The mouse does not respond to sudden movements. The mouse does not respond to clicks: troubleshooting. The mouse does not work: what to do

Computer equipment, like other equipment, requires a responsible approach. Proper care of equipment not only improves operating comfort, but also significantly increases the service life of products and protects them from various breakdowns: both technical and mechanical. It would seem that even one of the simplest computer elements, the mouse, requires special attention from the user. How effectively it will work, to a large extent, depends on its owner.

If the mouse does not respond well to movement on the table

Despite the technical complexity of computer components, it is the mouse that is most often the first to fail. This happens due to simple wear and tear, that is, when the user does not change it for a long time, or simply does not take good care of it. This is the main reason why the mouse slows down on a computer or laptop.

The most common symptom of mouse problems is poor laser response to the surface. This may be due to either a poor surface or a malfunction of the laser itself. Therefore, if the operation of the mouse has become noticeably worse, it reacts poorly, or you have to move it several times more to get the desired result - in this case, first of all, it is necessary to test its operation on a different surface.

It often happens that people do not clean their computer desk from dust, or even eat at it, which is why more dirt accumulates in the workplace. It is because of this that the operation of a computer mouse can be severely disrupted. Even one small hair is enough for the sensor to respond poorly and react incorrectly to the surface.

In addition, many inexperienced users do not know that there is also an optical mouse sensitivity setting. For example, professional e-sports players set their sensitivity to minimum, which is why they have to make quick and short movements with their hands several times. For people who pay more attention to working at the computer, this is not necessary; they will need to set the speed to medium, or a little higher.

To change it, you need to go to the “Mouse” tab in the control panel on your computer, then select “Pointer Options” and set the appropriate speed value. Additionally, for more precise mouse control, you can set the “Increased pointer precision” parameter. When setting this value, mouse movements will be smoother and more accurate.

Important: More advanced and expensive mouse models have the ability to adjust the speed with just the click of a finger. There is a special button on the surface of the device, when you press it, the speed of cursor movement changes. As a rule, this button is backlit, the color of which changes depending on the selected speed mode. This value is calledDPI. Professional eSports players pay special attention to it, as it plays an important role in precise and fast control.

Most common reasons

It is almost impossible to fully describe all existing causes of poor performance. This may be due to mechanical and technical damage to the mouse, or due to problems with the computer itself. However, it is worth highlighting the most common problems that users encounter. Typically this is:

  1. Surface too rough— Mouse pads are one of the important factors for comfortable work. It often happens that the devices do not fit together completely, making it almost impossible to use the computer. In addition, many people use the device on any surface - table, book, stand, etc. With this method of operation, the device will not last long and will require replacement.
  2. Presence of contamination– as mentioned earlier, you will also have to monitor the cleanliness of the house. Otherwise, computer control will be incorrect.
  3. High humidity- this is a more serious problem. In this case, control will not only be impossible, but there is also a high risk of complete loss of the device. Therefore, work must be carried out strictly on a dry surface.
  4. Lack of drivers– the problem often occurs when replacing a device or updating the operating system. When connecting a new device, you need to install special drivers that come with the product on the installation disk. If there is none, you need to install them manually by downloading them from the Internet.
  5. DamageUSBentrance– perhaps this is the most serious and difficult problem. Repairing a connector is usually quite difficult, and sometimes almost impossible. What complicates the work is that the connector is part of the motherboard, which is the main element of the computer. Therefore, doing such repairs is very difficult and quite dangerous. However, in such cases, the only saving grace is the fact that there are several such USB inputs on the motherboard, so work can be safely continued if they are not occupied by other devices.
  6. Mechanical damage– a broken wire, malfunction of the sensor, breakdown of individual parts of the product. Most often, in such cases it will be more rational to simply replace the mouse.

What to do if the mouse doesn't move well

Initially, it is worth checking the general condition of the mouse, inspecting it for damage and defects. If visually everything is fine with her, you need to perform several steps:

  1. Test its operation on a different surface, try replacing the rug.
  2. Clean the surface of the mat, and also check the mouse sensor for possible debris, and carefully get rid of it.
  3. View information about installed drivers and update them if necessary.
  4. Try connecting the mouse to a different USB connector.
  5. Use the standard diagnostic system installed in the operating system. It is located in the “Control Panel” section, in the “Problem Diagnosis” tab.
  6. Scan your computer with an antivirus program for viruses.

Few people know, but harmful viruses also negatively affect the performance of the mouse. Therefore, in case of problems with control devices, additional scanning with an antivirus program will be a necessary and useful solution.

Is your mouse difficult to move? does not respond to movements? Or problems with the wheel and keystrokes? Let's figure it out what to do if your computer mouse starts to work poorly?

Reasons why a mouse may not work well

    1. Some people, after purchasing a new laser mouse, encounter a problem where the mouse moves poorly, glides with difficulty and jerks when moving on a table or rug.
      A familiar situation for those who exchanged a ball mouse for a laser one.
      For such mice, you should buy a special mat, which is sold in any computer store.
    2. A common problem that causes glitches in the mouse is a damaged wire. Moreover, it may often seem visually that everything is in order, because the outer protective layer hides the problem.
      Damage usually occurs at the base of the mouse and USB input. You can try to carefully move the wire at these very bases. The problem, of course, will not be solved, but at least it will become clear.
    3. In wireless mice, the reason that the mouse does not work well can be a dead battery.
    4. A problem with the USB input is another common problem.
      You can try reconnecting the mouse to a different connector.
    5. Mechanical damage to the mouse can also lead to the mouse not working well.
    6. Dirt in the mouse. I once had a problem where the wheel and left button were difficult to press. Having disassembled the mouse, I saw that there was dirt wrapped around the wheel. After cleaning everything began to work well.

What can you do if your mouse doesn't work well?

I hope the article " The mouse does not work well on the computer, what should I do?"was useful to you.

How to troubleshoot mouse problems

in mouse operation

If your mouse begins to work poorly, then take your time
run to the store for a new one, and try to “cure” the old one.

First of all, make sure
that there are no problems with the mouse itself.

If wired, is the wire damaged?
If it’s wireless, isn’t it time for a battery?
change or fix the USB connector.

If this is all right, then connect to the Windows problem.

There are many ways to improve your mouse's performance on your computer.
Can configure mouse operation“to suit you” or change the signs.

And you can troubleshoot
or update the configuration.

In different Windows packages, the path to the mouse settings may differ.
In Windows 7 - as written below. In other Windows packages - maybe
be different. But mouse settings are a must.

The beginning of the path to elimination
problems, starts with the Start button.

In the right column of the Start button menu, if there is one,
select “Devices and Printers”.

A window will open containing all devices,
connected to your computer.

If there is no function in the right column of the Start menu
“Devices and Printers”, then click “Control Panel”.

And select in the “Hardware and Sound” section -
"View devices and printers" button.

Or you can click "Hardware and Sound"
and in the new “Devices and Printers” window.

In any of the options, a window will open
with connected devices (screenshot above).

To troubleshoot, click
by mouse file to select.

If there is no File button in Explorer, then right-click
mouse file key. A context menu will open.

(Click on the picture to enlarge)

And select “Troubleshooting” from the context menu.
Wait while the troubleshooter diagnoses the problem (this may take a few minutes), and then follow the instructions.

Although there may not be instructions.
If the problem is resolved without your participation.
An active “Finish” button will appear at the bottom of the window.
Press and for the mouse to work correctly,
reboot your computer.

How to update your mouse configuration

If the troubleshooter doesn't help
problem with the mouse - you can update the configuration.

This can be done through Device Manager.
You can find it through the Start button.

Start → Control Panel → Hardware and Sound.

(Click on the picture to enlarge)

Under Devices and Printers, click Device Manager. A tab like this will open.

(Click on the picture to enlarge)

In this tab, find the mouse, right-click
mouse and select “Update hardware configuration”.
And the program will update.

And another problem happens with the mouse - the computer does not respond
on left mouse clicks. I myself recently encountered this phenomenon.
The mouse pointer moves around the screen, the left mouse clicks, but nothing opens. No windows, no Start - nothing. The right mouse opens the context menu, but the left mouse cannot open anything from this menu. Neither an emergency shutdown of the computer, nor all kinds of advice from the Internet (about the Enter key and the “hot keys” Ctrl + Alt + Del) helped solve the problem. At first I thought there was a problem with the computer, and then I connected another mouse. And after Windows installed the driver for this mouse, everything worked properly.

A computer mouse on a desktop computer is the conductor of every user action. But sometimes it starts to freeze, which makes it difficult to work on the computer. Before you think about changing your device, you should understand the reasons for the freeze and try methods to eliminate them.

Why does a wired mouse freeze?

The reasons why the mouse on your computer freezes, gets stuck or glitches or works incorrectly can be hidden in both software and hardware problems. It is worth understanding that these reasons only interfere with normal operation, and do not completely disable the gadget.


Hardware reasons for a wired mouse freezing include:

  • damage cord;
  • Availability damage to elements inside the device;
  • No power supply on the port to which the computer mouse is connected;
  • port failure, to which the manipulator is connected, which creates poor contact between the devices.


Software reasons for incorrect operation and freezing of a wired computer mouse for several seconds include:

  • drivers are not suitable for the device or they are outdated;
  • appeared in the system conflict situation between devices;
  • there was a mouse configured incorrectly after connection.

Troubleshooting methods

Malfunctions must be eliminated according to the cause of their occurrence. In the case of a mouse, they are divided into hardware and software.

Troubleshooting hardware problems

  1. Check integrity of the manipulator. It is possible that if the board was dropped, the contacts became disconnected or damaged. This problem can be easily fixed if you have experience with soldering and a soldering iron for sensitive parts. If you lack the skills, it is better to take the manipulator to specialists or purchase a new one.

Troubleshooting software errors

It is recommended to eliminate software errors and mouse glitches on a computer or laptop Windows 7, 8, 10 step by step:

  1. From the very beginning it is simple to restart a computer. Sometimes a simple restart solves the problem.
  2. Download driver from an official source that will definitely fit the device. Also, if the gadget came with a native driver, install it. It is recommended to check Device Manager for icons indicating problems. Reinstall drivers for devices and programs with a signal.
  3. Reconfigure the device is correct. To do this you need:
    • go to " Control Panel»;
    • double click on " Mouse»;
    • view all tabs and make sure that all parameters are correct;
    • if inconsistencies are detected, for example a low speed threshold, change indicators.

Why does my wireless mouse work intermittently?

Quite common causes of freezing and lags of a wireless optical mouse are:

  1. Dirt on the sensor. Wireless manipulators often begin to freeze and do not respond to movements due to the presence of dust and dirt on the sensor. Especially if the sensor is weak. In this case it is recommended wipe the surface where the mouse is often located, and also clean the sensor. This can be done using a cotton swab or a can of compressed air.
  1. Distance from transmitter. When using a wireless mouse on a desktop computer, freezes often occur due to the fact that there is a greater distance between the transmitter and the device than when used on a laptop. Also, the presence of foreign objects in the signal path worsens it. And this, in turn, provokes periodic freezes. You can fix the problem by switching the transmitter to a port closer to the mouse; it is better to plug it into the port on the keyboard, if available, or buy a special USB extension cable.

Basically, other problems are solved in the same way as in the case of a wired mouse.

Sometimes users encounter a problem when the mouse does not respond to clicks. Why might this happen? How is it proposed to deal with the task? What features and nuances of the process are recommended to pay attention to? Sometimes factors that are not at all related to information can influence the mouse. Users can immediately take faulty equipment to system administrators for diagnosis. This is a logical decision, but there is no need to rush. You can independently figure out why the mouse does not always respond to clicks, and even cope with problems without outside help.


The first and fairly common cause of the phenomenon under study may be simple clogging of equipment. If the mouse does not respond well to clicking or does it every once in a while, it is recommended to check its cleanliness.

Clogging can be eliminated only with new equipment. If the device has been working for some time, then if there are problems with the mouse, you can clean the component. It's not that hard to do. The result will not be long in coming - after the user removes all the dirt accumulated under the buttons, the mouse will work at full capacity.


But this is only one option for the development of events. In fact, there are a lot of possible scenarios. Mouse not responding to clicks? It is likely that the equipment is faulty. Relevant for any devices - both new and those that have been working for some time.

It is recommended to take faulty equipment to a service center. There, the technicians will check the device and tell you whether it can be repaired. If yes, then you can leave the mouse at the service center until the problem is fixed. Otherwise, you will have to completely change the input device.

Functionality check

If a new mouse or a mouse that has already been cleaned of dirt and dust does not respond to clicks, you can check its functionality yourself. To do this, it is recommended to connect the device to another computer, install hardware drivers and make sure everything works.

This technique allows you to make visits to service centers with specific complaints. Also, with the help of such a check, you can often understand the sources of problems and failures. What other scenarios are possible? What should you pay attention to in this or that case?

Jacks and connectors

Mouse not responding to clicks? What to do? For starters, don't panic. This problem occurs among many users; often the source of the problem is a purely technical component; this does not pose any danger to the computer or operating system.

Alternatively, the cause of problems with the mouse may be a damaged connector. The socket to which the equipment is connected is damaged, as a result of which contact between the machine and the manipulator is established only once.

There is only one way out - connect the mouse to another socket. This is the only way to fix the problem. By the way, the connection connector on the device may also be damaged. In this situation, it is better to purchase a new mouse. After all, connectors are usually not repairable. Or after these manipulations they still break, and very quickly.


What if the mouse does not respond to clicks or does it every once in a while? There are a lot of options for the development of events. It has already been said that often all problems are technical. But there are exceptions.

For example, the following layout is typical for gaming mice. It's all about the drivers. This software is responsible for recognizing devices in the operating system. An old version or the complete absence of these applications can lead to the fact that the mouse will work only once in a while. Or they will even find themselves among equipment unknown to the computer.

In this case, you just need to install drivers on your computer (usually they are included with mice) or update existing ones. After this, the operating system reboots. Is there progress? Then you don't have to worry. The mouse still doesn't work fully? We need to look further for the source of the problem. There are still many alternatives.


Only laptop owners encounter this problem. Does the mouse not always respond to clicks or does not work at all, although there is a cursor? You can try to check the operation of the touchpad. If it functions normally, it is recommended to disable this component.

The thing is that some laptops and operating system builds do not support simultaneous operation of the touchpad and mouse. Therefore, a hardware conflict occurs. As a result, the mouse refuses to work normally.

As soon as the touchpad is disabled, the connected device will return to full functionality. And you can continue to use the mouse. By the way, you shouldn’t be surprised if the problem arose suddenly - no one is immune from this.


But if the mouse does not immediately respond to clicks, then the problem may be different. For example, slow response from information is sometimes due to high processor load.

Why does this phenomenon occur on computers? There are a lot of options. Among the most common are the following:

  • a large number of functioning programs;
  • the computer does not comply with the system requirements of the operating system;
  • viruses;
  • long-term operation of equipment without shutting down or rebooting;
  • lack of hard disk space for normal operation of the OS.

In any case, you need to provide the processor with unloading. It is recommended to close numerous programs running in the background and restart the machine. It's better to give her a few hours to rest. Next, the user must resume trying to connect the mouse. The problem should go away.


Mouse not responding to clicks? A virus, as already mentioned, is the real cause of a problem with equipment. Any computer “infection” can lead to this phenomenon.

What to do in this case? We need to try to cure the computer. If the problem occurs on a laptop, the touchpad will help. With it you can easily control your computer and cursor. The anti-virus system will find and disinfect potentially dangerous files. If this fails, the user will be prompted to delete the document.

As a rule, when the cursor cannot be controlled at all, the computer is taken to a service center. There, the system will quickly be cured of all viruses without causing any damage to the owner’s data.


If the mouse does not respond to clicks, you should pay attention to the system requirements. The thing is that all modern equipment has certain demands on the computer. Non-compliance with this makes the device impossible to operate. Or it will function unstably.

When an incompatibility with the operating system is detected, you can solve the problem in several ways. Either the user changes the OS or the connected equipment. The second option is most often encountered in practice. It is recommended that Windows 10 owners pay special attention to compatibility issues. A lot of equipment conflicts with this operating system. Therefore, there is no need to be surprised that Windows does not respond to mouse clicks.

What to do in this situation? It has already been said: either change the connected equipment, or change the operating system. What exactly to do? Everyone decides for themselves.

Power supply

This is the last reason why the mouse connected to the computer is not responding. It's all the fault of the power settings. This problem most often occurs on laptops.

As practice shows, after this the mouse works better. It's actually not that difficult. It is enough to go through all possible options. This is the only way to understand 100% what’s going on. There is also no need to rush into purchasing new equipment. It is likely that you can do without it.

If the user doubts his abilities, he can take the computer along with the faulty equipment to a service center. They will quickly help you not only diagnose, but also fix any computer problem. What exactly to do? The final decision always remains with the user!