How to download Ukrainian language to your computer. How to add or remove a language to Windows XP, enable right-to-left writing and hieroglyphs


The interface language cannot be changed regular means operating system (except for some versions of Windows 7). Therefore, you will need to download a special MUI. This is the name of the language pack that needs to be installed as an add-on.

You need to download such a language pack specifically for your version of the operating system, taking into account its bit depth. Versions language packs for 32 and 64-bit operating systems are not compatible. It is also advisable to take into account the service pack of your version of Windows XP. Although there are language packs that support several versions of the service pack. If you need to download, for example, the Russian interface language for your operating system, then in the search engine of your Internet browser you should enter “Download Russian MUI for Windows XP.” At the end of the line you can also add a bit depth, for example, 32-bit.

Once the language pack you need has been downloaded, you can proceed to the installation process. Run the executable file of the downloaded language pack (the file that has Exe extension). After this, a menu will launch from which you can begin the process of installing a new language. In this window you can also read introductory information and view help.

If you have downloaded a language pack for several versions of the service pack of operating systems, then in the main menu of the installation program you need to select the service pack of your OS version. If the language pack is only for your version of the service pack, then you do not need to select anything. Simply start the installation by left-clicking on the Install button. The process itself is completely automated. Once completed, the computer will reboot. After restarting the PC, the operating system interface will change.

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During the operation of a computer or laptop, a situation may arise when language, on which the operating system “communicates” with the user, needs to be changed to another. Of course, you can reinstall the operating system with the desired language om, but, due to many reasons, including legal ones, this may not be the best solution.

You will need

  • 1) Vistalizator program
  • 2) Language pack
  • 3) Basic computer skills (searching and downloading programs from the Internet, installing and launching programs)
  • 4) Internet access


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Default in computers for Russian-speaking users two are installed language- Russian and English. If business or private correspondence is necessary in another language (French, German, etc.), the user can independently add the required language to the computer.


Adding a language occurs through . It is located on the right side of the desktop panel and is displayed as a square with two letters indicating the current (used in the program) language. Click on it right click cursor and click “Options” in the menu that opens.

The Language and Services menu opens text input" In the “General” tab next to the list there is already installed languages find and click the "Add" button.

Select the required language from the list of suggested languages. Click the plus sign next to the language and configure your keyboard settings. Check the box next to the layout type in which you want to enter text.

Make sure that new language appeared on the list. Click "OK" to save the settings.

Switch the keyboard using the combination "Shift-Alt" or "Shift-Ctrl". Make sure the new language is enabled.

The same settings can be changed through the Control Panel. Open it through the Start menu, then select Settings and Control Panel.

Find the "Region and Language" component. Open the “Languages ​​and Keyboards” tab, click the “Change Keyboard” button.

If you have a disk with operating system, but it is in a language unfamiliar to you, and you want to use Windows with a Russian interface, then it is not at all necessary to look for a new one boot disk. You can install the operating system and then change the language.

You will need

  • - Computer with Windows OS;
  • - MUI language pack;
  • - Vistalizator utility.


If you have a Windows 7, Enterprise or Ultimate operating system, then you can change the interface language in fast mode. All other operating system variants require separate language packs.

First, we will consider the process of replacing the language interface with Russian for the operating room Windows systems XP. Download the Russian-language Multilingual User Interface (MUI) package from the Internet. When downloading, be sure to take into account the bitness of your OS, since language packs for 32 and 64-bit operating systems are incompatible with each other.

Launch the downloaded language pack. A wizard will launch that will help you install the selected package on your operating system. Installation occurs automatically. You just have to choose Service pack. To find out the Service pack of your operating system, right-click on the “My Computer” icon. A window will open containing information about your OS, where the Service pack version is written. Once the installation is complete, your computer will restart. After reboot Windows XP will have a Russian interface.

Owners of the Vista and Windows 7 operating systems will need the Vistalizator utility to change the interface language to Russian. Please note that Vista and Windows 7 require separate versions of the program. This is exactly what you need for your OS. After the program is downloaded, do not rush to launch it. Download the Russian language pack for your version of Windows. In this case, do not forget to take into account the bitness of your operating system.

Launch the program. In its menu, select the browse button and specify the path to the downloaded language pack. After that, in the program menu, select the “Change language” command. The computer will restart, after which the interface language will be changed.

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When purchasing a computer with pre-installed non-localized operating room Windows 7 system, you can make changes by adding the desired language with help special programs.

You will need


If you noticed the name of the program, it contains the word Vista - older Windows version 7. Despite this, it can be used to localize both the environment systems Vista and system Windows Seven. It is worth noting that not all versions of this systems need to use this utility. For Windows Seven Ultimate Edition There is another solution - a utility that is included in the standard distribution.

You can download Vistalizator from the page below. Open the Vistalizator link to download the program and then select the required version Language pack and click on the appropriate link. Before downloading, make sure you select the correct version (version operating room systems And installed package updates).

Install the program and launch it from the Start menu or from the desktop. In the main window, click the Open button. In the dialog box that opens, you need to find and select a localization package that was recently copied from the Internet and open (click Enter key).

After selecting the desired language and don't forget to click the Install language button. The process of installing localization files takes some time, which depends on the performance of your computer. In the window that appears, click the Yes button or the Enter key.

It is also advisable to check for new versions language new packages installed in your operating room system - to do this, click the Update languages ​​button. Then apply the changes to restart localization. After completing this operation, close the program. In the dialog box that should appear when you exit the utility, click Yes (restart your computer).

While loading systems you will see a welcome window for the already localized version.

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Windows XP and older operating systems have the built-in ability to install numerous language packs, which are available for download on the official Microsoft website. You can add the one you need if this was not done automatically during system installation.


Select the languages ​​you want from the list during Windows installations. This parameter often ignored, so upon completion of installation the system may be in English or another language.

Make sure you have an internet connection configured. In some Windows cases produces automatic download appropriate language during installation. Also carefully read the description of your system version: licensed discs Usually the languages ​​that can be installed by default are indicated.

Try installing desired language manually using the included bootloader Windows disk. Go to its root directory and look for the Languages ​​folder. Click on executable file there and specify the settings that suit you. An Internet connection may be required to install the language.

Go to the Start menu, select Control Panel, then Set the time, language, and region, and then click the Regional and Language options tab. Select "Languages ​​and Keyboards", then "Install/Remove Languages".

By default, when you install any operating system, be it XP, Vista or Windows 7, you will have only two languages ​​in the language bar. These are Russian (RU) and English (EN). But if you need to add another language, it won’t be that difficult.

Let's say that we need to add the Ukrainian language to the language panel. To do this, follow the following instructions in order.

Step 1 . Go to the Start menu and select Control Panel. In the window that opens, click on the linklanguage and regional standards.

Step 2 . In the new window, go to the tab. In the block Keyboards and other input languagesclick on the buttonChange keyboard...

Step 3. In a new window Text input languages ​​and servicesgo to the tab General and in section Installed Services click the Add button.

Step 4. In the window Adding an input languagedrag the slider to the Ukrainian language. Next to the wordUkrainian (Ukraine)Click on + and expand the list. In the parameter Keyboard check the box next to it Ukrainian . To continue click on the button OK .

Step 5. In chapter Installed Services, the Ukrainian language appeared. To apply all the settings made, click on the button Apply and then Ok.
(If you want to delete a language, then to do this you will need to select it and press the button in the right menu Delete) .

Usually in the majority Windows builds There are only two languages ​​- Russian and English. Naturally, this will not be enough for everyone. It’s good that the developers have provided for the installation additional languages which is easy to do. In this article I will show you how to add a language to Windows XP. If you need to solve this issue on Windows 7, then read.

The only difficulty that may arise is the absence of any specific letters on the keyboard. For example, in Cyrillic Ukrainian or Latin German there are letters that are usually not written on the keyboard, although the main alphabet is composed of Cyrillic and Latin letters, which are in Russian and English. However, these specific letters definitely exist, but you will have to select them at random if you do not know exactly where they are located. It is not difficult. But first you need to add a language to your computer.

Enabling an additional language

In order to add a language on Windows XP, you need to click “Start” and select “Control Panel”. Then you need to click on “Region and Language”. (Assumes enabled classic look display in the Control Panel).

Adding an additional language

Select the “Languages” tab and click the “More details” button. The Languages ​​and Text Input Services window opens. Here we see a list of already added languages ​​in Windows XP. To add another one, you need to click on “Add”. In the “Input language” list, you need to select the required one and click on “Ok”. The selected language should appear in the list of installed ones. Then click “Ok” in all open windows, and then the new language will appear in the language bar near the clock at the bottom. It will be possible to switch using standard layout shift+alt keys.

Adding an additional language

In order to add languages ​​with Latin or critical letters to Windows XP, there is no need to install additional components.

Additional features

In Windows XP, you can add a language that consists of more than just Latin or Cyrillic letters. Those written from right to left and in hieroglyphs are also available. In order to enable them, you need to check the appropriate boxes in the “Regional and Language Options” window.

Adding additional language capabilities

To add right-to-left or hieroglyphic languages ​​to Windows XP, additional components are required and must be installed from the operating system disc. To install these components, you need to insert the disk into the drive, check the required boxes (from left to right or hieroglyphs) and click “Ok”. The installation will begin and then the languages ​​will be available.

Disabling unnecessary languages

By the way, in the “Languages ​​and Text Input Services” window you can not only add a language to Windows XP, but also remove an extra one, if any. You can do this in the same window with a list of installed languages, you just need to click “Delete”, highlighting the desired item first. After this, you need to click “Ok” in all open windows.

Only two languages ​​are available: Russian and English. For most users this is quite enough. But, if you need to enter text in another language (for example, Ukrainian), then you need to add this language to the language bar. Fortunately, this is quite easy to do. Now we will tell you step by step how to add a language to the language bar.

And go to the "Clock, Language and Region" section.

After this, the “Regional and Language Options” window will open in front of you. Here you need to go to the “Languages ​​and Keyboards” tab and click on the “Change Keyboard” button.

After this, a small window will appear to add languages ​​to the language bar. Here you need to mark the languages ​​that you want to add and click on the “OK” button.

Other settings for the language bar and input languages

In addition to adding a language to the language bar, you can make other settings in the Languages ​​and Text Input Services window. For example, you can change the default input language. To do this, select the desired language in the drop-down list at the top of the window.

You can also change the order of languages ​​in the language bar. To do this, you need to select one of the languages ​​and change its position using the “up” and “down” buttons.

If you go to the “Language Bar” tab, you will see settings that relate directly to the language bar itself. Here you can hide the language bar, pin it to the taskbar, or allow it to be located anywhere on the screen. Here you can also turn on the transparency of the language bar and enable the display of additional icons.

On last tab, which is called “Keyboard switching”, you can change the logic of the mode Caps Lock, and also change the key combination responsible for switching input languages.

As we see, Language bar has many various settings, which allows you to configure work with input languages ​​in a way that is convenient for each specific user.