Typo keyword generator. Keyword selection service

Hello dear blog visitors!

The desire of all webmasters is that the article written by him and published on his own website appears in first place as quickly as possible. search results. If this happens, it means you have chosen the right keywords, but as a rule, not everyone succeeds. A lot has been written about this on the Internet.

I would like you to pay attention to selection service keywords , with which you can quickly select keywords for your article. This is the Keyword Generator service.

In this article I will touch on another service for the selection of low-competitive key phrases.

A person accessing the Internet searches for information of interest by entering search engines ah word or phrase. These words or phrases are the keywords.

Keywords are divided into three groups:

— high-frequency (HF), over 10,000 impressions per month; — mid-frequency (MF), from 1000 to 10,000 impressions per month; — low-frequency (LF), up to 1000 impressions per month.

For a young site that is not even a year old, getting to the first pages in search engine results for high-frequency and mid-range queries is practically impossible today. Unless for a decent amount of money. For low frequency queries this is real. This is what we will focus on.

Online keyword generator.

It is best to write articles using ready-made keywords. You have decided to write an article on a topic that interests you. We selected LF keywords or phrases in advance using keyword selection services for the online site:

— Yandex http://wordstat.yandex.ru

— Google http://adwords.google.com

— Rambler http://adstat.rambler.ru/cgi-bin/wrds_stat.pl

and we wrote an article using these keywords.

But what to do if you already have a ready-made article and the keywords for this article have not yet been selected? For this purpose, there is a service for selecting keywords for an online website “Keyword Generator”.

There are a sufficient number of such services on the Internet and webmasters use them. Here are some of them:

http://webmasta.org/tools/keygeneratortext/-keyword generator from text

http://webmasta.org/tools/keygeneratorurl/— keyword generator from the site


— http://mirem.ru/keywords


These services are simple and understandable for any user. In some services, you just need to enter text in the required “Text for analysis” field and click the “Generate” or “Analyze” button, after which you will get the result. Select and paste into your website in the “keywords” field. Make sure there are no repetitions or meaningless words. In the “keywords” field, enter no more than 1-2 keywords or phrases. Although Yandex and Google Lately does not pay attention to the entry in “keywords”. Don't forget that you need to select low frequency queries.

In other services, you need to enter “Site URL” instead of text. You will also get keywords.

Correctly selected keywords will, after some time, increase the TIC of your website and the same will be higher in the TOP. Just don't forget about the future. It is necessary.

Selection of low-competition key phrases.

Of no small importance is the selection of not only low-end keywords or phrases, but also low-competitive ones.

What is meant by low-competitive phrases(queries)? These are topics that are rarely or little discussed on the Internet. If you find a topic for which there is not enough information on the Internet, then you should definitely make a website about it. In a short period of time, your site can become a leader in search queries, and the monetization of your site depends on this. We must not forget that the articles you write should be conscious and interesting for your readers. Otherwise, no one will read your articles. This means that traffic to your site will be scanty.

To find out if your keywords or phrases are low-competitive, there is special service selection of keywords for an online site, where when entering keywords you can determine high, medium or low competition.

service for selecting low-competitive keywords(phrases), little competition but a lot of exposure.

The level of competition when using this service should not be higher than 5 points. In this situation, there is an opportunity to get to the TOP.

Mutagen is a free service, but only 20 checks per day. If you want to check more, you need to pay 30 rubles.

Take advantage of all the privileges of the services, it will save you time and nerves.

Good luck!

Regards, Alexey

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As you know, keywords are the key to the success of any contextual advertising campaign. But it often happens that it is impossible to select all low-frequency keywords or there is not enough time for this. In such situations, you can use a keyword generator, which makes it possible to mix basic words or phrases and get key phrases that are not in WordStat, Google Keyword Tool or keyword databases, but are fully suitable for use in advertising campaigns.

Many experts do not use keywords that have a frequency of 0 according to WordStat or a status of “Few queries” in Google Adwords. But if you have worked with advertising campaigns that contain big list keywords, including low-frequency ones, you may have noticed that even keywords with the status “Few requests” give clicks and conversions.

Keyword generator PPC tool

Keyword generation tool, unlike conventional generators, which simply mix words together, contains additional functionality that significantly simplifies the work and expands the capabilities of contextual advertising specialists (especially if you need to launch contextual advertising for an online store), namely:
— generation of keywords divided into groups
— generating headlines for ads
URL generation addresses

Let's look at an example of how the keyword generator works and how it is convenient.
Let's say you need to generate keywords for a store that sells women's dresses.
Let's take the following groups of words for mixing:
-selling consoles
-Product Name

In the generation settings, we’ll specify that we need to divide keywords into groups by color and generate a corresponding URL for each color.

An example of data entry is visible in the figure.

How to import keywords with URLs?

There are several options:
1) select the data in excel, where they are located in 2 columns: Word and URL, paste into the import field.
2) manually enter a word or phrase in the import field, then enter a semicolon (;) and enter the URL. Write the next word or phrase on a new line.
3) manually enter a word or phrase in the import field, then enter a tab character (click the Tab button) and specify the URL. Write the next word or phrase on a new line.
Next, click the “Import” button

Option “Split into groups by phrases or by URL”

Allows you to specify the number of a column, phrase or URL addresses from which to use for grouping. The number next to the checkbox corresponds to the column number. If you check one or more columns, then the words or URLs from these columns will be used to form groups.

Option "URL generation template"

In this field, you can specify a template that will be used to generate URLs for different keywords and groups. In order to substitute part of the URL from a separate column into the template, just enter the symbol No. and the column number. For example, No. 1 or No. 2.

Option “In all combinations”

If this option is marked for a separate column, then in the generated list all phrases will contain words from this column. If not checked, then the generated list will contain keywords both with words from this column and without them. In the first case you will get fewer keyword options, in the second - more.

After entering all the data and parameters, press the button Generate. The keyword generator will mix up the words and produce the following result.

As a result, we received a list of keywords that are perfect for creating an advertising campaign.
Columns Phrase And Group used to import keywords into Adwords Editor or Direct Commander. And the columns Group, Name And URL to import ads with links.

As you can see, a keyword generator can create a list of relevant keywords for your keywords in just a few minutes. advertising campaigns. Moreover, this list can be divided into groups and also contain the necessary URL addresses and templates for advertisements.

Key generator PPC phrases tool saves your time and effort. Try it!

Other features of the program: Grouping keywords, Selection of negative words, Lists of keywords and negative words.

Keyword generator was last modified: March 24th, 2017 by website

You can change the names of the lists. To do this, click on the pencil icon next to the list name (by default, the lists are called “Word list 1...5”)
You can move lists, changing the order of words in the results. To do this, simply drag the block to the desired position with the mouse.
You can customize the behavior of the generator. To do this, click on the settings button


Maximum number of phrases This is the maximum number of phrases generated. Please note that the generation of phrases takes place on your computer and the selection large quantity
maximum phrases can freeze the browser! Settings If this option is enabled, then empty lines will not be taken into account. For example, if in the first column [order, buy], in the second [in an online store, online], in the third [ EMPTY STRING, with free shipping], then with the option turned off we will get phrases like “order in an online store”, “order in an online store with free delivery”...etc. And with this option enabled, phrases like “order in an online store” will be ignored and will not be included in the results.
Ignore the first line If this option is enabled, the first line in each list will be ignored. This is useful in situations where you are unloading lists from somewhere, and the first line is, for example, the name of this list and is not needed to generate the result.
Result Remove duplicates If this option is enabled, only unique phrases will be included in the results.
Remove tab character Removes the tab character from the results.
Delete extra spaces If enabled, results will only have one space between words.
The phrase is always with capital letters If enabled, the first word in a phrase will always be capitalized. Convenient if you don’t know which word from which column will go first. For example, if there are empty lines in the first column.

After you fill out the lists and select necessary settings, click on the "Generate phrases/ads" button. After the generation is completed, a window with the results will appear. In the "Phrases generated" field you will see the number of generated phrases. If the number of resulting generated phrases is equal to the maximum number of phrases (see Settings), then it is probably worth increasing maximum amount
phrases, since some of the results may have been cut off.

Copy the results and use as you wish.

Saving lists

Unauthorized users

You can save lists for future use. There is only one save slot for unauthorized users (each new save will overwrite the previous one). Unauthorized users' data is stored in their browser. Saves will not be available from any other browser. If you clear your browser cache, your saves will be lost.

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