Command to open the registry in windows 7. How to enter the regedit application. Creating an item in the context menu

Presented on the Internet great amount information covering topics such as optimization, configuration, patching Windows errors. Often in them, in addition to simple actions, provides information about changing system registry parameters and keys. However, how to open the Registry Editor Windows 7 not always written. This article fully covers this topic.

Registry Editor

The registry is the OS database. It contains information about users, equipment, and software. Also, absolutely all settings are stored in the registry operating system And installed applications. The registry structure is hierarchical, that is, multi-level. It can be used to enable some hidden possibilities Windows.

Before giving instructions,how to open Windows 7, it is worth saying that its backups are created once every ten days. In addition, you can create a backup inside the registry editor itself.

The database in question first appeared in 1992 in Windows 3.1. By modern standards, it took up very little space on the hard drive. Despite this, general structure The registry has hardly evolved.

The easiest way

This method is suitable for any version of Windows, not only the seventh. Click on the button that opens the Start menu.

It is located on the left side of the control panel. Type regedit into the search bar. After a few seconds, the required shortcut will appear at the top of the menu. After clicking on it, the registry editor will open.

The most popular way

This method is suitable even if the computer is attacked by viruses, and the desktop and the bottom panel gone.How to open Registry Editor in Windows 7?

  1. Press Win + R. This will expand the Run dialog. You can also expand it by selecting the appropriate link in the Start menu.
  2. In the input line, paste the text regedit.
  3. Click on the "OK" button.


How to open the editor Windows registry 7 using the built-in file manager?

  1. Double-click on the "Computer" icon.
  2. In the window that opens, copy to address bar next text C:\Windows\regedit.exe, then press the "Enter" button.
  3. When asked by the operating system about granting administrator rights to the utility, answer in the affirmative.

You can follow the path manually, but this approach will not allow you to complete the task quickly. You do not need to use Explorer to follow these instructions. Absolutely any file manager will do.


If you often change settings in the Registry Editor, it makes sense to create a shortcut for it on your desktop. After this, you just need to double-click on the icon to

  1. Expand by right-clicking on the free space on the screen.
  2. In the menu that opens, move the cursor to the “Create” inscription, and then click on the “Shortcut” inscription.
  3. In the “Object” line of the dialog that opens, enter regedit and click “Next”.
  4. Now set the name that will be written under the new icon. You can enter any desired text here.
  5. To launch the configuration utility, simply double-click on the shortcut and then answer yes to the OS question.

be careful

Before opening the Windows 7 Registry Editor,study all possible information about what editing specific parameters in it will lead to. Some changes take effect immediately, while others require a reboot. After carelessly editing the settings, the operating system may begin to crash or may not boot at all. Of course, modern operating systems have means of restoring their performance, but they do not always help in case of serious problems. In addition, it is unlikely that anyone will be pleased to waste time if, after making changes to Windows settings or its components will stop running.

Perhaps it will be a discovery for someone that the Windows operating system has a registry and it is needed for something.
Some particularly curious users already know how to find the registry in Windows 7 and with a slight movement of the hand, opening the folder, launching the regedit file, they see something incomprehensible to themselves, this is the registry.
Now you know how to open the registry and where it is stored, how to enter the registry, but let's talk about everything in order.


The modern computer has long ceased to be just a tool for everyday work. Today, this is a whole multimedia complex that is capable of performing the most various functions beginning with easy playback audio and ending with the creation of our own compositions, videos, all the content that we can find on the Internet.
As practice shows, the average computer user most often does not know the intricacies of system settings and does not have information on how to increase performance. It's a pity.
If you are one of them, then this article was written especially for you. In it we will look at the basic operation of any OS with application programs– we’ll talk about the system registry.

What is a registry?

The registry is a database that any Windows operating system has (starting with Windows 95. Up to Windows release 95 all data was stored in separate files, which increased the risk of conflicts between programs). Why do you think the registry is needed, for example in Windows XP? That's right, in order to organize single service records. The main task of the registry is to store hardware settings, various parameters, records about installed programs, drivers. It is logical to assume, and today it can even be stated, that the registry directly affects the stability, performance and reliability of the operating system!

What can I do if I know how the registry works?

The answer to this question can be included in a whole list wide possibilities that will open before you:

1. You will be able to produce fine tuning equipment. If you experience system registry failures, you can fix the error yourself. The ability to use the OS registry is the basis for long-term and stable operation your system.
2. You can install the necessary software and control compatibility parameters.

3. You will be able to speed up the operation of the operating system, as well as work more competently with tweakers (programs that optimize Windows performance).

4. Determine the priority of programs yourself, redistributing computer resources as you need it.

Depending on the operating system version Windows systems, tuning and optimization methods may vary. In addition, each version of Windows has its own features. In this article we will look at two of the most popular versions: Windows XP and Windows 7

Registry Features in Windows XP

Compared to older ones Windows versions XP has three key features: dynamism, hierarchy and security.

The dynamism of the Windows XP registry is manifested in the fact that its contents can change while working with the operating system. Using an example, this can be played out as follows: once again, when installing the program you need on your computer, a record of this is placed in system registry. Moreover, after removing the same program, the entry may remain in the registry (in the case when the uninstaller does not take into account the possibility or need for removal). The dynamism of the registry allows you to enter new data on the fly.

The hierarchy of the Windows XP registry is manifested in its tree structure, which makes it easy and quick to find the desired subtree and view the registry keys and subkeys. The hierarchy of the registry saves the user's time and indirectly avoids the mistakes of the administrator, who can make changes to the registry that lead to the inoperability of the OS.

The security of the Windows XP registry means that it has its own security system that prevents anyone from gaining access to the root section of the registry. Only the operating system administrator can control the OS registry. With development network technologies this Windows feature XP is the most useful, or even necessary.

What are the differences between the registry in Windows 7

The Windows 7 registry, just like in Windows XP, is dynamic, hierarchical and secure. However, for the sake of fairness, it is worth noting that Microsoft employees know how to not only drink tea with bagels, but also modernize their system towards flexibility, which happened with Windows 7 and its registry. Only the most important ones are added to the Windows 7 registry important records, which the system needs to execute commands. Accordingly, some of the garbage that appears as a result of installing a whole cloud of programs simply disappears from the registry.

Built-in backup using Windows 7 allows you to roll back changes you made yourself at any time. Wherein, Microsoft employees they were not too lazy to reduce the direct relationship “Registry -> performance”, which means the following: in Windows 7, the size of the registry has practically no effect on performance, but this does not mean that it does not need to be cleaned, because there are others underwater rocks, which we may stumble over again when downloading the program installer.

Overall, the Windows 7 registry is functional, stable and independent.

Cleaning the registry: methods and tools

Cleaning your registry is like washing your car. If you don’t wash it, the machine will become dirty; if you don’t clean the registry, its volume will increase so much that it will create an additional risk of program incompatibility, system failures, and it will simply slow down the computer.

You can clean the registry as in manual mode, and with the help of special utilities, so-called cleaners. As the author of this article, I recommend using a free and fairly functional cleaner - AML Free Registry Cleaner. I have been using this utility for more than 4 years, and it does not cause any complaints. That is why I will briefly tell you about this wonderful utility.

This is what the main program window looks like:

When you launch AML Free Registry Cleaner for the first time, you will be prompted with three main actions: run quick search broken entries in the registry, make a Backup ( backup copy) registry, or close the pop-up window by clicking on the “cancel” button.
Ideally, it is advisable to make a registry backup, after which you can search for problems in the system registry by clicking “scan now”. The program will automatically check the entire registry of your system for broken keys. At the end of the check, you can clean the registry without going into details by clicking “fix all”. Remember, in case of emergency, you have a registry backup, so restoring it will be just as easy in the AML Free Registry Cleaner program.

In addition to deleting found entries, you can edit their parameters by clicking on the “Edit the registry entry” button.
Another very useful opportunity The program is to search for the necessary keys in the registry. To perform a search, you need to select the Registry Search section in the left menu, and this is what you will see:

By asking the desired query, you can find the right key and edit as you wish.


In conclusion of this article, I would like to say thank you to everyone who read the article to the end.

Cleaning the registry is important process which every PC owner should implement. Be careful when changing the parameters of keys and other registry elements yourself. Always back up your registry, and remember to properly uninstall programs using uninstallers. Then, your system will work longer and more stable than if you did not do this.


The Windows 7 operating system is the skeleton and shell to which all other applications and utilities are attached. A registry is used to store various data about the construction order and settings. It is a tree-like structure, divided into parts depending on the purpose. Each section of this hierarchical database is responsible for storing settings and information for a specific group of Windows 7 system objects. Some store data associated with the current user’s session, as well as operating parameters various applications. You can make changes to the registry using special utility, integrated into the operating system shell.

When do you need to log in to the registry?

Registry Editor is powerful tool. Changes made using it can dramatically affect system performance. But in what situations might you need to go into the editor to change the registry?

  • To remove registration keys for incorrectly installed applications.
  • To optimize the operation of the entire Windows 7 operating system.
  • To adjust user rights.
  • Removing viruses and advertising banners.
  • Enable or disable components integrated into the OS.
  • Optimization and adjustment of equipment operation.

Go to the registry through Explorer

You can open the registry in Windows 7 by going to the application folder through Explorer. It is important to understand that Registry Editor is a utility. Part of the operating system, a toolkit, access to which was hidden from Not experienced users. To access the registry through Explorer, perform the following steps:

  • On the desktop, through the shortcut, go to “My Computer”
  • Using Explorer, go to the “Windows” folder.
  • To do this, enter the path “C:\\Windows” into the Explorer field and click on the arrow.
  • Then we get into system folder Windows 7.
  • We find an application file called “regedit”, through which you can enter the registry (launch the registry editor).

It is better to launch the application under administrator rights. If not under these rights, then some opportunities to make changes to the Windows 7 system registry may be blocked. Current user To enter the application and work with it, you must have administrator rights.

  • Select the application with the cursor.
  • Call up the submenu by pressing the right key.
  • Select "Run as administrator".

Launch from the Start menu

The Windows 7 registry can be opened in another way. Is more simple. Applicable in situations where the conductor’s operation is disrupted. And changes need to be made to the registry. To enter the registry editor, you need to do:

  • We go to “Start”.
  • In the search field “Find programs or files”, enter the expression “regedit”.
  • To launch and enter the editor, click on the search result at the top.

Run via command line

This method is similar to the previous one. Used when working with the command line. Recommended for use Windows users 7 with advanced knowledge and skills in computer system administration. Administrator rights may be required to successfully use the command line.

What is a registry

The repository, called the registry, is large base data that stores information about the parameters and settings of the vast majority of operating system nodes. This library settings are used in most operating systems from Microsoft, and Windows 7 is no exception, where the registry is also present.

Registry is hierarchical base data, in which all the information is built in the form of a fairly convenient table and an adjacent window where file and settings parameters are displayed. If you have certain skills, any user has the opportunity to go into the Windows 7 registry editor and independently make changes to the settings that interest him. However, it should be understood that this is sufficient thin instrument, working with which requires caution, since incorrectly specified data or an incorrectly changed parameter can lead to problems with both the functioning and the immediate loading of the Windows system as a whole.

To record any changes and make configurations in the Windows OS registry, a special editor is used, the use of which we will discuss below.

Where is the registry editor in Windows 7

To enter the Registry database editor in the system, use the corresponding “regedit” command, which translated into Russian means “registry editor”. To log in, users should follow a few simple steps:

The registry editor will open in front of you, which will contain 5 collapsed folders, the names of which begin with “HKEY”. Each of the available sections contains information about the corresponding settings in the system.

And in order to understand where the corresponding registry key is in Windows 7, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main purpose of each of them:

One of the settings that average users of the seventh generation Microsoft operating system are often interested in is autorun. Users are often interested in where the startup files for their configuration and enable/disable are located in the Windows 7 registry.

Of course, there are corresponding folders directly in the operating system interface, as well as windows for regulating the launch of software along with the operating system, but sometimes you need to disable or enable the startup function directly in the registry. In order to do this, users need to follow the following instructions:

Now that you know where the Windows 7 registry is, you can make most changes to the system settings yourself. However, as we noted above, we do not recommend that you overly optimize the system to your liking. With insufficient skills, changes in the registry can cause harm to the PC, if we talk about its system part. In some cases, it can even cause damage system partition that this will require reinstalling the operating system.