How to enter Recovery Mode on any Android device. Recovery Mode on iPhone (Recovery Mode)

Mobile devices have already become quite an integral part of our lives. Now a person cannot imagine existence without a smartphone or tablet. Devices based on the Android operating system are extremely popular. This OS was developed by Google, and now its market share is incredibly high. Apple's iOS and Windows Phone have a negligible presence in mobile markets compared to Android. However, like all technology, devices on this platform tend to glitch. Various system failures are a hallmark of any operating system. No matter how advanced it may be. Very often devices have to be reflashed. But not everyone knows that it is possible to do without such radical measures. After all, any Android gadget has Android System Recovery 3e. How to use it and what is it even? This is what we will talk about.

What kind of animal is this?

What does Android System Recovery 3e mean? This is a kind of BIOS of a mobile device. Any operating system has its own BIOS - a basic input-output system that can work even if the main OS is damaged. Sometimes the BIOS is not similar to the standard one (as, for example, in Android devices). It is used to restore the functionality of a smartphone or tablet, apply critical updates or reset to factory settings. The Android System Recovery 3e menu has many items that correspond to one or another action. But the trouble is that the names are written in English. Therefore, many people do not even know how to use recovery correctly.

That is why this article was written. Android System Recovery, the instructions for which are absolutely necessary, is a powerful tool for setting up and resuscitating a smartphone. You need to know everything about how to use this recovery in order not to waste money on specialists. Doing everything yourself is much easier and cheaper. We will analyze each item in the recovery menu and tell you everything we can about it. So let's begin.

How to enter recovery?

This depends on the specific device model. In some devices you need to hold down the power button and the "Volume +" key. But sometimes there are smartphones for which this is not enough. Older models with a mechanical Home button require pressing this button as well. Some devices require you to simultaneously press the power and volume buttons. There are also those who must hold down the power key and both volume buttons. This applies only to original devices from well-known manufacturers.

But there are also frankly “Chinese” gadgets with an incomprehensible operating system and “crooked” translation. Standard methods of logging into recovery may not work in these cases. There are several options here. First: study the smartphone documentation (if available) and find the desired key combination. But this option is not suitable for everyone. Most of these devices either have no documents at all, or the documents do not contain Russian at all. The second option: find the desired combination by pressing all the buttons one by one. Now let's move on to the Android System Recovery 3e menu items.

Reboot system now

This menu item performs a complete reboot of the device. After selecting this option, the smartphone will load the standard Android operating system without any changes. Typically, this item is used after completing all manipulations in recovery. Or if you loaded into this mode by accident. Although it is unknown how this can be done accidentally. Be that as it may, Android System Recovery 3e, the instruction manual for which is simply vital for the user, has such a clause. And we have to take this into account.

The menu item should be used last. That is, when all operations are completed, all components are updated, factory settings are reset and firmware is installed. This is the essence of a reboot: to allow the device to apply all the changes made. True, after some of them the smartphone may not boot at all. But that's a completely different story.

Apply Update from External Storage

This menu item allows you to apply the update that is located on the memory card. By the way, new firmware is also installed through this point if the main OS does not boot. There are several sub-items in this Android System Recovery 3e menu. How to flash a new OS? To do this, you need to go to this menu and select Choose ZIP from SD Card if the firmware is in ZIP format. If this is just an update file, then you should select Apply Update From SD Card. This is how any device is flashed using recovery. Simply copy the firmware file to the root of the memory card, go into recovery and select the desired item.

This paragraph has other subparagraphs that apply in non-standard situations. It is possible to check the MDSUM of the firmware file. This option checks the file for integrity and if something is wrong, it immediately issues a warning. You can also check the firmware file for compatibility with the device. These are the informational options of Android System Recovery 3e. Instructions as such are not required for them. If there are errors, then you do not need to install this firmware. That's the whole story.

Wipe Data. Factory Reset

This is a very important point. This option can restore the functionality of the device without any firmware. This tool resets the gadget's operating system to factory settings. Naturally, everything that was on the smartphone will be deleted: applications, photos, music. In general, everything that was in the internal memory of the phone. Android System Recovery 3e, the operating instructions for which are discussed here, was created precisely in order to revive the device without serious intervention in the firmware. And this option allows you to perform this operation.

This function is also used before installing any firmware. It is necessary to reset the phone to factory settings before flashing the firmware. Otherwise, the new operating system will be unstable. But that's not the worst. If you do not return to the factory settings, the firmware may not be installed at all, and then the user will receive a completely “dead” smartphone. There are no instructions in Russian, but the one that is there clearly states that it is imperative to use the Wipe Data & Factory Reset item before each firmware update of the device.

Wipe Cache Partition

Another useful command in Android System Recovery 3e. The recovery instructions say that you need to use this option in tandem with Wipe Data. If the previous item clears the internal memory of the device, then this one clears its cache. Namely, this is where the working application files are stored. Of course, if this is not done before installing the firmware, then nothing bad will happen. It’s just that in the future, when installing new programs, the device’s cache will grow to incredible sizes. As a result, the smartphone will work very slowly. But this is not so scary, since there are many programs for clearing the Android OS cache. And they work great.

It is also recommended to select this function after a factory reset has been done. This will help the smartphone become even “cleaner,” which will have a positive effect on the performance of the operating system. The instructions in Russian for Android System Recovery 3e recommend performing this procedure after the reset. Before rebooting the device. Then everything will be as it should be.

Wipe Battery Stats

This feature helps you refresh your device's battery. After clicking on this item, the battery cache begins to be cleared, into which the current state of the battery, its nominal capacity and other necessary parameters are recorded. By resetting the battery usage statistics, you can slightly extend its life. And the new firmware will work more adequately with the battery. For some reason, many Android “gurus” are dismissive of this option. But in fact it is very useful. However, it is not recommended to use it too often. Only before flashing the device.

Mounts. Storage

Here are the controls for the internal and external memory of the smartphone. This item allows you to clear a memory card or built-in memory, format it, or attach it as a drive directly from recovery. This section can be used if you forgot to transfer the firmware file to the memory card, and there is no desire to reboot your smartphone into the operating system. In order to mount the device's memory card as a drive, you need to select Mount USB Storage. As soon as the connection is established, the computer itself will install the necessary drivers for operation.

Once the connection is established, you can do whatever you want with the memory card: format, clear, copy the necessary files, and so on. In order to unmount the flash drive, you should select the Umount USB Storage item on the smartphone screen in recovery. After this, you can move on to other recovery points and carry out further resuscitation of the device on your own.

Recovery errors

Sometimes there is such a common error in Android System Recovery 3e as canceling the installation of the firmware or package. It can occur for several reasons: the firmware file is damaged, incorrect information in the binary file, or the firmware simply does not suit this device. But there is another option: before flashing the firmware, the device was not reset to factory settings. It’s good that they can be easily fixed in the same recovery. There are several ways to do this.

So, if the error occurs due to a broken firmware file, then you should download it, connect your smartphone to the computer, go to the Mount & Storage menu item and select Mount USB Storage. After this, you can copy the firmware again to the root of the memory card. If you forgot to “wipe”, then there is nothing easier than moving a few levels higher and selecting the appropriate menu item. But the Android System Recovery 3e error “No command” is very rare. It only appears when the user tries to install an update via ADB. Usually this method doesn't work. As a result, this error appears. So there is no point in using this method. Nothing will work anyway.


So, let's summarize. We tried to describe the capabilities of Android System Recovery 3e. The instructions that resulted from this attempt will help novice users of the Android operating system learn how to restore the functionality of their smartphone with their own hands. Which will ultimately lead to broadening your horizons and saving a lot of money.

Recovery Mode(recovery mode) is one of two emergency modes for Apple equipment. Recovery Mode makes it possible to restore functionality to the i-gadget if, due to a software failure or as a result of an unsuccessful jailbreak, the device turns off, does not want to boot and does not respond at all to button presses.

Recovery Mode And DFU Mode– modes provided by Apple, so their use does not entail loss of warranty. The differences between them have been discussed in detail in this article. In short, Recovery Mode more “soft” in terms of the impact on the mobile device and at the same time less effective - many problems are too much for it to handle. DFU Mode bypasses iOS and creates all files from scratch. resort to DFU It is recommended only in critical situations and only when the recovery mode has already been tried.

Before entering the gadget into Recovery Mode, take the USB cable and connect it to the PC port. Do not connect the cord to the device itself yet.

Step 1. Turn off your smartphone by long pressing the “ Power» — wait until the screen goes dark. If the device is already turned off, you can skip this step.

Step 2. Hold down the " Home" and insert the cord. The iPhone will boot - on its screen you will see an image of a USB cable and a logo iTunes. This is another difference between recovery mode: in DFU The iPhone just has a black screen - the user can understand that the mode is activated only by message in iTunes.

Step 3. After a few seconds in iTunes the following window will appear:

You need to click " OK». Then you can reset, restore or reflash the gadget.

How to get iPhone out of recovery mode

You need to exit recovery mode using the following algorithm:

Step 3. Click " Recovery Fix"and wait until the gadget boots up in normal mode.

The Recovery Fix button becomes available only when the iPhone connected to the computer is in update mode.

You can also “break the loop” using iTunes. Just connect the gadget to your computer, go to device management mode and click “ Restore iPhone».

Why wasn't this method mentioned earlier? Because this way the user will lose all the data stored on the iPhone. In addition, the device will be updated to the latest version of iOS, and there will be no option to return to the previous one (which the owner of the gadget was probably 100% happy with). When using special utilities, there is a chance to get a device with the same operating system and content.


Recovery mode helps fix many iPhone problems, but it is extremely important to put your iPhone into recovery mode Right, otherwise there will be even more problems. If, for example, the user is in a hurry and disconnects the gadget from the PC before the update procedure is completed, the iPhone will fall into a recovery loop, from which the device can only be recovered by using special programs.

Once again, let's talk about the Recovery menu, since almost always instructions for flashing and upgrading Android involve performing certain actions specifically from the Recovery menu.

What is Recovery?

Recovery (recovery) or translated from English – Recovery Mode is a special boot mode for the device, with which you can restore the system or install updates. This is an emergency mode necessary to restore the working state of the mobile device in the event of program failures, which result in the device turning off and making it impossible to boot in normal mode.

Using Recovery mode you can:

  1. Restart your tablet or smartphone.
  2. Reset settings.
  3. Install updates.
  4. Configure and install firmware.
  5. Get Root rights.
  6. Delete your personal data located in the system.
  7. Restore the operating system and much more.

Remember that incorrect actions can harm the system. If important information is recorded on your tablet, it is better to save it on another device in advance.

Before using recovery mode, please read the instructions carefully. Each tablet has a service menu that is different from others, so the question of how to access the Recovery menu on a tablet requires an individual approach.

How to log into Recovery?

The Recovery mode in each mobile device is visually different, but the login process is almost always carried out according to the same principle. In order to enter the Recovery system, you need to do a number of actions:

1. Turn off the tablet. At the same time, make sure that the battery is fully charged or connect the tablet to the network.

2. Go to Recovery mode by pressing a combination of some buttons. Since different tablet manufacturers offer different hotkey combinations, we will provide several of the most common key combinations for entering the recovery menu.

Basic key combinations for entering Recovery:

  • Simultaneously hold down both the “volume” keys and the “power” key;
  • simultaneously pressing one of the “volume” keys and the “power” key;
  • simultaneously hold down one of the volume buttons, the Home button and the device power button.

The buttons are held until the recovery mode appears on the display.

Some Chinese devices do not have a Recovery mode. In this case, you will have to reflash the tablet.

How to navigate through the Recovery menu?

Most devices allow you to navigate through menu items using the volume control buttons. The power button serves to select the desired menu item. Some devices may use other keys.

If the control is touch, then we move through the items and select the desired item by pressing with a finger.

How to enter Recovery if there are no volume keys on the tablet?

If your tablet doesn't have volume keys, try these tips:

1. You can try to enter the desired mode by holding down the Power and Home buttons at the same time. Another option is to hold down the Home key, press the Power button and release the Home key. After the splash screen appears, press the “Home” button again.

2. You can navigate through the menu by connecting a USB keyboard via an OTG cable or using the sensor.

As you probably know, the recovery menu is a special mode on a smartphone that allows you to perform additional actions with the device. Which ones exactly? For example, install a custom recovery menu, flash the device, reset data, etc.

It should be noted that the recovery interface can vary significantly depending on the company that created the software. This is the Samsung menu recovery:

This is Xiaomi:

Despite the serious difference in the interface, in both cases, moving through the menu is done using mechanical keys - volume control and Power. However, there are exceptions when navigation through the menu is accessible by pressing the display. This exception is the TWRP custom recovery menu, which is often installed by users. Another feature is that it supports a large number of languages, including even Russian:

In most cases, the recovery menu is activated the same way. In addition, you can enter recovery when your smartphone is turned off. So press the Power key and hold it for a couple of seconds.

A menu will appear on the screen, select "Power Off".


Depending on the model:


Volume Down + Power key


Volume Up + Power Key


Volume Up + Power Key


Volume Down + Power key

Google Pixel and Nexus

Volume Down + Power key

Huawei and Honor

Volume Up + Power Key


Depending on the model:

Volume Up + Power Key

Volume Down + Power key


Volume Up + Power Key


As you can see, in almost all cases, to enable Recovery Mode you need to press either the Volume Up + Power key or the Volume Up + Power key. There are rare exceptions, but that's why they are exceptions. Therefore, if you make a mistake, just press the volume down key instead of the volume up key or vice versa.

Via terminal

Now to other ways to launch the recovery menu. This will suit you only if you have superuser rights () and you do not want to first turn off your smartphone every time.

Open the Play Market, find the terminal application and install.

Run it, specify the command su To grant root rights, press “Enter” on the keyboard.

You provide.

The device reboots.

Via command line

Connect your smartphone to your computer or laptop using a USB cable. Download the ADB (Android Debug Bridge) archive from the official website - a tool for accessing your smartphone using the command line. Unpack to the root of the disk, for example, C:\adb.

Run the command line as administrator.

Specify the command cd c:\adb, where c is the directory where the adb folder is located, press the enter button on the keyboard.

Then enter the command reboot recovery.

If everything is done correctly, the smartphone should reboot into recovery mode.

Through Android settings

Some firmware allows you to flexibly configure the system. For example, they give you the opportunity to select additional options for restarting the device.

Enable developer mode using . Go into it and activate it with the switch. Find Restart Options and move the switch to the On position.

Press the Power key, hold and select “Restart”.

Then select "Recovery Mode". In this case, the smartphone will boot into recovery mode.

It's a pity, only a few firmwares support this option.

Every mobile device running on the Android operating system has a Recovery mode installed, which is a special system startup mode with a certain set of functionality. Today we will tell you about how to enter recovery on LG smartphones and why it is needed for a common user.

First of all, Recovery Mode is used to install official firmware, create and restore a complete copy of the operating system along with all information and settings of the smartphone, clear the cache, and sometimes to reset it to factory state. When you receive a firmware update over the air, it is installed from the recovery mode, without starting the OS itself.

In its stock (factory) state, Recovery mode has the following set of functions:

  • Apply update from ADB – installing the update via ADB commands
  • Apply update from external storage – installing an update from external storage
  • Wipe data/factory reset – deleting data and resetting to factory settings
  • Wipe cache partition - delete cache
  • Apply update from cache – apply update from cache
  • It is worth noting that using Recovery Mode does not void the warranty service, and the procedure itself does not foreshadow anything dangerous for the performance of the mobile device.

    How to enter recovery on LG

    Entering recovery mode is quite simple and does not require any special skills. First, turn off your smartphone. When turned off, press and hold the “Power” button and the “Volume Down” key until the “LG” logo appears, and then release them and press again. Ultimately, a menu on a black background should appear on the device screen, as in the main picture at the very top. That's actually the whole process of this operation. The desired action is selected using the volume rocker, and the “Power” button confirms the choice made. If you entered recovery mode for review and want to exit it, then simply select “reboot system now”.

    For more advanced users, there are custom recoveries that offer more options, such as installing any firmware, including custom ROMs, as well as selectively clearing phone data and deleting unnecessary pre-installed applications. The most popular ones are called Team Win Recovery Project (TWRP), Philz Touch and ClockworldMod Recovery (CWM). The first two are controlled using a sensor, while the latter uses only physical buttons, as is the case with the factory Recovery Mode.