New account in Windows 10. What does a Microsoft account give us?

Like almost all previous versions of Windows, it is a multi-user OS. This means that one Windows 10 PC can be used by multiple users, each user having their own desktop settings, user profiles, etc. Windows 10 also has three types of user accounts (Administrator, Standard, and Children), providing varying degrees of rights and control over the OS to users.

However, when it comes to adding new users to Windows 10 (especially compared to older versions of Windows like Vista and Win7, although the process is largely similar to Windows 8), things are a little different.

How to add a new user on Windows 10?

Adding a new user to Windows 10 is quite easy, you just need to dig a little into your PC settings. So:

Step 1: Run application N PC settings, select Users and accounts in the left panel.

Step 2: Next select Other users in the left column. You will now see some user management options in the right box. D To get started press Add user.

Step 3: Now you are faced with the account creation screen. Here you can choose whether to link the new user's account to an existing Microsoft account (required to sync apps, settings, etc. across systems), or create it as a local account. Click Further, how ahead of you With​​by choice.

Step 4: The next step requires you to provide credentials (username, password, etc.) for the new user account. Enter information and click Further to complete the settings.

Step 5: All! You've just added a new user to Windows 10. As an administrator, you can always control and change important settings related to standard accounts and children. IN ​​any time m You can change the account type (administrator, standard or child).


Windows 10 has a changed but much easier way to add new users. You can easily add and manage multiple user accounts, change account types, and more.

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It goes without saying that several registered users can work on one computer terminal, for which special accounts are used. We will discuss how to add an account in Windows 10 below. Actually, the scheme for its creation, in general terms, does not differ much from what was done in predecessor systems of a lower rank, however, it was in the tenth version that some additional tools appeared that are simply absent in outdated operating systems. Therefore, the procedure may be different.

How to add an account in Windows 10: standard method

Creating a new registration in the tenth modification of Windows is not that difficult. You can use the old proven method - calling the corresponding section of the “Control Panel”. True, the panel itself will be quite difficult for the average user to find if they do not know the essence of the issue, since it is not in the main “Start” menu. Therefore, the easiest way is to call the “Run” console and enter control in it.

After this, you need to go to the accounts section, select managing another registration and use the line to add a new user. But! The trick is that after this you will immediately be redirected to the settings menu, which in Windows 10 is the main panel. So isn’t it easier to call it right away using the same “Start” button?

How to add an account on Windows 10? Nothing could be simpler. We enter the “accounts” menu and go to the family and other users section. At the bottom right there is a line for adding a new user, to the left of which there is a button with a plus sign. Click on it and follow the instructions.

Create a registration without email and Microsoft account

However, most users encounter difficulties at some stage when adding registration.

Firstly, the “Wizard” requires you to enter the personal data of the new user, including email, and secondly, it offers to create a Microsoft registration. However, the problem of how to add an account to Windows 10 without mail can be solved quite simply.

When the registration window appears, you just need to use the line located just below, stating that you do not have such data.

Likewise, at the point where you are prompted to create a Microsoft registration, supposedly for enhanced use of the corporation's software products, you should use the add option without going through registration.

How to add an account in Windows 10 with administrator rights through the command line?

Now comes the most important part. The main problem when registering a new user in the system is that his entry will refer to an ordinary user who does not have rights to change the global settings of the operating system, edit its parameters, or perform any specific actions with files and programs. Therefore, such rights must be granted.

The fastest way to both add a new user and grant admin rights is to use the command line, but run as administrator.

You need to enter the following in the console:

  • to add a user - net user Name Password /add;
  • to add to the administrator group - net localgroup Name / add.

The name and password are entered arbitrarily, but when specifying the user name, the use of Cyrillic characters is unacceptable.

Administrator rights when registering in a group

We figured out how to add a user. With administrator rights too. However, the system has another equally effective tool for granting administrator rights, which is suitable for all those who do not like to use the command line.

To call this tool in the “Run” menu, you need to enter the command lusrmgr.msc, to add a user, select the user category and use the context menu via RMB. When entering the group membership section, the RMB menu is also used, with which another registered user is added to the selected group.

Finally, in the parameters, you can select the accounts section and apply a change to the registration type for the selected “account”, setting the value to “Administrator”.

Which method to prefer

Based on all of the above, it is quite obvious that the fastest method that allows you to create an “account” and immediately add it to the administrators group is to use the command line, although all of the above methods are absolutely equivalent to each other. Simply entering commands in the console saves a lot of time, and the result is exactly the same as when calling various additional menus, sections and services.

When you first start your computer, you can create a Windows 10 administrator account. OS profiles can be local or online. This is the name of a specific package of data located in a specially designated folder on the disk. This array contains any information about the user, his ability to interact with the system and various restrictions.

To be more specific, you can highlight information about authentication (this is the name of information about the method of logging into your account), all kinds of personalization (image on the desktop, interface design, list of automatically loading programs, etc.), permissions to view various files and folders and their editing.

To log in to the system, you need a username (usually your name) and a password, if one has been configured. The latter is contained in an encrypted format and cannot be decoded. Your account information also includes an avatar. This is the name of the miniature identifier picture that the user independently selected.

A local account type is valid for only one device.

Microsoft account

The ability to log in using a Microsoft account was present in Windows 8. It was carried over to the latest version of the operating system. The capabilities of a local user and a Microsoft “account” differ at certain points, and in favor of the latter.

One of the most important features is an easy way to recover authorization data if it is lost. Everything is done on the official website of the developer, there is no need to enter commands into the console, use a live OS image and apply other manipulations.

Creating a new user

Creating a Win 10 account is actually quite simple. To do this, you need to open the Run program. The easiest way is to right-click on the “Start” icon and find it in the list. Copy “control userpasswords 2” into the text box. The Windows Account Management service will open. Click the “Add” button in the window. If it is inactive, then check the box next to “Require entering a name...”.

And here the opportunity to choose appears. You will be able to create not only a Microsoft profile, but also a local profile. For the second option, click on the inscription “Login without...” at the bottom of the window. And then just follow the prompts.

The created profile will receive guest rights. They can be expanded in the account settings; the “Family and other users” section is responsible for this parameter.

Disabling your Microsoft account

In some cases, you may need to delete your Microsoft account in Windows 10 by switching to a local profile. In this case, user data will be stored only on this computer. No settings can be transferred to other devices. There will also be big problems with password recovery if it is lost.

Before you begin, you must close all running programs and save your progress, as you will need to restart your PC. The first step is to open Windows settings (press Win + I at the same time). In the window that opens, click LMB on “Accounts”; you need the category “Your data...”. Then click on the inscription “Log in instead...”. The service will ask for a password for your Microsoft profile. In the next window, you can edit the user authorization data, including the name.

At the end, the system will ask you to log out and then log in under a new profile. Now there is a local account in the OS.

Deleting a user

First of all, you must complete all the steps described in the previous paragraph to unlink the user from Microsoft services. And then you can delete your Win 10 account. But it is worth remembering that at the same time all user data will be lost. Therefore, it is advisable to save the necessary documents in advance.

You need to open the computer settings (in the Start menu, click on the gear icon or simultaneously press Win + I). There, find the “Accounts” column. The “Family and other people” menu is responsible for setting this parameter.

All that remains is to click on the name of the user whose deletion is planned. The corresponding button will appear, click it. A warning will appear about the consequences of your actions. It will be indicated that all user data will be erased, so it is advisable to first save all important documents. Confirm deleting your account and wait for the process to complete.

Many PC users often share their gadget with other users. Because of this, conflicts arise. Someone accidentally deleted a file, installed an unnecessary program, or performed some action that led to a system crash. To avoid such problems, you should add a new user to your PC in Windows 10. Let’s look at all the existing methods on how to do this.

Creating a new user in Windows 10 through the Settings section

The easiest way to add a user to Windows 10 is to use the options in the Settings section. In order to add another account on Windows 10, you should do the following:

  • Click “Start”, “Settings” and select the “Accounts” section.
  • In the menu on the left, select the “Family and other people” section. Click “Add a user for this computer.”

  • A new window will appear. The system will ask you to enter the user's name or phone number. If you want to create a new user in Windows 10 without specifying that the account belongs to a specific person, you should click “I don’t have this person’s login information.”

  • A new window will appear again. Click “Add a user without a Microsoft account.”

  • Next, you need to come up with a new user name and enter a password and password hint.

The creation of the new local user account is complete.

Creating a new account via Command Line

The second way to create a new user in Windows 10 is to use the command line. To do this you need to do the following:

  • Right-click on the “Start” icon and select “Command Prompt (Admin).”

  • The console will launch. You need to enter the following command “net user Username Password /add”, where “Username” is the name of the new account, and the password is a combination of numbers. In an example it looks like this.

  • Press “Enter” to add a new user.

  • Now, when you log in, you can select a different user.

Using Local Group to Add a New User in Windows 10

You can create accounts for users of one PC not only using the above methods, but also using the “Local groups and users” section.

  • Press “Win+R” and enter “lusrmgr.msc”.

  • A new window will open. Select the “Users” section. Right-click on an empty space and select “New User”.

  • A small window will appear. Enter the new username, password and confirm the password.

User added. You can log in using a new account in the standard way.

Adding a new user using the Run command

The last method for Windows 10 to get an account is to run the “control userpasswords2” command in the Run window.

The User Accounts section will appear. Click on the “Add” button.

A window for creating a new account will open, the same as in the method above (Creation through the Settings section). Enter all the data and follow the instructions. A new entry will be created.

To learn how to add a new user in Windows 10, watch the video:

A Windows 10 account will allow you to access settings and files that are not available when you normally use your computer. At the same time, constant work with Administrator rights is unsafe, so after updating the device to the latest version of the operating system, you should immediately create a new profile.


Often, when using a computer, you need to create several login profiles. Use one of the methods for this.

In the Settings app

User Accounts utility

  1. In the Run box, open with the command netplwiz"User Accounts" window. On the Users tab, click Add.

    Healthy! Instead of the netplwiz command, you can also use control userpasswords2 - it opens the same window.

  2. Select "Sign in without a Microsoft account (not recommended)" and click the "Local Account" button.
  3. Enter your username and, if necessary, password to log in.

Using the Command Line


You can use one of the methods to delete an unnecessary profile.

In the Settings app

Important! When using this method, all data in the folders that were created for the profile on the system drive are erased. If necessary, all files can be copied to another disk or uploaded to the cloud.

Via Control Panel

Unlike the previous method, in this case the system will prompt you to save all user files before deleting the profile.

  1. Control Panel –> User Accounts –> Delete User Accounts
  2. Select the profile to be deleted and then in the “Change Account” window, click “Delete Account”. The system will offer to save or delete user files.
  3. Confirm the deletion.

Healthy! The saved files will remain on the Desktop in the folder with the name of the deleted user.

Using the Command Line

Family member profile

Important! You cannot immediately delete a family member's profile on a Windows 10 device using the usual methods. It can only be blocked so that the user is not able to use the computer.

To delete, log into your computer's administrator's Microsoft account online. On the company’s website, in the “Family” section, click “Delete.”

Only after completing these actions on the computer will the ability to delete a family member’s profile using any of the methods described above become available.


In order to do everything correctly and not make mistakes during the creation or deletion process using one of the methods presented above, as well as learn about alternative options, watch the video.


There are several ways to create and delete a profile in Windows 10. The easiest and safest way, according to the editors, is to use the User Account utility.