How to create a conversation on behalf of a VKontakte group. What can the user do? Get to the point

Sharing information is one of the most important purposes of social networks. Is it possible to quickly contact a whole group of people without unnecessary mailing and annoying copy-paste of messages? VKontakte kindly provides us with this opportunity by creating a conversation. Let's find out how to most effectively create a space for one person or for separate group of people. How to create a conversation in VK? Need the most quick way. Let's figure it out.

Create a conversation from your computer

First of all, you need to go to your page in social network. Next, from the left menu we select “Messages” and left-click on them. When our dialogues have opened, we are looking for top corner a simple plus sign and click directly on it.

You can create a conversation on VK with several friends by logging into a social network from your computer. In addition, if your phone runs on Android and you need to write to several people, then all you need is a conference, or conf, as it is also called. Here all participants will be able to discuss certain issues.

The creation menu opens before our eyes new conversation. Let's start choosing its future participants. All your friends will be displayed in the list, and you yourself will be at the head of this list.

Now we perform the steps step by step:

  1. We put approving checkmarks next to the names of the chat participants. You can add several friends or all of them.
  2. Select and upload the cover of the conversation by clicking on the camera icon. You can start naming the chat. Come up with a catchy and interesting inscription, unless, of course, this is a work space.
  3. To revive our “brainchild”, click on the “Create” button.

Done - you are excellent. Our group of people is ready to communicate. The screenshot shows your steps in detail:

Simple as shelling pears, isn't it? Notification about the new communication field will come immediately. From now on, your messages will feature a new chat. Now all that’s left to do is start communicating with friends or colleagues. Be polite - start by saying hello.

In a similar way, we can create a free bot to use in the VK group. If you are interested in how to do this, please post in the comments.

If you would like to chat with strangers, whom for one reason or another you cannot add to your friends list, then, alas, Contact has its own considerations in this regard. The security policy limits this function, citing protection from the “ocean” of spam.

How to remove an annoying interlocutor from a cozy gazebo? Or maybe add something new? Nothing could be simpler. You created it and you can do anything.

  1. So, for the “expulsion” ritual, click on the chat icon in the upper corner.

  1. In the list of participants, simply click on the small cross next to the desired (in this case, rather unnecessary) surname.

  1. We exclude the culprit and calmly click “Close”.

You can add new people using the ellipsis icon. It is located in the right corner of the window.

Chat with yourself

In a similar way, we can create a separate conversation with ourselves. It sounds a little lonely, but talking to yourself never hurt anyone. Plus, you can pile tons of stuff in there. useful information, links and pictures. Don't save everything to your computer.

In the search field, next to the magnifying glass icon, enter your name. It must correspond to how you are subscribed to VKontakte. Feel free to click on the image and write an SMS. An anonymous and fast way to save information.

Making phone conversations a reality

You can do this on your computer in just a couple of clicks, but what about your phone? You can also create a conversation on it. How long will it take? The process is quick and “painless”, don’t worry. We will show how this is done with an example mobile version.

  1. We follow the familiar path - “Messages” - and select the “Write a message” option. On the phone it will correspond to an icon with a writing pen. Click on it.

  1. And here is what we were looking for. With one click on the highlighted field, we create a new conversation.


A conversation on VKontakte allows you to correspond with several people, exchange both graphic and video information, and any files. For the first half of 2015, a conversation can have a maximum of 30 people. Quite, even enough. And if you need to combine large quantity people, you will have to use third-party services. Next, we’ll get acquainted with how to create a conversation, how to skillfully use its functionality and, if necessary, delete it.

How to easily create a conversation on VKontakte?

Creating a conversation is difficult and will not work. Its creation takes just a few clicks. Go to “My Messages” and click “To the list of friends” (located at the top right).

Next, in the same place where the inscription “To the list of friends” was located, click “Select several interlocutors.” Then we add friends to the conversation in the column on the right - at least 2 (you can have one, but it will be a dialogue), maximum 30. If necessary, write the name of the conversation, if you do not specify it, then the name will automatically consist of the names of the participants; after creation, the name of the conversation can be changed . Click " Create a conversation" - multi-user communication has been created!

What is the functionality of a VKontakte conversation?

All functions and capabilities of the conversation are reflected when you click on the link “ Actions" A short description of them.

1) Add an interlocutor: If necessary, you can add new interlocutors, and each participant in the conversation can add.

2) Change the title of the conversation – changes the name of your conversation, each of the interlocutors can do this.

3) Update conversation photo – For convenience and beauty, you can upload a picture to the conversation; the picture will be displayed in the dialogue section.


4) Show materials from the conversation– materials mean any files (pictures, audio, video, documents) that were posted during correspondence in this conversation.

5) Search through message history– enter keywords and looking necessary information in the history of correspondence.

6) Disable notifications / Enable notifications – Notification means standard “VKontakte” sound accompaniment when active in conversation.

7) Clear message history – a lot of information has accumulated in the conversation, clear it, but remember that clearing applies to your page, and when viewing the conversation from another account, the information will remain unchanged.

8) Leave the conversation– when you click on this item, you will leave the conversation, regardless of your status in the conversation (creator or not); when you leave the conversation, you will not receive a message in it, but if you wish and the existence of this conversation, you can return. You cannot return only if you have been excluded from the conversation by its creator.

How to delete interlocutors and the conversation itself?

Only the creator of a conversation can remove all users from a conversation. The non-creator can delete themselves (leave the conversation) and delete the users they invited. To delete users, you need to go to the list of conversation participants and then delete the required people.

In order to stop activity in a conversation (it is generally impossible to delete it), the creator of the conversation should exclude all participants from the conversation and leave it himself.

I hope that you won’t have to resort to deleting the conversation, and expanded communication will benefit each participant.

On the social network VKontakte there are enough convenient function. It's called multichat, multidialogue, or just conversation. Not all users are aware of its capabilities, and most of them experience significant difficulties when using it.

The article will discuss how to create a conversation on VKontakte, and will also raise the question of why this is necessary.

general information

For more than a year now, users have been able to create a conversation simultaneously with several users of the VKontakte social network. This functionality is also available mobile applications. Multichat makes it possible to communicate with many people on your friends list. For example, you can create a conversation when there is a need to discuss a project with colleagues, organize a party with friends, or discuss an upcoming exam with classmates. There are quite a lot of reasons for this. Thus, multidialogue is a kind of online analogue of conference calling.

When this function appeared, only 15 people could be included in the general correspondence. According to the developers, this number of users was enough. But after a while they changed their decision, increasing the number of interlocutors. Currently, it is possible for three dozen people to communicate simultaneously. Most users liked this innovation, so the function began to be used more actively. When the goal is to communicate certain information to a large number of people at the same time, it is worth creating a conversation on VKontakte.

Creating a multi-dialog

This procedure does not require a lot of time, effort or professional skills. If the user is not a beginner and has previously created dialogues on this social network with one user, from the instructions described below you can quickly understand how to create a conversation on VKontakte.

First you should fill in the “Recipient” column. You can enter your friends' names here. manually, but you can use quick search by the list. To do this, click on the arrow located on the right. In addition, you can create email newsletter by indicating the address in the column mailbox. This function allows you to communicate even with people who are not on your VKontakte friends list. After this, you should fill out the “Message” column. In other words, you need to write the text that you want to convey to the user. You need to click on the “Send” button, and communication between all specified friends will be established automatically.

It must be remembered that such a general dialogue can cover only thirty users. When the “Users” column indicates larger number man, the system will indicate this. Multidialogue on the VKontakte social network is a great opportunity, quite useful and multifunctional. Next we should talk about how you can delete a multi-dialog, leave it, or return back.

How to return to a VKontakte conversation that the user left of his own free will?

Modern man receives ample opportunities when using the Internet. However, it is very difficult to be online all the time. Chatting with friends is, of course, fun. However, things don't wait either. How to return to a conversation again if it was interrupted by the user himself?

To do this you will need to do the following:

1. Open the “My Messages” section.
2. Visit the “View dialogs” tab.
3. Click on the “Actions” menu, which is located in the upper right corner. As a result, 5 points will appear; you should click on “Return to conversation”.

How to exit the dialogue?

What should you do when you lose interest in a conversation? To do this, you need to know ways to leave a VKontakte conversation. After all, correspondence is not always a pleasure, so some skills can be useful. Leaving a dialogue is no more difficult than getting into it. To do this, use the same small drop-down menu, which is located in the upper right corner. It is worth noting that it opens when you click on the “Actions” link. If you want to leave the conversation, you need to point to the item of the same name. As a result, the user stops participating in friends' communication.

True, there is a small nuance. Other participants in the dialogue also have the opportunity to delete the interlocutor. This is provided in case of inactive users, spammers or trolls. Deleted participants cannot return to the conversation. If this happened by mistake, you can ask your friends to resend the invitation and join the dialogue. It is also difficult to return to a VKontakte conversation if it is crowded with participants.

Inviting people to chat

The above described a way to invite friends to a conversation on the VKontakte social network. It is worth noting that he is not the only one. There is another option. It is useful if the multichat was created by another user. It is worth paying attention to the “Actions” menu located at the top of the dialog box. By clicking on it, you can select the required sub-item and manage communication. In the presented case, you must select “Add interlocutor”. This item is available to the user even if he has left the dialog. To add a participant, you need to return to the conversation. Then a list of friends will open. All you have to do is choose who you want to invite to the multichat. To do this, click on his name.

Title of the conversation

If the presented option is used quite often, it is recommended to come up with names for the conferences. It is not necessary that the conversation have any name. Usually it is invented by the conference creators themselves. In the absence of a special word, the multichat will list the names or nicknames of the participants who are involved in the conversation. Each of the interlocutors has the right to come up with a name for the conference. A small menu located in the corner of the window will again help with this. You need to open it and click on the “Change conversation title” item. Then the invented name is entered into the line.

In addition, identification of a specific conference can be done by photograph. IN in this case there are also helpers. These are the participants' avatars. However, they can be replaced with other pictures. To do this, you will need to download an image from the Internet. It is worth noting that small images download faster and look more organic than those that are large.

Actions for people participating in the conversation

In addition to the menu that has been mentioned several times above, there are other options. The following is available to users taking part in the conference:

“Show materials from the conversation” (all files uploaded by any of the interlocutors during the conversation are presented);
“Search by message history” (makes it possible to find one of the messages in correspondence by entering search bar its fragment);
“Clear message history” (helps to delete all messages).

Options for people who leave the conversation

You can guess for yourself. That users who left the dialogue have significantly fewer opportunities. To use the add person function, you must return to the conversation. However, the system makes it possible to conveniently view materials, find other messages, and also clear correspondence history. If you want to delete a conversation on the VKontakte social network, just click on the pop-up cross that says “Delete dialogue”.

The article provides detailed information about creating a conversation with several participants simultaneously on the VKontakte social network.

We are used to the fact that we need special sites or programs to collect conferences. For example, Skype conference. But why go far, we all use a social network like Vkontakte. It also has a conference mode, only it’s called - conversation.

So how to create a conversation on VK.

1) Log into your VKontakte account and go to My messages --> Write messages.

2) B open window choose the people you want to be in your conference. Maximum amount 30 people.

3) All conversations are created.
Conversation has many functions, and now I’ll tell you about each one (top right there is Actions):

Add a contact, a list of your friends will open and you can select one from it and he will be added to the conversation. You can’t add one at a time, you can’t add several at once.

Deleting an interlocutor This is done like this: below there is a number of participants, click on them.

A window opens and in it on the right opposite each participant there is cross, when clicked, the user will be removed from the conversation.

Change conversation title- you can change the names at any time and as many times as you like.

Update conversation photo- just like in a group or on your page, select a picture on your computer and upload it to the conversation.

After replacing the photo. Will be displayed here.

Show content from the conversation- displays all files that you or conversation participants have dropped into the conversation.

Search by conversation history- if you did not write down some information that your friend dropped in a message. You can find it through search.

Disable notifications- messages will arrive and will be displayed as unread, but you will not hear when they arrive.

Clear message history- delete all messages.

Leave conversation- leave the conversation, you can return only if someone invites you again.

After each procedure, the chat will display what exactly happened and when.

Social networks have long become popular, and many people use them not only for communication, but also for storing data. The social network VKontakte is most often used for this purpose, which is famous for the fact that information on its open spaces can be hidden from search engines and interested parties. At the same time, you can store an unlimited amount of information for any time.

How to store information in Contact

Of course, the most in a simple way is to store information in dialogues, but before you send a message to yourself on VK, think about whether it would be more convenient to save the file or text in another form. There are many storage methods:

  1. MP3 files can be saved as audio recordings, and you can access your favorite music anywhere through almost any device that has Internet access. In turn, audio recordings can be hidden from other users.
  2. Videos of almost any format can be saved in private videos and also hidden from other users.
  3. Any photographs and pictures are stored in albums, which can be hidden with one click.
  4. Documents, archives and other files can be saved to hidden section"My Documents".
  5. All types of files can be stored in closed groups.

But if you need to save a link, a file already uploaded to VK, or some text, then this can be done by sending a message to yourself. In this case, only you will see it, and most importantly, you will be able to find it at any time. But many people are wondering how to send a message to themselves on VK. Several methods are known today, let's look at them.

Using your ID

The easiest way to create a dialogue with yourself is to substitute your ID instead of asterisks in this link and enter it into the browser:***.

If your girlfriend doesn’t know how to send a message to herself on VK, put her ID in the link and send this link. It couldn’t be simpler, and most importantly, this method allows you to create a dialogue with almost any user of the VKontakte social network.

Remember how much information can fit in one message, since you need to try to fit everything into small quantity messages:

  • 1 sticker;
  • 4092 characters;
  • 10 attachments (audio, video, photo).

Try to fit all the information in one message, this will make it easier to navigate.

By reposting

Before you start sending messages to yourself, you can create a conversation in advance. Select any post, click the “Tell Friends” button under it, then select the “Send” section personal message" and enter your name. This way you will create a dialogue with yourself and will not wonder how to send a message to yourself on VK from your phone or other device. After all, the template for the messages will already be ready.

Please note that you are not your friend and can only send 20 messages to yourself due to the rules of this social network. So if you want to store a large number of information, you should create a special closed group or another account that you will add as a friend and you will be able to write an endless number of messages to it.

Through friends

This method is quite old and its use is very simple. We select any friend, find ourselves in his list of friends, then click “Write a message” and write to ourselves.

Of course, it’s a pity that in any case you won’t be able to send yourself more than 20 messages, as this is provided for by the rules of the VKontakte social network. Therefore, try to correctly formulate a memo before sending a message to yourself on VK in order to fit more information into it.