When was the first mobile phone? The history of the invention of the first landline, mobile and touch telephone. Telephone sets of Kupriyanovich

Motorola employee Martin Cooper

In 1973, the first prototype of a portable cell phone, the Motorola DynaTAC, was released.

Its release provides an answer to the question: the first mobile phone in the world?

What year did it appear?

The historic call on the world's first mobile phone took place on April 3, 1973, when its creator, Motorola employee Martin Cooper, called Joel Engel, head of the research department at Bell Laboratories.

It is noteworthy that Joel Engel was chosen as an interlocutor for a reason. The fact is that in those days AT&T was the unofficial leader in the development of mobile technologies. Many believed that the engineers of this particular company would be able to create the first such device.

Who invented it and how it started

The idea of ​​the mobile phone in its modern version was born from a less mobile prototype - the car radiotelephone. These devices were extremely bulky, weighing about 15 kilograms, but, nevertheless, their popularity grew every day.

Martin Cooper, a Motorola engineer who was involved in this area, proposed modifying the phone, reducing the weight so that people could carry it with them without any problems. Some companies also worked on reducing the weight of the phone, but Motorola was far ahead of all competitors. It took Cooper 15 years and $90 million to implement Cooper's idea.

Motorola DynaTAC 8000X - the first mobile phone

On that memorable day, April 3, 1973, a bell rang in the office of the head of the Bell Laboratories design bureau, Joel Engel. He picked up the phone and heard the voice of his sworn enemy - Martin, who said: "Guess where I'm calling from?.. I'm calling you from a real cell phone." Cooper later recalled: “I don’t remember what he answered then, but, you know, I thought I heard his teeth grinding.”

First call cost

It is worth noting that the cost of the first mobile phone call in human history was about $90 million. Motorola made such investments during the design process of the device.

Martin Cooper demonstrating the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X in 2007

Joel Engel can be understood - the era of new communications was beginning, and Bell Laboratories was rapidly flying into the ditch of history. Later, life put everything in its place - Bell did not go into oblivion, but showed itself in mobile communications no less than Motorola.

How much did he weigh

The world's first mobile phone, Motorola DynaTAC 8000X (prototype), weighed about 1.15 kg and had dimensions of 22.5 x 12.5 x 3.75 cm. A small LED display showed the phone being dialed. The battery charge lasted for 30 minutes of conversation, but it took about 10 hours to charge it.

A total of 5 DynaTACs were manufactured until 1983, and from 1983 an improved commercial version of this model was produced, which weighed 850 grams and sold for $3,995. During the first year of sales, 12 thousand Americans acquired mobile phones.

A person constantly needs communication. For information exchange and just for fun. And it’s not enough for him to communicate with the people who are nearby. There will always be something to say even to those who are on the next street, in another city or overseas. It has always been this way. But it was only at the end of the nineteenth century that we had such an opportunity. In this article we will trace the history of the appearance of the telephone, find out who invented the telephone and what difficulties scientists faced.

Over the years, there have been a variety of ways to transmit information. Our ancestors sent letters with messengers and carrier pigeons, burned bonfires, and used the services of heralds.

In the 16th century, the Italian Giovanni della Porta invented a system of speaking pipes, which were supposed to “permeate” the whole of Italy. This fantastic idea was not brought to life.

In 1837, American inventor Samuel Morse created the electric telegraph and developed the telegraph alphabet, which was called " Morse code».

In the 1850s, an unexpected discovery was made by Italian Antonio Meucci, living in New York. Confident of the positive effects of electricity on human health, he assembled a generator and opened a private medical practice. One day, after connecting the wires to the patient’s lips, Meucci went into the back room to turn on the generator. Once the device is working, the doctor heard the patient scream. It was so loud and clear, as if the poor fellow was nearby.

Meucci began experimenting with the generator, and by the beginning of the 70s, the drawings of the device were already ready. telephony" In 1871, the inventor tried to register his brainchild, but something prevented him. Either the Italian did not have enough money for the registration procedure at the patent office, or the papers were lost during shipment, or perhaps they were stolen.

Who first invented the telephone and in what year

In 1861, German scientist Philip Rice came up with a device that could transmit all kinds of sounds via cable. This was the first telephone. (It’s worth familiarizing yourself with that and its history of creation) Rice failed to register a patent for his invention, so he did not become as widely known as the American Alexander Bell.

On 02/14/1876 Bell took the application to the Patent Office in Washington to patent " A telegraph device that can transmit human speech" Two hours later, Elisha Gray, an electrical engineering major, showed up. Gray's invention was called "A Device for Transmitting and Receiving Vocal Sounds by Telegraph." He was denied a patent.

This device consisted of a wooden stand, an ear tube, a battery (a vessel with acid) and wires. The inventor himself called it a gallows.

The first words spoken on the phone were: “Watson, this is Bell speaking!” If you can hear me, go to the window and wave your hat.”

In 1878, a series of trials against Alexander Bell began in America. About thirty people tried to take away his inventor's laurels. Six claims were dismissed outright. The claims of the remaining inventors were divided into 11 points and considered separately. On eight of these points, Bell's superiority was recognized; on the other three, the court was won by the inventors Edison and McDonough. Gray did not win a single case. Although a study of Bell's diaries and documents filed by Gray with the Patent Office many years later showed that the author of the invention is Gray.

Development and improvement of the phone

Thomas Edison took charge of the further fate of Bell's invention. In 1878, he made some changes to the structure of the telephone: he introduced a carbon microphone and an induction coil into the circuit. Thanks to this modernization, the distance between interlocutors could be significantly increased.

That same year, the first telephone exchange in history began operating in the small American town of New Chaven.

And in 1887 in Russia, the inventor K. A. Mossitsky created a self-acting switch - the prototype of automatic telephone exchanges.

Who invented the mobile (cellular) telephone

It is generally accepted that the birthplace of the mobile phone is the USA. But first mobile phone The device appeared in the Soviet Union. On November 4, 1957, radio engineer Leonid Kupriyanovich received a patent for “ Device for calling and switching radiotelephone communication channels" His radiotelephone could transmit audio signals to the base station at a distance of up to 25 kilometers. The device was a box with a dial dial, two toggle switches and a handset. It weighed half a kilo and worked for up to 30 hours in standby mode.

The idea of ​​​​creating cellular telephone communications appeared back in 1946 at the American company AT&T Bell Labs. The company was engaged in the rental of car radios.

In parallel with AT&T Bell Labs, Motorola also conducted research. For about ten years, each of these companies sought to get ahead of the competition. Motorola won.

In April 1973, one of the employees of this company, engineer Martin Cooper, “shared his joy” with colleagues from a competing company. He called the AT&T Bell Labs office, invited the head of the research department, Joel Engel, to the phone and said that he was currently on one of the streets of New York and talking on the world's first mobile phone. Cooper then went to a press conference dedicated to the miracle of technology that he held in his hands.

Motorola's "firstborn" was named Motorola DynaTAC 8000X. It weighed about a kilogram and reached 25 cm in height.. The phone could work in talk mode for about 30 minutes, and charged for about 10 hours. And ten years later, in 1983, it finally went on sale. The new car cost a lot of money - $3500 - a little cheaper than a brand new car. But even despite this, there were plenty of potential buyers.

In 1992, Motorola released a mobile phone that could fit in the palm of your hand.

At the same time, the Finnish company Nokia introduced the first mass-produced GSM phone, Nokia 1011.

In 1993, thanks to BellSouth / IBM, the first communicator appeared - a telephone connected to a PDA.

And 1996 is the year the first flip phone was created. This is the merit of the same Motorola.

At this time, Nokia pleased the world with the first smartphone with an Intel 386 processor and a full QWERTY keyboard - Nokia 9000.

The average person makes almost one and a half thousand phone calls a year.

Who invented the touch phone

The great-grandfather of the famous iPhone is considered to be IBM Simon, released in 1994. It was the world's first touchphone. “Simon” cost a lot - $1090. But it was no longer just a phone. It combined the qualities of a telephone and a computer, and it could also be used as a pager or fax. It was equipped with a calculator, calendar, notepad, task list, a couple of games and even an email agent.

The device had a monochrome display with a resolution of 160×293 pixels and a diagonal of 4.7 inches. Instead of the usual keys, a virtual keyboard has appeared. The battery lasted for an hour of talk time or 12 hours of standby time.

The too high price did not allow the model to become popular among users, but it was “Simon” went down in history as the first touchphone.

In 2000, the world saw the first telephone, officially called a smartphone— Ericsson R380. The R380's touchscreen was hidden under a hinged cover with regular buttons. The screen was monochrome, with a diagonal of 3.5 inches and a resolution of 120x360.

The smartphone was based on the new Symbian OS for mobile devices. The R380 supported WAP, a browser, notepad, email client, and games were installed.

In 2007, IBM released the first phone whose sensor responded to the touch of a finger rather than a stylus. It was LG KE850 Prada. This model is also remembered for its unusual design and wide functionality.

In the same year, Apple introduced its famous iPhone to the general public.

The history of mobile phones dates back to the early days of the 1920s, a period during which radios became a means of communication. The very first use of cordless phones was in taxis. Like any other electronic equipment, mobile phones have evolved over time and each stage or era has certainly been interesting.

The first official mobile phone was used by the Swedish police in 1946. They connected the portable telephone to the central telephone network. It was very similar to the telephone transceiver device that was used earlier in taxis.

An engineer from Bell Labs created a cell tower that made it possible not only to transmit, but also to receive signals in three different directions. Before this discovery, cell phones only worked in two directions.

Background of mobile phones

Mobile communications were first provided by AT&T. The mobile phone was located in the car and weighed 12 kg. It was something between a receiver and a telephone, in which reception and transmission were carried out at different frequencies. Communication could only operate through a repeater or base station.

The electronic components used in today's generation of mobile phones were first developed in the 1960s. The only problem was limited coverage. Base station coverage covered only a small area of ​​land. If a mobile phone user left the cell area, he no longer received and could not transmit signals.
This problem was soon solved by an engineer at Bell Labs. Amos Edward Joel discovered and developed what he called system handover. This technology made it possible to maintain a conversation while moving from one area to another.

The first mobile phones

Motorola was the first company to introduce a pilot portable cell phone, the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X.

The Federal Communications Commission approved it for public use after much deliberation and testing of the device. Motorola DynaTAC took 15 years of development before it was introduced to the market. This phone weighed about 1.15 kg. Its dimensions were 22.5x12.5x3.75 cm. There were 12 buttons on the front panel: 10 of them were digital, and 2 were for sending and ending a call. The model was developed by Dr. Martin Cooper.

Cell phones became popular and received demand from the public between 1983 and 1989. Besides the car phone, the earliest models of the first generation of cell phones were shaped like bags. They were connected to the car charger. Other models came in the form of briefcases. This was necessary in order to carry the battery with you. These phones were used only in emergencies.

First smartphone

The very first Simon smartphone was developed by IBM in 1992. Although it was called a “smartphone” a little later, IBM managed to sell 50,000 phones in the first 6 months.

Main technical characteristics.

The first IBM smartphone, Simon, had a monochrome touchscreen with a diagonal of 4 inches. (293*160 points). it had a clock speed of 16MHz. The amount of RAM was only 1 megabyte. The phone coped with the assigned tasks quite well. The smartphone also had a capacity of 1.8 MB, to which a PCMCIA card could be connected; additional programs could be recorded on it. Smartphone features such as calendar, address book, calculator, notepad and games were a breakthrough in the electronics industry.

Externally, the phone was devoid of any design, had an impressive weight and size, but for those times this was not the main thing. Simon boasted functionality, a touch screen, and became the progenitor of our current smartphones.

All services, including special services, use trunk communication.

In the modern business world, more and more attention is paid to mobile communications: pagers, cellular and satellite communications devices, personal communicators and similar devices. Indeed, in order to be competitive, modern companies need to constantly maintain communication with their customers, and, just as importantly, between the employees of their organization. Recently, some mobile operators have been offering so-called “corporate” tariffs (for example, the MTS corporate program), which are specifically designed to create a “virtual telephone network” for company employees. However, such programs are not the cheapest solution to the communication problem, but, fortunately, not the only possible one.

For a company that decides to “connect” its mobile employees, there is an alternative solution - the use of trunk communication. Perhaps many readers are seeing the phrase “trunk connection” for the first time. Indeed, trunk communication systems are now receiving less attention than even paging systems. To some extent, this is due to the fact that trunk communication systems are intended primarily for use by large organizations, and not by mass users. Despite this, this technology has its merits and deserves to be considered in this article.

So, what is hidden behind the term “trunk system”? Paradoxically, we use it every day without even thinking about it. It is on the principle of trunking that the operation of modern automatic telephone exchanges is based. Let's see what happens when you try to call, say, your friend from your home phone. You pick up the phone, wait for the "line free" signal, then dial the number and wait for an answer. All other actions are performed by the PBX: it selects one of the free communication channels and switches (links) your telephone set with the telephone set of a friend. At the end of the conversation, the line that was used is released and becomes available for use by other people. As you might guess, the number of communication lines is limited and is certainly less than necessary to connect all telephone sets in the city. Thus, the PBX controls the distribution of a limited number of lines among a large number of subscribers. It is assumed that a situation where all subscribers suddenly decide to contact each other at the same time will not arise. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly calculate the minimum required number of communication channels so that problems associated with their shortage do not arise during the work process. This issue is effectively solved using the mathematical theory of queuing systems.
In trunk telephony, the subscriber simply dials a number, and the PBX allocates a free line through which a conversation can be conducted.
Trunk radio systems are mobile radio communication systems that are based on the same principles as conventional telephone networks. In other words, in a trunk radio communication system there is a limited number of radio channels (usually from two to twenty), which are allocated by the central controller for negotiations as needed.
In conventional radio communication systems, the user has to manually retune to a free radio channel; in trunk communication systems, this work is undertaken by the central controller, which itself allocates a free channel to two radio stations. Thus, the user just needs to dial the number of the called subscriber, and the system will do the rest itself. A trunk system can be defined as follows: Automatic and dynamic distribution of a small number of channels among a large number of radio users.
Now, knowing the basic principles of operation of trunk systems, let's talk a little about their areas of application and the advantages of using them. Areas of application - large commercial and government organizations, for example, traffic inspection services, various repair services, companies specializing in the field of industrial mountaineering (maintenance of high-rise buildings) and so on. A trunk communication system can be deployed both in a large city and in a remote, sparsely populated area, which is especially important in the conditions of our country. Trunk systems effectively use the frequency band allocated to them, provide a high level of confidentiality (there are even tools that allow you to encode speech during its transmission), are reliable, and provide a large number of service functions. Finally, perhaps their greatest advantage is that the organization itself can become the owner of a trunk radio communication system, freeing itself from subscription fees and traffic fees.
In the 90s, while cellular communications were just taking off, on the periphery, in particular in Irkutsk, the trunk even gave it some competition.

Modern people cannot imagine life without a telephone, although relatively recently it did not exist.

The very first sample, similar to its current mobile “brothers,” could transmit sound, had a tiny black and white screen and not a single hint of future greatness and functionality.

The invention of the telephone, which is the direct ancestor of today's smartphones, is shared among Antonio Meucci And Alexander Bell.

It is not known for certain which of them was the first to guess about it, but both applied for patents. And, although Bell's application was created 5 years later than Meucci, Alexander Graham Bell is considered the official founding father of telephone communication.

The first telephone and telegraph (history of invention)

The inventor of the first electromagnetic telegraph is Pavel Schilling- Russian scientist.

He publicly demonstrated the discovery that made it possible to transmit information remotely in October 1832.

The idea was supported, and a year later the telegraph, built by Wilhelm Weber and Karl Gauss, appeared in Germany. Cook Wheatstone, a native of England, created an amazing apparatus based on Schilling’s drawings in 1837, and in 1840 a similar invention was patented by US resident Samuel Morse.


Italian Antonio Meucci, living in England, went further and created a device that transmits sounds through wires.

The 1871 patent application proudly declared “Telephone.”

Invented: “talking telegraph”

Alexander Bell patented the "talking telegraph" in 1876.

His device transmitted sounds “live” with almost no delay, allowing human speech to be recognized. The device was presented to the public at the World Electrotechnical Exhibition of 1876, which was held in Philadelphia.

Who called the telephone a telephone?

He spoke about the principle of operation of the telegraph in his dissertation. Charles Bourcel back in 1854, but limited himself to theory.

Nevertheless, Bursel distinguished himself and took his place in history by using the word “telephone”.

Who invented the first cellular (mobile) telephone?

The first cellular device is the DynaTAC 8000X model, created by Motorola. It entered the market in 1983 and was so popular that, even at the then fabulous price of $3,995, it sold out like pies.

The DinaTAK device held a full battery charge for about 60 minutes, could store 30 numbers, and did not have a display or other functions other than a call. It weighed almost a kilogram, had an inconspicuous design and 12 keys.

You could only talk on it for 30 minutes, after which you had to put it on charge, which took 10 hours.

Satellite phone No. 1

The Mobira Cityman 900, introduced in 1987 by Nokia, was the first satellite phone. It was he who was used by Mikhail Gorbachev to call Moscow while in Helsinki, which was captured by the paparazzi.

The entire elite wanted to purchase a “pipe” with an antenna, which weighed about 800 grams, despite the cost. If we recalculate today's exchange rates, the purchase cost people $6,700 or 202,500 rubles.

First inventor of the video camera phone

The first phone with a video camera was the Japanese Sharp J-SH04, released in 2000. At that time, a resolution of 0.1 megapixels seemed like an impossible miracle that allowed you to create your own videos.

Who invented the touch phone and when?

The company is considered the creator of the touch phone IBM, engaged in computer development. The new product was presented to the general public in 1998, although its development took 5 years.

The 2007 LG KE850 Prada model was the first where the sensor worked not with a stylus, but with a finger. It also featured a bright design and wide functionality.

Who first invented the Smartphone?

The first smartphone appeared in the mobile industry in 1996 and was called Nokia 9000 Communicator. It weighed almost 400 grams, had a monochrome display, 8 MB of memory and a QWERTY keyboard.

But the term itself was introduced by Ericsson when it introduced the Ericsson R380s model to the world in 2000. In addition to its versatility, this smartphone was small in size and weighed only 160 grams. Its feature was a hinged cover (flip) covering the touch screen.

Invention of the Android phone

Android was developed by Android Inc., which was later acquired by Google. The world's first Android phone was launched in September 2008. It was called T-Mobile G1 or HTC Dream.

The first smartphone in Russia

In the vastness of Russia, the first such smartphone was the Highscreen PP5420, produced in 2009. After the release of the third version of Android in February 2011, tablets based on this base began to appear.

Who invented the iPhone?

The popular iPhone series of smartphones was invented by a corporation Apple. Steve Jobs announced it in January 2007 at a thematic conference, and the first model went on sale 4 months later.

The "name" of the series means the word "phone" with the prefix of the letter i, which is an abbreviation for the word Internet.

  • inspire (inspiration),
  • instruct (training),
  • inform (knowledge),
  • individual (personality).

Updated iPhones appear every year. The last one was released in the spring of 2016. It is called iPhone SE, popularly called “iPhone 7”, because the previous one was called iPhone 6 Plus, but in fact this is model number 9.

Wikipedia about telephone inventions

Wikipedia talks a lot about telephone inventions. In it you can find events preceding the appearance of the telegraph, associated with the discoveries of famous physicists. It allows you to get acquainted with the complete history of the origin and development of an apparatus that has become important for modern society.

But the information about the first phones presented on Wikipedia is quite scarce. About camera phones, for example, it is mentioned in passing. However, modern models, their functionality, design and manufacturers are described in detail.

The telephone has come a long way from a telegraph, transmitting information over wires over short distances, to a smartphone, which contains almost all the world's knowledge, working thanks to a built-in satellite dish.

Development continues...

Perhaps soon the phone will become even more powerful and functional, and will also take on a new look.