Katya Klap - songs and channel on Youtube. Personal life and Instagram with photos and videos. Katya Klap: biography and real name

Katya Klap turns on the camera, eats a lemon, and this video collects 6 million views. She takes brushes, concealer, and eyeliner, and her make-up tricks are already watched by 7 million viewers. Are you curious what the joke is? She is in everything. It turns out that this content is what sells better than anything else on the Internet.

Millionaire bloggers are in trend today, and 24-year-old Katya Klap is one of the main players in the virtual market. The first girl blogger of Russian YouTube has 5 million subscribers on her channel and almost the same number on Instagram (with an indicator of 8 thousand likes per minute in the first hour of viewing). In addition to impressive numbers and fame, there has long been talk of profits comparable to the income of a top manager of a decent company. While people far from the digital business still look down on the “pranks” of millennials, advertisers are neatly lining up. And now Katya is tasting marshmallows in a Beeline advertisement, sending warm greetings from the set of the Molodezhka series (in which she plays herself) and teaching Ivan Urgant the basics of top blogging on Channel One.

By the way, Katya doesn’t like her hit with lemon. She tells me that this is “the stupidest video from three years ago, which is unreasonably often cited as an example,” but her hair color is already completely different, as is her inner world. She adjusts the pink mink pom-pom on her fashionable backpack and reminds me of Lewis Carroll's heroine, who knew exactly who she was when she woke up in the morning, but has since changed several times. This is, of course, nice, but we were going to talk about a successful business model. Katya drinks a couple of cups of hot tea, comes to her senses a little after another long day of filming, finally pushes her pink backpack aside and begins to tell who she really is.

Mystery is a useful thing

Essentially, I am a businesswoman, a director, and a blogger. Three in one. I love both my platforms: blogging on YouTube and Instagram. But, of course, filming is much more difficult. It's not about choosing the best face out of fifty selfies. It takes three to four hours to film a face for a video. It becomes stupefied because of the spotlights and makeup, and cringes from the cameras. Every word begins to infuriate me. And then you have to look at the same face for at least five more hours - during editing.

My love affair with YouTube began with music videos. Then I wanted to learn how to apply makeup – Megan Fox’s flawless sable eyebrows haunted me! Today I draw them perfectly. I also learned English by watching a lot of videos - sketches, shows. I often hear from foreigners that I speak as if I lived in America for several years. Didn't live. But thank you, it's very nice.

My first video (I wish I could remember!) – stupid antics with a friend – got 300 or 500 views. 2007, there were no likes yet, on Russian YouTube they were looking exclusively for football broadcasts and showing cats. A few people knew about a certain “foreign Internet” and were interested in how digital was developing in the States. Until that moment, I had been looking for something to do: from horse riding to ballet, from drawing to playing the piano. I started, and then: “No, not mine!” My parents, of course, hinted: “Katya, I need to make up my mind,” and my grandparents advocated that I definitely get a higher education. But no one put pressure on me.

I studied at the Institute of Contemporary Art for six months. And they really scraped my soul with a pitchfork, because they forced me to take off what I didn’t like. I love bright and cheerful. The teacher said in plain text: “Take off the black stuff.” I explain: “Great! But I can’t film this.” “But this is for sale!” - “So I don’t want to sell myself.” An internal conflict arose and depression began. After a short time, I took the documents. And after a couple of months there was a qualitative leap in my Internet channel.

I appeared on YouTube in 2008 under the pseudonym Kate Clapp. She could have remained Katya Trofimova. Why Clapp? This is a small but big secret. Mystery on the Internet is a useful thing.

Persistence and complexes

I do everything myself and build myself. The first full-fledged sketch (a musical parody with transformations) was made for the film “Twilight”. I wrote the text, recorded the sound, came up with special effects, and edited it. The camera at home was terribly old, it filmed on a mini-disc and regularly reset the memory to zero without warning. A stepladder with books served as a tripod. Instead of professional lighting, use construction lighting, it is cheaper. He blinded me so that I couldn’t see anything, I even lost my vision. But it worked! People looked: “Wow! Well done!" I started posting on my own. I realized that I was appreciated and said: “I will continue in the same spirit!”

I have almost 5 million subscribers on YouTube and almost the same on Instagram. Visually, I can’t imagine how many people this is if they physically gathered at one time in one place. Yes, I have trodden the path for many on YouTube. The secret of my success is perseverance and... complexes. Including complexes from the fact that people don’t like me - in our society, bloggers are treated with disdain, with aplomb. I used to practice this moment at school, on my classmates - I wanted to win their love at all costs. And I tried, developed my brand. And I don’t feel sorry at all that others connected to my channels and “fed” and copied.

Personal driver? Director? Security? It's of no use to me. In Moscow, people are busy with themselves, they don’t care about others. It happens when you go on the subway: everyone is sitting on their phones, sometimes they look at me there. But they won’t notice that I’m standing nearby! So the best protection from the Internet is real life.

20 thousand likes is not enough!

It’s hard to name the moment when the number of my subscribers “exceeded” the first million. Here are the first 10 thousand followers - I remember this figure, the Internet was different then. To be looked at, you had to really strain yourself. Now you can earn 10 million in six months. A huge audience is looking for new content. A video with a useful life hack, or even “better” - with some kind of scandal, with breasts in the preview - will collect at least 2 million. But I don't do that. I'm not chasing numbers.

The first salary was like a “brain explosion” for me. 14 thousand rubles in 2010. I was paid for six months of connecting the affiliate system on YouTube. I walked out of the bank without breathing, as if I had a million in my bag! Cool feeling. If there was a real million lying there, I would probably exchange it in 50 ruble bills and shower myself with them. When else can you afford this? Seriously, I had real big money in my hands only once, when my mother and I paid the mortgage payment for my apartment a year ago. I earned most of that amount myself from advertising on my video blog. “Everything that was acquired through backbreaking labor.” Mom asked, “Do you want to hold it?” I say: “Yes!” I held it and thought: it’s still good that electronic transfers are mostly practiced now. You become less attached to virtual money.

Any successful blogger will sooner or later have an advertiser knocking on their door. They will find you, the main thing is not to get burned. My sad experience is this: I took an order and only after a while I found out that the advertiser was actively participating in a political project. I thought ironically: “Lord, how much money has flown away from me if I worked for them for three kopecks.”

The main platform driving sales today is the Internet. Celebrities understand this well. An A-level artist comes to YouTube, Instagram - and at first no one needs him there. What to do? So they get him bot subscribers. He's an A-celebrity, he should have a higher status than those plebeians who blog about fudge. Okay, who would argue. But... “Blogs about sweets” is visited, for a moment, by a real audience. Most will not go to a restaurant that is advertised by an A-star; they will decide that it is 100% pretentious, expensive, and will be scared. And if a blogger who belongs to the board comes to this place, shoots a detailed video, and tells it clearly, the person will gain both trust and desire.

Checking whether a blogger has real subscribers is easier than it seems. You just need to correlate the ratio of likes and comments to the number of subscribers. A large 6 million person cannot have less than 20 thousand likes per post - and even that is negligible. Otherwise, what the hell kind of army do you have if it doesn’t want to follow you?

The Internet will believe in tears

I haven’t needed a sincerity test for a long time: I’ve learned to recognize people who manipulate friendships for the sake of subscribers. The scar has healed, but remains, and it itches when it begins: “Here, here I am complimenting her, and here I’ll whisper something in her ear. Maybe it will do, she’s such a laugher.” No, sorry. Don't think that I hung a star on myself. But they hit me so hard that I know exactly where to aim in response.

A blogger’s income is highly dependent on an advertising agency. There are good agencies. But there is not much. I’m talking about those who like to talk about the earnings of top bloggers from one to twenty million per month. The last figure is, of course, an unrealistic contract.
Big money does not always reach the blogger. Conventionally, the customer brings a million to the agency, but the blogger can receive only 100–200 thousand. So don’t think that bloggers are “overindulged.” Rather, some advertising agencies openly “go too far” and spoil the image of bloggers. It's no surprise that brands are smartening up at the rate at which I'm being liked on Instagram and are increasingly choosing to work directly.

Of course, the agency is a convenient intermediary that relieves you of all legal issues. Because I have a multitasking task ahead of me. I don’t exist at all at the moment when the video is being written. I’m busy with something, and the second one, as a rule, is already on the way.

Theoretically, a blogger can earn 600 thousand a month. But he will take on such a volume of advertising that people will stop watching him, and worthy brands will stop coming. One good project is better than many in a short time. You can get 600 thousand only with a bunch of all sorts of advertising rubbish, and probably by pitting competing brands against each other. The audience will not believe these publications. The viewer is smart. I often tell brands or agencies: “I’m not taking any orders for the next two months.” I won’t overburden myself, I have enough money. Plus, “head-on” advertising irritates the audience: “Look, they gave me an iron. The best iron in the world. Take him." Stupid! I always say: “If you want beautiful and effective advertising, force me to do something that is new to me.”

Being a millionaire blogger is a serious job. You haven’t been able to go to the dacha for the last three years, because it’s physically impossible. The Internet should always be nearby. You must always be in touch! Otherwise, you will instantly be carried away by a wave, and the viewer will forget you. But today, for example, I had a very nice family morning. The previous one too. I started setting aside at least a day or two a week for my personal life, and then I don’t go on the Internet. I come in, of course, but I don’t spread anything. I cook and watch stupid movies all day.

If you screwed up badly and your subscribers began to lose interest in you, you don’t need to do anything - just cry in front of the camera, and everything will be forgiven. But this only works in Russia. Our people love to feel sorry. Mercantile bloggers play heavily on this. I confess, I also cried once. Subconsciously, it was probably manipulation. Plus there are hormones. But what to evade: you always have a choice - leave it or cut it out...

I envy the Kardashians who film a reality show about themselves. When they ask me where you, Katya, plan to grow next, I answer: “I’ll put a camera at a family dinner!” The characters are brought to tears, from the grandmother “from high society” to the grandfather who wears a vest, smokes shag, and can put some inappropriate thing on the table, and because of this there will be a scandal. There is a dog who behaves like a cat, a cat who behaves like a prince of blue blood. But any, even the most serious, quarrel ends in tears of laughter. It seems to me that I am the least funny in the family.

Genre crisis is normal

There are different people among my subscribers. Two main groups. From 16 to 18 years old is the most active audience; at school they have time to both watch and comment. From 18 to 20 years old - first-year students, they have not yet completely settled into their relationships, into work, they are still open to the world, but at the same time they are already stable in their interests. There are children, and women 40+ - without any complexes about my age. They calmly communicate with a girl who is younger, but can give useful advice.

A genre crisis is normal. I haven’t made videos on my sketch channel for about two years, because the topics have dried up: there I specifically made fun of all my complexes. Having finished the stories accumulated over 19 years, I realized: “Wow!” It is clear that on my life channel I could talk about what is happening to me now. And here I took a break. The audience was worried: “How is this possible!” She said: “Sorry, there’s nothing to talk about yet.” And during these two years I gained such a colossal life experience... “friendship”, relationships, financial problems. She lived a concrete adult life, which, apparently, she put off for too long after school, filming and editing her sketches. Based on my new experience, I filmed three parts of sketch stories, mini-films. They are funny, not serious. But with many metaphors and comparisons. And I was pleased that my viewers began to dig deeper. All my signs are read! It’s obvious to me: the audience is tired of “eating fast food.” She wants depth and mystery.

I am a big owner

Raising other bloggers - no thanks. I tried, but, unfortunately, I realized that talented people don’t need help. And those who don’t have talent usually become arrogant too early, get the first million subscribers and leave. A thankless task. When I have a child, I will teach him. It seems to me that I will be a strict mother...

I keep my personal life under control. I am a family man and a big owner. If it's mine, I love it madly. And I don’t show it to anyone. In a broad sense.

I don’t keep in touch with any of my classmates, but I can’t say that I’m on bad terms with all of them. There was a connection, and then they parted ways. Everyone has their own worries and, of course, acquaintances who currently meet their interests (at school, after all, you don’t find each other based on interests, but based on circumstances). I am a slightly different person, maybe even “a lot.”

I'm a good student, not an excellent student. It seems to me that everyone who was louder at school now creates more positive buzz at their work. Because those “at the bottom”, who had worse grades, then had every chance of being reborn - they had room to grow. And the one who seemed a level higher believed that he was already cool, so he quickly went out.

Institute is a great luxury. I don’t understand people who say: “Here! I suffer, I learn! If you work, then yes, you suffer and learn. And if you just study, it’s a pleasure. If I had a lot of free time that I don’t mind spending, I would happily just read books all day long. But I now feel sorry for wasting this time, especially young time.

Russia has good higher education. But I am a person of fast format, I am for lectures. It's like a search engine. You need to look into the buttercup issue. You don't open an encyclopedia and read about all the flowers. You ask a specific question and receive a detailed answer. Any compressed format, video broadcasts, conferences - this is my path. I go on a topic that is currently relevant to me, take the best, everything that the professionals have “compressed” into two hours, and leave.

Yes, haters write negative things. Of course, you don't have to read it. But I'm reading. I want it, it itches. And here it all depends on female hormones: when the background is perfect, it’s like peas against a wall. When you have an emotional downturn, you think: “Well! This is all true. They noticed it." Be that as it may, the coolest ideas are born in the “lower” mood.

And this is all about her:

Age: 24 years
City: Moscow
Family: mom, dad, grandparents, dog - dachshund named Izyumka
Career: runs two channels on YouTube: FoggyDisaster (publishes sketches and music parodies) and the main one – TheKateClapp (lifestyle videos). In 2014, as a millionaire blogger, she received two “Golden Buttons” (the highest award of the YouTube Videopeople festival). Video projects are among the top 10 most profitable in Russia
Perfume: Foggy by Kate Clapp
Clothing brand: I really like FENDI
Shoes: I admire Manolo Blahnik
Book:"American Psycho" by Bret Easton Ellis
Movie:"Silence of the Lambs"
Places for rest: home Sweet Home

The biography contains the most interesting facts about Kate Clapp, which will answer all your questions about Kate.

Kate was born on May 19, 1993 in Moscow - she lives with her mother and grandmother in a Moscow apartment, which has become for her not only a place where she can eat deliciously and sleep sweetly, but also a kind of springboard for creativity. Kate films most of her stories here: from “HAUL” to “Challenge Accepted” (we will certainly look into what these categories are and what they are eaten with). The real name Kate, for those who have not yet realized that Kate Clapp is a stage name, sounds much more familiar. Ekaterina Trofimova is actually the name of the video blogger beloved by a huge audience of viewers. Katya graduated from Moscow secondary school No. 1122 and, not seeing herself as a student at a higher or secondary specialized educational institution, decided to devote herself entirely to the modern profession of YouTuber. Well, for those who are familiar with the girl’s work, one thing is clear: this type of activity suits her. It was as if Katya was born for this craft. But, we are a little distracted from the topic.

Kate created her personal YouTube channel when she was only sixteen years old. At first, it was an ordinary video blog of an ordinary teenager, who, like everyone else at that age, tried to express his moods, his life position in one form or another of creativity. Katya chose video blogging, for which we are all immensely grateful to her. I repeat - at first it was an unremarkable hobby, the purpose of which was self-positioning and self-expression. But, sooner or later, there comes a time in the life of every blogger when he begins to set specific goals and objectives for himself: to become famous, earn money, gain a certain number of subscribers, etc. Such a moment has come in Kate’s life.

Slowly but surely, her blog turned into something more than just an attempt to attract the attention of others: she no longer kept a kind of video diary, but turned it into a “one-man show.” Since then, her life has changed dramatically. In her work, Kate not only talks about topics that concern her, which, by the way, can be attributed to the pressing issues of the entire teenage part of humanity, but also does many other interesting things: parodies pop and movie stars, acts out skits, transforms herself using costumes and created by her images, performs songs of his own composition.

One of these songs was the sensational hit on her channel “Anthem of the Shkolota” (more than 1 million views). Why did he become so popular? Kate's charisma, along with her ability to transform herself, did the trick: socially satirical rap about the life of modern schoolchildren won the hearts of many young people, who later became her regular viewers on YouTube.

As for criticism, we can proudly say that the girl has a large number of fans who consider her work wonderful, and she herself is called a talented actress with a good sense of humor. There are, of course, ill-wishers who hate Kate Clapp, but almost everyone has them, so there’s no need to dwell on this issue.

If you are ready to become a newly minted fan of Kate Clapp, then you must learn two things: firstly, Katya is not in this business for the sake of money, as is commonly believed in the narrow circles of those very notorious, and not very resourceful, ill-wishers and envious people, but secondly, she is doing this for the sake of you, her fans, whose immense love for whom is reflected directly in her work.

I wonder what Kate was like in her childhood? Unfortunately, only she herself can tell about this, since it is impossible to find an intelligent biography on the Internet, not even Wikipedia for Katya Klap, there are only basic facts, and even those do not agree in all sources. Let's hope that Kate will write a book about herself in the near future, but for now we'll take the liberty of doing it for her.

So, everything you wanted to know about Kate Clapp, but were afraid to ask:

1) Real name - Ekaterina Trofimova;

2) Height - 171 cm;

3) Weight - oh gods, may women all over the world forgive me! – 53 kg;

4) Born on May 19, 1993 in Moscow, currently lives with her mother and grandmother in her own apartment;

5) According to the horoscope - Taurus;

6) Eye color - gray-blue;

7) Bad habits - no (except for shopping, but this is a purely male point of view);

8) She is not interested in sports, because, according to her own statements, she is too lazy for excessive physical activity;

10) A “hardened” film fan, which explains the creation of the “Kinomashka” column, in which Kate, based on her own impressions, reviews famous films;

11) In terms of music, he prefers foreign performers such as Eminem and Kanye West;

12) Katya has several pets: a dachshund named Eraser, cats Kiryusha and Mitya, and a cat Taisa;

13) It was not possible to get Kate’s phone number, and this is not within our competence.

That's all. If new materials about Katya appear, her biography on the site will certainly be updated. It is worth noting that she is still too young and has recently become a celebrity to write a full-fledged biography about her. Everything has its time.

And finally, as promised, we’ll flesh out Katya’s work. Kate Clapp has two YouTube channels: the official one and “FoggyDisaster”. On “FoggyDisaster” Katya posts parodies of famous world stars, and also does shows with fictional characters, while on the official channel she communicates with her fans through various kinds of segments, some of which we will look at separately:

- “Q&A with Kate Clapp” – a segment in which Katya answers any questions asked by her fans; Naturally, the questions are addressed specifically to her, and are related to her personality, although there are exceptions;

Vlogs are a type of blogs in video format; conversations about all sorts of things, the opportunity to share impressions, tell your viewer about something;

The show “Challenge Accepted” will be interesting to everyone, without exception, since there is no specific theme: you simply propose that Kate do something “terribly disgusting, disgusting,” or something that does not carry a specific idea, but which you yourself would never do would not go, and she does it. Within reasonable limits, of course;

Another segment from Kate Clapp called “Kinomashka”, specially created for lovers of big and not so big movies. In this segment, Katya shares her favorite films with the audience, and also discusses new products in the film industry after her next trip to the cinema;

- “HAUL” from Kate Clapp is a section that will interest shopping lovers. In this column, Kate talks about her latest purchases, why she bought them and what she is currently inspired by;

If you are in a bad mood, then be sure to watch Kate’s video from the “Fun Fridays” section - you will definitely be guaranteed smiles for the rest of the day.

And this is not the entire list, which is also constantly updated by the flight of thought of a charming and talented girl. In general, follow Kate Clapp's work, have fun, and, as she herself would say: “Stay positive, creative, and all the best to you! Remember, I love you all very much."

And now you can watch videos with Katya.

Ekaterina Romanovna Trofimova, aka Katya Klap, is one of the most successful young video bloggers in Russia.

The girl runs two channels: the humorous “Foggy Disaster” and the personal “TheKateClapp”. Her subscriber count on YouTube and Instagram has long gone into the millions, and this figure is growing day by day.

Katya Klap's childhood

Katya was born and raised in Moscow in an ordinary average family. My father worked as a mechanic, my mother earned money by creating interior design. In early childhood, the girl was mainly raised by her grandmother.

As a teenager, Katya spent a long time “searching for herself”: changing her external images, joining various youth movements. What did she do during her school years: from horse riding to playing the piano, from drawing to ballet.

In addition, since childhood, the girl was accustomed to keeping diaries and expressing her thoughts on paper. Over time, this hobby grew into a printed blog like LiveJournal.

In 2009, Katya started thinking about her own video blog, a format that was just beginning to become fashionable among Internet users. Her test video on YouTube was just eight seconds long and was called “Half-Litre Mouse.” By today's standards it looks ridiculous, but for a 13-year-old girl it was a serious step towards her goal. She began to study the work of popular video bloggers, trying to find her own individual style.

Career of Katya Klap

After graduating from Moscow secondary school No. 1122, Katya entered the directing department of the Moscow Institute of Contemporary Art, but after six months she abandoned her studies and began promoting her own channel on YouTube.

It appeared back in 2010 and was called Foggy Disaster (“Foggy Disaster”). The girl took the pseudonym Katya Klap and under this name filled her video blog with funny sketches in which she acted out skits, parodied show business stars, read rap and simply delighted subscribers with funny faces.

Katya Klap - best video moments

Her work appealed to viewers who had not yet been spoiled by the huge amount of monotonous video content, and the number of channel subscribers began to grow rapidly. Then she earned her first money - 14 thousand rubles - and realized that her favorite activity could bring in a good income.

Two years later, Katya created another channel - TheKateClapp, where the girl posted videos with funny moments from life, talked about travel and interesting meetings.

By 2014, her channel entered the top ten most successful blogs in Russia. In the same year, Katya received the highest award of the Youtube festival - Video-Reople. And two years later, Katya represented the Russian segment of video bloggers at a thematic summit in New York.

The phenomenal popularity of Katya Klap was eloquently demonstrated by a video filmed in Yekaterinburg at the beginning of 2017. It shows a crowd of fans meeting Katya at the airport. The video was commented with surprise by Nikita Mikhalkov, who stated the following on his Besogon TV program: “This is not the return of the Russian football team with gold awards. This is not Lady Gaga who came to Yekaterinburg. This is how they met a certain Katya Klap.”

Show “Q&A from Katya Klap”

Katya Klap also managed to try herself as a fashion model, appearing for Elle Girl magazine, and released her own line of Foggy perfumes.

Personal life of Katya Klap

The girl loves to travel, and as soon as she gained financial independence (according to various estimates, Katya Klap earns from 10 to 15 thousand dollars a month), she traveled halfway around the world. The girl loves to attend concerts of world celebrities. Her faithful neighbors are the cat Taisa and the dachshund Izyumka.

Katya does not like to talk about her personal life, but sometimes she intrigues her Instagram followers with photographs of huge bouquets from mysterious admirers. According to her, the ideal man should be smart, mentally and physically strong and have an excellent sense of humor. In 2017, information began to spread on the Internet that Katya Klap’s new lover was her fellow blogger Evgeny Bazhenov, who films reviews of low-quality films.

Among foreign celebrities, the girl is impressed by actor Ryan Gosling, and among our compatriots, she has great respect for Vladimir Putin. Katya has admitted more than once that she really loves watching his press conferences and considers him the smartest man in Russia.

Katya Klap now

The girl not only makes good money from the popularity of her video blog, but also tries to attract the attention of users to current issues. So, in March 2017, she, together with other popular vloggers – Maryana Ro, Lera Lyubraska and TillNyashka – launched a campaign against cyberbullying, otherwise known as online bullying.

“When I was 16 years old and just started my first video blog, I was bullied at school and on the Internet. “Why are you joking? Do you think someone will be interested in your life? “You have a strange appearance,” they wrote to me. It is difficult for a child to cope with cyberbullying. Negativity can deprive him of inspiration, deprive him of his creative streak,” says Katya.

Katya Klap and Molodezhka

In 2017, Katya Klap could also be seen in one of the episodes of the TV series Molodezhka. Her partner on the set was Ivan Zhvakin, who plays the role of Alexander Kostrov from “Bears”. Katya, who played herself, decided to check in the story whether Kostrov was such an ideal young man as his friends described him.

Somehow, by chance, I was just now walking around the Internet and became interested in the question of available information on making money on the Internet. It became interesting who sits in the first positions and what exactly these people offer. In addition, I came across a couple of interesting blogs, in general, about everything in order.

On the way to glory

The first thing I would like to tell you is how I came up with the idea to write this article. As you know, I work a lot with social networks, plus I provide my services via . And quite by accident this morning I came across a Twitter account "Katie Clapp". Honestly, I have no idea who she is, but it turns out she is a very popular blogger. Her twitter account is still very good, and looks attractive based on the posts, but when I opened the blog and watched one of the latest videos, it became clear that this is another “Roma Acorn”. Well, I think everyone knows the last one. In principle, this is the same person who wants fame. I won’t judge, because I haven’t delved into their blogs and what they discuss in them, although you can speculate on this topic. Let's take at least the first of her latest videos, the title: "What's in my backpack". And then it takes us 10 minutes to study all the accessories from this beautiful and charming lady. When normal and adequate( although today it is difficult to say who falls under this definition) When a person watches such a video, he immediately experiences shock and disorientation. What? Where am I? What kind of nonsense is this? Is she serious? What's the fu**?

Everywhere has its advantages

However, there is some benefit here. This Katya Klap, whatever she is, excuse the expression, "starred" she hasn’t, but she has a great opportunity. Her blog has a huge number of subscribers (over 2 million. ). And this gives her the opportunity to place any advertisement in her video and receive money for it. Yes, this is just the answer for those who do not understand how to make money on the Internet. But here the principle is about the same as handing out business cards door to door on the street. Someone will spit on this, and someone will go on and on about how cool the doors are and make a lot of money on it. In general, it all depends on the person. Here Katya is a very sociable person, although there is a question. It seems to me that such people are more sociable with a camera. Perhaps a lack of communication with people, or their imagination as flawed, that they cannot appreciate the full talent of a young girl, etc. But don’t think about it, this is not an insult, it’s just thoughts and a first impression. In any case, no matter what these people are, they achieve their goal, despite the mountain "constructive criticism", which is always and everywhere appropriate and which Katya craved so much in her first video, you can’t go anywhere without it. Yes, I can’t stand such people and I won’t watch any of their videos to the end, because I’m really bored. I went to the page of the same person as me, and he shows me what he has in his bag... well, it’s funny or not. But for those who are her subscribers, this is not funny at all, but even fascinating, although... There is also some doubt that views and subscribers can be increased, comments bought and moderated, and most of the followers of such bloggers are precisely this girls from the category "13-" .

So what's the point?

After viewing such blogs, the question still remains - "so what's the point?" What is the purpose of your blog? In handbag shows? For example, I know several blogs that come to mind now. Here is the blog Mikhail Baratov, which promotes Street Workout, he also most likely went into business, selling all sorts of straps and T-shirts, but that’s not the point. After all, he really knows how to do many complex elements and puts “tutorials” on them in his videos. Next, let's take a blog in a completely different direction Anatoly Shariya. He considers himself a Ukrainian journalist who exposes the Ukrainian government, and each of his videos testifies to this. I'll even take this blog Borisova, who I consider the king of network marketing on the Internet, even he has a specific goal, although sometimes he deviates from it, considers it a marketing ploy. Those. Our first is a blogger on sports topics, the second is about Ukrainian politics, and the third is about making money on the Internet. And what do Roma Acorn and Katya Klap bring with them? For an adequate person this becomes a mystery. Although if you watch at least one of the videos of these individuals, you can safely conclude that they are not stupid at all, I would even say on the contrary, but they are trying to present themselves as such. But in any case, everyone has their own followers, and they probably know why they follow their ideals of fanaticism.

The popularity of video bloggers collaborating with YouTube is growing every year. Teenagers and older people are attracted by the popularity and finances earned through video channels and filmed videos. Such a bright star is blogger Katya Clapp Blog. It's interesting to know the details of her life!

Who is Katya Klap

For some, it still remains a mystery when Katya Klap was born and how her life turned out. The real name of the famous blogger is Ekaterina Trofimova, she was born in Moscow on May 19, 1993, into an ordinary family. Having reached the age of 16, I felt a craving for directing, and used the materials of the filmed video for this - I decided to try myself in the field of editing videos. Over the course of several years, she became a popular personality on YouTube, hosting the Kate Clapp Vlog. Some people follow her example, while others don’t like her because of her fame.

Katya Klap in childhood

Ekaterina studied at a secondary school (No. 1122) in Moscow. Katya Klap showed interest in photography and video filming as a child, while studying in middle school. Together with a friend, they kept a school printed blog, where they shared thoughts about life, school life, were fond of photography, and studied how you can make money by shooting a video with a camera and posting it on YouTube. The first attempt to make a video called “Half-Litre Mouse” was unsuccessful. The lack of triumph did not stop Ekaterina Trofimova; it pushed her to more active actions, which brought her popularity on YouTube.

Katya Klap - personal life

After finishing school, Katya Klap entered the directing department of the Institute of Contemporary Art. Over time, I realized that practical study of video filming is more useful than theory. Katya Klap - the younger generation is interested in her personal life - rarely lifts the veil of mystery. Having celebrated her anniversary on the Internet, she created a number of videos, combining them into “kate clapp 2013”. At 21, Ekaterina begins to lead an independent life in a separate apartment. Her loyal dachshund and cat become her neighbors.

He prefers to remain silent about relationships with the opposite sex or speak vaguely and ambiguously, without specifics. Who Katya Klap is dating is still unknown. Her fans know that the girl loves to travel, she has visited Germany, the Czech Republic, Great Britain, the USA, Italy, France, and has traveled around a huge number of Russian cities.

The trips are not only educational in nature, they also provide a large amount of material for future videos, and attend concerts of world celebrities. Thanks to her popularity, she was invited to the filming of the series “Molodezhka” to play the role of herself, which opened the list of her personal filmography. The newly created fragrance “Foggy” raised the video channel’s rating even higher. The cover of one of the issues of ELLE girl magazine was decorated with a photo of a young blogger who tried herself as a fashion model.

Blogger Katya Klap

Video blogger Katya Klap came up with such a sonorous name for herself in 2010, when she decided to seriously start promoting self-made videos. How many years did it take Katya Klap to become famous? The development of professional skills on a practical basis quickly grew into the success of the created blogs. In such a short period of time, the young blonde managed to acquire more than four million subscribers. Short video-style shows where she acts as a host have over 30 million views.

Katya Klap – YouTube

Being keen on filming videos and writing text for blogs, the girl realized how she could realize her abilities on the Internet. In August 2008, a channel with a humorous slant, FoggyDisaster (Foggy by kate clapp), was created on the YouTube portal, where she personally parodied stars, easily entered into other characters, and told funny stories of her life.

Two years later, another channel, TheKateClapp, was launched, which also quickly gained momentum in popularity, but its direction was different in that the videos contained personal reflections, reviews of public events, and travel stories. Katya Klep - YouTube with its massive attendance has become a method of realizing one’s ambitions and a way of communication - became famous thanks to her spontaneity.

Katya Klap – Instagram

Katya Klap – Twitter

The mischievous girl with a lively sense of humor could not pass by without creating a Twitter page. Stinging phrases, satirical remarks and comments on photographs do not go unnoticed by her admirers and subscribers. The concepts Katya Klap - Twitter are equivalent. By using small statements, you can track what the blogger lives and is interested in, and what purchases she makes. Katya Klap and her boyfriend broke up, which she mentioned on her blog page on Twitter. Fans and subscribers sing a hymn to their favorite blogger in their comments.

Katya Klap – VKontakte

Katya Klap’s VKontakte page has a high rating. In a social network adopted by the younger generation, visiting its blog among teenagers is considered as a mark that you are aware of modern trends. The blogger shares her observations, tells the news and explains the essence of the attached videos. The VKontakte page necessarily contains links to its YouTube websites.

Video: how much does Katya Klap earn?