How to copy a selected image to a new layer. Copying selected areas in Photoshop. Traditional copying method

You can use the Move tool to copy selections as you drag them within an image or between images, or you can copy and move selections.

You can use the Move tool to copy selections as you drag them within or between images, or you can copy and move selections using the Copy, Copy Combined, Cut, and Paste commands. Dragging with the Move tool saves memory because it doesn't use the clipboard.

When a selection or layer is pasted between images of different resolutions, the pasted data maintains its pixel dimensions. This may result in the inserted fragment having incorrect proportions relative to the new image. Use the Image Size command to make the source and destination images the same resolution before copying and pasting, or use the " Free transformation» to change the size of the inserted fragment.

Note. Depending on the color management settings and color profile file (or imported data), a message may appear indicating that the color information of the file (or imported data) is being processed.

Understanding the copy and paste commands

Copy Copies the selected areas on the current layer. Copy combined data Creates a combined copy of all visible layers in the selected area. Paste Pastes the copied selection to another part of the image or to another image as a new layer. If there is already a selection, the Paste command places the copied selection onto the current selection. If there is no current selection, the Paste command places the copied selection in the middle of the viewport. Paste instead If the clipboard contains pixels copied from another Photoshop document, the selection is inserted into the same relative location within the target document that it occupies in the original. "Paste In" or "Paste Outside" Pastes the copied selection into or outside of another selection in the image. The original selection is pasted onto new layer, and the border of the final selection is converted to a layer mask.

Copying a selection

  1. Select the area you want to copy.
  2. Choose Edit > Copy or Edit > Copy Merged Data.

The article is about a small nuance that allows you to use the copy to new layer function. Not everyone knows about the mode in which this convenient command works in Photoshop. The lesson is intended for a beginner audience.

It often happens that it is necessary to transfer an already selected part of the image to transparent background new layer.

To do this, click once on the tool Magic wand. And then you will have access to the Layer via Copy function, which can be easily called by right-clicking the mouse. In the Russian version, this will mean copying to a new layer. Select this line, and your selected area will immediately appear on a new layer. That's all the wisdom.

Often, beginners find this simple operation difficult precisely because the Photoshop program performs this command not in all modes. It does not display a context menu in Pen, Lasso, Move, or other modes. She silently demands that the instrument, namely the Magic Wand, be displayed. And then the context menu, when you press the right mouse button, immediately becomes bright and ready for use.

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  • Sometimes PC users wonder how to copy text using the keyboard. Such questions concern mainly those who work with text documents, for example, journalists or writers. In fact, it is not difficult to cope with the task, and even a novice PC user can quickly edit text data in editors using the keyboard. Unfortunately, not everyone knows the “hot keys” that help them cope with their tasks.

    Below are tips that everyone should be aware of. They will help you quickly work with text data on computers and laptops.


    How to copy text using the keyboard? To cope with the task, you will have to master the basics of working with text data. It's not as difficult as it seems.

    Let's start with preparing for the operation. For this you need to do the following actions:

    1. Turn on your computer and launch any text editor on it. For example, Notepad or Word.
    2. Print any text.
    3. Save the document to your computer and open it.

    Now you can think about how to copy text using the keyboard. What commands and keys will help you cope with this kind of task? The instructions below will quickly solve text data editing problems.

    Important: you don’t have to save the text typed in the editor, but then the user risks losing initial progress.


    Before copying, you must select all or a fragment of the text. Until this moment, a person will not be able to copy the data, so first a few words about how to correctly select text using the keyboard.

    Different teams are used to bring the idea to life. For example:

    1. Place the cursor anywhere in the editor with text, then click on keyboard Ctrl+ A. This combination will highlight everything that is printed in the window.
    2. Place the cursor at the desired place in the text. After that, press Shift button. To select one character to the right and left of the cursor, you need to additionally click on the “right” and “left” arrows. Sometimes this selection option is extremely useful.
    3. Place the editor cursor in one place or another on the editor line. Click on Shift and Home or Shift and End. The command selects text from the beginning of the line to the cursor and from the cursor to the end of the line.
    4. If you press Shift + down arrow or Shift + up arrow, the user can select one line at a time.

    How to copy text using the keyboard? We've sorted out the selection. What's next?

    Copy to clipboard

    Now you need to move the document fragment to the PC clipboard. Without this operation, it is impossible to further copy the text. It's actually not as difficult as it seems.

    As soon as the user selects the desired part of the text, he will need to press the combination on the keyboard Ctrl keys+ C. If you want to copy data to the clipboard using the mouse, you can right-click and select the “Copy” option.

    But that is not all. If you are wondering how to quickly copy text using the keyboard, the user will have to learn a few more commands. Remembering them is not difficult. Typically, advanced users do not experience any special problems with bringing the idea to life.

    Copying using the Cut option

    The point is that, if necessary, text editors You can move text fragments. This process is called cutting. During the operation, text is cut from the document, moved to the clipboard, and awaits further insertion to the right place.

    How to cope with the task? You can copy selected text using the keyboard by cutting it if:

    1. Select one or another fragment of the document.
    2. Click on Ctrl + X.

    In the course of these actions, the selected fragment will be cut out from the document. You can continue to work with him.

    Copying text documents

    How to copy all text at once using the keyboard? To do this, you will have to learn several hotkey combinations. We met the majority of them. During the steps described above, a piece of text will be selected and copied/cut to the PC clipboard. Everything is extremely simple! How to copy selected text using the keyboard?

    To move or duplicate text you will need:

    1. Place the mouse cursor in the desired location in the editor.
    2. Press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + V.

    This technique works both when copying and cutting out text. A person will be able to quickly cope with the task.

    Alternative combinations

    It is worth noting that some computers have alternative hotkey combinations. They help you understand how to copy selected text using the keyboard.

    To bring the idea to life, the user may need the following combinations:

    • Shift + Del - cutting out a fragment;
    • Ctrl + Ins (Insert) - copy to clipboard;
    • Shift + Ins - paste text from the computer clipboard.

    Important: usually right Ctrl and Shift are used to execute these commands.

    That's all. Now it’s clear how to copy all text at once using the keyboard or part of it. Even a schoolboy will be able to remember the listed commands.

    Copying and pasting is the most common operation. To copy text, you first need to select it. You can select text in different ways.

    Place your mouse pointer at the beginning of the piece of text you want to highlight. Click and hold the mouse button and move the mouse (1).

    When the pointer is over the end of the desired fragment, release the button.

    The text is highlighted - it appears in white font on a blue background (2).

    The second way is to select using the key Shift and arrow keys. Press and hold the key Shift. Each press of the arrow key expands the selection by one digit of the selection. (3).

    It is convenient to select individual words by double-clicking, and entire paragraphs by triple-clicking the mouse button (4).

    To copy selected text, press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C. To cut selected text, press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+X (5).

    Click the mouse in the place in the document where you want to paste the copied or cut piece of text.

    Press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V (6).

    Text inserted!

    In the same way, you can select, cut, copy, paste text in windows various applications, as well as in the input fields of dialog boxes.

    For example, you opened a web page in your browser. Let's try to copy part of the text from it and paste it into Text Document, opened in Notepad.

    Select part of the text in the browser window using any of the following methods.

    Press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C.

    You can do it differently. Right-click on the selected text.

    A context menu will open. Select a command from it Copy.

    The selected text fragment will be copied to memory.

    Run the program Notebook. It will open with a new blank document.

    Click where you want to paste the copied text. Press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V.

    Another way is to right-click where you are going to paste the text. IN context menu select team Insert.

    The text is pasted into Notepad.

    Likewise, you can copy and paste the next snippet, etc.