How to mount a disk image using daemon tools. What is a disk image and what is it for? How to mount an image in Daemon Tools: detailed instructions and a list of similar programs

It is typical that personal computer users are increasingly asking the question of how to mount an iso image without the help of a specialist. That's right, we live in the 21st century, when almost any information can be found independently and also independently, you can install special programs on your PC, the use of which is not at all difficult.

Nobody takes away bread from service center workers, but I want to avoid unpleasant moments of cooperation with some specialists. For example, sometimes you have to wait a very long time for a master. Personally, in the old days, a specialist who finally arrived, without thinking for a long time, just C, reinstalled the operating system, took the money and left. The next day, the problem for which I called him repeated itself, but over the phone this “specialist” said that this no longer concerned him, since the operating system had been loaded the day before.

In addition, issues such as how to mount an iso image can be easily resolved independently, without outside help. If you do everything correctly, then the slightest problems should not arise. Last time, readers could familiarize themselves with how to mount an image using the Daemon Tools program. Today I bring to your attention training in working with an equally popular program - Alcohol 120%. You can download it for free, for example, at or elsewhere, or you can buy an installation disk in special stores.

How to mount an image using Alcohol 120%: Having installed it on your personal computer, first make a number of necessary settings, which is not particularly difficult, since the program is extremely simple and very convenient to use. Set the number of virtual drives by launching the program and entering the “Service” menu item, and in the list of submenus that appear, select “Settings”. Then on the “Virtual Disk” tab, set the desired number. I have one, but you can set them up to 31.

How to mount an image, making the initial settings even easier: In the window of the running program on the left, you will see a panel and in the settings, immediately select “Virtual disk”. One click and that's it. Created is an analogue of your CD-ROM for reading compact discs. The difference is that with the help of the virtual you will read the images, pointing the way to them. In the Alcohol 120% program, by the way, it’s enough to just drag the mouse and throw it into its main window. Two clicks and it will start.

By installing several of these virtual drives, it will be possible to associate them all with specific desired images. Enter the “Virtual Disk” window again and select “File Association” in it. There, select all extensions with the "Select All" button.

Some advanced PC users believe that doing this is mandatory, but I personally only have one virtual drive and only one extension is checked. This is "mds" - "Media Descriptor Image". It is the top one in the previously indicated window and I have never had to face problems with the question of how to mount the image. Just in case, select everything and save your settings by clicking “OK”.

In principle, we can say that all the settings necessary for an ordinary user of a personal computer have been made. Now we will learn directly how to mount an image using the Alcohol 120% program. Everything is extremely simple.

Return to the main window again and enter the “File” main menu item. In the submenu that pops up, select “Open” and specify the path to the disk image you need. It will be added to the program. Then, by right-clicking on the selected image (already in the program), with the left mouse button you select “Mount to device” in the menu that appears, respectively pointing to one of the ones you created earlier. Dismantling is carried out in the same way.

Now you know how to mount an image using Alcohol 120%. I will only add that I prefer to simply install the necessary images using the mouse - right-click (on the image) - drag it into the program window - release it. Everyone, work for your health!

Recently, disks have become more and more a thing of the past, and virtual removable media have come to replace ordinary disks and drives. To work with virtual disks, you need certain programs in which you can create images. But how do you mount this image for use? In this article we will figure out how to do this.

Mounting a disk image is the process of attaching a virtual disk to a virtual drive. Simply put, this is the virtual insertion of a disk into the drive. In this article we will figure out how to mount an image using the UltraISO program as an example. This program was designed to work with disks, both real and virtual, and one of its functions is to mount images.

Mounting in the program

First you need to open the program. But before that, we need to have the image itself - it can either be created or found on the Internet.

Now open the image that we are going to mount. To do this, press the key combination Ctrl+O or select the “Open” component in the component panel.

After that, click the “Mount” button on the component panel.

Now a virtual drive window appears, where we need to indicate which drive to mount in (1) and click the “Mount” button (2). If you have only one virtual drive and it is already occupied, then first click “Unmount” (3), and then just click “Mount”.

The program will freeze for a while, but don't be alarmed, the developers simply didn't add a status bar. After a few seconds, the image will be mounted into the virtual drive of your choice, and you can safely continue working with it.

Mounting from a conductor

This method is much faster than the previous one, because we do not need to open the program to mount the image, we simply open the folder with the image, right-click on it and hover over the submenu item “UltraISO” and then select “Mount to drive F” or in the Russian version “Mount the image into virtual drive F”. Instead of the letter "F" there can be any other one.

After this, the program will mount the image into the drive of your choice. This method has one minor drawback - you will not be able to see whether the drive is already busy or not, but in general, it is much faster and more convenient than the previous one.

That's all you need to know about mounting a disk image in UltraISO. You can work with the mounted image as with a real disk. For example, you can mount an image of a licensed game and play it without a disc. Write in the comments, did our article help you?

And install it on your computer. Next, the program itself will install into the system and configure a new virtual BD-ROM (a full-fledged software “turntable” that works with all types and types of discs, be it CD/DVD/Blu-ray Disc). Now, all that's left for you is to learn how to mount and run/play disk images! And this can be done in several ways that are easily accessible even to an inexperienced user.

1. Through the desktop gadget Daemon Tools on the desktop

Click on this widget button "Mount"(option with an arrow icon), as shown in the screenshot below.

Next, in the opened "Explorer", select the folder in which you have the disk images and select the desired image file a lion. keyboard mice. Then click on the button "Open".

Image automatically will be added to the application And mounted on disk. You will find a ready-to-use image in virtual drive created by Daemon Tools by going to "My computer". To launch the disc, click twice lion keyboard mice to the virtual icon "BD-ROM" drive or press the right key on it. mouse, and then select any of the launch options you like (see screenshot).

2. Through the disk image file itself

Open the folder where you have files with electronic disk images and select the one you need. Click on it with the right key. mouse and click on the following options: "To open with" --> "Daemon Tools". The file itself (automatically!) will be added to the application and to the virtual “spinner” (drive).

To start using the disk, also go to "My computer" and click on the icon "BD-ROM"!

3. Through the program Daemon Tools

Run the program with shortcut on desktop/worker table. In the lower window of the utility you will see virtual drive icon. Click on it with the right key. mouse and select the option "Mount".

Further, (exactly the same as in the first method) in the opened Windows Explorer you go to the right one the folder where the image disks are stored and, highlighting left mouse button, select the one you need. Don't forget about the button too "Open".

"Last Images"

It is noteworthy that this program automatically saves the entire history of your actions. Therefore, everyone previously opened you in Daemon Tools, you will find the images in the list "Last Images", located in central program window, and at any time you can easily launch them again! Just press right key. mouse on any image from the list and click on the function "Mount".

Now you definitely no longer need to constantly get the necessary disks through "Conductor".

"Catalog of images"

Also, for greater convenience, you can create your own in Damon Tools "Catalog of images", for example, the most frequently used drives so that you no longer have to climb into them every time "Conductor" and it would be possible launch instantly them straight from top center window programs. To do this, click on the icon "Add image" in the lower application window, then in "Explorer" select one or several images at once, click on the button "Open" and they will independently (automatically!) appear in top center window program, which is called "Catalog of images".

When you need it, it’s just as easy click on any of which pr. clave. mouse and activate the function "Mount".

As you can see, mounting disks in “DT” is really very simple, and most importantly, it’s also convenient!

ISO image is an informal term for a disk image containing the ISO 9660 file system. More generally, the term refers to an image of any optical disk. This image is an ordinary file. It can be used (in conjunction with special software) instead of a CD.

Mounting images - a very useful operation. It allows the user to access data on the ISO without burning the disc or damaging the disc. This is much faster when you have to work with several images at once. These operations can be carried out using a graphical user interface (GUI) or using the Terminal.

Please be aware that the ISO image contains less information than the original CD. The CD contains service information, which can, in particular, be used for copy protection. Some programs for working with CDs have the ability to save such information.

Mounting a standard ISO image

Using GUI

There are many graphical utilities available for mounting disk images in Gnome:

Using the console

Let's say the image is in the home directory and is called file.iso

Create a location where we will mount (usually somewhere in /media or /mnt)

Sudo mkdir /media/iso

Well, let's connect

Sudo modprobe loop sudo mount file.iso /media/iso/ -t iso9660 -o loop

Disable it with the command:

Sudo umount /media/iso/


If you need not just to connect an image, but to emulate the operation of a CD-ROM (for example, for a game), then you can use the CDemu program - this is a tool for working with disk images, similar to Daemon Tools in Windows..

Open the config with repositories

Sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

and add 2 lines there:

Deb ubuntu_version main deb-src ubuntu_version main

If it is 14.04, it will be trusty.

Install the program and Gnome applet for it:

Sudo apt-get install cdemu-daemon cdemu-client gcdemu

For everything to work, just reboot and add the gCDEmu applet to the Gnome panel.

Converting other formats to ISO

Other disc formats can be converted to ISO using additional programs.

IMG images

In order to convert an IMG image to ISO, just install the ccd2iso program. To do this, open a terminal and enter the following command:

Sudo apt-get install ccd2iso

And then, using this program, convert the IMG image:

Ccd2iso imagen.img imagen.iso

Nero Images (.nrg)

Nero images (.nrg) can be converted to ISO using the nrg2iso application. To do this, open a terminal and enter the following command:

Sudo apt-get install nrg2iso

And then, with this command we convert it to an ISO image:

Nrg2iso myfile.nrg myfile.iso

Nero images (.nrg) can be mounted directly using the mount command:

Sudo mkdir /media/cdimage sudo mount -o loop,offset=307200 myfile.nrg /media/cdimage

Alcohol 120% images (.mdf)

Alcohol 120% (.mdf) images can be converted to iso using mdf2iso. To do this, open a terminal and enter the following command:

Sudo apt-get install mdf2iso

And then with the command, we convert it to an ISO image:

Mdf2iso myfile.mdf myfile.iso

Alcohol 120% images can be mounted directly using the mount command:

Sudo mkdir /media/cdimage sudo mount -o loop=/dev/loop0 myfile.mdf /media/cdimage

But in practice, mounting .mdf images is not always successful.

Today, most games and software on the Internet are distributed as disk image files with an ISO extension. This is very convenient, because in order to play some new game, you don’t need to run to the store and stand in line for the treasured box. But what to do now with the downloaded image? Although it can be burned to a disc using any burning program, using special programs we can trick Windows into thinking that we have inserted regular media.

In one of the previous articles, we already wrote about applications that can create a disk image. Today we will talk about utilities that allow you to mount a virtual drive without optical storage media. Let's look at the most reliable and proven options for how to mount a disk image on a computer running the Windows operating system.

If you are a happy user of Windows 8, 8.1 or 10, you practically do not need to think about third-party solutions, because everything works out of the box. It so happened that during the development of Windows 8 there was a gradual abandonment of optical media and an increasing number of computer equipment manufacturers began to refuse to install laser drives. It’s good that Microsoft developers saw the trend in time and introduced the ability to launch and mount a disk image in ISO format. Considering that the vast majority of files on the Internet are in this format, you will almost never need any other program. What do you need to do to open an ISO file through Windows Explorer?

  1. Open the folder where the file is stored.
  2. Right-click and select “Connect” or simply double-click on the file. In the first case, the virtual media will be displayed in Explorer, to view the contents of which you need to open it like a regular folder, in the second, you will immediately proceed to viewing the contents.
  3. If you no longer need this virtual drive, right-click on it and select "Eject".

Click the “Extract” button

The only downside to this solution is that it only supports one ISO format, so if you want to mount an image with a different extension, you'll have to choose one of the following products in our review.

The undoubted leader in software development for working with virtual disks. Among the main advantages over competitors are the presence of a free version, although with some limitations, but which is enough for home use, minimal consumption of computer system resources, and support for almost all formats existing today. In addition, the program menu interface is very clear and friendly, so even an inexperienced user can understand it. How to use the utility?

  • Go to the official website of the developer and download the installation file. When installing, select a free license, which will have a number of restrictions, for example, you can only mount four drives, and not all features will be available. In addition, you will be forced to view various information from partners.
  • At the next stage, the program will offer to scan your computer for saved files with the ISO extension. Once completed, they will all be displayed in the main window and to mount the virtual drive, you will not need to search all over your computer for it. Everything will be at hand.
  • In the general list, find the image you are interested in, right-click on it and select “Mount”, after which it will immediately appear in Windows Explorer as a regular drive. The only difference is that instead of optical media, it will use virtual media. Also, all active disks will be displayed at the bottom line of the main menu of the program.

Click “Mount”

  • In the future, you can click on the “Quick Mount” button in the lower left corner of the window, after which an Explorer window will open in which you can select the image you are interested in.
  • To disconnect virtual media, in the program menu, right-click on the active drive icon and select “Unmount”. You can even unmount all drives with one click by clicking the “Unmount all drives” button.

Ultra ISO

A very powerful program that allows you to work with image files. Its capabilities allow the product to be used in a professional environment. Indeed, the functionality of the program is truly enormous. In addition to creating images, you can record them, creating a menu of any complexity, edit images without even unpacking them, compress them to save space on your hard drive, convert from one format to another, and much more. Experts recommend using this particular program to create a bootable flash drive when installing the Windows operating system on a computer.

If we return to the main topic of the material, the possibility that interests us most is mounting virtual drives into the system. Unfortunately, the program does not have a free version, and the trial version is so limited that it is almost impossible to use it. Fortunately, the limitations do not include the ability to run a disk image, so if you don’t need anything else other than this function, feel free to download the trial version. How to mount a disk image on the system using it?

  • Install the program, when you first launch it, select “Trial period” for free use, or “Buy now” to purchase it.
  • To add a new drive, click Menu - Open, find the desired ISO file through the explorer window, confirm your selection with the “Open” button.
  • In the main menu, click Tools - Mount to virtual drive, or press the F6 button.

  • In the small window that opens, click the “Mount” button and wait a few seconds, then check the contents of the virtual disk in Windows Explorer.
  • If you want to disable it, in the Virtual Drive Explorer, right-click, find the UltraISO item in the menu, hover over it and select “Unmount”.

Alcohol 52%

Another product from a world-famous developer. Unlike its older brother Alcohol 120%, it only allows you to mount virtual disks from image files. The paid version allows you to run 6 drives, while the free trial version allows you to run only 2. But this is quite enough for most home computer users. However, be prepared to view a certain amount of advertising for other products of the developer, which is not so easy to close, because you need to wait several seconds before the program launch button becomes active. However, the software has a very simple and uncomplicated menu. You just need to follow a few steps:

  • Launch the program, in the main window click File - Open and select the desired image stored on your hard drive.
  • In the main window, right-click on the file and select the “Mount to device” option.

Click “Mount to device”

  • Open the virtual drive in Explorer.
  • To disable it, return to the utility menu, right-click on the file in the window and select “Unmount image”.

Instead of a conclusion, or How to quickly use a virtual disk and disable it

The methods we have listed involve launching the program itself to emulate the drive. If it doesn't bother you, use this method. However, everything can be significantly simplified. During installation, some software automatically picks up system file associations and you can open any image as a regular file by double-clicking the mouse. In particular, Daemon Tools Lite provides this opportunity. When using other products, when you try to launch a disk image, the main program window will automatically launch, in which you will need to perform the appropriate manipulations. The luckiest thing is that you are a Windows user starting from version 8 - you don’t need to install anything, because you can open the ISO file through standard Explorer. If, while using the drive, you want to disconnect it, regardless of the software you are using, right in Explorer, right-click on the virtual drive and select “Eject”.

How often do you open ISO files on your computer? Tell us in the comments what programs you use before.