are 4 large icons, giving you hints for the desired actions. The last of them is the ability to go to your profile to search for people.

    5. Filling out your Periscope profile

    Filling out your account profile is very simple by following the instructions provided by the system. At this point you have already chosen a name, now you need to set photo, and write About Me.

    Editing a profile in Periscope

    By the way, the Periscope application allows you to edit your profile; to do this, just click the corresponding button at the top of the screen.

    If the registration was associated with a Twitter account, then changing the photos in it will entail automatic changes on the page.

    The manual method helps you make the desired choice from your existing gallery or make it using the camera.

    If, nevertheless, after a certain time, there is a need to change the username, then you can try writing a letter to the support of the Periscope network, and within 3 weeks will consider your application.

    But the usual First Name (Last Name) displayed on your account page can be changed by editing.

    Profile window -> Edit profile

    Also, at your own discretion, you can fill out the “Tell me about yourself” field. Here you can enter any information, including accounts on VKontakte, Instagram, etc.

    6. Managing subscribers, subscription and blacklist

    The system allows its user to manage the relevance of information, work with their own subscribers, receiving information about them. You can keep them in your field of view, refuse further subscriptions, and generally put them on a blacklist to block actions.

    In addition, the profile indicates information about who you are following.

    User blocking scheme

    Blacklisting a subscriber is a simple function and is performed in the same way as working with a regular phone or blocking on any social network.

    Thus, if you see the inadequacy of a subscriber’s actions, receive comments that do not suit you, or are guided by another reason that is an incentive for such actions, then all you need to do is press one button. This click will block other people's actions on your Periscope broadcast.

    If you need to return everything back, you can use the unlock button. The connection is restored and allows you to continue viewing, commenting, and conducting active dialogues.

    Changing notification settings

    The notifications themselves are configured as standard for each user.

    Periscope account settings tab

    They will allow you to receive notice in the following cases:

    • when subscribing to your channel;
    • if someone starts broadcasting;
    • for private broadcasts;
    • when inviting someone to another user’s channel;
    • during initial broadcasts of other participants.

    Any action performed on the Periscope network will notify the user with sound signals that provide information about the video itself, which may be relevant to the user at the moment. But, if the standard settings do not suit you, then you can change them yourself at any time.

    Ways to edit notifications

    If any notification settings do not suit you, you can change them. Editing notifications is very easy. To do this, you need to click (click) on the desired position.

    You can turn off notifications on:

    • broadcasts by any user;
    • moment of subscription;
    • broadcasts (broadcasts) that do not interest you;
    • all at once.

    You can edit it exactly in the way that is most convenient for you personally.

    How to subscribe to a broadcast - subscription methods

    When starting to follow someone, you should pay special attention to this. The fact is that the number of possible videos offered to you for viewing per day can be simply limitless and there is a danger lose your time in this choice.

    It is worth understanding which direction you are really interested in and making a selection according to your criteria. In addition, it would be nice to track the page that is relevant for the user whose broadcasts you watch regularly.

    Click on the plus sign to follow the Periscope user

    You can of course contact popular people in the world showbiz, movie, theater, but most of these videos will subsequently be considered global for you information garbage . Irrelevant to your personal growth.

    There is another way of who you should follow. See, if a particular person you find reflects a large number of followers, then most likely the material they offer is actually valuable. But again, filter using your own filters, since perhaps the video content is really interesting, but it is only interesting to schoolchildren.

    7. Watch the broadcast on Periscope

    After all the preliminary stages have been completed, the registration has been successful, and you have chosen the settings and parameters you need, you can start watching the broadcasts.

    The interface itself is located so that they line up in a table. First come the positions where online viewing is defined, and then what was shown recently.

    Live broadcasts Periscope

    Information about completed videos is saved in the database 24 hours. Therefore, even if you had to miss something important due to your life circumstances, you can look at it a little later.

    But there is one small danger here. A participant who posts his video can remove it at any time without leaving it for further use. But in general, watching a broadcast starts with a simple click on it.

    8. Ignoring app users

    Such settings have only recently become available. They help, if the settings are configured correctly, to add to the list of ignored users that you do not need. At the same time, his feed remains active, but no messages are received.

    9. How to communicate with the host of the broadcast?

    The Periscope developers have provided the opportunity to communicate with those who are currently providing video and those who are watching this broadcast. You can clarify the necessary information, ask a question, or expand on the topic in detail.

    Please note that at the very bottom of the application the window always remains active, where you can write text messages to the broadcast host.

    It is also important to understand that broadcasts can be extremely popular, so other users viewing it in parallel with you also want to send their messages.

    If there are a lot of viewers in the broadcast, then the castle symbol, which prohibits writing messages to the live broadcaster, but those who have been watching the broadcast longer and connected to it earlier will be able to send messages.

    10. Hearts on Periscope

    This function has the same basis as approval on social networks (“likes, reposts, I like”, etc.). Your positive emotions, reflected in such manifestations, help participants become much more popular, earn ratings and create new videos on topics of interest.

    To place periscope hearts, just tap on the screen in the application

    The only difference is that pressing your finger on the screen your phone or monitor, you can repeat the action a large number of times by creating this applause effect, giving more of your votes to the presenter.

    11. Methods of broadcasting on Periscope - types of dating

    During the broadcast, there is also such an opportunity as dating online Periscope.

    • Commentators . To do this, you need to view comments in the chat of those subscribers who are online. They are the ones who share the same interests with you, and will be ready to discuss the videos. By the way, if it was still not possible to carry out such actions during the broadcast itself, you can do this in the next 24 hours. The application also allows you to meet latecomers, because all links remain clickable.
    • List of those present . You can study the entire list of your subscribers and those who watch the broadcast by clicking on the icon with active users. Now, opening their profiles, we read, select, become interested, get acquainted and subscribe ourselves.

    By clicking it, you can easily add the desired users. By the way, if you registered via Twitter, then everything is simplified. Swiping your finger across the phone screen from left to right opens an additional window where you can share with several participants at once.

    13. Broadcast/live access settings

    Now that the purpose of your filming has already been determined, what its plot will be, you can start broadcasting live. Click the button in the corner of the bottom of the screen.

    It is represented as a lens icon. The system will ask you to immediately indicate the name of the broadcast.

    Important think about the name of the broadcast well, since it first , what other participants will pay attention to. It is the correct, clear, laconic title that gives an assumption about the further video, and ultimately increases your ratings.

    At the next stage, you can specify location. But this is done only if such information is relevant. If, for example, the video has homemade status, then there is absolutely no need to go into details.

    Periscope broadcasts - active (red) and completed (blue)

    Another important clarification will be that you can limit your number of participants viewed. So, for example, you think that this broadcast is subject to private viewing, so you send a notification to the person to whom it is intended, defining his name in the panel under the icon that looks like a lock.

    14. How to limit incoming messages?

    This service can be configured so that the messages you receive will come only from those users who are interesting to you or from those who are subscribed and read you. Those. in order to send a message to the broadcaster on Periscope, you will need to subscribe/read, etc.

    To do this, just press a special button, which is an icon with messages.

    15. How to share your broadcast on Twitter?

    This function is the simplest and most understandable even at the level of intuition. If you need to notify other participants via the network, just click the special Twitter icon. The Periscope application will automatically send out an invitation to everyone on the Twitter social network.

    16. How to set up auto-save broadcast?

    After the broadcast has been carried out, it is saved for another 24 hours, remaining accessible to everyone, unless, of course, anything is changed by the settings.

    Autosave broadcasts

    The need to transfer video to a tablet, smartphone or computer is done using a button called “ Autosave broadcasts».

    17. Other functions of the application

    In addition, the Periscope service has a number of additional functions that will be especially useful for a novice user.

    1. End of broadcast . When the video is filmed or you just need to finish it at any time, you just need to swipe your finger across the screen from top to bottom. As a result of these actions, a button called “End broadcast” will appear. Click it and the process is completed.
    2. Ether removal . Let's imagine a situation in which you initially did not like what was filmed and would not like to share such a video with others. You can delete it immediately. To do this, find the button with the screen, press it and select your entry. Thus, there is no need to wait for 24 hours to complete.
    3. Switch camera . This function during broadcasting is possible by double clicking on the screen.
    4. Broadcast replay . If you need to look at everything that was filmed, figure out the correctness of what was done, and perhaps even notice your mistakes, a second viewing is necessary. This is done as follows. We find the TV icon at the very bottom of the screen, open the list of broadcasts and find exactly the one that is needed at the moment.

    18. Periscope broadcast on computer

    In order for the picture to be in a larger format and ensure ease of viewing, it is enough to display the video on a computer.

    To watch periscope broadcasts on your computer you need to enter the following part of the web address in the address bar of your browser - ( of the broadcaster).

    Nic is the name of the user whose broadcast you want to watch. By correctly typing this web address path, you are taken to his account and can join the viewing.

    For example, you want to view the broadcast or the number of subscribers, etc. enter the address -

    Periscope account - viewing the broadcast page via a computer

    If there is no online broadcast, then it is possible to view broadcasts made in the last day (24 hours).

    The only inconvenience is that if you want to write a message to the broadcaster or send “hearts” to Periscope (analogues of “I like”, “like”, etc.), then you will not be able to do this. Viewing the broadcast on a computer does not allow you to use these features of the Periscope application.

    19. What will happen to your broadcast after the broadcast?

    The settings of the system itself suggest its removal after 24 hours. If desired, the user saves a copy, but outside of this social network.

    20. How to raise a periscope and make money on it?

    A huge number of social network users (Twitter + Periscope) are already interested in the question - “How to raise (promote) your periscope?”, “How to make money on Periscope?” etc.

    Also on Periscope. You must broadcast interesting and unusual broadcasts. Namely, do what many users do not do. For example, many will be interested in how you play sports and do it professionally and interestingly, or how you have an expensive and interesting vacation (you go to restaurants, eat unusual and expensive food). Organize interesting events - organizing holidays, etc.

    You can also promote your periscope through various services that allow you to give tasks to service users (wmmail, etc.)

    Nowadays software is also being created (analogues of VKontakte account promotion - viking-studio, etc.)

    If you have famous, popular, familiar personalities, you can ask them to promote your account. If you can’t ask, you can pay for PR for your periscope.

    You can make money on Periscope in different ways - not only by advertising other people's goods and services, but also by selling your own services or goods. For example, selling fashionable and glamorous clothes (clothing accessories), conducting paid webinars (trainings), etc.

    21. Periscope update

    News from 01/13/2016 - Periscope broadcasts can now be watched directly through the social network Twitter.

    Broadcasts are embedded directly into the Twitter event feed and allow you to view the broadcast in full screen mode without installing the application or clicking on additional links.

    22. Periscope does not work - the application does not start, etc.

    This may include a freezing application, a glitchy broadcast, incorrect display of hearts and subscribers (readers), etc. All this happens due to the “dampness” of the application itself; after all, little time has passed to test this application on most devices and quickly correct shortcomings and “bugs”.

    Therefore, if you find the above points, search the Internet for past versions of the application, for example, now the current version of the application is 1.3.2, then try installing 1.2.0. You can find archives of various versions of applications on the Internet, in particular on the website 4pda (dot) ru.

    23. How to delete your Periscope account?

    It is currently impossible to carry out such actions independently. In order for your account to be deleted, you need to write a letter to Periscope, or rather to the support service of this application.

    In the email address to which your Twitter account is registered, send a letter to [email protected]. Be sure to write “Delete my account” in its subject line.

    If you registered on Periscope through a phone number, then your username is enough. The application will be reviewed and after some time your account will be deleted.

    24. Conclusion

    We hope that now you understand what Periscope is, how to download periscope to your computer, smartphone, phone, etc., how to use the application, how to raise Periscope and what it is for. The Periscope social network opens up new opportunities for all users of other social networks.

    If we turn to the essence of the word “Periscope”, then in its classical sense it means a device that helps, using mirrors, to monitor what is happening from a shelter. This is a special system that, due to their unusual location, shows a picture that is not visible with simple vision. Taking the phenomenon as a basis, its creators and marketers made the network the most popular in the world.

    We know examples when modern people, having achieved particular popularity, sought to show stories that happened to them during the day.

    This method helped to achieve PR And raise their ratings. Such an activity has become acceptable for ordinary people, which even corresponds to the level and number of registrations recorded by the Twitter network.

    In fact, it’s quite exciting to create a broadcast, acquiring new skills and knowledge, while developing yourself.

    In the Internet. And it’s possible that someone is already thinking about how to start conducting their own broadcasts there. One way or another, this service deserves all the attention of users of all interests and ages: here everyone can find a lot of interesting things for themselves.

    The social service Periscope was opened by the developers of the world famous Twitter relatively recently - in 2015. However, its popularity today is no less than Twitter itself. At the moment, more than ten million people around the world have become its active users, and the number of those who access Periscope daily is about one and a half million.

    To explain it more simply, Periscope is a service that allows each user to broadcast live what is happening to him right now, at the present time. Perhaps many of you have dreamed of becoming professional reporters - so this is a wonderful opportunity!

    You can broadcast anything you want: talk about certain events, just chat in real time with your subscribers, play games, sing songs, share problems... Many world-famous stars already have their own channels on Periscope, including Russian ones .

    How to use Periscope

    You can simply broadcast on Periscope, or you can create your own. Either way, it's very simple and free. If you just want to watch, then just go to the project website from a browser. You don't even have to register. But a registered user receives additional features:

    • subscribe to the most interesting channels and receive real-time notifications as soon as the broadcast starts;
    • comment on videos;
    • put a “like” mark.

    Well, to start running your own Periscope, you will need to download the Periscope mobile application, register on the service - and you can start. Of course, before starting the broadcast, you will need to come up with a name for it, you can also provide the video with hash tags, allow or disable commenting, and also allow general viewing, or only for subscribers.

    All videos are stored on the service for only a day. And even then - if the author of the channel has allowed such saving in his profile. But, unfortunately, it is impossible to broadcast from a computer. After all, Periscope was conceived as a truly mobile tool for running a kind of blog. A personal computer contributes little to true mobility. The developers did not want to turn their brainchild into a platform for traditional online broadcasting, especially since services of this kind already exist on the Internet in quite a large number.

    Of course, the best answer to the question of what Periscope is and will be the use of Periscope itself. Fortunately, as has already been shown, it is completely uncomplicated and free.