Apps press application error on Android. Fixing com google process gapps error, the process has stopped, an error has occurred, what should I do? Sometimes the message “The process has stopped” appears on the Google Phone screen. It indicates that an unfortunate malfunction has occurred in the operation of the device. What’s most offensive is that the message begins to appear with enviable frequency, leading to the inoperability of some programs, becoming attached to normal applications. Most often, the target of attacks is software downloaded from Google Play. And the reason for the problem, as it turned out, was that one of the processes was interrupted incorrectly. What can be done to get rid of this scourge?

Option 1. You can clear the cache. In rare cases, these basic manipulations are sufficient.

Option 2. Launch the program manager (sometimes also called applications) through the Android settings and carefully study the list of applications (while swiping from right to left). Then open the download (or download) manager, stop and restart the application to which the error is most often associated.

Option 3. If neither the first nor the second methods help, you can try to get out of the situation by resetting your preferences. To do this, open the application manager through the Android settings, then go to view programs and select “Menu”. Among its items, find Reset app preferences - this is “Reset application settings”. Click - this may be your last chance to get rid of the error.

The official Google Play app store (Play Store) is one of the things we love about the Android operating system. Thanks to it, each user can install all the necessary programs and games in a few minutes. In addition, the Play Store allows you to buy books, music and movies. However, sometimes problems may arise with this application. We will tell you how to solve the problem with the process stopping.

Method 1 - clear cache

The easiest and most reliable way to restore the functionality of any application on Android is to clear the cache. To do this, you need to go to the settings, select the "Applications" section, and then find the Google Services Framework and Google Play Store applications and clear the cache. For greater effect, you can erase the data.

Method 2 - reset all application settings.

Another way to fix the error is to reset all applications. Go to the device settings, “applications” section, then press the “menu” button on your smartphone and select “Reset application settings”. It is worth considering that all data used by your programs will be lost.

Method 3 - reinstall the program.

If you notice that an error occurs when launching a specific application, then try simply uninstalling it and installing it again. Perhaps some kind of failure occurred during installation that prevents the program from working correctly.

Method 4 - restoring factory settings.

If the previous options did not work, then you can perform the good old Hard Reset, that is, completely resetting the device to its factory state. Read more about this in our separate article.

Method 5 - flashing the device.

Just as reinstalling Windows helps on a computer in a critical situation, on mobile devices with Android the last chance to revive the device or get rid of problems is by flashing it. Naturally, you shouldn’t immediately resort to flashing it, since there is always a risk of “bricking” your smartphone or tablet, but sometimes this method can be the only successful one.

Of all the errors that can happen on Android, this is one of the most harmful. A Google Apps crash shouldn’t seem to have dire consequences for the entire device, but it does, and when you see the scary message “ has stopped“- that’s it, you are pulled into a hopeless vicious circle where the phone refuses to listen to you.

But before you reset your phone to factory settings in a panic attack, wait. Even if the phone seems completely paralyzed, there is still a chance to save it - and it is very simple.

What is ""?

"gapps" stands for Google Apps and covers most of the Google apps on your phone, including Gmail, Calendar, Play Store, Hangouts, and Google Plus (which hasn't been talked about much lately).

So it’s not very pleasant to receive a message that all these “gapps” have stopped working, because this could mean all the listed applications (as well as Google Play services).

Clear Google app data cache one by one

So how to solve the problem? What to do next? Even if you receive this message regularly, your phone will still be at least partially functional, so close the message and try opening Settings > Applications. If the message continues to pop up, close it and make your way to the application list.

Once you've reached your goal, scroll down to Google Play Services, which in my experience is the most vulnerable of Google's apps and the most likely source of the error.

Click Google Play Services > Storage and then Clear Cache. If the problem persists, tap Manage Space, then Clear All Data (or Clear Data depending on what Android device you have).

If this does not help and the error message continues to appear, follow the steps described for other Google applications - Google Play Store, Gmail, Maps, Calendar and Google+: clear the cache and then the data until the problem goes away.

If this does not help, uninstall updates for Google Play Services (in the “Information” section, accessible through the list of applications in the “Settings” menu).

If the problem is still not resolved, uninstall updates for Google applications one by one until the error disappears.

Resetting application settings

Perhaps you once disabled something that shouldn't have been disabled (especially if you have a rooted device), or perhaps the default settings of one of the applications were lost. A possible solution is to reset all application settings in one fell swoop. This will not affect application data, but the applications themselves will return to the state when they were first installed on the phone.

To do this, go to Settings > Apps, tap the menu icon in the top right, and select Reset app settings.

If, when downloading software, movies or games, the installation process could not be completed due to lack of space or other objective reasons, then the Android operating system is likely to fail. The message “An error occurred in the com google process gapps application” will be displayed, that is, the system will stop the running and incomplete process.

Such a message will appear on the screen quite often, interfering with the normal operation of the device - it will be impossible to make a call, send a message or access the Internet. How can you restore the device’s functionality and fix any problems that have arisen?

As my grandmother used to say, “you only need to hurry when catching fleas.” This statement perfectly characterizes a rusher who decided to download new software from Google Play services and did not wait for the full system installation on his device. What is the result? The folder is loaded, it contains installation files, and only half of them were installed correctly in the system, and the other half did not have time to be installed, perhaps due to the user’s inattention, or perhaps simply due to lack of space in the device’s memory.

The system simply cannot start the interrupted installation process on its own, and it needs help so that everything works as before. And if at least once you have seen such a warning on the screen of your device, then you should not rashly think that the problem will disappear by itself, no, this simply cannot happen by definition.

How can I get the device back into working order?

You can solve this problem using different methods, let’s talk about them:

Removing "under-loaded" applications

After the message com google process gapps has stopped, you need to do the following steps:

  1. Open the main device settings menu.
  2. Select the “Application Manager” item, or any other item that allows you to enter the list of all installed programs - it can be called “Applications” or “Programs”.
  3. This menu has several positions: “Installed”, “In use”, “Default” and the last line “All”. To correct this, you need to go to this sub-item.
  4. At the very bottom of the list should be displayed those programs that were completely unable to load and due to which a conflict arises.
  5. Select what you were unable to download and stop the full download process. After these steps the problem should disappear.

Clearing the cache

It is likely that a simple clearing of the Google Services Framevork cache will help resolve the issue.

The procedure is as follows:

If this method did not help, and the unwanted com google process gapps error message appears on the screen again, then you can try other means.

Reset all application settings

From the main device settings menu, go to the "Application Manager", and in the upper right corner (I am describing the solution on a Galaxy Core 2 device, but in other versions it may be different), there is a menu from which you can reset all settings applications. But this method does not provide a complete guarantee of eliminating the problem.

You can try to simply restart the problematic program, but first exit it, and then click on the icon again. If this does not help, you can move on to the next method.

Create a new Google account

If, for reasons unknown to you, the download of the program was interrupted, and you cannot restore it in any way, then you can try the procedure of deleting your existing Google account and registering a new account in the services.

And the last, critical way to get rid of the message com google process gapps has stopped. Here you will need to return the device to its original factory settings. But with this method, all data on the device will be lost forever if you have not made a backup copy on your computer or other gadget. It is this method that is guaranteed to eliminate the problem that has arisen with the suspension of the functionality of the mobile gadget.

To perform a reset operation, you need to find the corresponding item in the device menu. It may be called "Backup and Reset", "Backup and Reset", "Factory Reset" or other similar names.

And we want to give advice to novice users: there is no need to rush, when the application itself is installed on the device, it will notify you about this with the inscription “Ready!” Only then can it be launched normally without any problems.

Android is a very convenient and fairly reliable system. It is liked by many users all over the world. But sometimes glitches occur that cause . One of them is “The process has stopped.” Moreover, if it occurs, it is repeated many times every 5–10 minutes. As a result, it is almost impossible to use the device. What to do in this case? We suggest considering what to do when the error “The process has stopped” occurs.

Problems with the operation of the device occur quite often, but they can be easily solved


The error occurs because google.process crashes and exits incorrectly, making it impossible to use software that uses Google services to function. Most often you can get away with a slight fright, but in extreme cases you will have to reset the settings or even reflash the firmware.

Restart a stopped system process

Go to Settings - Applications - All. Scroll to the bottom of the list, all disabled services should be displayed there. Try restarting each of them. In some situations, the "Process has stopped" error may disappear.

Delete data from recently launched programs

If this was not enough, go to and press the “Erase data” button one by one. Also, pay special attention to the Google Services Framework. Most often, the error occurs due to its failure. After this, reboot your device. The problem may go away.

Reset all apps

If you can't find the specific process causing the problem, reset all programs. In the Settings - Applications - All menu, click on the menu button and select “Reset settings”. As a result of this, notifications for disabled services and programs, permissions, and default services will be reset. Personal data will not be affected. Next, restart your tablet or smartphone. The "Process has stopped" error should go away.

Factory reset

Often the first three options are enough to restore normal Android operation. But in some cases, gentle measures do not help, so you will have to use the factory ones. Go to Settings - Personal data - Backup and reset - Reset settings. Enter the security code, after which the device will reboot.

But it is worth remembering that in this case you will lose all data. So worry about copying important files and phone numbers to your computer. For those whose device is synchronized with a Google account, they only need to create a copy of the files. For better safety, we can recommend saving your data in some kind of cloud storage.


In isolated situations, even resetting to factory settings may not help. Then the only way out is flashing. You will need a firmware program, the firmware itself and a connecting cable. Some models can be flashed without a computer using the built-in Recovery. The procedure may differ on different devices, so look for information on the World Wide Web specifically for your model.


We have looked at all the options to solve the problem “The process has stopped.” We hope that you will be able to get away with little loss and you will not have to reset the settings or.

Have you ever encountered a similar problem? How did you solve it? Did the article help you? We'd love to read your feedback.

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