The left side of the keyboard does not work. Connecting a USB keyboard. The f1-f12 keys do not work

If the computer does not work, we begin to have problems, because our own PC has replaced a lot of functions for us today. First, you should not panic, especially for beginners; a computer is a piece of equipment that tends to break down. Try to determine what exactly is not functioning.

5 reasons why the keyboard on your computer does not work

If all devices have responded, but the keyboard is silent and does not respond to our actions, then it is worth eliminating the most popular 5 particular reasons:

    1. The cord was incorrectly connected to PS/2 or USB.
    2. Perhaps the port of one or another keyboard connector has burned out.
    3. The keyboard has become unusable.
    4. If we have a wireless option, we check the availability of the necessary drivers and utilities, as well as whether the battery is working.
    5. The presence of a virus code that has blocked the keyboard.

What to do

We eliminate the above problems.

Check the correct connection to the system unit.

Check the integrity of the cable for kinks and breaks.

You can verify that the keyboard is working using another PC.

Sometimes, due to inexperience or carelessness, it happens to bend the antennae PS/2 connectors , they must be aligned with tweezers or a knife. When at least one breaks, it is necessary to change the cable input or the entire input device. Try to remember: purple the color indicates the keyboard cord, and green - mice.

PS/2 connectors.

It must be remembered that the battery, as well as rechargeable devices, tend to discharge, then it is necessary to replace the power source or fully charge it.

In addition to the problems described above, which are solved quickly and are called “typical”, there are also more significant ones.

Buttons are pressed but do not respond

There is a classic version of the keyboard and its multimedia version. You can make them work by configuring the necessary drivers. These programs may change or fly off"When setting up the OS. Such keyboards are rare; most manufacturers install drivers without our participation, in automatic mode.

It happens that the user simultaneously presses several buttons or a combination of them. In this case they " sink"and none of them responds. Make sure that the operation of the keys is not obstructed by foreign objects. Often crumbs get in, and the elastic band inside slips off. It is recommended to wipe the rubber band with a dry cloth, and the keyboard can be damp. When everything has been tried and the issue is not resolved, it’s time to think about buying a new peripheral device.

There is a situation where the keyboard is not fully functional; it is not possible to type the numbers on the right. To do this, check the keystroke "Num Lock".

The computer did not detect the keyboard.

In this case, you need to restart the PC, there is no result - go to the control panel. Call the icon context menu" System". Go to “Properties” and click “Hardware”. Finding the point "Device Manager", select a keyboard sign from the list and delete it. You should then close this window. Next, select the menu"Equipment installation"and install the drivers for the keyboard.

These steps will help you get rid of software problems with your input device.

Checking the connection in the BIOS settings

When such methods do not produce results, you need to turn off the PC and turn it on again. Before loading the OS launch BIOS. Buttons are responsible for this Del, F2 or F10 depending on the configuration (you will find out more precisely when loading at the bottom of the screen)

In this article we have to understand an important question: why does the keyboard not print? This phenomenon is not as rare as we would like. But you shouldn't be afraid of him. Problems are resolved without any problems. And only in some situations it is necessary to make a lot of effort to improve the functioning of the computer component. But for what reasons might the keyboard refuse to work? And what to do in this or that case?

Connector damage

The first case does not occur very often, but it does occur. Especially on older computers. For laptops, this situation is relevant only when we are talking about a separately connected keyboard.

What is it about? Why doesn't the keyboard print? The problem may lie in the equipment connector. It sometimes breaks or gets damaged. In this situation, the keyboard cannot be connected. If you are using an older model (PS/2 socket), it is advisable to change the hardware to USB. Or connect the device to another connector. You can also try to repair the nests. But this technique will not provide a long-term guarantee of the device’s operation.


Why doesn't the keyboard print? The next, more common reason is the lack of drivers for especially if we are talking about a multifunctional device with a large number of additional buttons. If the device refuses to work, it is recommended that you first reinstall the drivers for it. Or update them.

Typically, keyboards come with a disk with the appropriate software. Next And if the reason lay precisely in the drivers, then everything starts to work. You can optionally turn the device off and on after logging into the operating system. But everything is not always as simple as it seems. After all, a computer is a device that can present various surprises. And fixing them is not always easy or simple. So what other options for the development of events can be identified?


Why doesn't the keyboard print? This question sooner or later begins to concern almost every user. This is especially true for those who do not monitor the computer and its components at all. The keyboard does not print some letters? What to do? If we are talking about a device that has been working properly for at least a month, we can only advise one thing - to clean the component.

The keyboard is a device that can get clogged. Dust, food debris, crumbs - all this remains between the buttons. And we are talking about laptops and desktop computers. Therefore, all keyboards need to be cleaned from time to time. At least once a year. Or as needed. It is also recommended not to eat in front of the monitor. This technique will allow you to avoid clogging the connected device again. By the way, this problem is the most common scenario.

Now it’s clear why the keyboard doesn’t print. Just pay attention to the fact that you should not clean it yourself. Especially if we are talking about a novice user. And even more so, it is not recommended to clean the laptop keyboard yourself. It is better to take the input device to a service center. Almost everywhere offers keyboard cleaning services. In just a few hours, you can fix the problem that has overtaken the user. After cleaning, the keyboard will work at full capacity.


But these are not all options for the development of events. Sometimes it happens that the keyboard prints the wrong letters. And in this situation it is very difficult to find an explanation for what is happening. After all, the device actually works. Just not the way it should be. There is only one reason that letters print numbers or not what is needed. This is an incorrect assembly of the device. If you disassemble the keyboard, you will notice that each button has its own mechanism. The computer receives a signal from a certain key and prints a particular character. For the convenience of the user, these mechanisms are labeled as buttons on the keyboard. If the latter are swapped, it appears that the device is printing the wrong characters.

Therefore, in this situation there is only one solution - to assemble the keyboard correctly. That is, place the mechanisms located under each key in the desired order. Doing this on your own is very problematic. Therefore, it is best to take the gadget to a service center. If you don’t want to think again about why the keyboard doesn’t print, you shouldn’t wipe and wash this component yourself. Often, problems with incorrect placement of buttons occur precisely after cleaning them yourself. Not the most dangerous, but not very pleasant moment either.

Incorrect assembly

Keyboard buttons not working? What should I do? First of all, don't panic. Secondly, analyze your recent actions with this device. In most cases, the user himself becomes the culprit of problems with components connected to the computer. What to do if If the user tried to figure out the device on his own, it is recommended to immediately take it to a service center.

The cause is incorrect assembly of the input device. Most likely, when the user tried to assemble the keyboard, an important contact came loose somewhere. This is not uncommon and should be kept in mind. You can fix this problem yourself. But users point out that in inept hands the keyboard will never work. Unless it is completely broken. And craftsmen usually manage to disassemble the device the first time and assemble it so that it works fully and without interruptions.


What to do if the keyboard does not print? Much depends on the situation. If we are not talking about a new device, then the above scenarios may well be the reason for the failure of the component to work. But what to do when the conversation is about the keyboard you just bought? If all the drivers have been installed, the problem most likely has only one cause - a defect. And here only a complete replacement of the keyboard will help. It is recommended that you immediately contact the store where you purchased the device. There it will be possible to make an exchange. Otherwise, you will have to buy a new gadget.


What to do if the keyboard doesn't work? You need to find out why the connected device refused to perform its functions. In fact, only in rare cases do users experience serious incidents as the cause. Much more often, all problems can be solved on your own.

Why doesn't the keyboard print? The whole point may be that the device is incompatible with the operating system. This problem appeared quite recently. Most often, users who have Windows 10 encounter this problem. With this operating system, older models do not experience a similar problem. Yes, the keyboard also has its own minimum requirements. And you should pay attention to them. Because you will either have to change the device eventually, or reinstall the operating system to one compatible with the gadget.


Keyboard buttons not working? Has this device stopped working at all? If all of the above cases do not apply, you can think about the last, rarest scenario - infection of the operating system. Viruses are the main enemies of the stable operation of computers. They can affect not only software, but also connected devices. For example, under their negative influence, the keyboard either does not print, or displays the wrong characters, or it even enters several letters/numbers per press.

There are two ways out: reinstalling the operating system from scratch or treating the computer for the corresponding infection. In the first case, you will have to completely format the hard drive, and only then reinstall the OS. And the second option, as a rule, does not turn out to be effective enough. For this reason, it is recommended to save all data and reinstall the operating system on your computer. This way the virus will disappear 100%.

Keyboard malfunction issues computer It’s easier to decide - there’s always an opportunity check the keyboard you are using on another computer or vice versa - connect it to your PC exactly working properly. Then act according to the circumstances.

WITH laptop Another situation is that the keyboard is built-in, that is, an integral part.

In any case, try first reboot device and go to BIOS(usually the key F2 at the time of initialization for laptops, Del or F10 for desktop PCs). It didn’t work out - there’s a high probability device malfunction, most likely you will have to contact a service center. Before that we recommend check the contacts - they may be oxidized or squeezed out(relevant for PS/2) or check cable integrity- perhaps he received damage(for example, it was pinched).

If you succeeded, then the keyboard OK, we are dealing with a software glitch.

In this case, boot the system, it would be better to do this in safe mode without starting drivers ( F8 while loading). The device is functioning, which means the problem is in the drivers. Start the OS in normal mode, right-click on the icon ComputerProperties.

Find a section Keyboards and delete everything that is in the subkey.

Then reboot computer and check if the keyboard works. In normal condition, the driver should be installed automatically. Here in Dispatcher you can update or reinstall driver - this option is suitable if there is an indication of unidentified devices with yellow exclamation point.

The next option is system rollback to the restore point to the date when the keyboard was exactly working.

To do this we go Start/ Control Panel

Run the program here Recovery.

Launch system recovery– choose point, to which you should rollback.

A more radical way would be complete reinstallation operating system.

You can enter characters when the keyboard is not working using on-screen application.

Start/ Special abilities.

By clicking the cursor on the image of the virtual keys, information will be entered.

This is a temporary measure will simplify finding and solving the problem. For a laptop, another temporary solution would be connection a regular USB keyboard to any free port.

For more advanced users, of course you can disassemble And check connection cable. We will not dwell on this in detail in this article.

The numbers on the right don't work

If only the numbers on the right do not work, first check if the Num Lock, some users may forget to turn it on.

Above is usually Num Lock mode enabled illuminated green LED turned on (in rare cases it may not be present).

If the numbers still do not print, check to see if the Num Lock button actually does this. Sometimes this mode includes a combination Num Lock + SHIFT or another.

Also check if you have the option enabled mouse control from keyboard.

Start\ Control Panel\ Special abilities\ Mouse

There should be no check mark on the “ Keyboard control«.

The f1-f12 keys do not work

If we are talking about laptop owners, the key is responsible for turning on the function keys Fn.

Some types of PC office devices have a " Office", you need to check its operation. In other cases it should help reinstallation drivers.

The keyboard is the main tool for entering information, without which working on a computer is impossible. Most often, for this device to work flawlessly, you just need to connect it to your computer, and it will install all the necessary drivers automatically. This happens in most cases, but not always. There are situations when, when you connect a keyboard to a USB or PS/2 connector, it is not detected on the computer and does not show any signs of operation - the indicators do not light up and the buttons do not work. In this article, we offer instructions on what to do if the keyboard on your computer does not work.

We recommend reading:

Connecting the keyboard to the computer is as simple as possible - just insert its wire into the corresponding connector on the motherboard, and after that the device will start working. There are wireless keyboards, the radio receiver of which is inserted into a USB connector, after which the device works if the distance between the transmitter and the device is maintained.

Due to the simplicity of the process of connecting a computer, we can conclude that there are only 2 reasons why the keyboard does not work on the computer:

  • Mechanical. There may be problems with the keyboard itself or the wire that connects it to the motherboard. The cause of the malfunction may also be a broken connector on the motherboard.
  • Software. Keyboard drivers are installed automatically, but failures can occur during the installation of any software, and this situation is no exception. In addition, problems may occur not at the operating system level, but in the BIOS, where the appropriate settings for the keyboard are disabled.

Depending on which connector the keyboard is connected to the computer, we offer different options for solving problems that arise.

What to do if the keyboard does not work on the computer via USB protocol

The most common interface for connecting a keyboard to a computer is USB. The speed of information transfer from a peripheral device to the computer is sufficient, both via the USB 2.0 protocol and via USB 3.0, so there is no difference in which connector the keyboard is connected to.

If the USB keyboard does not work when you turn on the computer, you need to do the following:

It's worth noting that users with a keyboard connected to the motherboard via USB may have trouble getting into the BIOS on the computer's boot screen if they are using an older version of the underlying software. In this case, you need to find a keyboard with a PS/2 connector or use the appropriate adapter.

What to do if the keyboard does not work on your computer using the PS/2 protocol

Keyboard manufacturers are trying to move away from the PS/2 connector, abandoning it in favor of USB. It is very difficult to find a keyboard with a PS/2 connector on sale, but if you come across such peripherals and it does not work when loading Windows, most likely the problem is related to the drivers. To make the keyboard work, you need to do the following:

It is worth noting that a similar problem with keyboards connected via the PS/2 protocol most often occurs due to an error when installing the i8042prt.sys or kbdclass.sys driver.

You may encounter the fact that the USB keyboard does not work at boot in different situations: this often happens when reinstalling the system or when a menu appears with the choice of safe mode and other Windows boot options.

As a rule, this situation does not occur with a keyboard connected via the PS/2 port (and if it does occur, the problem should be looked for in the keyboard itself, the wire or the motherboard connector), but it may well occur on a laptop, since the built-in keyboard may also have USB interface.

Before continuing reading, check if everything is in order with the connection: whether the USB cable or wireless keyboard receiver is in place, or whether someone touched it. Even better, take it out and plug it in again, not in USB 3.0 (blue), but in USB 2.0 (Best in one of the ports on the back of the system unit. By the way, sometimes there is a special USB port with a keyboard and mouse icon).

Is USB keyboard support enabled in BIOS?

Most often, to solve the problem, it is enough to go into the computer’s BIOS and enable the initialization of the USB keyboard (set USB Keyboard Support or Legacy USB Support to Enabled) when you turn on the computer. If this option is disabled for you, you may not notice it for a long time (because Windows itself “connects” the keyboard when you boot and everything works for you), until you need to use it when loading the operating system.

It is possible that you cannot enter the BIOS, especially if you have a new computer with UEFI, Windows 8 or 8.1 and fast boot enabled. In this case, you can get into the settings (Change computer settings - Update and recovery - Recovery - Special boot options, then in the additional parameters, select entering UEFI settings). And after that, see what can be changed to make everything work.

On some motherboards, the setup for USB input device support at boot is a little more sophisticated: for example, I have three options in my UEFI settings - disabled initialization during ultra-fast boot, partial initialization, and full initialization (fast boot must be disabled). And the wireless keyboard works at boot only in the latest version.

I hope the article was able to help you. And if not, describe in detail exactly how your problem arose and I will try to come up with something else and give advice in the comments.