PartitionMagic – resize partitions. How to divide a computer disk into partitions - Partition Magic In partition magic the hard drive is red

Greetings to all. Today we'll talk about partitioning your hard drive.

Often, when installing Windows, many users are limited to one drive C, on which Windows, movies, games, music and much more are stored. This is wrong, want to know why? Read on.

Firstly, it is inconvenient for the user. Since storing all information on one partition leads to confusion and disorder on the hard drive. I wrote about how to eliminate clutter on the disk and the system as a whole.

Agree to search among a bunch of folders for a song, movie or any file, it is much more convenient when it is located on its own separate partition of the hard drive.

It is also much easier for the Windows operating system to operate with data when it is on different partitions, even if you physically have one hard drive. The load on the hard drive itself will be less, because we can locate it not on the system drive.

By the way, regarding the hard drive, read this one, where I told you how to find out the condition of the hard drive, improve it and much more. The hard drive is partitioned before installing Windows. It is not possible to split an existing hard drive partition without losing data using standard means. But we shouldn’t have to reinstall the system just to increase the number of hard drive partitions. Of course not.

In this case, the Norton Partition Magic program will help us split the hard drive into partitions. You can download the program by typing in any search engine:

Norton Partition Magic download

How to partition a hard drive?

Install the program and run the program. Now click on the Create new partition button.

A window will open in which we click Next. Next, we will need to select the disk that we will partition. Select it by left-clicking and click Next.

Select the hard drive partition and click Next.

A window will open in which you will need to set the parameters of our new section. Select the size, leave the file system (NTFS) and select a letter for the new partition. As usual, click Next.

The next window lets us understand how everything specified above will look. If everything is satisfactory, click Finish. If you want to edit something, go back. In our case, everything is selected correctly, so click Finish.

Well, that's not all, the last step to create a new image. At the very bottom of all the buttons, there is an Apply button. Click on it to create a new partition on your hard drive.

After the process is completed (5-7 minutes), you will have another newly created empty partition. In which you can, for example, throw all the games and call it Games. Finally, I want to warn you that operations with hard drive partitions that contain important information can lead to data loss.

Read about how to protect your data in one of the following articles. Subscribe to updates so you don't miss it. Also, do not forget about the recommendations for.

That's all for today, now you know how to partition your hard drive. Good luck to you :) Finally, watch the video about


And about what and how to format them, divide them into parts, change the type and perform other manipulations with the hard drive.

Preface to the article by sections

In fact, this article is not so much an article as simply a desire to post the endlessly useful Partition Magic on my blog. What is Partition Magic?

This is exactly the same program that, once installed, allows you to format, divide into parts, change the file system type and perform other manipulations with the hard drive. However, there is another version of this program, which does not require installation, but is simply written to disk and loaded outside the operating system - this is the option I want to share, otherwise it will disappear from the Internet..

A little description and other differences

Why is it needed, you ask, if everything is in Windows? But because Windows doesn’t have everything, namely, for example, the system will not allow you to format the disk with itself, will not allow you to properly repartition the disk or change the file system to something larger than FAT32 or NTFS. Again, the unfortunate built-in Windows tools do not have the ability to completely clone a disk and other joys. What can we say about buying new hard drives, on which you need to format and repartition before installing the OS.

Partition Magic will allow you to do this without any problems. What else? For example, (again, regardless of the system, i.e. there will be nothing to block the program) or complete cloning of one disk to another (more on this in a separate article). In simple words, this is a very good tool for solving hard drive-related problems.

You can download the program image (right mouse button - save object as) directly from my blog.

To burn it to disk, you need to use any program that can burn ISO images, but I recommend using free software, which I already wrote about on my blog. You can download it. To burn an image, download it from the above link, launch SCDWriter and select Disk in it - Burn ISO image to disk, and then point to the image downloaded to your hard drive and then wait until the recording finishes.

In order to actually see the program, you need to boot from the disk that is in the CD-Rom, for which you need to go to (DEL button at the earliest stage of system boot) and in the Boot section (for you this section may be called differently, depending on the type ) install boot from CD-Rom. Next, you just need to save the settings, insert the disc into the CD-ROM and restart the computer. At the stage where the program asks you to insert a second disk, just press any key.

Why not as detailed as usual?

Because, as I already wrote, this is still not quite an article (more precisely, not quite an instruction as it was before), and even if it is an article, it is for people at least somewhat knowledgeable about computers.

A detailed discussion of working with Partiton Magic in the boot version is beyond the scope of one article because it must at least describe how to boot from a CD on all types of BIOS, which is quite cumbersome, and if this is not possible (if only with a camera), it is generally inconvenient.


In general, if there is an article about this, it will be much later. If anyone has an urgent need, then write with help - I will help with your specific case.

That's all for today.
Thank you for staying with me;)

Let's proceed to the detailed partition of hard drive D.

After installing and launching the program, the following window will appear in front of us (FIG. 1). I have two hard drives installed, so your picture may differ from mine.

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

4 .You need to select the disk from which part of the space will be cut off and click the next button (Fig.4)

Figure 5

5 .In the size field, indicate the amount of space for the new disk. As an example, I want to make a disk of 5000 megabytes or 5 gigabytes (Figure 5). You can make a new disk of any size, minus the space already occupied, of course. The program itself will tell you the maximum size.

It is not necessary to enter the volume label; this is just the name of the hard drive for your convenience. Create as Leave the logical disk unchanged, select the file system type Ntfs, Drive letter as you like. After filling out, click the Next button, and then the Finish button, having familiarized yourself with the selected settings.

At this stage the setup hard drive crash completed. If the setup was successful, you will see the New disk with the letter G that we created, as well as its size of 5,000 megabytes.

To apply the settings you need to click the corresponding button

Attention! During hard drive crash you cannot reboot the computer, and it is advisable to have a power supply (uninterruptible power supply) on hand in case you experience electrical problems, otherwise other problems may arise, namely information recovery.

I would like to note that during the installation of the Vista or Windows 7 operating system, you can split the hard drive into two during this procedure, without using the appropriate programs.

Recommendations for creating a new hard drive partition

1. It is advisable to have uninterrupted power for at least 30-60 minutes

2. Do not restart your computer while the hard drive is being partitioned.

3. Before partitioning the hard drive, check and correct errors on it using the CMD console or the program itself. Very often, hard drive partitioning does not occur precisely because of errors on the hard drive.

I think that you will not have problems with partitioning your hard drive, especially after reading this article, but if you have any, write.

How to partition a disk?

How to split a hard drive into several logical drives using Partition Magic

It often happens that when buying a new PC, sellers do not create logical partitions of the hard drive. Thus, you get a computer with one logical drive “C”, and this is not very convenient. Since, in addition to the system, application programs, games, various data, photographs, and so on will also be installed on the PC, it is much more convenient to split the hard drive into logical drives for specific tasks, for example drive “C” – System, “D” – Data, “E” – Game .

Using the program Partition Magic(in this case Partition Magic 8.0) You can partition an existing hard drive partition (Resize/Remove), as well as create a new partition (Make and Format), all this can be done without losing data.
If the partitioned disk is a system one, then partitioning is carried out in DOS mode after a reboot. If the disk is large enough, then this will be a fairly long process (3GB - from 25 minutes), complete completion of which is necessary wait, otherwise the data may be damaged or even completely lost.

Let's show with an example how to partition a disk. We will assume that there are already two logical drives: “C” – with a capacity of 26 GB and “D” – with a capacity of 50 GB.

1) Launch the program (Partition Magic)

2) Select the desired disk that we want to partition (in this case, it is disk “C”). In the top menu, select Partition, and then Resize/Move

3) Specify the new disk size (in this example we specified 15 Gb) and click OK.

4) The original disk became a different size (15Gb) and free space appeared (11Gb). Now you can create a new logical drive. To do this, select free space and go to the Partition menu item and then Create.

Where we can specify: size, drive letter, cluster size, etc. Then click the OK button.

5) At the final stage, click Apply and then OK.

P.S. During a reboot, when the program will partition the disk, you need to be more careful so that there are no power surges, etc., otherwise there is a possibility of losing information. It is better to use a UPS uninterruptible power supply for these purposes.

Partitioning a hard drive using Windows 7

Partitioning the C:\ drive in Win7

When purchasing a new computer or laptop with the Windows 7 operating system preinstalled, many users are faced with the problem of dividing the hard drive into several partitions.

Partitioning the hard drive into several partitions is important both from the point of view of ease of use of the system interface and the ability to save data after reinstalling or restoring the operating system.

Main partition C:\

As you know, when you reinstall the operating system, all data located on the C:\ drive is lost, while the data on the remaining partitions of the hard drive remains intact. All important files can be easily used even after the system is restored.

Partitioning a hard drive is also convenient because programs and applications are installed on the system partition C:\. If the C:\ drive is the only one, then when you add all kinds of files and folders to it, confusion arises between system files and regular folders added by the user. In this case, it is easy to get confused in the files and inadvertently delete some important system file. Therefore, partitioning the hard drive is necessary.

In order to split a hard drive in Windows 7 into several partitions (logical drives), many use specialized programs, like Partition Magic and the like. Using such programs, you can split a disk into several partitions. But Windows 7 provides the ability to split it using system utilities. In this case, the need for third-party programs completely disappears.

To partition a hard drive in Windows 7, you need to go to the computer control panel.

You can do this in two ways:

It is clear that the first method is simpler.

In the “Disk Management” tab you can view all the information on our HDD and its partitions. In addition to the main C:\ partition, there is a possibility of finding a hidden recovery partition.

Main partition C:\ and hidden recovery partition

The recovery partition is used to store information to restore the operating system in the event of a serious failure when the system does not boot. It is not indicated by a letter. It is worth noting that the amount of memory occupied by recovery files can reach several gigabytes (usually about 15GB). Also, in addition to it, there is a section on the disk System Reserved , volume 100 megabytes. These sections are official, since they are not used by the user in any way and serve for the normal functioning of the operating system.

So, let's turn our attention to the C:\ drive, which is to be divided into sections - additional logical drives.

In order to split it, right-click on the conventional image of the disk. In the drop-down menu, select “ Shrink Volume…”.

Item "Compress volume..."

After the request is completed, a window will appear in which the compression parameters will be indicated. If the disk has not been partitioned before, then by default the utility will offer to split it approximately in half. If the HDD initially had a memory capacity of, for example, 1.8 Terabytes, then after division two sections are formed with a capacity of approximately 900 Gigabytes each.

The window that appears indicates the size of the C:\ volume before compression (in megabytes) and the size of the compressed space. The size of the compressed space is the amount of memory of the new partition that will be created. The total size after compression is the size of the C:\ volume after compression. It will be slightly larger than the newly created one. As already mentioned, the system will offer to divide the available memory approximately in half.

If you have the desire and confidence in your abilities, you can indicate your numbers and divide the disk according to your needs. In any case, it will be possible to carry out the reverse procedure - volume expansion and return everything to its previous state.

After familiarizing yourself with the separation parameters, click the “Compress” button. After a short process, another partition with the inscription “Unallocated” will appear on the HDD.

The item "Create a simple volume..."

The “Create a Simple Volume Wizard” will launch. Click “Next”. The “Specify volume size” window will appear – click “Next” again. In the next window, select the letter of the new volume in the “ Assign a drive letter" You can choose any letter you like.

Assigning a letter for the new partition

We confirm the choice and specify the file system in the new window. In point " Format this volume as follows:” specify the file system NTFS , leave the cluster size at default. Put a tick in the checkbox “ Quick formatting” and click “Next”. A window will appear with all the specified parameters. If everything is correct, then click the “Done” button.

If you are not satisfied with the default parameters set by the system, then, of course, you can set your own. But in most cases this is not required.

After a few seconds, the new HDD partition will be formatted, a letter will be assigned to it, and the inscription “Good (Logical drive)” will appear in the symbol field. Now the C:\ drive will be divided into two.

New HDD partition - New volume (E:)

If desired, you can change the name of the new section, and instead of “ New volume”, give another. You can do this in several ways:

    1 .In the computer control panel in the disk management window, select the one whose name you want to change. Right-click and select " Properties". In the name field, enter a new name and confirm by clicking OK.

If you have a solid-state drive (SSD) installed in your system instead of an HDD, then the separation technique is similar.