Skype conference on various devices and OS. Skype conference. How to create? Types of conferences

In principle, creating a conference on Skype is very simple. Follow my instructions and you will succeed. If the group has already been created, you can create a conference call directly in it, selecting only the communication method. At the same time, you can create a conference with a different number of participants, selecting any contacts, both in an already created group and in one that is not yet present.

However, keep in mind that you can create a conference only with those people who are authorized and in your contact list. The conference will not work with people you don’t know and have not added to the list.

Features of free video conference

  • To set up a video conference on Skype, you can select up to ten different participants. In an organized group, for these purposes, you should click the “Video Call” button, and this can be done either directly or through the context menu of the “Call” tab.
  • The key combination Shift+R+Ctrl will also help.

Those who use a mobile phone program, as well as Linux and Windows 8 OS users, as well as Skype users from a TV, cannot independently participate in the created video conference. Users of such programs must send an invitation, after which acceptance it will be possible to participate in the conference.

Some features of a conference on Skype

  1. Video conferences are limited to 10 participants, while audio conferences can accommodate up to 25 people.
  2. If computer-to-computer communication is used, the conference will be completely free.
  3. Videoconferencing has some limitations, for example, it cannot last more than 4 hours at a time. There should be no more than 10 hours of video communication per month, respectively, no more than 10 hours per day. Audio conference does not have such features.
  4. In case of problems, you should contact technical support for help.
  5. The once popular Skype casts (when the group of participants reached up to 150 people) are no longer supported and are no longer possible.

That's all for me! I hope you understand how to create a conference on Skype. If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments, and you can also say thank you in the comments. I wish all my readers great health!

With UV. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky

The program's capabilities are not limited to a conversation between two subscribers. You can organize so-called conference calls. With the help of such calls, several people located in different parts of the world can take part in the conversation. A maximum of twenty-five users can participate in a conference call.

To be able to communicate in conferences, you must first

To make such a call, you do not need to resort to any special techniques or tools: it is performed almost the same as a regular one.

In the main window, select the contact list by holding down Ctrl, select the contacts you want to conference with. Then right-click on the selected contacts and look for the command " Start teleconference".

As you can see, everything is quite simple. The rest of the steps are the same as for a regular call, only in this case there will be more participants in the conversation.

You can establish a conference call in another way. To do this you need to click the button "Add", located under your avatar in the main window, and execute the command “ Create a group conversation". In the new window that appears at the top right, use your mouse to simply drag and drop the contacts you have selected for the conference call, and then click the button "Call the group".

To add new users to a conference call that is already in progress, you need to click the + button on the toolbar of the group conversation window, and then select new users using the new window.

To figure out who is speaking at the moment, you need to monitor user avatars in the conference call window. The avatar of the active user who is currently talking will blink or be surrounded by a halo.

The described method is the simplest form of conference calling. To create special web conferences, additional programs are usually used together with Skype: Go ToMeeting and Unyte. Sharing these programs allows other users to access your keyboard and mouse. It seems that your interlocutors are in the same room with you.

In this way, you can discuss the design of a new project by adding the manager of the web studio Design Orbita and your subordinates. The ability to communicate in a conference will have a great impact on the task at hand.

Well, if you need to hold a press conference or a meeting with a large number of participants, then they usually use Skypecast or High Speed ​​Conferencing programs. With their help, you can increase the number of participants in a web conference to 500 people.

In conclusion, I would like to say about the advantages of conference calls. During the session, you can not only have a conversation with your interlocutors, but also audio and video record your virtual meeting, work with documents, view websites, video files and images.

Now Skype is installed on many computers, people are accustomed to using it. It is especially popular when communicating with relatives, or for other work related matters. It's good that you can just communicate with each other, but there are times when you need to talk more than just one-on-one. For this purpose, Skype has special capabilities - video conference. It can be used to gather many people in one conversation. This way, all relatives will be able to immediately communicate with each other, and business partners will be able to discuss important matters.

Skype in this regard stands out from all its competitors, because only here it can be done absolutely free. And not only that, the connection throughout the conversation will not be at a high level. If you decide to gather people in this way, but don’t know how to do it, read our instructions.

Communication in a Skype conference always takes place in two ways;

There are times when you need to add another user during a conversation. This is very easy to do, even if a conversation has started, we can drag the contact into the conversation. Select it from the contact list, press “Ctrl” and drag with the left mouse button.

It is also possible to add ordinary users who only use a mobile phone to the conference. In this case, she will become a full participant. However, for this he must have good mobile Internet; as a rule, this is not the case in our territory. It is worth noting that you can only add a participant if you have a subscription to Skype tariff plans. If it is not there, you will have to pay money for this call according to the tariff plan. Sometimes, even such small expenses are justified by the results. And finally, if we talk about the cost, then on Skype it is always quite cheap; it is rare to find an operator who can provide a lower cost per call.

Problems that may arise and how to avoid them

To avoid problems during communication, the organizer of the conversation must have a stable and fast Internet connection, at least 1024 Kbps. If you don't have that speed, don't try to create a conversation because it will slow you down. It is better to let this be done by a person who has a good and stable Internet connection. This way your conversation will definitely go smoothly. And remember, only the conversation organizer has the ability to add and remove all participants.

25 people and one organizer can participate in a Skype conference at once. Just understand that such conditions are only possible when everyone has excellent Internet and a good computer. As a rule, such conversations take place with few problems. To avoid them, it is better to use the optimal option - 10 people.

And most importantly, Skype gives you the opportunity to use a free conference for one account for 7 days, after which you will need to pay for it. So if you created a conversation, the next time someone else will be able to do it, who has not yet used this opportunity.

Skype is one of the most popular communication programs. It provides the ability to exchange instant messages and various data, make voice and video calls, as well as group calls. Next, we will look at what features video conferencing on Skype has, what is this function and what is it for?

What is video conferencing on Skype?

The initial design of this messenger was created to match the well-known clients like ICQ, so the earliest versions did not offer their users the functions of group conversations, limiting themselves to regular chats and calls. Subsequently, the need for this option was reinforced by the emerging webinars and other mass meetings of people online. Now any user can organize such a group, invite the necessary participants to it and periodically call each other to discuss important issues.

How to make a conference on Skype:

  1. The easiest way to create a new group call is to select the necessary contacts from the address book and left-click on them while holding CTRL on the keyboard. Afterwards, right-click and select “Start teleconference” from the menu.
  2. If you already have a group of people and you just want to call them all, you should select the “Start video call” command in this conversation. Everyone who is currently online will receive an invitation to the conversation.
  3. To talk on Skype with three of you, turning the dialogue into a group conversation, you should click on the “plus” sign at the very bottom of the screen at the time of the call. A list of contacts will appear in front of you, in which you need to select a specific person. The same result can be achieved using the “Conversations/Add People” menu.

Changing the name of a conversation is also quite simple: click on the desired group and select the “Rename” command.

There are some limitations when working with this option:

  • free video conference is possible only for 10 people, in the case of voice communication the number increases to 25 people;
  • the option cannot be used more than 100 hours per month, 10 in one day, or 4 during a call (this limitation applies only to video);
  • A user running Linux and Windows 8 cannot become a creator, and you cannot start a group call from your phone or TV (you can take part in such conversations);
  • Calls to landlines and mobile phones are charged at standard rates and are paid by those who created the conference on Skype.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to communicate with several people from your contact list at once so that everyone can hear each other and can come to a common opinion or discuss something in common. Audio conference in Skype as opposed to group video conferences- the service is free and can be created in just a few mouse clicks. Moreover, with up to 10 participants in such a Skype conference, the quality of the conversation is usually excellent! In total, up to 25 subscribers can participate in such a free conference, including the organizer himself. So, how to create a conference on Skype? Step-by-step instruction.

There are two ways to select people from your contact list.

1. From the top menu Conversations - Add people. A page appears with two windows: the left one with people from your contact list, and the right one empty, where a list of conference participants will be generated. You can transfer participants one by one by simply left-clicking on the name and then clicking on the virtual button Choose. Or you can save time and effort and transfer the entire selected list to the right window at once. To do this, press the key on the keyboard
Ctrl and, while holding it, click with the left mouse button on the desired names, the blue background immediately shows which of the contacts has already been selected. After this, click once with the left mouse button on the virtual button Choose, and the list in the right window, as seen in the screenshot, is ready! Now you need to left-click on the virtual button Add, and your participants are ready to talk!
2. The most intuitive way- adding contacts to the conference directly from the familiar left Skype column with the names (and avatars) of your contacts. In the same way, holding down the key Ctrl on keyboard, you left-click on your contacts, and they immediately appear in the upper right window, and their names are duplicated at the bottom right of the screen. Release the key Ctrl, and you can start the conference.
Communication during the conference can be carried out in two ways:
1. Chat correspondence between all participants.
2. Conversation between conference participants in compliance with the usual rules of “no interruption” that apply in everyday life. To start a conversation, you need to left-click on the green virtual button Call to the group.

If during a conversation you need add a new member, simply click on his name on the left side of the screen and, without releasing the mouse button, drag him to the upper right field of the screen with the rest of the participants.
you also can add regular phone owners to the Skype conference. This call will also be free if you have a subscription to any Skype tariff plan. And if you don’t have a subscription, then it won’t be expensive to pay for such a call from your Skype account. Believe me, sometimes such small expenses can be fully justified by the result of negotiations!

I would like to note that the Skype conference organizer must have fast Internet (not less than 1024Kbit/s ), therefore, if you yourself cannot boast of such a data transfer speed, it is better to choose a participant with high-speed Internet as the organizer from the very beginning so that the conference runs smoothly. And you also need to remember that the conference organizer is the only person who can add new participants during a conversation, so changing the rules of the game during the conference will no longer work.
Personally, being thousands of kilometers away from my colleagues and partners, I very often use the opportunity of Skype conferences. However, from my own experience I can confirm that good audibility without interference is maintained depending on the number of participants before 10 people. For webinars with a larger audience, you need to rent a larger conference room.

If, after negotiations, you want to look at the correspondence during the conference or then reuse the already prepared list for the next Skype conference, then on the left side of the Skype screen you can easily find the past conference by a green icon that somewhat resembles a flower.

And finally, for those who prefer group video conferences there is good news: the official Skype website offers try this service for free for 7 days!

Thank you for reading the article and possibly commenting! All the best!

My Skype - m.v.g.aqua