Review of Beeline tariffs for pensioners. Beeline tariff "Mobile pensioner"

Beeline tariff "Mobile pensioner". Cost of basic services and transition to a package - 3.9 out of 5 based on 240 votes

Beeline has provided its subscribers with the opportunity to subscribe to a new tariff plan. The tariff itself is designed to meet the needs of people who are retired. Based on this, users have the opportunity to use specially prepared tariff plans and use a number of special services to call other network subscribers at low prices. In order to become users of such a package, the subscriber must visit the company’s office and perform migration, and this procedure is performed only upon presentation

The operator is increasingly focusing on different classes of users and is trying to cover the market as much as possible.

Therefore, more and more often you can find such unique offers as Blaine tariff "Mobile pensioner". If you have elderly people in your family, then you should consider this tariff plan to provide the opportunity to use the services.

Description of the Beeline “Mobile Pensioner” tariff

As for the conditions for the provision of various services and options, it should be noted that all incoming calls in the package will be free and the account does not need to be replenished for 90 days. In this case, you will be able to receive calls for three months without topping up your subscriber account.

What will happen if you continue to use the package in this way? In this case, from the 91st day a subscription fee of 5 rubles per day will be charged. To prevent this from happening, it is enough to top up your account with a small amount once every 90 days and continue to use the number to receive calls.

Also, if you need to make outgoing calls, you can use a special option that allows you to enter 5 Beeline numbers and call them at a special rate of 1.25 rubles per minute of conversation.

In all other cases, standard tariffs will apply and calls to all numbers in your home region will cost 3.95 rubles per minute of conversation, regardless of which operator you call.

How to switch to the Beeline “Mobile Pensioner” tariff

Here, subscribers do not have a large choice of actions, since the transition to the tariff can only be done at the company’s office and only for those subscribers who provide a pension certificate. The same applies to connecting new subscribers; you can get one tariff for one identity.

The cost of migration will be only 30 rubles, and they will be withdrawn from your account. Therefore, you should first top up your phone account and only then perform the migration.

At the company’s office, employees will carry out the transition themselves, after which they will provide you with a new contract for the use of communication services and access to your personal Beeline user account.

How to connect 5 favorite numbers in the tariff

The user of this tariff can set 5 favorite numbers for calls at a special tariff. In this case, the numbers can be from any operator in your home region. You can install them in the following way:

  1. Dial on the phone *110*085# and press the call button
  2. In response, you should receive a notification about connecting the service
  3. Next, you need to enter five numbers separated by a space in the SMS message and send them to a short number 674

It is worth paying attention to the fact that you can change the list of favorite numbers at any time. The cost of changing one number will be 15 rubles, which will be debited from your balance. And the cost of a call to such a number will be only 1.25 rubles per minute of conversation.

Mobile Internet cost and connection

You can also use mobile Internet, which is also available in this tariff. Only now the basic cost of one MB of downloaded or transferred data will be 9.95 rubles.

To use this option wisely, you should activate the additional service “Beeline Highway 1 GB”. It will allow you to get 1 GB of mobile traffic for just 200 rubles per month, while you get the normal price for 1 MB of traffic.

You can connect this type of mobile Internet using a special command 777. Also, under the terms of the promotion, the user is given the opportunity to use this type of Internet for a whole week for free. More details on the promotion can be found. As for other services, their basic cost is provided in the table.

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Of course, these are pensioners! They are the ones who urgently need communication, but their physical health no longer allows them to visit as often as they would like. The telephone and Beeline “mobile pensioner” come to the rescue.

Tariff plan availability

More and more representatives of the oldest age group are mastering mobile phones and their services, such as SMS, MMS, the Internet and various social networks. However, they are not used as often as young people. Moreover, you have to pay for all these services, and pensions for older people are not great. Special offers have been developed for these users. In most cases, the most optimal are Beeline tariffs without a subscription fee for pensioners.
The “Mobile Pensioner” tariff allows you to talk for a long time and pay little. To start saving you should take advantage of these opportunities:

  1. Each Beeline subscriber of retirement age needs to choose five numbers that the person calls more often than others. These may be the mobile phones of friends or relatives, even if they are serviced by other mobile operators. You can also include your friends’ home telephone numbers or clinic contacts, that is, any city numbers, in your favorites. The main thing is that all “favorite” subscribers are registered in Moscow or the Moscow region, then conversations with them will cost much less. A minute of communication will cost 1 ruble 25 kopecks. Calls to other numbers from the capital will cost 3 rubles 95 kopecks, and from the Moscow region a little cheaper - 3 rubles 16 kopecks.
  2. If you don’t want to pay for a minute, or even several minutes of conversation, you can simply write a short message. This offer allows you to send them cheaper. SMS within Moscow and the Moscow region will cost 1 ruble 95 kopecks.
  3. When you need to inform about your arrival or find out how distant relatives who live in another region of Russia or in neighboring countries are doing, you can also use SMS. This will allow you not to pay for an international call and not worry about roaming. A short message to Russian numbers of any operators or Beeline subscribers in the CIS countries will cost 3 rubles 95 kopecks.
  4. Sometimes it's better to show than tell. A woman can spend a long time describing to her friend the color of her dress or the beauty of her future daughter-in-law, and a man can list to his wife the assortment of goods on the counter, not understanding what kind of sausage to buy. In some cases, it’s easier to take a photo and send it to your interlocutor. An MMS message will cost 9 rubles 95 kopecks, but will save a lot of time, nerves and sometimes even save money.
  5. This tariff is exempt from subscription fees, which allows you to pay only for those services that subscribers actually used. If a pensioner forgot where he put his phone for a month, then he won’t have to spend any money.

Benefits of the package

IMPORTANT! The Internet is the little thing that is not cheap on the Beeline pension tariff. But this is unlikely to hit users' wallets. For most older people, the World Wide Web is not as attractive as it is for younger people. They don't spend as much time communicating on social networks, so the traffic, if any, is not that great.

Connection to the pension tariff

To start enjoying all the benefits described above, you need to connect to the Beeline “Mobile Pensioner” tariff. To do this you need:

  1. Come to any Beeline sales office and present the necessary documents. You can switch to this tariff only during a personal visit; moreover, you must present not only your passport - this is a standard procedure, but also your pension certificate. This is done to ensure that the benefits are used by those who are entitled to them, and not by the whole family, friends or cunning neighbors. In addition, only one special rate can be issued for each certificate, that is, per person.
  2. Write an application to connect to a pension tariff.
  3. Those who change tariff plans too often will have to pay 30 rubles for the next operation. But for those who have not changed their tariff for more than one month, and these are the majority of older people, the transition will be free.

Features of the “Mobile Pensioner” tariff

Ease of use

As mentioned earlier, the Beeline “Mobile Pensioner” tariff does not provide for mandatory regular payments, monthly or daily. All incoming calls are also free, so you can stay in touch without paying a penny into your account.
It is more profitable to connect to Beeline with the whole family, especially if relatives do not live in Moscow or the Moscow region. Calls to numbers of other operators throughout Russia for users of the “mobile pensioner” cost 14 rubles, while calls to Beeline phones in any region are almost two times cheaper and cost seven and a half rubles.

Important! Special prices apply for communication with subscribers located on the Crimean Peninsula. If they are clients of the Ukrainian operator Kyivstar, calls cost twelve rubles, for others - twice as much.

The “Mobile Pensioner” offer allows older clients to call abroad:

  • to neighboring countries (CIS) to Beeline numbers for 12 rubles per minute, to numbers of other companies - twice as expensive;
  • to European countries, as well as Canada and the United States of America - 35 rubles per minute;
  • to other countries of the American continent 40 rubles per minute of conversation;
  • to other parts of the world and countries of the world not mentioned above for 55 rubles per 60 seconds.

Video review of family tariffs

The “Mobile Pensioner” tariff plan is an advantageous offer for people of retirement age who often communicate with family and friends. The tariff offers the choice of 5 favorite numbers, calls to which will cost the subscriber less than calls to other numbers in Moscow and the region.

Tariff description

Within the tariff option, there are the following call rates:

  1. The cost of calls to 5 selected numbers of Moscow residents is 1.25 rubles per minute.
  2. The cost of calls within Moscow to numbers of all operators is 3.95 rubles per minute.
  3. The cost of a minute of call to the phones of all operators when located in the Moscow region is 3.16 rubles.
  4. will cost 7.5 rubles per minute.
  5. The price for outgoing calls from other Russian operators is 14 rubles per minute of conversation.
  6. The cost of a minute of call to Kyivstar numbers in Crimea is 12 rubles.
  7. The cost of outgoing calls to numbers of other Crimean operators is 24 rubles per minute.
  8. The cost of a minute of a call to Beeline to the CIS countries is 12 rubles.
  9. Calls to CIS countries to numbers of other operators are 24 rubles per minute.
  10. Calls to subscribers living in Europe, the United States and Canada will cost 35 rubles per minute.
  11. Calls to subscribers located in the countries of North and Central America, in addition to those indicated above, cost 40 rubles per minute.
  12. The cost of a minute of call to all other countries is 55 rubles.

The price of 1 Megabyte of Internet traffic is 9.95 rubles. The cost is quite high, but people of retirement age are rarely active Internet users. If necessary, the subscriber can always connect one of the Highway Internet options.

The cost of messages when using the tariff is:

  • The price of SMS to Moscow subscriber numbers of all operators is 1.95 rubles;
  • The price of SMS to numbers of subscribers in other regions of the Russian Federation is 3.95 rubles;
  • The cost of SMS to Beeline numbers in the CIS countries is 3.95 rubles;
  • The cost of SMS to all numbers of other international communication operators is 5.45 rubles;
  • All incoming MMS are free;
  • The cost of sending MMS is 9.95 rubles per message.

How to activate the “Mobile Pensioner” tariff

Activation of the tariff plan is available only at the company’s office. To do this, in addition to your passport, you will need to present a pension certificate. Mandatory condition: only 1 number with this tariff plan can be issued for one document.

The cost of the transition is 30 rubles.

Favorite numbers can be the numbers of all cellular operators or landline phones of Moscow and the region. Their selection can be made as follows:

  1. Dial USSD command *110*085# on your phone and press the call button.
  2. Receive an SMS notification about service activation.
  3. Send an SMS to number 674 containing 5 selected numbers in 10 character format (without the eight). The numbers should be separated by spaces from each other.

Important! Sending information to number 674 is not a free service; its cost is charged in accordance with current rates.

If you subsequently want to change the sent list, you can also do this by sending a message to this number. For changing one number, a fee of 15 rubles is charged.

How to disable

You can disable the “Mobile Pensioner” tariff by switching to another tariff plan. This is possible in one of the following ways:

  • Make the connection yourself by typing the desired number combination and following the instructions;
  • Contact specialists at the Beeline salon;
  • Call customer support at 0611;
  • Log in to your Personal Account or the My Beeline application.

You should also remember that if the SIM card is not used for 90 days, a daily fee of 5 rubles will be debited from your account. The subscription fee stops being charged if the balance is depleted or the use of the phone number is resumed.

Company Beeline offers its subscribersa range of tariff plans that are suitable for any category of clients: both those who are not used to saving on communication services and prefer to have the whole range of services “at hand”, and those who rarely talk on their mobile phones and do not use other opportunities. A number of tariff plans are “tailored” to specific situations: for cheap calls to international destinations, a favorable Beeline tariff for pensioners, etc. In this article we will talk in more detail about that last option, which can indeed be a rather interesting proposal for this category of citizens.

Beeline: tariffs for pensioners, interesting offers

Although there are options for retirees, you should pay attention to a number of tariff plans that may also be quite interesting. All of them do not have a subscription fee and offer profitablecalls from Beeline number" Tariffs for pensioners are, first of all, the following:

TP “Zero Doubts” is suitable for those subscribers who communicate more often within the network (with subscribers of the same operator).

TP "Per Second" is an excellent option for short calls.

TP “Mobile Pensioner” is a specialized tariff, which can only be activated by those who have a pension certificate. This must be done at the company office.

Review of TP “Zero Doubts”

First of all, I would like to draw attention to the offer of the Beeline company - tariffs for pensioners. Let's consider the “Zero Doubts” TP. By activating it on his SIM card, the subscriber will be able, starting from the second minute of connection, to communicate for free with the interlocutor who also has a SIM card from Beeline. At the same time, the cost of the first minute will cost only 1.3 rubles. This rule applies when communicating within your home region.

When calling to Beeline numbers in Russiaevery minute will cost at 2.5 rubles , which is also quite acceptable for long-distance communication. Regarding the tariffication of calls to numbers of otheroperators - 2.3 rubles. in the home region, 5 rubles. for long-distance calls. On the Beeline number, tariffs for pensioners (without monthly fees) have the standard cost of SMS and Internet services:

You can send a text messagefor 2.5 rubles (within your region).

The cost of Internet traffic is standard - 9.95 rubles. for one megabyte.

“Mobile pensioner” - Beeline tariff: review

Not forgetting about such a category of subscribers as pensioners, Beeline has developed a specialized offer that everyone can take advantage of. After all, to purchase it you will need an identity card and a pension card. “Mobile pensioner” (Beeline tariff") can only be connected at the operator's office. The cost of connection (transition) is 30 rubles. According to the terms of the tariff, it is allowed to add five “favorite numbers”, with which you can communicate at a discount cost - 1.25 rubles. All other calls committed, for example, from the territory Moscow will make do at 3.95 rub. And the calls made from the territory of the Moscow region - 3.16 rub.

The cost of Internet and text messages is no different from other Beeline tariff plans. Tariffs for pensioners (except for this offer) are more narrowly targeted, with a low cost of communication within the network, etc. This tariff implies the ability to payonly 1.25 rub. in a minutecommunicate with any number added to the “favorites” category. In this case, this can be either a landline phone or the number of another operator.

Overview of TP "Per Second"

Another one on the list of the Beeline company (tariffs for pensioners) is the Posecond TP. It is advisable to use it in cases where you do not plan to conduct long conversations on a mobile phone. For subscribers who communicate for 10-20 seconds, it will be a real godsend. Since it implies per-second billing, after talking for 12 seconds, you will not have to pay for a minute of conversation.

This article discussedBeeline tariffs without subscription fee for pensioners. Each of the three TP , discussed above, can be activated on the number. The fee for switching to the “Per Second” TP will be 150 rubles, while you can switch to “Zero Doubt” for free. As for the “Mobile Pensioner” tariff, even the company’s current clients will not be able to activate it remotely - they will need to visit a Beeline communication salon, taking with them documents confirming their pension status.

Taking into account the needs of older people, Beeline has developed a special offer - a special tariff plan “Mobile Pensioner”. It is intended for retirees who really need communication. This tariff allows you to spend a little on communication while communicating for a long time.

Detailed description of the “Mobile Pensioner” tariff

The Beeline tariff plan without a monthly fee for pensioners allows you to choose 5 favorite numbers in Moscow and the region and call them inexpensively. It is worth noting that not only Beeline users, but also clients of other telecom operators or even landline phones can be included in the list of favorites.

An outgoing connection to your favorite numbers will cost 1.25 rubles. in a minute. Calls to other numbers in your home region will cost 3.95 rubles for calls from Moscow, and 3.16 rubles from the region. This Beeline tariff is the most profitable for pensioners and differs from others in the low cost of sending SMS within the home region, only 1.95 rubles, because modern elderly people often communicate using SMS. Messages to Russian subscribers outside Moscow and the region, as well as to Beeline phones in CIS countries, are priced at 3.95 rubles. Internet traffic and sent MMS on Beeline tariffs for pensioners are quite expensive and cost 9.95 rubles, but elderly people most likely will not use these services.

Rates for outgoing long-distance and international calls

How to switch to the “Mobile Pensioner” tariff?

You can switch to this tariff plan only with a pension certificate at the Beeline sales office. There are restrictions - only one Beeline pension plan can be issued for one certificate. This eliminates the possibility of the entire family of an elderly person switching to this advantageous special tariff.

Connection for pensioners will be free if at least a month has passed since the last change of tariff plan. Elderly people who frequently change tariffs can switch to a new plan by paying 30 rubles.