Synchronization errors. How to fix problems with account synchronization Form state synchronization is broken

Errors may occur during synchronization or when managing the synchronization environment. Below are some of the most common errors and steps to fix or work around them.

Synchronization after an error

If sync fails or is blocked, resolve the issue and restart sync. A new sync will start from the last synced root object (file or folder) that was successfully synced in the failed or blocked attempt.

Known issues and workarounds

Before you contact IBM® Software Support for assistance, review the following list of common errors and workarounds to determine if they apply to your situation.
  • Performance ClearCase - synchronized threads may sometimes report that synchronization was successful or blocked until the window was updated Layout results. To work around this issue, right-click the stream and select Last sync details. Refresh the Summary page to update the sync status.
  • Most synchronization failures or blocks occur because process control in one repository rejects a change made in another repository. A log message from the Rational ClearCase trigger (if the change is rejected by Rational ClearCase) or the Rational Team Concert process (if the change is rejected by Rational Team Concert) indicates the cause of the problem. Resolve the problem and perform the sync operation again.
  • When creating a control version, ClearCase Synchronizer independently chooses a name for it. Changing the control version template name will cause synchronization to fail. For example, if you enter the following command to change the name of the master version: cleartool chproj –blname_template, you will receive the following error message: cleartool: Error: The current master version naming scheme in the project "MyProject" does not accept the master version.
  • Synchronization blocks can also be caused by network errors (an attempt to connect to one of the repositories fails), access rights errors (the Rational Team Concert account of the synchronization process does not have sufficient rights to the Rational Team Concert repository, or the access rights of the synchronization process itself are insufficient to access the specified Rational ClearCase stream) or both. The contents of the error messages depend on the specific case. Resolve the problem and perform the sync operation again.
  • If the checkout trigger fails at the final stage of an operation, but the checkout is otherwise successful, cleartool operations will complete successfully but will post error messages to stderr. This means that a faulty final stage trigger has caused the timing to lock, even if the command that triggered it succeeded.
  • When it changes Jazz provider properties ClearCase Synchronized Stream you can see the message Failed to save workspace in the panel Team Advisor. You can ignore this message.
  • If you have problems with the Rational ClearCase dynamic view, you can try to resolve the problem by creating a new Rational ClearCase dynamic view for the given ClearCase Synchronized Stream. See Changing the Rational ClearCase Dynamic View.
  • If you notice the following error in the synchronization protocol, then set the register preservation option in MVFS by opening Control Panel> ClearCase > MVFS and selecting MVFS case insensitive And Preserving case: javax.wvcm.WvcmException: An attempt to execute the cleartool command failed: cleartool checkout -nc M:/ some_path cleartool: Error: path not found "M:/ some_path ".
  • If you are using Db2 and synchronizing large trees (>10000 files), make sure that the LOGFILSIZ value is at least 16384, otherwise you may receive the following error message: SQLCODE: -964, SQLSTATE: 57011 Database transaction log is full in Db2.

    This value can be verified using the following commands, specifying the user name db2inst1 and the database name jazz:

    • For UNIX/Linux platforms: su -db2inst1 db2start db2 get database config for jazz | grep LOGFILSIZ If you want to increase the value, enter the following command: db2 update database config for jazz using LOGFILSIZ 16384
    • For Windows platforms: db2cmd set Db2INSTANCE=db2inst1 db2 get database config for jazz > Find the value of the LOGFILSIZ parameter in the output file. If you want to increase this value, enter the following command: db2 update database config for jazz using LOGFILSIZ 16384
    In addition to increasing the LOGFILSIZ parameter, you can increase the size of the primary and secondary logs. These values ​​are specified using the following parameters:

    Note: The LOGPRIMARY setting increases the disk storage requirements for logs because the main log files are allocated when you first connect to the database. The size of each log file is equal to the value of the LOGFILSIZ parameter. Information about these values ​​is provided in the Db2 documentation.

  • If ClearCase Synchronizer made changes to a synchronized UCM stream and then reported that the chbl -incremental command that creates a control version on that stream failed, then perform the following procedure:
    1. Use cleartool to remove or rename the control version and its associated label types. If the problem occurs again, contact IBM support.
    2. After removing all control version traces, run the failed chbl -incremental ... command from the command line. If the problem occurs again, contact IBM support.
    3. After the chbl command succeeds, request the failed synchronization again. This may cause incoming change merge conflicts because the synchronizer treats changes it had already made to Rational ClearCase during the original synchronization attempt (which failed due to a failed checkout command) as new incoming changes.
    4. To resolve merge conflicts, do one of the following:
      • If any changes may have entered the synchronization thread after the synchronization failed, then resolve conflicts using the standard merge of synchronized threads. Most changes will be eliminated automatically as trivial; eliminate the rest using "mine". Then post the merge results to the Team Concert stream and request another sync.
      • If you are sure that no changes were made to the synchronized thread after the synchronization failed, then you can resolve conflicts using a simpler, but potentially slower procedure:
        1. Use the Select files to sync operation to remove the existing sync root directory
        2. Click OK (which will result in a quick sync)
        3. Re-add this sync root directory (this is a slow sync as all files in that directory will be checked)
  • If you notice the following error in the synchronization protocol, correct it in Rational ClearCase or Rational Team Concert and then perform the synchronization again: javax.wvcm.WvcmException: Write to path cannot be written because the contents of the incoming version have been removed from the provider provider_name ClearCase Synchronizer cannot access to files with deleted content. To resolve the problem, register the new contents of the file.

Image synchronization may be disrupted due to a malfunction in the synchronization channel, in the frame and horizontal scanning master oscillators, as well as due to detuning of individual stages in the image channel or high-frequency block. Sometimes the causes of synchronization failure are faults in the AGC circuit, the horizontal output stage and the high-voltage rectifier.
Synchronization disturbance can be detected by the following external manifestations: image instability horizontally and vertically, image instability horizontally, image instability vertically, kink or curvature of vertical lines in the upper part of the image, breaks or knocked out lines of the image horizontally.
If the overall synchronization is disturbed, slanted dark gray stripes are visible on the TV screen, randomly moving in horizontal and vertical directions. Violation of general synchronization occurs when there is a malfunction in the amplitude selector cascades, as well as when the image channel is incorrectly configured and the response level of the AGC circuit is incorrectly set.
Troubleshooting must begin by measuring the modes of the amplitude selector lamps and checking the serviceability of these lamps. A decrease or absence of anode voltage is possible if the load resistor or transition capacitor is faulty. The fastest and most accurate check of the health of the amplitude selector is to measure the negative voltage on the control grid of the lamp, which, if there is a signal, should
be 25-40 V. Normal voltage on the grid indicates the receipt of a video signal to the amplitude selector.
If there is no negative voltage on the control grid of the selector lamp when the antenna is on, then you should check the serviceability of this lamp, its power supply circuits and the serviceability of the chain (resistor and capacitor) through which the signal from the video amplifier is supplied to the grid.
Detecting faults in the synchronization channel is greatly simplified if you use an oscilloscope. In this case, it is enough to check the signal shapes at the control points of the synchronization channel and compare them with those shown in the factory maps.
Violation of the overall image synchronization is also possible if the image channel is incorrectly configured, especially if the gain in the low-frequency region is weakened, when the level of synchronizing pulses decreases compared to the level of video signals.
Incorrect setting of the response level of the AGC circuit leads to a limitation of the amplitude of the sync pulses, which also disrupts the image synchronization.
The image channel and AGC circuit are checked if no faults are detected in the synchronization channel.
Horizontal image instability may be the result of a malfunction in the synchronization cascade, the master horizontal oscillator, or in the AFC circuit.
If by rotating the “Line Frequency” potentiometer you can achieve a normal image for a while, then the fault should be looked for in the horizontal synchronization channel. To do this, you need to check the circuit for the passage of horizontal sync pulses from the selector load to the master horizontal oscillator. Malfunctions in the APC&F circuit lead to a violation of synchronization along the lines, a break in vertical lines or a break in lines in the horizontal direction. Typical defects in the APCiF circuit are the break of one of the semiconductor diodes of the phase discriminator or the inequality of these diodes in reverse resistance, as well as the malfunction of resistors and capacitors of the discriminator filter. For stable operation of the APCiF circuit, semiconductor diodes must be selected with small deviations in reverse resistance.
If by rotating the “Horizontal Frequency” potentiometer it is not possible to achieve a normal image even for a short time, then the master horizontal scan oscillator is faulty.
To check it, you need to measure the voltage on the control grid of the lamp (based on a transistor). For a working generator, this voltage should correspond to the values ​​​​indicated in the table. 9.2.
If the measured voltages do not correspond to the data specified in the table, you need to check the serviceability of the lamp (transistor) and circuit elements.
Violation of frame synchronization (vertical instability of the image) manifests itself in the event of a malfunction of the selector, integrating circuits, master frame generator, as well as in the event of malfunctions in the cascades of the UPCH or video amplifier.
If by rotating the “Frame Rate” potentiometer it is possible to stop the image, but after some time frame synchronization is disrupted again, then the malfunction is caused by insufficient amplitude of frame synchronizing pulses arriving at the control grid of the master oscillator. A decrease in amplitude is possible due to poor transmission of low frequencies by the video amplifier or a malfunction of the integrating chain that generates vertical sync pulses.
If by rotating the “Frame rate” potentiometer it is possible to stop the image moving for a while or change the direction of its movement, then this indicates the serviceability of the master frame scan generator. In this case, the resistors and capacitors of the integrating circuit and other elements through which the frame clock pulses pass are tested. Malfunctions of integrating circuits are a break or change in the resistance value of a resistor or capacitor capacitance. As the resistor resistance increases, the time constant of the integrating circuit increases, the voltage at the output of the circuit decreases, which leads to instability of frame synchronization. If the capacitor breaks or loses capacitance, the time constant of the integrating circuit decreases, which leads to an increase in the horizontal sync voltage at its output and a decrease or complete disappearance of the vertical sync pulses. This also causes frame synchronization instability. The SV-GROUP company offers all types of waste removal services at prices starting from 1,500 rubles.
If adjusting the frame rate fails to stop the image moving, then the master frame generator is faulty. In this case, you need to check the lamp (transistor) and circuit elements of this generator. The best way to judge the state of the frame scan master generator is by the voltage on the control grid of its lamp (transistor-based), the value of which should correspond to the data in Table. 9.3.
Synchronization disturbance in the upper part of the image (kink or curvature of vertical lines) occurs when the stabilizing circuit in the horizontal scanning master oscillator circuit is detuned, as well as due to a malfunction of the integrating filter of the AFC circuit. If the defect is caused by a detuning of the stabilizing circuit, it is necessary to try to achieve a normal image by rotating the core of this circuit. More precise adjustment of the stabilizing circuit is carried out using appropriate control and measuring equipment in a stationary workshop. If the adjustment does not give the desired results, then you need to replace the capacitor shunting the stabilizing circuit, and if there is an interturn short circuit in the coil, install a new circuit.
With an increase in the amplitude of the horizontal synchronizing pulses, the master oscillator is triggered not only by synchronization pulses, but also by equalizing pulses that act during the transmission of the half-frame damping pulse and the beginning of the next half-frame corresponding to the upper part of the image. Until the generator is synchronized, the lines at the top of the image will have broken vertical lines slanting to the right. In order to eliminate such a malfunction, it is necessary to reduce the resistance value of the load resistor from which the synchronization pulses come or reduce the time constant of the differentiating circuit.
The weakening of the gain in the low-frequency region of the video signal leads to a skew of the vertical damping pulse and a decrease in the amplitude of the horizontal synchronizing pulses at the end of the half-frame pulse and a break in the vertical lines of the image in the upper part with an inclination to the left.
Horizontal breaks or knockouts of image lines are caused by faults in the synchronization channel. In this case, you need to check the serviceability of the capacitor in the control grid circuit of the selector lamp. A break or loss of capacitance of the transition capacitor changes the bias voltage of this lamp,
which leads to premature start of the master oscillator and image distortion. Breaking and knocking out of lines is also possible due to breakdown in the windings of the output line transformer, breakdown of insulation in lamp panels and deflection system, poor contact in the high-voltage filter circuit, as well as breakdown of insulation between conductive tracks or connection points in printed circuit boards.
Detection of these malfunctions is carried out by a thorough external inspection.

Like most others, it is not ideal. It goes without saying that glitches can also occur there, which are especially noticeable when installing applications not taken from the official Play Market service and installing unofficial firmware. One of the most common is Google Android account synchronization error. Let's try to figure out how to get rid of it.

Google Android account sync error: typical glitches

First of all, we note that if such problems occur, when the user cannot use some of the system’s capabilities, you should not blame everything solely on the “operating system” or the device itself.

Most often, users encounter a message indicating a failure, the exact cause of which has not yet been clarified, but it can be assumed that it is associated solely with the actions of the user himself, as well as with incorrect login settings. Now gadgets with unofficial firmware will not be considered, since they themselves can harm the system and will have to be removed, returning the device to its original state.

Google Android account synchronization error: what to do?

The most unpleasant thing in a situation where a Google Android account synchronization error appears on a phone or tablet may be the so-called “stuck synchronization.”

In this case, as practice shows, the entire system hangs, and the failure can be corrected by simply rebooting the device. In most cases, this helps (think of frozen programs in Windows - when you reboot they work again).

Fixing a syntax error

It is likely that the Google Android account synchronization error on a tablet or smartphone may be caused by incorrectly entering your personal data (login and password).

Here you just need to enter the correct entries received during registration (the G-mail address is used as the login). As a last resort, you can try to recover your password.

Checking synchronization settings

Sometimes the Google Android account synchronization error is associated with incorrect settings in the system itself. You can, of course, try to return to factory settings, but in most cases this is not required. You just need to go to the settings and look at the enabled services.

As a rule, synchronization should be turned on for all accounts. To begin with, you can uncheck all services that require authentication, and then reboot the device. After this, when the device is turned on again, you should again enter the accounts section and check the boxes next to the appropriate services, including data transfer, browser, etc.

In some cases, it is mandatory to disable the two-level authentication system in your account security settings. In this case, it is also worth using auto-synchronization and data transfer to

Deleting an account

If all the methods given above do not help, and the Google Android account synchronization error appears again, you will have to take extreme measures - deleting the existing “account”.

To do this, use the settings menu, where you select the accounts section. Here we are interested in it, enter the Gmail address and confirm the deletion with the button below or the menu command.

Now, as is probably already clear, you should restart the device, after which, if you have an Internet connection and try to log into Google services, the system will prompt you to either create a new entry or use existing registration data. Enter your username and password and confirm your choice. If this does not help (for example, on devices with installed firmware), you will have to create a new “account”, but in this case there can be no talk of any restoration of the contact list or previously installed applications.


Although errors of this type are very common, they can be dealt with using the simplest methods and means that are not too complicated. It is enough to use only your mobile gadget. In this case, no connection to a computer with access to the installed control program is required.

In addition, it is worth noting that the problem of failures that occur on devices with firmware was not specifically addressed here. The fact is that when installing unofficial updates, a rather serious problem may arise regarding their safe removal, which requires special attention and maximum caution. Otherwise, the entire system can be brought to a state of complete inoperability.

Otherwise, the standard tools considered are the simplest and do not cause any difficulties for any user. Finally, it can be noted that you can also delete the data and cache of the service itself, but these parameters are relevant to the account synchronization error, as they say, insofar as.

- (for example, turbines and electric generator of a power unit) [A.S. Goldberg. English-Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Energy topics in general EN ...

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device- 2.5 device: An element or block of elements that performs one or more functions.