How to remove a driver's digital signature. Using the Local Group Policy Editor. How does the verification take place?

Windows 8 OS has a special security module installed, which is responsible for blocking the process of installing drivers on a computer without digital signature. What's the point? Essentially, such a firewall provides reliable protection PC from Trojans, spyware and others unwanted programs. It would seem that the advantages are obvious. However, such a precaution is unlikely to fit into the plans of users who need to update their software outdated devices. In this case, the only thing left for them is to disable the verification of its signature in OS Windows 8 during driver installation.

You can perform a similar procedure in several ways. However, regardless of the method you choose, to disable driver digital signature detection, you must make sure that what you are installing on your computer software does not contain a virus or any other threat to the system, otherwise the consequences may be very unpredictable.

Method number 1: Disable via boot options

In order to disable digital signature verification for one specific driver in OS Windows 8 once, the easiest way is to reconfigure the system from the “Boot Options” menu. To do this, use the +I key combination to open the “Options” tab in the Charm Bar. After this, click on keyboard Shift and, holding it down, click the “Shutdown” button and select “Reboot” from the menu that appears:

Now open the “Diagnostics” section, find in it the item “ Extra options" and click on it with the mouse:

As a result, the “Download Options” window we need will appear. Now the only thing left is to press F7 or just the number 7 on the keyboard to disable checking the installed driver for a digital signature on our computer in Windows 8:

It is worth noting that disabling security mode is only valid for one PC session. This means that the next time the system is rebooted, the process of blocking unsigned drivers in Windows 8 while they are being updated will be automatically activated. In this case, all previously installed, working “firewood” that does not have a digital signature will not be affected.

Method number 2: Disable using the gpedit.msc command

In the event that you need to install several unsigned “firewood” in Windows 8 in different time, it is more logical to completely disable the digital signature detection function through the Local Editor group policy. In order to run it, press +R on the keyboard, set the command gpedit.msc for the “Run” utility that opens and click the OK button:

The next step is to open the “User Configuration” folder in the menu on the left in the system window that appears, select “Administrative Templates” in it and go to the “System” section. After that, go to the “Driver Installation” folder, find the “Digital signature...” parameter in it and double-click on it with the mouse:

Now in the window that appears, check the box next to the “Enabled” option, select “Skip” as an option for Windows 8 when updating the “firewood” and click OK to save the settings:

As a result of such simple manipulations, we will be able to perform complete shutdown registration of firewood installed on a PC. As you can see, this process is not at all complicated. The only thing is that before completely disabling the anti-unlicensed software detection blocker, do not forget to check the installed programs antivirus program so as not to accidentally attract viruses to your operating system.

A digital signature is an integral part of any operating system. When it comes to Windows, this topic simply cannot be ignored. The system requires a driver in order to understand that it belongs to a specific creator and is not intended for fraudulent activities.

In this article we will talk about how to permanently disable a digital signature and what consequences this action may lead to.

Such an action involves many risks. The most common problems with shutdowns are malware infections. Such cases are not frequent, but no one is immune from this. Some users, after installation specific driver, which has absolutely no signature, they try to re-enable the protection. This can protect the computer, but if there was a virus, then identify malware it will be extremely difficult. Some antiviruses are unable to find virus files, so you should be extremely careful when performing this action.

Windows 7

Method No. 1

If you realize the need to disable digital signature of drivers, then you should follow these steps:

  • Launch the command line. This can be done by calling the run command (Win+R key combination), and then entering cmd commands and pressing the Enter key;
  • In the window that appears, you must enter the command:

bcdedit.exe/set nointegritychecks ON

  • If you have done everything and there is a need to run the digital signature verification again, then simply put OFF at the end of the command.
  • That's it, verification is disabled. Now you can safely install the necessary drivers.

Method No. 2

This method differs only in the commands.

  • After calling the command line, you must enter:

bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS

Then confirm with the Enter key.

  • After this you need to enter the command

bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON

and also confirm it.

Watch carefully to ensure that the commands are executed. If one of the two commands was not completed, the shutdown procedure will fail and you will need to do everything again.

Method No. 3

This method does not completely disable driver digital signature verification, but only makes it possible to install it temporarily. This solution may be useful to those people who regularly test new drivers, but do not want to stay with them.

The actions are:

  • You need to restart your PC.
  • When the BIOS message exits, you must press the F key
  • After this, the system will offer many download options. We select the option where there is no digital signature verification – Disable driver signature enforcement.
  • After the whole procedure operating system will start and you can install the desired driver. The system will work with it until rebooted. Therefore, if you need completely disabled signature verification, then this option won't do.

Windows 8

This version of the operating system has more diversified different variants shutdowns. One of the options helps to disable the signature once, before installing the driver, and the second disables it completely. Let's look at both options.

Briefly disabling driver signature

The first method solves our problem using the Charms panel.

  1. You need to select “PC Settings”.
  2. Then “change computer settings.”
  3. Next, select “Update and Recovery”.
  4. In the “Recovery” sub-item, click on special download options.
  5. After this, you need to restart your PC.
  6. After the system restarts, select “Diagnostics”.
  7. In the boot options, disable digital signature verification.
  8. When the system boots, installation of a third-party driver will become available. But, after rebooting the system into normal mode, installing third-party drivers will not work.

Using the Local Group Policy Editor

  • This method involves completely disabling the scan, so be careful. Use the Win+R key combination to call up the “Run” line, in which you must enter and execute the command gpedit.msc.
  • The Local Group Policy Editor will open. In it you need to select “User Configuration”.
  • In administrative templates, go to the system and select “Driver Installation”. At this stage it is necessary double click On “Digital signature of device drivers” go to this sub-item.
  • Now click on “Skip” in the “Enabled” item.

The method itself is quite simple, so its implementation should not take much time. When using it, you should understand that disabling the scan occurs forever and nothing will change when you reboot.

Windows 10

Win 10 is a more optimized system, so this process here it is implemented in three ways. One of them helps to temporarily solve the problem, and the other two completely disable the scan. This procedure This is done both on the home version 10×64 and on the pro version.

Via boot options

This method allows you to temporarily solve the problem, so we recommend using this method if you need to install third-party drivers.


  1. Go to settings, select “All settings”.
  2. In the “Update and Security” item, select the “Recovery” sub-item. For special download options, click on the “Restart Now” button.

After the reboot process, you should run the following actions:

  1. Select the item “Diagnostics”.
  2. After it “Advanced options”.
  3. Then "Boot Options".
  4. Let's reboot.

After this, a menu of options appears in which you can select what you need to install. third party drivers. After rebooting to normal mode, you will have to repeat all the steps to install the drivers. The method is convenient because it allows you to install third-party software only once unsigned drivers. After the reboot, the system will again begin checking the developer for loyalty.

Local Group Policy Editor

The second method is no different from the actions in Windows 8. You can familiarize yourself with this method in this article a little higher.

Command line

This method is similar to the option to disable scanning in Windows 7. It differs only in the commands.

You need to open a command line (necessarily as an administrator, otherwise it will not work). After that, enter the following commands one by one:

  • exe -set loadoptions DISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS;
  • exe -set TESTING ON.

After performing this procedure, you should pay attention to the operation performed. If everything went well, you should restart your PC.

The disadvantage of this method is that an inscription will appear in the lower right corner that Windows system 10 is working in test mode. To enable the verification function, you must replace the value “ON” with “OFF” at the end of the second command.

Disable via Safe Mode

This process is extremely simple and will take no more than 10 minutes. You need to boot into safe mode, open a command prompt as administrator, and then enter the command:

Bcedit.exe/set nointegritychecks on

After the operation is successful, you should restart the computer in normal mode. In order to return to checking the digital signature of drivers, you should change the value in command line to “OFF” and reboot again.


Knowing these methods, the process of turning off digital signature verification will not take much time. Don't forget about the risks when disabling the scan. If your computer is infected, the consequences can be very sad.

It’s important to clearly understand when a digital signature is needed and when you really should turn it off. Temporary shutdown is the most the right decision, since on permanent basis Failure to check can lead to negative results from the PC.

A digital signature is an extremely important element of the system, so do not neglect it and disable it forever.

Good luck!

Knowing how to disable Windows 10 driver signature verification can expand your connectivity options additional equipment. But don't forget that this can harm your PC!

What is digital signature of drivers on Windows 10 and why is it needed?

CPU – special requisite electronic document or a label programmed into the program. It allows you to uniquely identify the owner. When we're talking about about drivers, its main purpose is to determine whether it is licensed and whether any changes have been made to it.
Digital signature is used not only to combat piracy in IT, but also to protect users from hacking, attacks and other troubles associated with the digital environment. Windows Developers 10 was prudently built into the OS automatic analysis all downloaded and installed content.

Disable Windows 10 driver digital signature verification

Before you disable your digital signature Windows drivers 10, evaluate the safety of your actions. Are you sure of the source from which you download and install new software? If yes, then we offer different options.

Method 1: Download Windows 10.

This only works once. The next time you reboot, digital signature verification will be enabled again. So what you need to do:

Method 2: Command line.

Here you can disable verification permanently. Follow these steps:

Everything should work. In the lower right corner you will constantly see a reminder that verification is disabled.
You can turn the check back on with the command bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING OFF.

Method 3: Local Group Policy Editor.

This method is only suitable for owners of Windows 10 pro, since you cannot disable digital signature verification using the editor in the home version - it is simply not there. If you have the extended version, do the following:

So, we looked at how to disable mandatory check Windows 10 driver signatures different ways. We would like to remind you once again that all of these actions put your computer at risk. So be very careful.

Sometimes problems can arise when installing absolutely any driver. One of them is the problem with checking the digital signature of the driver. The fact is that by default you can install only software that has a signature. Moreover, this signature must be in mandatory verified by Microsoft and have the appropriate certificate. If such a signature is missing, the system simply will not allow such software to be installed. In this article we will tell you how to bypass this limitation.

In some cases, even the most trusted driver may not be properly signed. But this does not mean that the software is malicious or bad. Most often, owners of Windows 7 suffer from problems with digital signatures. In subsequent versions of the OS, this issue arises much less frequently. You can identify a problem with a signature by the following symptoms:

All the problems and errors described above can be corrected only by disabling the mandatory check for a digital signature on the driver. We offer you several ways to help you cope with this task.

Method 1: Temporarily disable scanning

For your convenience, we will divide this method into two parts. In the first case, we will tell you how to use this method, if you have Windows 7 or lower. The second option is suitable only for owners of Windows 8, 8.1 and 10.

If you have Windows 7 or lower

If you have Windows 8, 8.1 or 10

No matter what operating system you have, this method has disadvantages. After the next system reboot, signature verification will start again. In some cases, this can lead to blocking the operation of drivers that were installed without the appropriate signatures. If this happens, you should disable the scan permanently. The following methods will help you with this.

Method 2: Group Policy Editor

This method will allow you to disable signature verification forever (or until you activate it yourself). After this, you can safely install and use software that does not have the appropriate certificate. In any case, this process can be reversed and signature verification can be turned back on. So you have nothing to fear. In addition, this method is suitable for owners of any OS.

Method 3: Command Line

This method is very easy to use, but has its drawbacks, which we will discuss at the end.

Please note that this method sometimes has to be done in safe mode. You can learn how to start the system in safe mode using our special lesson.

By using one of the proposed methods, you will get rid of the problem of installing third-party drivers. If you have difficulties performing any actions, write about it in the comments to the article. We will jointly solve the difficulties that arise.

As a rule, disabling driver signature verification in Windows 10 is necessary when the downloaded device driver does not have a digital signature confirming the security of the program. Driver signing ensures that the file comes from reliable source and is not a virus.

Installing drivers without a digital signature is not always safe, but there are situations when this is the only way. For example, the driver may simply not have been tested for compatibility with your version of Windows. This article will teach you how to disable driver signing in Windows 10.

Disabling Windows 10 Driver Signature Verification One Time

This method allows you to disable driver signature verification one-time, until the next computer restart. That is, we disabled the verification, installed the driver, rebooted Windows and that’s it, the signature verification service works again.

Click on the "Start" menu and go to " Windows Settings"(gear icon).

Go to the "Update and Security" section.

Go to the "Recovery" tab and in the " Special options download" click "Restart now".

Next, go to the “Download Options” item.

A menu will open with a choice of options Windows boot 10. Click on the item “Disable mandatory driver signature verification”.

You can either click on this item or simply press the F7 key on your keyboard. After this, Windows 10 will boot without checking driver signatures, and you can safely install it. The next time you boot your computer, signature verification will work again.

Disable Windows 10 Driver Signature Verification Permanently

If there are three solutions, how can you disable driver signature verification forever.

Disable via Group Policy.

Disabling signature verification through the Group Policy Editor is only possible in Windows versions 10 Professional. If you have home version, then the method described in the next chapter of this article will suit you.

Launch the Windows 10 Local Group Policy Editor. To do this, click right click on the start menu and left-click on “Run”. Or just press the Win+R key combination.

Write gpedit.msc in the window that opens and press OK or Enter.

In the Group Policy editor that opens, go to the following registry branches: “User Configuration” - “Administrative Templates” - “System” - “Driver Installation”. Double-click on the line on the right “Digital signature of device drivers.”

In this setting, you can choose two options in which you will solve your problem with driver signature verification. By default, the setting is “not configured”. If you enable the setting, then select the “skip” subsetting. In this case, if Windows detects a driver file without a digital signature, it will still allow you to install it. You can also explicitly select “disabled” and in this state the check will be disabled in principle.

Once you have changed the settings click “Apply” and “OK”. After restarting the computer, driver signature verification will not be performed. If you need to return driver signature verification again, you will have to return to this menu and select the setting status “enabled” and “block”.

Disabling via command line

Disabling driver signature verification via the command line has a limitation. This feature is only available if your computer is running BIOS. If you have UEFI, then you must first disable Secure Boot.

The procedure is as follows. Right-click on the Start menu and open Command Prompt with administrator rights.

In the command line that opens, enter next command and press Enter.

bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions DISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS

Now enter the second command and also press Enter.
bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON

After the commands work (as in the screenshot above), restart your computer. Checking driver signatures will be disabled, but a sign about test mode will always hang in the lower right corner of the screen Windows operation 10.

To remove it, you will need to open a command prompt with administrator rights and type in next line:

bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING OFF

Disable via Safe Mode and bcedit

This proven method is, in my opinion, the most convenient. Start your computer in Safe Mode.

Right-click on the Start menu and launch Command Prompt with administrator rights.

At the command prompt, enter the following line: bcdedit.exe /set nointegritychecks on and press Enter. Reboot your computer, after which signature verification will be disabled.

To enable the check again, perform the same operations, but enter the line bcdedit.exe /set nointegritychecks off.