White spots appeared on the iPhone display. Detecting and eliminating dots on the iPhone screen

What to do if suddenly appeared spots on iPhone screen 6 ? Why does it occur yellow and White spot on the iPhone 6 screen? DIY repair instructions will help you troubleshoot this problem.

Instructions: In the situation being analyzed there may be several different options problems that, accordingly, will have to be eliminated in different ways:

  1. Yellow or white spots on the display indicate damage to the screen substrate. This happens after the device gets wet and there is strong pressure on the screen part (the body is curved, so it puts uneven pressure on the parts). Regardless of the reason, it is imperative to disassemble the communication device and inspect it;
  2. If dots appear periodically on the display, then most likely the pixel is burnt out. To make image distortion disappear, you need to replace the iPhone 6 screen itself.

Result: The first 2 repair options can be done at home yourself.

We offer you 2 options for solving the problem - fixing it yourself and visiting the Telemama service center, where everything will be done efficiently and quickly. Decide what to choose.

Repair in service Apple Center Telemama

DIY repair

Our advantages

  1. We always use only original, high quality spare parts.
  2. We specially order parts in large wholesale quantities so that we can then offer them to you at the lowest rates.
  3. Repair time. On average, it takes about 20 minutes to replace the screen, speaker, connector, etc. But if there is complex defects gadget, then we’ll spend another 20 minutes on initial diagnostics.
  4. The warranty is 1 year.

If your iPhone 6 is broken and you can’t fix it yourself, then contact us - we’ll definitely help. To make it more convenient for you, we have organized a courier service for the delivery of equipment. But you can still visit us at service center drive up and hand over the equipment to troubleshoot problems.

Computer diagnostics in the proposed Telemama SC it is always free. Upon completion, we will agree with you on the cost of the work and begin its implementation directly. Experienced master engineers will select only original components for replacement. The effectiveness of the repair will be confirmed by a long warranty.

When your communicator is ready for use, come to the service center to pick it up yourself or call a courier for delivery. Be sure to get a 1-year warranty from us. Then you will be able to get service at a service center at a discount - just give your order number. Your friends can also receive a discount using this scheme.

For many years now we have been repairing and selling spare parts for iPhone gadgets 6, as well as our specialists offer consultations on self-repair of this equipment. Prices are discussed transparently in the price list - prices for parts are written down separately, and prices for specialist services are written down separately.

You are invited to carry out diagnostics with us and buy parts for installation, and then start saving your device at home.

We don't expect any discounts regular customers, because for them the most low prices for all.

With promotions that we often run, you can get your iPhone 6 repaired very cheaply and with a one-year warranty.

There are times when iPhone users, iPad or iPod are faced with one of the problems with the screens of their devices - dead pixels. It's worth remembering that there are differences between dead, hot and stuck pixels. Also in the world there is such a thing as a group defective pixels- this is the number of defective pixels in a square, the size of which is 5x5 pixels.

Dead pixels are pixels that do not glow in active mode. On a white background they resemble a black dot. And hot pixels are those that, when actively standing, look like white dots on a black background. Stuck pixels can glow in different colors: red, yellow, blue, green. The reason for this is the on or off state of the subpixels.

Most users might think that if such a problem arose, it could be solved by sending the device for repair or exchanging the device under warranty. However, panel manufacturing technology is very complex, making it nearly impossible to produce large production runs of LCD panels without dead pixels. Even if only “clean” panels were used in production, the price of TVs would be high.

To resolve this issue on devices Apple, there is a program that solves it - Bad Pixel Fixer. This program can be free and easily installed from Cydia.

You need to do the following:

  • First, you need to make sure you have an Internet connection and then go to Cydia.
  • Type - Bad Pixel Fixer in the search.
  • Then make sure that this program from the repository is BigBoss.

  • Next you need to install Bad Pixel Fixer.
  • After the installation of the program is completed, you will see the “Bad Pixel” icon of this program in the menu of your device.
  • Then run the program.
  • Here you need to select a background - black or white. In the background you will be able to identify dead pixel and find out which group he belongs to.
  • Point the square at the place where you found the dead pixel.
  • Set the maximum interval, and select the color of the square in accordance with the color of the dead pixel, then all the colors of this square and click Start.

The work will take about 40 minutes. First you need to set the square with the dead pixel color. If this doesn't work for you, set all the colors of the square. Good luck!

Sometimes you may get unlucky and after a couple of months or more, ("dead") dead pixels may appear on your display.

An excursion into history. What is a dead pixel?

The image on a monitor with a liquid crystal display, as with a cathode ray tube, consists of dots, locally called pixels. They are the ones that form the various pictures that we see through changing colors. The pixel also has its own permanent hierarchy - three subpixels, black, red and green. The final color is achieved by changing the position of individual subpixels and pointing towards it light beam different power. IN modern monitors, using the so-called active matrix, each pixel is controlled by its own thin film transistor (TFT, Thin Film Transistor), the failure of which forms on the screen black inactive dot – dead pixel . It does not change its color when the image changes precisely because of a technical malfunction of the control transistor. Such dead pixels can only be restored by replacing the corresponding transistor, which can only be done in special laboratory conditions, which is clearly not available to ordinary users.

If you are so “lucky” and you have just such a black dot on the display of an iPhone, touchscreen or even a monitor, then good luck... But if you have a dead pixel glowing, let’s say brightly green, as was the case in my case with the iPhone 3GS, then you can “revive” it!

Stuck dead pixels

There is another type of dead pixels - stuck . A sign of their appearance will be a light dot on dark background. This happens when an individual subpixel gets stuck in one position. Respectively it does not respond to changes in the image on the display, but lights up in a certain way light color . Such defects, unlike blackheads, can be restored at home through some software and physical manipulations.

Unfortunately, I didn’t take a photo of this pixel when it wasn’t working, but there are many “lucky” people on the Internet with similar symptoms.

Treating a dead (stuck) pixel

The essence of the method is simple, suitable for both iPhone display and LCD monitor. For monitor owners, go to the website http://www.jscreenfix.com and click on Launch the JScreenFix. A window appears with small colored dots that quickly change color.

For iPhone owners or touch, download a short (518kb) video jscreenfix_qvga_ipod.m4v. Run it for 10-15 minutes and your dead pixel will miraculously come back to life.

The trick to this method is that it performs high-speed color changes on individual pixels, allowing you to programmatically realign a stuck pixel.

When people buy an iPhone, they begin to think that this phone will be simply flawless and there will be no problems with it. But unfortunately this is not so and one of the iPhone problemsyellow spots on the screen.

I myself have encountered this situation and my friends too, so I have some experience with this issue and I will be happy to share all the information with you.

Why do yellow spots appear on iPhone?

So, first I’ll tell you about my case. It was an iPhone 4S and it served me for 4 long years. In principle, he is still in good condition and serves as my second phone.

Somewhere after the third year of use, a yellow spot appeared on the left side of the screen. It was not too big and is best seen against a white background.

Out of curiosity, I once went to the service center, to which, without an answer about the reason, they simply told me that I needed to change the screen. Not knowing the reason for the appearance, I simply continued to use my smartphone.

A little later I turned to a friend who started studying iPhone repair and then a version appeared that it was due to moisture and it was simply impossible to remove it.

This whole story ended with the fact that I dropped my gadget and the screen did not break, but stopped showing the image. And then we had to change the display.

After reading on the forums, the most popular versions are:

  • not dried glue;
  • moisture;
  • pressure on the screen;
  • high and low temperatures.

What the actual reason is is generally impossible to find. Therefore, I’ll simply tell you what to do in such situations and how to live with it further.

What to do if yellow streaks or spots appear on your iPhone?

When this yellow spot appeared on my iPhone, I was really upset. After all, the phone served for a long time without any incidents and this made me incredibly happy.

But as you can see, nothing is perfect. And from my life experience, you only have three options if you discover this miracle:

  1. go to the service center and change the screen;
  2. if it’s under warranty, then we go to the store and demand to exchange it for a new one;
  3. We just walk around with the stain and try to get used to it.

At one time, I chose the third point, because the stain is quite small and does not particularly interfere with the work. Replacing the original display with something incomprehensible is also not a good option.

But as I wrote above, by coincidence, I changed the display. I was lucky that they just found the original donor for this case.


Typically, this problem has been the most common since iPhone 4. This does not seem to be the case with modern ones, but yellow spots are quite an insidious thing.

I would like to wish you that on your iPhone more no such spots appeared. After all, sometimes the cost of a screen simply goes through the roof and not everyone wants to spend extra money.