Holidays in Vietnam Ha Long Bay. Halong Bay in Vietnam: description, photos, reviews. How to get to Ha Long Bay

Halong Bay is a popular tourist destination and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Ha Long Bay includes more than 3,000 islands, cliffs, rocks, caves, grottoes - all of them have the most unusual and unique shapes.

The unique bay is located on an area of ​​about 1500 km². This amazing natural phenomenon was included in the list of “7 New Wonders of Nature” in 2011. Every day hundreds of tourists come to see Halong Bay.

The name “Halong” itself translates as “where the dragon descended into the sea.” According to legend, Ha Long Island was created by a dragon that lived in the mountains. And the moment he came out, he hollowed out valleys of various shapes. After it plunged into the sea, the areas hollowed out by its tail filled with water. So only many small islands remained.

The most popular and frequently visited caves of the famous bay are equipped with multi-colored lighting, which makes them real fairy-tale palaces.

Tour of Ha Long Bay

Tours to Halong Bay usually include lunch on a one-day tour, boat trips between the rocks, and a stay on one of the islands in a cave. Multi-day tours include breakfast, lunch, dinner, visits to islands and caves, and overnight stay.

From Nha Trang

To go to the bay from Nha Trang, you first need to somehow get to Hanoi, where you can start your journey.

From Hanoi

Tourists are offered several options for excursions around Ha Long Bay - these can be either one-day or two-day tours. A day excursion to Halong Bay includes transfer from your hotel, lunch and a tour of the bay itself. You can read in detail about the one-day excursion and book a tour by following the link below.

A two-day tour to Ha Long Bay includes hotel transfer, dinner, breakfast and lunch, excursion and overnight stay. You can book a two-day excursion by following the link below.

Ha Long Bay Cruise

A two-day cruise on Halong Bay includes transfer, accommodation in cabins and departure for the cruise, lunch, visiting caves, fishing, overnight on the first day, gymnastics, breakfast, excursion, lunch on the second day. More information about the cruise to Halong Bay, prices and ordering excursions can be found at the link below.

Reviews of Ha Long Bay

Ha Long Bay is a frequently visited attraction in Vietnam. Tourists who have visited these islands remain in admiration of the local beauties and islets. Reviews of tourists about a trip to Halong Bay can be read on

Weather in the bay

The climate in Ha Long Bay is tropical and humid. Two seasons predominate: hot, humid summers and dry, cold winters. The average temperature is from +15 to +25 °C.

Weather by month:

  • January: +9°C;
  • February: +7°C;
  • March: +4°C;
  • April: +9°C;
  • May: +5°C;
  • June: +2°C;
  • July: +3°C;
  • August: +5°C;
  • September: +6°C;
  • October: +5°C;
  • November: +2°C;
  • December: +5°C.

The best months to visit Halong Bay are September-October, April-May, since the beach season ends in November, and typhoon season begins in early August.

Where is Ha Long Bay

Ha Long Bay is located in the Gulf of Tonkin in the South China Sea in Vietnam. Administratively, the bay islands belong to the cities of Ha Long, Cam Ph and Van Don County.


Ha Long Bay does not have natural beaches on its territory; all the beaches here are artificially created. Among the popular beaches in the bay are the following:

  • Beaches of Cat Ba Island. The beach infrastructure is not very developed, however, the beach is popular for its views and clean water. Here you can go kayaking and rent a motorbike or bicycle.
  • Beaches of Bai Chay Island. Unlike Cat Ba Island, Bai Chay Island has a developed infrastructure. There are restaurants, a park, and jet ski and jet ski rentals on the beach. The beach is 500 meters long and about 100 meters wide.
  • Beach of Tuan Chau island. The length of the beach is as much as 3 km long and 30 meters wide. On the beach of Tuan Chau Island you can rent various water transport (water skis, scooters). Also not far from the beach there are hotels, a golf course, a dolphinarium, and a water park.
  • Ngoc Vung Island beach. One of the best beaches in the entire bay, its length is almost 1 km. There are several cafes here where guests are offered fish dishes. The beach is famous for its clean sand and clear water.


Despite the fact that Ha Long Bay itself is a tourist attraction, there are many other significant places on its territory that have become popular.

  • Cave of surprises. This cave is the best in the entire bay. The ceiling of the cave is decorated with stalactites, and on the floor there are rocks of various shapes. Here you can see animals, trees, flowers and much more. The beginning of the cave is a narrow entrance, but the deeper you go into the cave, the more interesting it becomes, since further on it becomes larger and wider.
  • Acoustic grotto. The grotto is famous for the fact that here you can hear unusual sounds during strong winds.
  • Grotto of stone pillars. This is the central attraction of Ha Long Bay, which has stone giants that amaze tourists who come here with their beauty. In addition to the stone giants, there is a natural reservoir with the purest drinking water.
  • Quang Hanh Grotto. The largest cave in Halong Bay, its length is 1300 meters.
  • Cat Ba Island. The largest island in Ha Long Bay. In the north of the island there is a national park, in the southern part there is the town of Cat Ba, which has hotels, cafes, shops and beaches.
  • Grotto Drum. The grotto became popular and got its name due to the sounds of drumming that are emitted from it when there is a strong wind.

How to get to Ha Long Bay

GPS coordinates: 20°54′38″ N. w. 107°03′16″ E. d.

The most popular way to get to the bay is a guided tour. However, you can get there on your own.

On your own from Hanoi

You can get to Ha Long Bay by bus, train or car.

  • By bus. Most often these are tourist minibuses provided by travel companies in Hanoi, which are easy to find on the streets of the city. The tourist bus ride to Ha Long City takes about 3 hours. A cheaper option is regular intercity buses, which depart from bus stations in Hanoi every 15-30 minutes. These buses take about 5 hours to Ha Long. Next, when departing on a cruise, you need to get to the pier in Halong, where you immediately need to buy a tour and go on a short trip. It is worth remembering that the last boat departs at 13:00.
  • By train. There is no direct train to Ha Long, so the starting point is Hai Phong. From Hanoi Long Bien Station, 4 trains depart every day and take 2 hours.
  • By car. By renting a car, you can get from Hanoi to the pier in Ha Long.

Route from Hanoi to Halong by car:

From Nha Trang and Phan Thiet

To get to Ha Long Bay from Nha Trang and Phan Thiet, you first need to get to Hanoi, from where you continue to the bay.

Panorama of Ha Long Bay in Vietnam:

Video: Ha Long Bay in Vietnam (Ha Long Bay, Vietnam)

In fact, there are two bays here: Ha Long and Bai Tu Long. (Vinh Bai Tu Long), lying to the east of it. Both are literally strewn with island towers made of limestone and shales. By the way, the territory protected by UNESCO occupies less than a third of the total area and has “only” 775 islands. Only tourist and passenger ships of small displacement can enter this fabulous area. In the rest of the water area there is active shipping and marine fishing.

Most of the cliffs in Halong are covered with curly caps of greenery; many of them contain deep karst caves that keep ancient secrets. There are no twins among them - each has its own unique appearance, sometimes so bizarre that local residents associate legends with such rocks. Only half of the islands have names, and only two have a permanent population. You can admire the landscapes of the bay forever - at different times of the day, in different lighting and weather, Ha Long appears in a new, but always beautiful guise. For a long time, wars and political upheavals made it inaccessible to travelers, but now it is the most popular natural monument in Vietnam.

Ha Long Bay in cinema

Camille and Jean-Baptiste, the young heroes of the film "Indochina", escape from their pursuers on a junk, easily gliding across a calm sea. The cloudy sky is reflected in the waves, giving them a metallic shine. The boat goes further and further, the fog begins to thin out, and through it appear the outlines of countless rocks, crowned with curly caps of vegetation and rising straight out of the water, like towers... Cameraman Francois Catonnet masterfully captured Ha Long Bay - the pride of Vietnam. Regis Warnier's film is by no means the only film where you can see scenes shot against the backdrop of the famous landscapes of the bay. In 1997, Ha Long appeared in the film Tomorrow Never Dies, the 18th episode of the famous Bond film.


Over the course of entire geological epochs, the sea and land disputed their rights to Ha Long, which either went deep under the water, then “surfaced” back. Approximately 500 million years ago, the struggle between the elements ended in a compromise, revealing to the world the Ha Long that visitors to Vietnam now admire. About 16 thousand years ago, people first appeared on the islands of the bay - fishermen, who took refuge here from the dangers that awaited them on the “mainland”. The primitive sites discovered on the bay islands are the oldest monuments of this kind in all of Vietnam.

In the historical era, the Halong Islands, replete with karst caves, were used as a base by a variety of forces - from pirates who traded in robbery to patriots who defended the shores of Vietnam from overseas adversaries. This tradition suddenly received new life in the 20th century. During the Second World War and the First Indochina War, partisan hospitals and arsenals were located in local grottoes, and during the American War, the “mosquito fleet” of the DRV took refuge among the islands, awaiting the approach of ships under the Stars and Stripes. In response, US aircraft bombarded the bay with floating mines. With the end of the war, the bay became a restricted area for a long time, opening to mass tourism only in the early 1990s.

Almost all the islands are uninhabited. There is a permanent population in the bay only on the largest islands - Cat Ba and Tuantyau. And there are people who chose to settle not on the islands, but right on the water. About 1,500 people live in several floating villages anchored in different parts of Ha Long.


There are two main seasons in Halong Bay. The warm and humid summer season lasts from May to October. The average air temperature during these months is 26.4 °C, but can rise to 35 °C. If your visit to Halong falls during the wet season, this does not mean that it will rain continuously. It falls once a day, and, as a rule, at night. A much more serious problem is typhoons, the season of which in Ha Long lasts from August to October. In winter, Ha Long weather is cool and relatively dry with an average temperature of about 20 ° C (can drop to 15 °C).

Bay Cruises

Travel agencies, of which there are countless numbers in the Old Town of the Vietnamese capital, offer various programs for visiting the bay and islands as part of group groups. A 2-day program with one overnight stay on the ship will cost 16-18 USD. The cost of a 3-day cruise with two overnight stays - on the ship and at a hotel on Cat Ba Island - starts from 45 - 55 USD. Trekking Travel ( South Pacific Travel ( and Vega Travel ( enjoy a reputation as reliable and not too expensive cruise operators in Ha Long. At the tourist harbor you can join a group on a day trip to the nearby islands (with a visit to the Dau Zo cave), however, such a voyage is unlikely to cost you less than 10 USD and, moreover, will be deprived of the delights of admiring the sunset and sunrise among the islands.

A standard 2-day trip to Halong starts around 8am with the group leaving Hanoi. The transfer takes approximately 3 hours (including one rest stop) and ends at the pier of the tourist harbor of Bai Chay - the western district of Ha Long. Tourists are accommodated on a two-deck motor junk, over which fake rack sails are raised (usually red or brick color), and the ship sails in a southerly direction.

The first stop of all cruise ships is a small group of islands 15 km from the harbor where tourists take a stroll. The ships enter the bay framed by high rocks and, turning their nose to the shore, line up along the concrete pier. When there are no free “parking spaces” left at the pier, the captains begin to moor to the stern of their faster colleagues and invite passengers to go ashore on someone else’s deck. Landing on the islands includes a visit to the largest karst cave in Halong, Dauzo (Dau Go, or Bamboo Pillars). Before landing, the guide accompanying the group distributes tickets to the wards. (30,000 VND, included in the tour price), which must be presented at the entrance to the grotto, located in the rocks high above the harbor.

The existence of the cave has been known since ancient times. At the end of the 13th century. The country's independence fighter, General Tran Hung Dao, used it for ambushes and surprise attacks on the Mongol invaders. The French dubbed the cave Grotte des Merveilles, which means Grotto of Miracles. Nowadays, cemented paths are laid in Dau Zo, and garlands of limestone stalactites are illuminated with multi-colored lamps. Bizarre limestone formations with their shapes resemble anything: depending on the nationality of tourists, guides show them either the Olympic Bear or Donald Duck.

After leaving the cave, the group little by little returns to the ship. During the visit to the cave, the team manages to prepare lunch, which always comes in handy. Having set sail, the ship goes around the island on the western side and delves into the labyrinth of islets surrounding the large Cat Ba Island. Having passed the floating village 13, consisting of two dozen rafts with colorful plywood houses bobbing on the water, it approaches the Kissing Rocks of I. Long ago, winds and sea waves destroyed the middle part of the tiny island. The fragments remaining above the water are inclined towards each other and really resemble a couple in love, ready to merge in a kiss. The walk along the bay continues until the evening, after which the ship anchors under the cover of one of the picturesque rocks. Depending on the season and weather, evening entertainment includes swimming, kayaking, visiting a floating village, or sitting in the ship's cabin. Some companies organize cooking classes, film screenings and similar events with a national flavor for passengers. The next morning, the ship weighs anchor after breakfast and at about 10 o'clock disembarks tourists where they began their voyage the day before.

Sometimes, instead of Dauzo, ships visit the Shyngshot cave (Sung Sot, or Amazing).

Ha Long City

All vehicles coming from Hanoi enter the provincial capital of Quang Ninh from the southwest along Highway No. 18. Tourist buses delivering cruise groups arrive immediately at the pier. If you came to Halong this way, you will have to drive about 1.5 km from the pier in order to get to the street. Vyun Dao (Vuon Dao), where the bulk of budget hotels in Baichai are located. The beginning of the street looks like an extensive intersection along the main coastal highway - Ha Long Road. At the very beginning of Vyun Dao you will see two fish restaurants with aquariums and outdoor tables. There is a post office on the opposite side of the street. The street with a gentle slope going to the left from Ha Long Road is Vyun Dao. Hotels start immediately behind the mentioned restaurants. Regular buses arrive at Mientai Bus Station (Ben Xe Mien Tau) on the street Ka Dan (Ca Lan) in Baichai. To st. Vyun Dao can be reached from here by motorized cab (10,000 dong).


Most tourists visit Ha Long as part of a tour purchased in advance in Hanoi. The lion's share of this crowd consists of tourists who paid for accommodation on a ship plowing the waters of the bay. If you are one of the few who prefer to spend the night on solid ground, then there is shelter for you, both in Western (Baychay), and in the eastern (Hongai) parts of the city divided by a “fiord”. The most convenient place to stay is in Baichai (Bai Chay), which is labeled Halong City West on some tourist maps. Most city hotels are located within a kilometer from the tourist harbor.

Baichaya Hotels

Cost of living in family mini-hotels on Vyung Dao, Anh Dao streets (Anh Dao) and Hau Kan (Hau Can) is 5 - 8 USD. The cost is mainly affected by the location of the room (the higher the floor, the cheaper) and the presence of a window. If you want to save money, take a room on the fourth floor or higher, then an overnight stay can cost only 4 USD. Most hotels are newly built or are regularly renovated. The standard room includes a well-finished room and a private bathroom with shower. The room has new furniture, color TV, air conditioning and a fan.

Monsters of Ha Long Bay

There is no person who has not heard about the mysterious inhabitant of the Scottish lake Loch Ness. Available historical evidence suggests that some large animal unknown to science may also be hiding in the waters of Halong Bay.

February 15, 1897 to the crew of the French gunboat Aqualanche ("Avalanche") I had to endure several unpleasant minutes when a creature that most closely resembled a snake suddenly surfaced at the side of a small ship. But the size of the “sea reptile” was too large: 20 meters from head to tail with a thickness of 2 meters! When moving, the animal's body bent in waves. The meeting took place in Ha Long Bay, which the gunboat was patrolling in search of smugglers. Sucking in air noisily, the unknown beast passed under the keel of the gunboat and, appearing for another second on the surface, finally disappeared into the depths. Imagine the surprise and horror of the sailors when, on February 24, the gunboat encountered two giant “snakes” in the bay at once! The matter did not end there. The patrol team had the opportunity to observe mysterious marine inhabitants two more times - in July 1897 in Ha Long and in February 1898 in neighboring Bai Tu Long Bay. By the time of the last meeting, the sailors had become so bold that they tried to catch up with the “snake”, but the speed of the steam ship was not enough for this. Not wanting to admit defeat, the commander ordered the animal to be fired from a cannon. Several shells fired from a distance of 300-400 meters did not reach the target, but, apparently, greatly frightened the animals: no more “snakes” were encountered in the path of the “Avalanche”.

In July of the same year, the battleship Vauban entered Halong. On a clear day on July 11, one of the officers stood at the side, enjoying the scenery. Suddenly the sailor's attention was attracted by some movement at the very side of the ship. Looking into the clear water, the sailor was stunned: at a shallow depth, a giant “snake” about 15 meters long, covered with large scales, was moving. The thin neck ended in a small head, on which large eyes were clearly visible.

On February 12, 1904, Lieutenant Perron went by motorboat to Halong Bay. The officer was accompanied by several sailors and a Vietnamese fisherman. The lieutenant was far from thinking about an idle walk: he was going to clarify the coordinates of a number of dangerous underwater rocks. The platform was just discussing something with the fisherman when the lookout let out a loud scream. Looking in the direction that the excited sailor was pointing, the lieutenant saw what he took to be a “monstrous eel.” First, a mysterious gray mass appeared on the surface of the sea. Then, in the same place, two rings of a long, wriggling body about a meter thick rose above the water. The officer estimated the animal's length to be 20 meters. The sailors tried to get closer to the animal, but it sank, leaving a strange oily trace on the surface.

The last documented sighting of the “monster of Ha Long Bay” occurred in June 1908. The French steamer Hanoi was already approaching the bay when the captain standing on the bridge noticed a black object rising from the water directly ahead. The sailor grabbed his binoculars and managed to see a shiny body with a ridge along its back. Then a head appeared above the water, resembling a turtle, but about a meter in length. The creature looked at the approaching ship and immediately disappeared into the abyss...

World wars and dramatic events in the modern history of Vietnam made us forget about the mysterious “snakes” of Ha Long, which frightened sailors at the dawn of the 20th century. Meanwhile, the bay with its secluded corners and mysterious grottoes can still hide an animal of any size in its depths. Ironically, the name “Ha Long” means “diving dragon”. Who knows, perhaps the mysterious “dragon” will emerge again?

From Halong to China

If you have the desire and a Chinese entry visa, you can easily enter the territory of the PRC from Halong. The nearest border crossing is in the town of Mong Cay, northeast of Ha Long. The journey by regular bus takes about 4 hours (40,000 dong). Leaving the hotel, it’s enough to say the cherished words to the driver: “Se bit Mongkai!” (“Bus to Mongkai”). For 10-15 thousand dong, se om will take you to the suspension bridge connecting Baichai and Hong Gai, where you just have to wait for the bus with the corresponding inscription on the windshield. The road as a whole looks quite decent, but in some places the road surface is badly damaged by coal trucks. To get from the Mongkai bus station to the border crossing, you can once again use the services of the se om (15,000 VND, less than 5 minutes). After paying the border fee of 15,000 VND, you complete the entry formalities and find yourself in the “central lane” with a duty-free store where you can exchange the remaining VND for Chinese Yuan. Next, the path lies across the Friendship Bridge, at the opposite end of which the quarters of the city of Dongxing begin. Bus stop (1 yuan) is located behind the cordon. The route is close to the Dongxing Bus Station, from where the night sleeper bus is available. (130-160 yuan) in 12 hours it will take you to Guangzhou.

You can also get to Mongkai by sea: halfway from Vuon Dao to the bridge there is a “Komet” pier, covering the distance to Mongkai in 3.5 hours (two flights per day, about 12 USD). Timetables and tickets can be found at Mientai Bus Station.

The Mongkai/Dongxing crossing is busier than the similar Lang Son/Pingxiang crossing. The latter is a well-trodden tourist path: most Chinese tour groups visiting Ha Long go through it. Regular transport (and also trains) goes to Lang Son from Hanoi.

Ha Long Bay is one of the main attractions in Vietnam. Ha Long is located in the northern part of the country, 300 km from Hanoi. Like everyone who is planning to go to one of the most famous attractions in northern Vietnam, we read the reviews, compared the opinions of different people, listened to those we trust and chose the best option for both of us.

A wonderful place in Vietnam - Ha Long Bay

How to go to Halong

  • Tour for 1 day for $40-60. If you want to see the famous Halong Bay, take photos at the observation decks, visit a cave, ride a ship and return to your hotel by evening, then you need to buy a one-day tour. It is no different from the two-day program, except for spending the night on the ship.
  • Tour for 2-3 days from $100. If, in your opinion, it’s romantic to spend the night in a ship’s cabin, you have $150-200 available per person and have enough days in Vietnam, then take a tour for 2-3 days.

Although we are romantics, we somehow intuitively felt what we needed specifically. Having gone one day and seen Ha Long in a few hours, we realized that we had lost nothing. In 1 day we saw all the most beautiful things and at the same time gained time. We bought a tour at the reception of our hotel and were not disappointed.

Ha Long Bay Day Tour

At 7:40 am a minibus arrived to pick us up at the hotel. It’s unexpected that a minibus, because the journey from Hanoi to Ha Long takes 4 hours. They even took us on a big bus, even though the journey was only 2.5 hours. Along the way we were taken to a souvenir shop with a toilet. Everything as usual.

The guide was a wonderful Vietnamese student. She spoke excellent English and most of the information was understandable. The guide immediately told us that she would not rush us anywhere, so that we would not feel like we were on a typical excursion, where we were running everywhere to have time to see everything. That’s how it worked out in the end, we had time everywhere, we weren’t in a hurry.

After 4 hours of travel we arrived at the port where ships depart for Halong.

As soon as the group left the minibus, we immediately went to the ship, which was already waiting for us. We did not languish for half an hour waiting, as happens with other tourists. The ship was modest, but very dignified, clean, with an open upper deck.

European girls stripped off to sunbathe

Lunch on the boat overlooking Halong Bay

It's time to satisfy your hunger. Lunch time came as soon as we set sail from the mainland. Lunch was completely unimportant. There was no buffet and the food left much to be desired.

They brought one fish for 6 people, meat, some kind of cabbage appetizer and tofu. Fortunately, there were Koreans sitting at the table with us and apparently understood that I don’t eat meat. That's why I ate most of the fish

Drinks are available for a fee. Prices are low, see for yourself. For the same prices we buy drinks in cafes in Hanoi. We had our own water, it was not forbidden to drink it.

Mountains in Ha Long Bay

After lunch we went upstairs and contemplated the passing mountains.

Despite many opinions that the rocks in and the rocks in Ha Long are the same thing, it didn’t seem so to us. They are somewhat similar, but the key word is similar, not identical. Only vaguely reminiscent.

The rocks in Krabi province are more elongated, high and bare. The rocks from Ha Long are green and “fluffy”. Mostly completely overgrown with trees. They are so furry that you want to reach out and stroke them.

In Ha Long Bay, the rocks are presented in such a huge quantity that you swim and cannot see the edge, where they end. There are ten times more of them than in Krabi.

Observation deck in Ha Long and the largest cave

A little later, we were dropped off at the first stop with an observation deck. It is not difficult to climb it; it is not very high.

That rare case when I asked a stranger to take a photo and it turned out well

Surprise Cave in Ha Long Bay

The cave was the next place after the observation deck. It is huge and so fantastic...

This is the most beautiful cave we have seen

The cave is brightly illuminated with different lights, and there are steps and bridges along its entire length. A comfortable and convenient examination is guaranteed to you.

Surprising cave really turned out to be a surprise for us

You can wander through such caves for hours, and not like in Ninh Binh or in James Bond, when you swim in a canoe, swim down and in the dark try to see at least something, a candle with your flashlight. At the same time, it still stinks of bat waste.

Everything was perfect in Ha Long Cave. Clean, beautiful, safe. We were given enough time and our group was the only one in the cave. It was the same when our group was brought before the massive arrival of the Chinese and all the other tourists, so that we could photograph every corner of this island up and down and be in silence. This time we were lucky with the agency again.

Second observation deck

Once out of the cave, there was again an observation room and a small counter with souvenirs.

Having walked across the bridge, which reminded us, we loaded into our ship and sailed to Titov Island.

Where can I order a transfer from the airport?

We use the service - KiwiTaxi
We ordered a taxi online and paid by card. We were met at the airport with a sign with our name on it. We were taken to the hotel in a comfortable car. You've already talked about your experience In this article

Titov Island in Halong

Our cosmonaut German Titov got his name on an island and a monument in Halong Bay, thanks to friendly relations with Ho Chi Minh City. For some reason, only his monument says Ti Top, not TiTov. We even came up with a version that maybe Ti Top is an abbreviation for the English Titov Top, the top of Titov?

There are not as many people on Titov Island as there could be. The beach, of course, is not a bounty, but the water is clear, garbage does not float in it and you can swim.

Titov Island Beach

Rent of a sun lounger-chair 30,000 dong ($1.5). Very cheap for such a tourist place

The mountains are close, the views are crazy. Even a little of the bottom near the shore is visible. In principle, it’s a very swimmable island

You are allowed 1 hour to stay on Titov Island. We decided to swim in a more suitable place, next time on another island. It is better to devote the allotted time to climbing to the most beautiful observation deck in Ha Long Bay.

Observation deck on Titov Island

The climb to View Point turned out to be more difficult than at previous lookouts. In addition, there were crowds of people on the narrow stairs, and sometimes even traffic jams formed. We didn't climb to the very top.

We stopped in the middle. From here there is already a magnificent view and fewer people.

We stood and watched for about 20 minutes

There is still time left to go down, wander along the beach and drink an expensive coconut for 50,000 dong ($2.5).

We spent a total of 4 hours in Ha Long Bay. On the way back, everyone, tired but happy, set sail back and headed to the pier, where the minibus was waiting for us.

We swim and see the sun going away. Thank you Halong for spending a day in your bay. And thanks for the sunny weather!

A 4-hour road to Hanoi awaited us back, which seemed never to end.

Halong reviews and conclusions on excursions

Is it worth going to Ha Long? Yes, it's worth it. Be sure to come when you find yourself in Hanoi. Even if you have already seen rocks in Thailand. The views are cooler. But, if you are vacationing in Mui Ne or Nha Trang, then we don’t think it’s worth paying $400 for an excursion and flying from Halong.

If you have already been to Krabi and now doubted that Ha Long Bay would not touch your soul and make no impression, then I hope that you will take our word for it. Halong Bay impressed even us, having seen enough of similar beauty in Sam Roi Yot National Park, in Ninh Binh, in Vang Vieng and on the Krabi Islands, like.

Although the mountains are similar to Krabi, they are different here. And there are more of them. Uncountable number. The scale is amazing. Even the simplest one-day excursion will be remembered for a long time!

Perhaps, when you are just going to Ha Long for show, such an excursion may not be memorable. This happens rarely with us, but it also happened. But now, after a 2-month stay in Russia, we were so glad that we didn’t cancel our trip to Ha Long at all. But such a thought has slipped through more than once.

Panoramic photo of Ha Long

Excursion to Ha Long for 1 day or 2 days - which is better?

Our subjective opinion is that it is not necessary to take two- or even more so three-day tours to Halong. You are driving to see a bay with mountains and 4 hours is more than enough. Well, the way back to Hanoi is actually not that tiring.

Please also note that two-day excursions are not as tempting as they seem at first glance. The program is exactly the same as our one-day tour. The only difference is that you spend the night on the ship. At the same time, such a tour costs 2-3 times more - from $100 per person. The price depends on the quality of the ship. There are 2, 3, 4 and 5 star ships.

You can certainly argue and say that while we are trudging in minibuses back to Hanoi, you continue to admire the bay. But it gets dark in Vietnam at 18:00. From the window of your cabin you will see only darkness and nothing else. Add to this boredom on the ship and somehow working Wi-Fi. A dubious pleasure, I tell you.

On the second day they do not offer any outstanding program. Tourists will be evicted from the ship's cabin early in the morning, and the only entertainment will be canoeing in the area of ​​Titov Island and a master class in Vietnamese cooking, which no one really needs, as practice shows. That is, even the ship’s route is no different from a one-day tour.

So, we recommend visiting Halong Bay. You can safely take a cruise for 1 day. Just look at all the most interesting things.

4 hours on a bus there and 4 back is not as scary as travel agencies make it scary. We went and were glad that we did not take a two-day tour.

Write comments about your impressions of the bay and what tour would suit you personally.

Halong video

(Vietnam). A photo of this natural attraction will be enough to understand why UNESCO included the bay on the World Heritage List of Humanity in 1994. And all tour operators sending their clients to Southeast Asia repeat as a refrain: “If you haven’t admired Halong, you haven’t seen Vietnam!” Well, let's follow the recommendations of the travel agency workers. In this article we will tell you when is the best time to visit Ha Long, how to get there from popular ones, where to stay and what else to see in the area. The origin of the bay is connected with a beautiful legend about a dragon. The monster lived in the mountains for a long time until it suddenly became furious. Destroying everything in its path, the dragon plunged into the sea. Now only its teeth-islands protrude from the surface of the water. And the name “Halong” translates as “The place where the dragon sank into the sea.”

Where is the bay located?

The main natural one is located in the northeast of the country. The city of the same name belongs to Nuang Ninh province. And Ha Long Bay (Vietnam) is part (locals call it Bac Bo) of the South China Sea of ​​the Pacific Basin. What is this lagoon so famous for? Its area is one and a half thousand square kilometers. And over one thousand six hundred islands and simply rocks are scattered in a chaotic manner throughout the bay. Some have such a bizarre shape that when you look at them it seems as if you are Alice in the land of fairy tales. If you approach the islands by boat, you will see numerous grottoes and caves with stalactites and stalagmites. There are also deserted beaches, jungles and other beauties. In a word, paradise. And a visit here is recommended for everyone who comes to this country in Southeast Asia.

This landmark of unearthly beauty never lacks guests. And the residents of the city of the same name profit from this, which, with the exception of the bay, does not represent anything interesting in terms of tourism. But still, do not forget that this region is Northern Vietnam. Ha Long in winter is often shrouded in fog and drizzling rain. This low season lasts from February to early April. And although the sea is not stormy, visibility is quite poor. And the windy, damp and slightly cold weather is not conducive to admiring the beauty. And during the rest of the year, the bay appears to the gaze of amazed travelers from all over the world in all its irresistible charm. If you want to combine contemplation of natural beauty with swimming, of course, it is good to choose the hot summer months for this. But then there is a high probability of rain. The high season in these parts is April-May and September-October.

Vietnam, Ha Long Bay: how to get there

The attraction is only one hundred and seventy kilometers away from the capital of the country. Therefore, you can easily go here for one day. Intercity buses run from Hanoi to Halong City. They depart from Mai Dinh. It is possible to leave by train, either regular or high-speed express. Another interesting option is to buy a one-day excursion to Halong Bay. You will be quickly taken to your place in comfortable minivans and taken on a tourist boat to the large Cat Ba Island. The tour lasts over six hours and includes visits to the bay's iconic landmarks. Independent tourists need to reserve a place on the boat themselves. The ticket will cost one hundred and thirty thousand dong. This price includes entrance to the national park. A taxi ride from Hanoi will cost fifty US dollars.

Day trip to the fabulous bay from other resort towns

Many tourists dream of seeing the marvelous Ha Long Bay (Vietnam) with their own eyes. Getting to it from Hanoi is not very difficult. After all, modern modes of transport will help you cover a distance of one hundred and seventy kilometers in a couple of hours. But is it possible to visit the bay in one day, coming from other resorts in Vietnam? If you are vacationing in the north of the country, in Haiphong or Sapa, then getting to the city of Ha Long will also not be difficult. You may not even need to go to Hanoi to do this. But is it possible to visit the bay from the more southern resorts of the country? This is unlikely to happen from Ho Chi Minh City. At least for one day. Is Halong Bay (Vietnam) accessible to tourists from Nha Trang? The local bureaus undertake to organize excursions to the fabulous bay for 450 US dollars per person. But often they return the money because there are not enough people willing to form a group. For a hundred dollars you can easily go to Ha Long on your own. But to do this, you first need to get to Hanoi. This is easy to do on board a Vietnam Airlines, JetStar or VietJet aircraft. And from there you can easily get to the treasured bay by train or bus.

Halong Hotels (Vietnam)

This town is called the Gateway to Heaven. Doors are like doors. For those who rush to heaven, the gates to it are of no interest. And all the guidebooks bypass the sights of Ha Long in deathly silence. So what can you see in this settlement, built on an artificial dam that connected two capes? Only Ha Long Bay! The sandy beaches of the city are artificial and are of no interest to divers. The city is regarded by most travelers as a place to spend the night after admiring the evening bay. Therefore, there is no shortage of hotels in Ha Long. You can stay in budget hotels far from the sea or in luxurious “five” hotels on the first line. Among the most worthy is the Vinpearl Ha Long Resort. If you want to extend your vacation in a fabulous bay, you can book a hotel on one of the large islands of the bay - Cat Ba or Tuan Chau are at your service. An unforgettable night will be on board a luxury liner (for example, Signature Royal Cruise) or a traditional junk (Imperial Classic), which is moored in a picturesque place.

Types of excursions. Flight over the bay

For travelers arriving in Vietnam, Ha Long is the No. 1 must-see. Therefore, travel agencies offer a variety of excursions to this bay. Those who don't mind parting with $175 can get a bird's eye view of Halong Bay. In order for the helicopter excursion to take place, it is enough to recruit six people. You can book such a trip from the Northern Airport Flight Service Company. Departures operate every Saturday at eight in the morning from Hanoi's Gia Lam. If you are a guest of the Sofitel Metropole Hotel, you will be delivered to the hotel for free. From above, you will see all the islands of Ha Long Bay and take breathtaking photographs.

Other excursions

You don't need a boat to get to the nearby island of Tuan Chau. After all, it is connected to the mainland by a one-kilometer bridge. There is a dolphinarium and several hotels on the island - both expensive and simple guesthouses. A typical excursion involves a two-hour cruise around the bay on a simple boat with a landing on one of the Cat Ba beaches. Russian tourists arriving in Vietnam may be interested in Ha Long by Titov Island. The famous Soviet cosmonaut visited here in the 70s, and now one of the rocks bears his name. The islands of the bay are replete with caves and grottoes, which can be reached directly by boat. Cat Ba is famous for its virgin jungle and mangroves along its banks.

What to bring from Halong

This bay is famous throughout Vietnam. Halong is depicted on advertising posters about the country, replicated on many postcards, magnets, mugs and T-shirts. Therefore, you will be provided with souvenirs. As a reminder of the beautiful legend that tells the story of the origin of Halong Bay, purchase a dragon figurine. Also at the city souvenir market you can buy a beautiful model of a traditional junk with scarlet sails. These cruise around the bay. If you book a boat in advance, you can spend the night on board or go fishing from it.

Ha Long Bay is officially recognized as one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites, is the pearl of the country and, perhaps, one of the three most interesting places to visit in Vietnam. This bay belongs to the territory of the Gulf of Tonkin in the South China Sea in the northern part of the country. Approximately the distance from the capital of this state is 170 kilometers.

Halong Bay has over 3,000 islands, various rocks, cliffs and caves in its area (about 1,500 square kilometers).

Historical reference

For more than one century and even more than one era, there was a struggle between land and sea for the territory of Halong Bay, so it either completely sank under water or surfaced. The struggle ended suddenly and, about 500 million years ago, Ha Long became a beautiful bay that constantly attracts crowds of tourists and people wanting to enjoy one of the best natural attractions in Vietnam.

It was on the islands of this bay that the most ancient human sites on the territory of the state were discovered.

In ancient times, when the world was full of pirates and defenders of their lands, there was a fierce struggle; in the caves of the bay, transshipment and defensive points were often set up by both sea robbers and those who tried to protect the shores of their native land from them.

Today, Halong is mostly a place for a variety of excursions, since almost all the islands are recognized as uninhabited. The indigenous people chose only a few of the largest islands, among which the largest are Cat Ba and Tuantyau. Also in the bay you can find several floating villages, where about 1,500 people permanently live.

Climatic conditions

In the bay, it is customary to divide the season into two climatic periods. The first begins around mid-May and lasts until the first days of October. This time is considered the most favorable for relaxation, since on average the air warms up to +27 degrees, but sometimes you can see +35 degrees on the thermometer. Despite the fact that this time is considered the wet season, rain is quite rare here. If they do occur, they are mainly at night and short-term.

The most inappropriate season for traveling to Halong Bay is from early August to October, as this is the time of typhoons.

In winter, the bay is quite cool. The air temperature mostly stays at +20 degrees, but can drop to +14 degrees.

How to get there?

Almost all tourists who visit the islands of Ha Long Bay are those who went here as part of a large excursion group. Of course, some still go here on their own, but in the future they simply choose a short suitable excursion in the city of the same name on the coast.

You should choose an independent trip to the islands only if you want to wander through wild natural areas or sunbathe on deserted sandy beaches. In the case when this is not the main purpose of the trip and you want to learn a little more historical facts, visit interesting and unusual places, or take a boat ride between the islands, then choose a centralized excursion tour to Ha Long Bay, which lasts several days.

If you still choose to travel on your own, then the best and easiest way to get here is from the capital of Vietnam - the city. Many vacationers also choose the route from a Chinese town called Nanying. The best way to travel from Hanoi is by bus. So for the amount of 10 - 12 dollars you can easily get to Ha Long, and there you will take a boat to the islands.

For those who are vacationing in the southern part of the country, in the area of ​​​​a huge metropolis called, it will be most convenient to use air travel and get to.

Islands and entertainment in Ha Long

Tuan Chau Island, in addition to a luxurious beach holiday and swimming in the bay, offers the opportunity to practice water sports, as well as climb rocks, relax in tents or lie in the shade of trees. The length of the beach on this island is about 3 kilometers.

Ngoc Vung, which means “Pearl Island”, is a fairly large island. The best beach here is on the south side. There are several good eateries here with amazing fish dishes, which are prepared from the freshest fish supplied here by local fishermen immediately after being caught. The eastern part of the island is famous for the large fig tree in the center of the beach, under which Ho Chi Minh spoke with local residents in 1962.

On Bai Chay Island, the infrastructure is quite well developed, despite the fact that the beach here is artificial. There are several good restaurants, a small park, and a couple of musical theaters. Active entertainment includes water skiing and motorcycles.

Quan Lan is recognized as one of the inhabited islands. Its territory is about 11 square kilometers, on which there are 8 small villages. The island's beach is ideal for sunbathing, but swimming is not recommended, as there are large waves near the shore.

Excursion tours to Ha Long Bay

A variety of travel agencies can offer a wide variety of tours and excursion programs to Halong Bay, since the large number of islands allows you to diversify the program very well. For example, a two-day cruise with an overnight stay on the boat will cost about $18, while a three-day cruise that includes an overnight on the boat and a hotel on one of the islands (Cat Ba) will cost about $50. If this is too long a trip for you, you can join a tour group for one day right in the harbor. The cost of such a walk is approximately $10.

Still, in one day you will be able to see little and visit only the islands close to the mainland. The best and most frequently booked type of tour is the one that takes place over 2 days. It starts from Hanoi, when at about 8 o'clock a group of excursionists sets off from the capital on their journey. Travel time to Baichai Harbor (in Halong city) is about 3 hours. Then everyone moves onto a double-decker yacht and goes on a sea voyage.

Usually the first stop occurs about 15 kilometers from the coast on the territory of one of the nearby group of islands. Here tourists can take a walk, visit one of the most popular caves (depending on the chosen island) or enjoy the beautiful scenery. While vacationers are on an excursion in the cave, lunch is prepared for them on the ship and upon return everyone starts eating. Next, the ship sets off on a sea voyage around the shores of the large Cat Ba Island, along the floating village to the island with the Kissing Rocks. As soon as evening comes, the ship anchors at one of the picturesque rocks and prepares for the night. Entertainment is offered depending on weather conditions and visiting season. So, you can swim in the bay, go kayaking, visit a floating village with a tour, or just sit in the junk cabin. Some travel companies can offer a variety of master classes. One of the most popular is culinary. The next morning, the ship departs and, after wandering a little more among the beautiful rocks, at about 10.00 o’clock the tourists are dropped off at the pier from where the departure took place.