Local denwer server. We install Denver. Why is Denver not working?

What is Denwer and why is it needed? Denwer is the local north. A program for developing websites on your home computer. That is, you can make a blog or website. Set it up on your computer, and only then register and transfer it to hosting. An indispensable tool for a web master, isn't it? The first practical step to creating a website or blog is to install Denver. So, let's begin.

Download program Denver 3

Denver is a free program, and it is better to download it from the developer’s website. Here is the link www.denwer.ruThere are two versions of PHP available for download, 5.2 and the newer 5.3. I'm using version 5.3.

Program installation Denver 3

1 . We begin installing the Denwer3 program. The browser will open, close it. In the installation window of the program, to go to the next step you must press Enter on the keyboard.

2 . By default, it is proposed to install the program on drive C in the WebServers folder. You can change the directory by selecting a different drive, or install it on a USB flash drive. I choose the standard installation. Click Enter and proceed to the next step.

3 . Enter the English letter "y".

4 . The program offers to create another Z disk. You can also change the name. I'll leave the "z".

5 .Enter again.

6 . Enter 1.

7 . the program offers to create shortcuts on the desktop, enter the English letter "y" that is, yes.

8 . Creating a Denwer 3 database. If everything is done correctly, the browser should open. Denver installed successfully. We launch Denver by clicking on the created shortcut on the desktop “Start Denwer”, and follow the localhost link.

9 . The following window opens, Hurray it’s working! At the bottom you will see "Check MySQL and phpMyAdmin". Follow this link.

10 . Next, we create a new database. To do this, you need to select the encoding " cp1251_general_cs ". So that in the future you don’t have problems, and crappy words don’t pop up on your website instead of Russian letters.

This happens very often to many novice webmasters. Everything is fine in Denver, but after transferring a site or blog to hosting, so-called “crackers” appear. To avoid this, choose this encoding. And click the Database button.

11 . In this window in English, write the name of the database. For example, I wrote “myblog”. You can give any other name. Just be sure to write it down, you will need it when installing the joomla or wordpress engine itself. Again, select the cp1251_general_cs encoding. And click the create button. In the database field you will see the database you created. This completes the Denver program installation process.

So let's summarize. The program was installed on the "C" drive, in the "WebServers" folder. All files of your future website or blog will be located there. And the "Z" disk is made for your convenience; by going into it you will also find yourself in the folder " WebServers" located on drive "C".

Uninstalling Denwer 3. A frequently asked question is how to remove a program. To do this, you just need to stop Denver. By clicking on the stop denver icon. And then delete the "WebServers" folder. If the error appears, "cannot be deleted, is being used by another program, or is open in another folder." Go to the folder "WebServers", and delete all folders located there. Then restart your computer and delete the empty folder "WebServers". The program will be completely removed from your computer.

It’s time to end the article here, if you have any questions, ask them in the comments. And also subscribe to updates and receive new articles by mail. If you are planning to make a website on joomla3, then I recommend reading Installing joomla 3 on denwer

The Gentleman's Web Developer's Kit ("D.n.w.r", read "Denver") is a set of distributions (Apache+SSL, PHP5 as a module, MySQL5, phpMyAdmin, etc.) and a software shell used by the Web -developers (programmers and designers) to debug websites on a “home” (local) Windows machine without the need to access the Internet.

Denver-3 (2013-06-02) contains Apache 2.2.22 + PHP 5.3.13 + MySQL 5.5.25 + PhpMyAdmin 3.5.1

A key feature of Denver is its support for working with several projects at once, each of which is located on a separate virtual host. Virtual hosts for projects are created automatically: for example, you just need to copy the project files to /home/ProjectName/www, and it will immediately become available at http://ProjectName (DOCUMENT_ROOT will also be correct). This is especially convenient in the work of web studios developing several sites in parallel, and also *in conjunction* with version control systems CVS or Subversion. The directory naming scheme can be easily customized for your hosting in the virtual hosts template (see comments in httpd.conf).

All Denver components are already configured and ready for work (in particular, the Russian language encoding of MySQL, SSL, etc. is correctly configured). In addition, you can update any of Denver's services (Apache, PHP, MySQL, etc.) manually by simply copying new versions of distributions over old ones.

Denver is self-contained: it can be located in any directory on a disk (or even a flash drive). It also does not modify Windows system files, so it can be uninstalled by simply deleting its folder.

The main differences between Denver and its analogues

  1. Modular, expandable, compact. There is no need to download multi-megabyte distributions of individual components. The basic version of Denver, which includes Apache+SSL+PHP5+MySQL5+phpMyAdmin, is small in size and yet fully functional.
  2. Support and automatic configuration of several projects at once, each of which is represented by a separate virtual host.
  3. Centralized starting and stopping system for all Denver components. Due to its autonomy, after stopping Denver completely *disappears* from the system and can be copied to another directory or even deleted.
  4. Sendmail emulator: the ability to debug scripts that send mail. All letters created in PHP scripts are not sent outside, but are stored in a special directory /tmp/!sendmail.
  5. Extension packs. There are many components for Denver that can be installed later (PostgreSQL, Python, FireBird, Parser, older versions of PHP4 and PHP4, MySQL4, etc.). All of them are available for download on the official Denver website and are equipped with an installer. You can also install any other services manually, as well as update Denver components from official distributions without any problems.
  6. The programs included in the complex were written by various developers; their characteristics can sometimes make it difficult to function together. There may also be fundamental differences between different versions of the same program, which often complicates installation and configuration. Denver components were configured and tested to ensure full operation as part of the complex.

Composition of the Denver-3 basic package

  1. Apache 2 with SSL support and mod_rewrite.
  2. PHP5: executable files, module for the Apache web server, distribution and adapted configuration file, GD library, MySQL and sqLite support modules.
  3. MySQL5 with support for InnoDB, transactions and Russian encodings (windows-1251).
  4. phpMyAdmin - MySQL database control panel, as well as a script that makes it easy to add a new MySQL user.
  5. Debugging sendmail emulator (/usr/sbin/sendmail), which does not send messages, but writes them to the /tmp/!sendmail directory.
  6. A system for automatically searching for virtual hosts and updating the system hosts file, as well as the Apache configuration. Thanks to it, adding a new virtual host (or third-level domain) involves simply creating a directory in /home (see analogy with existing hosts) and restarting the complex. All changes are made to configuration and system files automatically, but you can control this process using the host template mechanism (see /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf for detailed explanations).
Add-ons ("expansion packs") are available on Denver's official website to expand the capabilities of the basic kit:
  • PHP version 3 as a CGI program;
  • PHP version 4 as a CGI program;
  • additional modules for Apache;
  • additional modules for PHP;
  • full version of ActivePerl;
  • ActivePython interpreter.
  • MySQL server version 4;
  • Parser technology support modules;
  • PostgreSQL DBMS;
  • FireBird DBMS versions 2 and 1.3
  • other popular modules.

Changes in the Denver-3 program (2013-06-02):

  • The latest version of Denver has fixed a bug due to which virtual hosts were sometimes not created in Windows 7.
  • MySQL version has been updated to 5.5 and phpMyAdmin to 3.5.1. If you are upgrading from an older version of Denver, see the database migration instructions.
  • Do you have English Windows and the Denver console contains hieroglyphs? Set up Windows.

Server with support for PHP and MySQL databases on your computer. What else is needed to test the site? A complete gentleman's set.

Denwer is a program that is installed on your local computer and implements on it an analogue of the hosting provider’s server. Those. you can save the site files to a specific folder on your hard drive and then access the site through the domain name assigned to it from any browser. At the same time, Denver will provide the functioning of PHP scripts and the ability to work with MySQL databases. This is how the site is debugged before uploading to the server.

By installing Denwer, you will be able to run server applications, such as PHP scripts, and work with MySQL databases. If you are developing a dynamic site (i.e. a site where the displayed information changes depending on user actions) and the requested pages on which have a php extension, then you need Denwer like air.

Thanks to Denwer, you can access the website you are developing through the browser line using the domain name. For example, http://test.ru and your site will be loaded from the local computer’s hard drive in exactly the same way as what happens if the site is hosted.

So, let's start the installation.

First of all, let's check the readiness of your computer to install Denver. To do this, go to the Start menu->Programs->Accessories->Command Line. In the black window that appears, type the command ping
After this, the local network address will be checked. If everything is in order, then after a few seconds (after the ping has finished) you will see this window:

If you do not get the same result as in the figure, then this may mean that your firewall has blocked access to this IP and you need to change the firewall or antivirus settings to allow.
If you see the same thing as in the picture, then everything is OK and you can proceed to installing Denver.

1) Go to the website http://www.denwer.ru/ and download the latest version of the package from there for installation.

Click on the hefty orange button, indicate the e-mail to which the download link will be sent, receive the e-mail, follow the link, download Denver.

2) Run the downloaded exe file.

And let's start the installation.

3) Follow the installer’s instructions until this strange request appears:

There's really nothing special here. If you want to install Denver in the default folder (C:\WebServers), then press Enter.

Confirm the installation by entering Y and pressing Enter.

We read what is written, don’t get scared, press Enter.

If suddenly virtual disk Z is present on your system, then enter a different letter. And if it is not there, then continue the installation by pressing Enter.

I already have drive Z and am creating drive X.

And, of course, I press Enter.

After this, the files are copied.

And here is the penultimate step. The most optimal is point 1, which is what we choose.

We create shortcuts on the desktop (for ease of use) and that’s it, Denver is installed, the IE browser window pops up with a greeting.

Now we launch the corresponding shortcut from the desktop and use Denver to the fullest.

We are interested in the Start Denwer shortcut.

A black program loading window will appear for a moment and disappear. After this, Denver will be in working order. To restart Denver or disable it, use the other two shortcuts respectively.

4) Enter http://localhost into the browser line and enjoy the site running from our hard drive with a description of Denver.

In addition to the site http://localhost, which is launched from our hard drive, there is also a test domain with the address http://test1.ru, which is also loaded from our computer.

We create a folder for the development of our site (let it be accessible by the domain name nashsite.ru)

To do this, you need to go to the newly created virtual hard disk (I have X, and you most likely have Z).

Go to the home folder and look at the folders already created during installation with names that can be called through the browser window.

I have already created many different sites, but you will most likely only have the automatically created test.ru.
At the same time, it becomes clear that if you want to have access to the site you are developing using the domain name http://nashsite.ru, then, by analogy, you need to create exactly this folder in the home directory.

But that is not all. Files that will be launched when accessed through the domain name http://nashsite.ru should be stored in the www folder inside the newly created domain.

Those. X:\home\nashsite.ru\www

Therefore, we create a www navel in the nashsite.ru folder and save our project files into it.

After this, you need to restart Denver (using the Restart Denwer icon on the desktop), so that it creates a new virtual host with the name http://nashsite.ru and try to enter the host name in the browser (if the site does not load, make sure , that you did not forget to restart Denver, and if you did not forget, then restart your browser).

Here is the result - the index.html file is loaded, which is located in the X:\home\nashsite.ru\www folder. Inside this file it says “Hello everyone,” which is what we see in the browser window.

This is how developed sites are tested on a local computer.

Denver is a local server.
Denver (a project by Dmitry Koterov) is a free package of special programs that is installed on a home (local) computer to simulate the operation of a real network web server. This simulation allows you to create and configure websites on your home (local) computer, without an Internet connection. Dmitry Koterov himself calls his creation “Gentleman’s Web Developer’s Kit” (“D.n.w.r”, read “Denver”).
The main feature of the Denver software package is its ease of installation, convenience when working remotely on several independent projects at once, and the ability to be placed on a Flash drive.

Where to download Denver

Where does Denver send letters?

The engine installed on Denver can send emails to the email of the site administrator or users. Such letters will be saved with the *.eml extension in the C:\WebServers\tmp\!sendmail\ directory. By default, this directory does not exist. It will be created as soon as the first email is sent.
Denver sends mail with the EML extension. It can be opened with any email client, such as Outlook Express, Mozilla Thunderbird, The Bat!, Free Mail Commander, etc. You can change the file extension from EML on MHT and open the message directly in your browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome...).

Transferring a website from Denver to hosting and back

The essence of the method is as follows:

  1. downloading a copy of the site database and DLE engine files from the hosting
  2. creating on Denver the same structure as on a real hosting, exactly repeating all access rights and passwords that only exist on a real server and on a real website
  3. replacing “empty” files on Denver with real files downloaded from the hosting
  4. restoring a database to Denver from a website

As you know, any website has two components - a database (DB) and a management system for this database, CMS (content management systems) or popularly - . And, here is the importance - the database and the engine are inextricably linked in the area of ​​passwords, logins and access rights. Separating and connecting the database and the engine - oh, how difficult it is, without special skills and knowledge. And even if you have them, it takes a lot of time, since you have to coordinate the work of many configuration files. The database import-export function built into DLE allows you to make the thankless job of transferring a site an easy and enjoyable task.

Initial data.

  1. Website on, and full access to it
    Accordingly, it should be known:
    • name of the site database (DB) (mySQL database)
    • her username (mySQL login)
    • database access password (mySQL password)
    • FTP server (for FTP access to site files)
    • FTP login (for FTP access to site files)
    • FTP password (for FTP access to site files)
    • A couple of site administrator login and password

1. On a real site, on the Internet, I go to the site’s Admin Panel on DLE - List of all sections - Database management - click on “Save database”. Eat! A copy of the database (DB) was created on the server, in the backup directory. But this site already knows my real names and passwords from the real database and from the site administrator. Still would! After all, everything was specified when creating a new empty database and installing a new engine.

Why is Denver not working?

Denver's refusal is not such a rare occurrence, which is explained by the simple incompatibility of programs, or more precisely, by their intransigence in the struggle for survival in the network space. Denver may not work (not start) if another program occupies its favorite ports 80 and 443 or blocks the launch of its .exe files. Such unfriendly programs include all software that uses or controls ports to create their network connections (Skype, VMWare Workstation, etc.), as well as antiviruses and firewalls, and also some services of Windows itself.

Denwer is a useful tool for webmasters, which includes a software shell and a set of distribution kits designed for creating and debugging sites (web applications, other dynamic content of Internet pages) on a local computer, without the need to connect to the Internet.

Immediately after installing the Gentleman's Web Developer's Kit ("D.n.w.r", read "Denver"), a fully working Apache web server will be available, located on a local personal computer, on which an unlimited number of sites can run, which is very effective for developing and debugging PHP scripts without uploading its files to a remote server.

To run almost all of the program's utilities, use the Run application in the /denwer (or /etc) subdirectory of the Denver installation root directory. When launched, a virtual disk is created (Z: by default) where all project files are stored.

All Denver components are already configured and ready for work (in particular, the Russian language encoding of MySQL, SSL, etc. is correctly configured). In addition, you can update any of Denver's services (Apache, PHP, MySQL, etc.) manually, simply copying new versions of distributions over old ones.

Denwer is completely self-contained: it can be located in any directory on the disk (or even on a flash drive). It also does not modify Windows system files, so it can be uninstalled by simply deleting its folder.

There are many components for Denver that can be installed later (PostgreSQL, FireBird, Parser, older versions of PHP4 and PHP4, MySQL4, etc.). All of them are available for download at the office. program website and equipped with an installer. The user will be able to install any other services manually, as well as update program components from official distributions without any problems.

Basic version of Denver, including Apache+SSL+PHP5+MySQL5+phpMyAdmin,