How to make an application on your phone. Application designers: a stone ax or a thin modern tool? When can you create an application yourself?

This tutorial will teach you the basics of how to write an Android application using the Android Studio development environment. Android devices are becoming more and more common, and the demand for new applications is only increasing all the time. Android Studio is a free, easy-to-use development environment.

For this tutorial, it's best if you have at least a passing knowledge of Java since that's the language used by Android. There won't be too much code in this tutorial since I'm assuming you have some knowledge of Java or are ready to find something you don't already know. Creating an application will take 30-60 minutes, depending on how quickly you download and install all the necessary programs. After following this tutorial on how to create your first Android app, you may find yourself a fun new hobby or even start a career as a budding mobile app developer.

Stage 1: Install Android Studio

  1. You need to install the JDK ( Java Development Kit) and JRE (Java Runtime Environment). You can download it from this link. Select the version for your OS there, accept the license agreement, download and install.
  2. Now go here and download (be careful, you will have to download about 3 gigabytes).
  3. We start the installation and follow the instructions.

Stage 2: Create a new project

  1. Open Android Studio.
  2. On the menu " Quick Start", select " Start a new Android Studio project».
  3. In the window " Create New Project"(the window that opened), name your project " HelloWorld».
  4. Company name optional.*
  5. Click " Next».
  6. Make sure the checkbox is only on " Phone and Tablet».
  7. If you are planning to test your first application on your phone, then make sure that the correct version of Android is selected (not older than the one on the phone).
  8. Click " Next».
  9. Select " Blank Activity».
  10. Click " Next».
  11. Leave all other fields as they are.
  12. Click " Finish».

*Typical company name for Android projects is “”.

Stage 3: Editing the greeting

  1. Go to the tab activity_main.xml, most likely it is already active.
  2. Make sure the tab at the bottom of the screen is active Design(most likely this is true).
  3. Drag the phrase " Hello, World! » from the top left corner of the phone to the center of the screen.
  4. On the left side of the screen there is a folder tree. Open the folder called " values».
  5. In this folder, double click on the file " strings.xml».
  6. In this file, find the line containing the text “ Hello world!" and add to this text " Welcometomyapp! ».
  7. Return to the " activity_main.xml».
  8. Make sure your text is centered on your phone screen and contains the text " Helloworld! Welcometomyapp! ».

Step 4: Add a Button

  1. On the " activity_main.xml" select the tab " Design».
  2. In the column to the left of the window where the phone is located, find a folder called " Widgets" There are various buttons there.
  3. Grab the " Button» and drag it onto your phone screen. It should be centered on the screen right below your text.
  4. Make sure the button is still selected (blue frame around it).
  5. In the lower right corner there is a window with the properties of the selected object. Scroll down and find the line called " text».
  6. Change the text " New Button" on " Next Page».

Stage 5: Create a Second Activity

  1. At the top of the project's file system tree, right-click on the folder called " app».
  2. Select New > Activity > Blank Activity.
  3. In the window that appears, in the top line, enter “ SecondActivity».
  4. Click " Finish».
  5. Go to the " activity_second.xml" and make sure the " tab is selected at the bottom Design».
  6. Move the text from the top left corner of the phone to the center of the screen as we did in the previous steps.
  7. Make sure the text block is still selected (blue frame) and in the lower right corner of the object properties, look for the line " id" and enter there " text2 ».
  8. In the upper left corner (in the project tree), double-click " strings.xml».
  9. Below the line Hello world! Welcome to my app!

    add the following line

    Welcome to the second page!

  10. Return to the " activity_second.xml».
  11. Select the text block again.
  12. In the lower right corner of the object properties, find the line “ text" and enter there «@ string/second_page».
  13. Make sure the text box now says " Welcometothesecondpage! ” and the blog is located in the center of the screen.

Stage 6: Write the action for the button

Stage 7: Testing the application

  1. In the toolbar at the top of the Android Studio window, click on the green play symbol.
  2. In the window " ChooseDevice» select the item « Launchemulator» and select the device.
  3. Click on the button OK».
  4. When the emulator starts (this may take a long time), the application will automatically open on the virtual device.
  5. Make sure that all text is displayed correctly and that clicking the button takes you to the next page.

Attention: If you receive the message " HAX kernel module is not installed!", then there are two possible options. The fact is that only modern Intel processors support this virtualization and you only need to enable it in the BIOS. If you have a processor that does not support this function, you will have to test the application on a real phone or use a third-party emulator rather than the built-in one.

How to get .apk file in Android Studio

In my opinion, this issue is well covered in this article, so I will not repeat it. I found it easiest for the first lesson Manual method.

Once you receive the file, you can copy it to your phone and install the application.

Stage 8: Result

Congratulations! You've just finished writing your first Android application with some basic functionality. The finished application should have a user welcome page and a button that will take the user to the second page.

You have briefly become acquainted with the development of applications for Android and may have awakened in yourself the desire to learn everything that is necessary in order to further develop in this direction.

How to create an application for Android or iPhone?— these questions are increasingly being asked not only by web developers, but also by ordinary owners of small business websites and bloggers.

This review suggests considering , which are constructors for quickly and easily creating Android and iPhone applications. At the same time, without requiring the user to have programming skills or other special IT knowledge. Such applications are indispensable for various types of businesses - after all, they are a great way to expand the target audience and attract customers.

Thus, everything discussed in the review for application development can be united under the slogan: simple, fast and without programming!

free a web service that allows you to convert your website content into an Android application and distribute it through Google Play. In addition, the created applications can be both sold and advertising placed in them.
You can create an unlimited number of Android applications from three types of content: a website, a simple html page and a YouTube video. To create an Android application, AppsGeyser uses a simple and intuitive template wizard.

AppsGeyser websites:,

free online service for quickly creating mobile applications. TheAppBuilder creates applications using a designer and standard templates - for business, events, education, music, sports, etc. Created applications are free, and for 5 USD per month You can disable the display of third-party advertising in the created application. TheAppBuilder allows you to create Android and Windows Mobile applications.

TheAppBuilder website:

is an online service that allows users to create and publish their own mobile applications in a few clicks on the Internet. The Appsmakerstore platform creates mobile applications supported by HTML5, iTunes, Android Market, Blackberry Marketplace, Windows Marketplace and Facebook without any deep technological skills. This is total 1 application for 6 different platforms. Appsmakerstore is offered in 23 languages, including Russian and Ukrainian.

The peculiarity of Appsmakerstore is that it offers a choice of ready-made templates for certain industries (for example, legal services, nightclubs, restaurants and cafes, trade, beauty salons, etc.)

  • DIY - $9.78 per month.
  • “We make an application for you” – $249
  • “Reseller” is a special price that must be found on the website separately.

Always included in all plans:

  • Unlimited content changes and app updates.
  • Update app content on iTunes and Google Play without having to republish.
  • Send an unlimited number of push notifications to users.
  • Automatically receive and use all system updates.
  • Secure hosting on our servers.
Appsmakerstore website:

— paid online designer of mobile applications (iPad, Android, HTML5) for small businesses. Features include geolocation, receiving and sending messages, a shopping cart, notifications, integration with social networks, posting information about the menu, range of services, upcoming events, etc. There are templates for restaurants, realtors, gyms, etc.

This service is represented by the following plans:

  • “Mobile site” – $29 per month.
  • "Mobile application" - $59 per month
  • « White Label Partner" creation of applications for your clients - a special price that needs to be found out separately on the website.
Biznessapps website:

5. AppGlobus

AppGlobus is a paid one of the Russian online mobile application designers that allows users to independently create and publish their application in the App Store and Google Play.

Uses the new design and capabilities of the Ionic Framework, which significantly improves the quality of development, and makes it possible to create mobile applications on HTML5, iOS, Android, even without programming skills.

At the moment, AppGlobus is offered in 8 languages, including Russian. offers the following packages:

  • STARTAP - 900 rub./month.
    • Applications: HTML5/Android, admin panel, store, no restrictions on Push, no restrictions on installations, no advertising.
  • BASIC - 1500 rub./month
    • Applications for both Android and iOS, admin panel, store, no restrictions on Push, no restrictions on installations, no advertising.
  • STUDIO - 2000 rub./month
    • Applications: Windows/Android/iOS, admin panel, store, no restrictions on Push, no restrictions on installations, no advertising.
  • PRO - 45,000 rub./one-time
    • Applications: Windows/Android/iOS, custom development, we will publish it in the App Store and Google Play ourselves, we will provide the source code
AppGlobus website:

— a paid online service for creating your own mobile application for business or personal use. No special skills required. Well suited for small businesses, such as online stores. It only takes 5 minutes to create your application - you just need to select the necessary modules and design. There are English and Russian versions. offers the following packages:

  • Start - 599 rub. /month
    • apps only for Android, access to the designer, free app templates and icons, content updates every 48 hours, app source updates in stores yourself no more than once every 2 months.
  • Light - 990 rub. /month
    • applications for both iOS, access to the designer, free application templates and icons, basic application screenshots, Push notifications - 1 per month, content updates every 24 hours, application source updates in stores once every 2 months.
  • Standard — 2490 rub. /month
    • applications for both Android and iOS, access to the designer, free application templates and icons, basic application screenshots, Skype support, Push notifications - 10 per month, content updates every 12 hours, application source updates in stores once a month.
  • Business - 9890 rub. /month
    • applications for both Android and iOS, access to the designer, free application templates and icons, basic application screenshots, Skype and email support, personal manager, Push notifications - 50 per month, instant content updates, application source updates in stores - no limits.
  • VIP — 3999 rub. /month + 150,000 rub. installation payment

    • applications for both Android and iOS, access to the designer, free application templates and icons, basic application screenshots, Skype and email support, personal manager, Push notifications - unlimited, content updates - instantly, application source updates in stores - without restrictions. website:

provides a platform “ do it yourself” to create iPhone/applications , which also does not require programming skills. This service provides each organization with an easy way to create mobile (iPhone, iPad, Android) applications and publication materials. Clients can create their own catalogs, flyers, brochures, reports, resumes, etc. and deliver them using the SaaS solution. There are English and Russian versions.

iBuildApp is provided in the following packages:

  • Business (2,400 rubles per month) - 3,000 installations, unlimited mobile site views, no built-in advertising, publication of the application on iTunes and Google Play.
iBuildApp website:

— online service for application development (iPhone, iPad, Android). Allows you to create an application based on one of many application templates. Elements of the created application user interface can be associated with functions such as sending email, SMS messages, sending to Facebook and Twitter services.

  • Developer - $33 per month. (only 1 application can be created)
  • Professional - $79 per month.
  • Premiun - $129 per month.
  • Enterprise - The price must be inquired separately.

All packages support the following platforms: IOS (iPhone/iPad) & Android (Phone/Tablet)

Viziapps website:

- an online editor that allows you to create applications for iOS, Android and Windows Phone. It is very simple to use: you can assemble your own program from ready-made parts. Despite the fact that AppsBuilder tries to be simpler and more understandable for inexperienced users, it also adds some features for programmers: for example, you can supplement the created applications with your own Java scripts.

There are three paid packages that include a 30-day free trial:

  • Starter (49 euros per month) -1 application.
  • Regular (199 euros per month) - up to 5 applications.
  • Scalable (from 249 euros per month) - more than 5 applications.
AppsBuilder website:

Mobile applications can be created not only by specialized companies with highly qualified programmers, but also by ordinary users. What tools can they use for these purposes? What should you pay attention to when developing your own software for mobile devices?

Purpose of mobile applications

Before considering what tools are used to develop mobile applications and how to create them, let’s study what the purpose of their release may be, based on the purpose of the corresponding solutions. Mobile applications can be classified into the following main types:




Mobile versions of computer software - editors, viewers, browsers;

Analytical applications and schedulers;

Educational solutions.

Actually, games are also mobile applications, but most often they are classified as a separate software category. Let's study in more detail what the marked mobile applications are and how to create them, taking into account possible costs.

Information applications

The essence of information applications is to provide their users with access to certain useful information and news. An example of a corresponding solution is an application from a clothing or footwear manufacturer that informs users about discounts and special offers of this company. This could be a mobile catalog or a brochure in the appropriate format.

Creating an iOS or Android mobile app of the appropriate flavor is probably the easiest. The fact is that the basis for this type of software can be, for example, an already working company website or its mobile version. It is enough to adapt its interface, as well as the communication mechanisms implemented in it, to the software algorithms of mobile operating systems - we will consider further what tools this can be done with, and the mobile application will be ready.

Transactional Applications

Transaction applications are designed to make payments for various goods and services purchased via the Internet. These types of software can be issued by banks and payment systems. It is worth noting that the most complex in structure and code are, in many cases, transactional mobile applications. Only the most highly qualified specialist knows how to create them and, most importantly, adapt them to legal requirements.

Therefore, if the user does not have such skills - both in terms of solving technical problems and in ensuring that applications comply with legal requirements - then such solutions should be developed independently, if at all, then, first of all, for informational purposes, during self-study. The implementation of such developments in practice will require additional time and, in many cases, additional costs.

Communication Applications

Communication applications are those programs that are designed to provide communication between users using the resources of the developer or third-party brands. Creating such solutions yourself, as is the case with transactional applications, is quite difficult. Again, it makes sense to do this mainly when there is a desire, in principle, to learn how to develop the appropriate type of products. But putting them into practice will require significant resources, which few private users have at their disposal.

In most cases, only highly qualified specialists know how these mobile applications are implemented and how to create conditions for their stable operation. But, of course, a skilled programmer who is willing to spend a significant amount of time and investment can, in principle, develop a messenger or a small social network that is simple in structure, but in demand due to its simplicity and convenience.

However, they probably won’t be able to compete with Skype, Vkontakte or Viber. Therefore, at the planning stage for the development of traditional applications, the developer should realistically assess the prospects for bringing his product to market.

Mobile versions of computer software

Editors, viewers, browsers are applications that are similar or similar in functionality to the corresponding solutions used by users of traditional computers. But, of course, they are far from the only ones that can have analogues adapted to run on a PC. Actually, any type of application in the classification we have given can be computer-based. However, the solutions under consideration are among those that became familiar to users before smartphones and tablets began to appear en masse on the computing market. Therefore, programs of the corresponding type in the original are, as a rule, presented in versions adapted to run on a PC, and only after the appearance of smartphones and tablets on the market are they presented in the form of mobile versions.

How to create a mobile application for Android or iOS of the appropriate type yourself depends primarily on whether the original computer version of the software is licensed or whether it is distributed as free open source software. In the first case, creating a mobile version of the program in most cases will require approval from the copyright holders. And if they refuse to authorize the development of the corresponding version of the program, then its mobile version, even if the user creates it on his own initiative, will most likely be considered illegal. If the original software is open source, then developing its version for a mobile device is a matter of technology.

Analytical software and schedulers

Analytical applications and planners allow you to carry out various statistical observations, create a budget, schedule meetings, etc. It can be noted that this segment of mobile applications is among those in which private developers, as a rule, are given the greatest freedom of action. There are not many brands that know how to create a mobile application for Android or iOS of the appropriate type much better than a private developer. The most important thing in such decisions is the concept. Its development depends mainly on the skills of a particular programmer, designer, finance specialist, and it is possible that the approaches he proposes will be more effective than those developed by a large company.

Training programs

The same, in principle, can be said about training programs developed for mobile devices. They are designed to make it easier for users to master certain languages, norms, and skills. A private developer may well offer users a solution of the appropriate type, more convenient and effective in comparison with what can be created by a large company.

Developing mobile applications yourself: software structure

How to create a mobile application yourself? To successfully solve this problem, the developer should first of all decide on the optimal structure of the program being created for a mobile device. Regardless of the purpose of the software, it will consist of 2 main components: a front-end and a back-end module. The first represents the interfaces through which the user will use the application's capabilities. The second module is responsible for receiving and transmitting data within the framework of interaction between the corresponding software and the user (in some cases, also the developer, if, for example, he is required to provide certain updates or feedback).

What could the application interface be like?

More detailed characteristics of the structure of mobile applications depend on their purpose. So, for example, if information software for an online store is created, then its interface may contain:

Navigation options with which the user can access certain data;

Feedback block with seller or supplier;

Personal account, which will reflect data on the user’s requests and purchases;

A news block that will contain information about discounts and special offers of the online store, as well as other significant information.

It is possible that it would be better for the store owner to create a mobile site application that repeats exactly its structure, so that users who are already familiar with the resource can easily navigate the structure of the corresponding software for mobile devices.

applications: tools

Let us now study a number of practical nuances of developing the solutions under consideration. The question of how to create a mobile application yourself can be solved with the help of convenient designers, which are presented in fairly large quantities on the relevant software market. In particular, you can pay attention to such solutions as: MobiCart, BusinessApps, My-Apps, Net2Share. All of them are presented in cloud software format and can be accessed from any device via the Internet. Let's take a closer look at how to create a mobile application using the capabilities of these programs.

Application Development Tools: MobiCart

This service can be useful to the owner of an online store just in case he does not initially have his own website. Using MobiCart, a developer can create a functional application through which users will be able to build the widest range of communications with the seller: place orders, pay for them, receive information about discounts, contact the supplier.

The main functions of the service in question are provided on a commercial basis, but the developer can get acquainted with its capabilities for free.

Tools for creating mobile applications: BusinessApps

This application builder is optimal mainly for small online stores. It allows you to implement:

Interfaces for messaging, adding items to cart;

Organization of negotiations between the supplier and the buyer of goods;

News block.

It is noteworthy that this application designer allows you to use templates adapted for creating applications for enterprises representing specific areas of business, for example, catering, fitness. The service in question is not free; its subscription fee is $59 per month. However, you can use the trial version. In addition, if the user does not like this designer, he may demand a refund of the funds paid.

Application Development Tools: My-Apps

This designer, in turn, is free. The problem “how to create a mobile application for iPhone or Android using it” can be solved by using 10 templates that are adapted to ensure communications with consumers of enterprises in a wide range of business areas. Among the most notable features of the service in question is the rapid publication of the application in the largest catalogs - the App Store and Google Play.

Application Development Tools: Net2Share

The designer in question is one of the most convenient solutions that allows you to quickly understand how to create a mobile application for Android yourself. This resource is adapted specifically for developing products on the appropriate platform. It is characterized by a fairly large set of functions, as well as the ability to earn money from the application being created using internal advertising services. That is, a user can, having developed a particular product, upload it to a corporate account. In addition, the most active developers receive a free profile on Google Play.

In addition, Net2Share conducts free training courses for users, through participation in which a developer can improve his skills in creating and promoting applications on the market.

Of course, there are a large number of other specialized services that allow you to create a mobile application or game. In many cases, a developer may prefer not a cloud service, but a distribution kit that allows him to implement a particular program code. But the resources we discussed above are designed mainly for users with minimal experience and therefore can be used even without special training. They are universal and allow developers to create applications optimized for a wide variety of industries.

The Android operating system is one of the most popular mobile platforms in the world today. Almost every owner of an Android smartphone would like to get a unique application that is suitable for him in a particular case, but it is not always possible to find such an application. In this article we will talk to you about how to make an Android application yourself using free methods.

Due to the rapid development of the Android platform, some functions of the described programs may change, so to clarify any details, write in the comments. Last edition - 01/20/2018.

Naturally, progress does not stand still and with the development of the Android OS there are more and more opportunities to create various kinds of applications that are suitable for it. And if recently, only a specialist who studied this at the institute could create it, now he can do it any owner of a phone or tablet Android online.

Users can create their own application in order to please themselves with a unique program. Or they can do it in order to earn some money. Today the Internet provides all the opportunities for this.

The tools described below will allow you to create your own application in several stages.

Some of the presented programs allow you not only to do, but also monetize immediately his. Also, any of the created applications can be placed on the Google Play system.

Four ways to make an Android app yourself

Below you will find four “tools” that will allow you to create such an application quickly and without much knowledge. Such programs are reminiscent of construction kits that allow you to create everything you need block by block, a good analogy with assembling the familiar LEGO construction set.

All programs presented here were selected according to the following criteria:

  • Convenient use. Naturally, these offers will not be used by trained specialists, but by ordinary users, like you and me. That is why the application should be very convenient, functional, and easy to use.
  • Intuitively simple interface. Logically speaking, this point seems to follow from the previous one, which means the program should not only be convenient, but also intuitive.
  • Great functionality. The wide variety of ways to create an application is a definite plus. Although all the programs presented, on average, have the same functions, with the exception of some minor details.

Below we will take a look at a selection of tools that will help you create your very first application.

App Builder - a simple tool for creating applications

This option is a good way to create your own applications quickly. Without a doubt, the good news is that you can use it without investing a penny, which means for free. Although there are also disadvantages here, at least in the fact that it is entirely in English (after the update in December 2017, Russian was added).

Program features

  • There is a huge selection of templates for creating an application. If you have some simple application in mind, then this program will easily help you select a template;
  • After creating the application, you can monitor its statistics;
  • If you create an app and it passes review, it can be easily and fairly easily listed on the Google Play Store.

AppsGeyser - a site for creating high-quality Android applications on your own

Official website -

This tool is better than the previous one, because there are many more opportunities for creating your own application. The site allows you to create your own program in just a few minutes. This editor is the simplest of all that we have encountered. The list of applications that it will help you make is very large, starting from a regular browser and ending with your own messenger.

Benefits of AppsGeyser

  • The application is written quite quickly, literally in a couple of clicks;
  • It allows you to create simple games for Android, because you must admit that not every tool today can do this;
  • Once the application is ready, it can be easily placed in the Google Play store;
  • In addition, you can monetize your program directly through the AppsGeyser service. This is a useful function, because by showing your imagination, you can also make money from it;
  • Create, edit, publish an application online in your personal account (so that the results are saved).

IbuildApp - a powerful engine for developing your own projects

This tool deserves a really thorough look. As we discussed above, you don't need to know a programming language to create Android apps. The development platform is so simple that creating your own application will be very simple. The process will only take a few minutes, but the result will be obvious.

The IbuildApp website has both paid plans (development of an individual application, with further development) and free templates, of which there are a lot.

Russian official website -

Let's see what it can do:

  • A huge archive of topics on a variety of topics: it could be restaurants, cafes, sports activities, and many other topics that allow you to choose anything you want. All you need to do is select something specific, and then edit it to suit your needs;
  • It also has built-in ways to promote the created application. The program not only helps you quickly create an application, but also promotes it. In other cases, this process takes a very long time;
  • In addition, you will be able to connect the application to the advertising network, which means you will earn money from it.

AppsMakerstore - platform for creating simple programs

Official website -

The fourth cool platform that is designed for creating Android applications. Probably one of the most important advantages is that using the AppsMakerStore website you can create programs that will be multi-platform (for example, on Android, iOS and Windows Phone)

Let's look at the advantages of the platform:

  • Work with the designer takes place online;
  • Possibility of free registration;
  • Writing applications using ready-made layouts, while a huge selection of templates on the topic is provided to each user.

Video instructions for creating an application using APK Creator

That's all, we hope that you found what you were looking for and were satisfied with our selection. This set of tools will become something special for a novice programmer and will allow you to understand the intricacies of creating simple applications for free.

How to create an application for Android - 10 steps + 5 websites + 10 tips for beginner programmers.

People who know how create an application for android, can earn very good money.

Learning how to program and create games, libraries, and online stores is not difficult.

This article will explain all the steps a beginner should take to create an app that will attract a large number of subscribers.

Steps to creating an Android application

After studying all the necessary steps, you can create your own program and put it up for sale.

Think about an original topic.

In order for an application to sell well, you need to make it not only convenient and beautiful, but also unique.
Otherwise you will have a lot of competitors.

Prepare to fail.

Most likely, the first pancake will come out lumpy.

Carefully test the result of your work.

Users can express many opinions, both positive and negative, and this opinion is worth listening to.

Select your age audience.

An application for a child should be brighter and more colorful than for an adult.

Give lots of information and menu options. People love to wander around pages, exploring the tabs.

Few people will like a one-page program.

Don't charge too much for your first job.

First you need to fill your hand.

How to write an application for Android?

Almost anyone can become a developer of various games and programs.

For some it will become a job and a profitable business, for others it will be just a hobby.

However, as practice shows, those who are seriously interested, study the topic and create games carefully, step by step, achieve great success.

To become a developer, you need:

  • To work you will need a personal computer with Internet access.
  • The assessment can only be made from a mobile phone on which the latest version of the Android system is installed.
  • Knowledge of English at least at a minimum level is desirable.
  • Knowledge of the Java language is required.
  • Knowing XML markup will make your work easier and allow you to create colorful, beautifully designed programs.

All the described stages can be combined into three main ones:

  1. Development of the program interface, selection of images.
  2. Working with code.
  3. Testing.

Each stage is important in its own way and should not be skipped.

Some may decide that there is no point in spending time on the concept.

But no one sits down to write a book without knowing what it will be about?

An idea for a game or program needs to be developed and all weak points filled.

It should be understood that there is no clear answer to the question: how to create an application for Android.

It’s not enough just to create it, you need to make the program interesting.

Modern websites allow you to quickly create what you have in mind without struggling with code.

For amateurs, this option is quite suitable.

If you want, you will have to do everything yourself.

The testing phase should also be given due attention.

Analysis of the opinions of testers allows us to draw a conclusion about how owners of Android smartphones will perceive the new product.

How to create an application for Android and promote it?

If you are not a popular blogger or creator of large games, then at the initial stage you will have to devote time to promoting the created program.

For the fastest spread, you should:

  1. Use cross-references with other owners of social networks and blogs.
  2. Post links on your own blog.
  3. Tell your friends about the created program.

The video below shows the process of creating an application using the Appsgeyser service:

Many people don't know how to create an application for android, and are afraid of the phrase “programming language”.

However, there is nothing scary or difficult in developing programs.

Modern online sites perform all the necessary actions, you just need to give them direction.