How to make a portable version of the program. Portable software: where to find and how to use the best portable software

Difficulty level: Easy

1 step

First you need to install the Thinstall Virtualization Application program. We take the program here. the help of it we will do everything. Launch Thinstall and in the first window click on the start button at the bottom.

Step 2

In the next window, select the drive letter on which the program you want to make portable will be installed (by default, C:\Program Files\...) And click the Pre-Install Scan button. Thinstall will then take a snapshot of the marked drive.

Step 3

Further. We leave the program window open and install the application, which will later become portable. After installation, treat the program (if necessary) and ALWAYS run it (if the application requires a system restart, agree. After the reboot, Thinstall will start automatically and offer to find the last disk snapshot taken or make a new one. Leave it as is and click next.)

Step 4

After we have closed the application, we return to the Thinstall window and click the Post-Install Scan button. Another snapshot will be taken from the disk.

Step 5

In the next window, check the file whose name corresponds to the installed program (for me it’s Ice Book Reader), which will become our portable program. If the program has several modules (for example, MS Office Word, Exel, etc.), then you need to mark all the modules, and in the Primary Data Container window, select the module that will be the main one. Click Continue.

Step 6

In the window that appears, select the folder where the result will be saved and click Save Results. After saving, close the Thinstall window.

Step 7

Open the folder specified when saving, find the build file in it and run it. After compilation, we will have a bin folder, which contains our portable program, which does not require installation and can be launched from any media

  • It will not be possible to make portable programs that install drivers into the system (Nero, ClonCD, etc.), as well as pre-launch their services (Diskeeper, Acronis True Image, etc.).
  • It is better to install and run Thinstaal on a bare system (there will be fewer errors), and even better on a virtual machine (if there is interest, I will write how to install and use a virtual machine).
  • Not all programs created in this way work correctly, but those that work do it with a bang.
  • There are a few more subtle points regarding configuration files that are edited before creating the final application (if necessary, I’ll write which ones).

Good day, dear friends, blog visitors and acquaintances. In this article I will tell you how to create a portable version of any program. Before we start creating these programs, let's figure out what the portable version of the program is.

From English portable is translated as (portable), such versions of programs do not require installation and can be launched from anywhere. Be it an external drive, flash drive, etc...

And also, these programs are not registered in the system and thus do not clutter it. As you can see, the advantage of these programs is quite significant.

If you have a flash drive, you can add portable versions to it - versions of all those programs that you constantly use, thanks to this they will be available on any computer.

That is, all you have to do is insert it into another computer and run the program you need directly from the flash drive; you don’t need to install it anywhere.

To create a portable version of the programs, we will use the Cameyo program.

Using the program:

Download the program from this link, after downloading, run the executive file, in the window that appears, select the first Cameyo item and click OK.

The main window of the program will open in front of us; registration is not necessary to work with it, but it provides a number of advantages.

In particular, you will have access to a library of ready-made portable versions of various programs, and you will also have the opportunity to create portable versions of programs online.

Registration in the program:

To register in the system, fill out this registration form, I also advise you to uncheck this box, then you will not receive news from the developers of this program.

Then go to your mailbox, ( the letter may end up in spam), click on the link ( To activate your account, please click here), thereby activating your account and returning to the program again.

Installing programs for use in the portable version:

After this, we install on the computer the program for which we want to create a portable version, that is, at the time of creating the portable version of a particular program, it should not be installed on the system.

If it is installed, then simply remove it and scan the system with Cameyo. After we install the program we need, we need to scan the system again with the same Cameyo program.

She checks everything again and notices that since the last scan a new program has appeared in the system, it is this program that will be used to create the portable version.

Then the assembly itself takes place and as a result we get a portable version of the program we need. But before you launch the Cameyo program, close all programs on your PC as much as possible.

Ideally, you should only have the Cameyo program open, otherwise when scanning, the Cameyo program may shovel extra files into its portable version.

Creating portable versions of programs:

Click on the button with the image of the camera, after which the system scanning process will begin, this will take some time.

After scanning, in the lower right corner we see the following message, which tells us that we can proceed directly to installing the program itself. At the same time, we do not close this program window.

Now we install the program, portable, the version of which we want to get as output. In this case, I will install the AusLogicsBoostSpeed ​​program, you can download it. We launch the installer and install the program in the standard way.

When installing any program, create shortcuts on the desktop, otherwise problems may arise when creating a portable version.

After we have installed the program we need on the PC and created a shortcut on the desktop, click on the Install done button.

The program rescans the system and then begins creating a portable version. Again, you need to be patient and wait a little.

Well, that’s all, our portable version of the program has been created. In order to open the folder with our program, click on the link in the window that opens.

Now this program can be copied to a USB flash drive and run from any computer without installing it on the system.

You can also edit the created portable version for yourself by clicking on the Edit package button. Here you can edit the parameters of the executable file itself, where the program settings will be stored, where it will be loaded for launch, and so on...

But in fact, all the settings here are set as they should and, in most cases, nothing needs to be changed.

Ready-made portable versions of programs:

Click on the Library button.

Ready-made portable versions of programs are located here, that is, you can use the search and find the program you need.

After searching, download the program to your PC; after downloading, it will appear in the first section of the Cameyo program. In order to see where the program file itself is located, right-click on it and select Explore on disk.

That's all, now you know how to create a portable version of any program, subscribe to blog updates, comment, bye everyone!!!


Everyone could already appreciate the convenience of Portable soft; many people like it more for some personal reasons.
But the most important reasons in my opinion:
? There is no need to install soft and thereby clog up the system and registry
? Ability to store and use Portable soft on an external flash drive
? Your Portable soft is always with you on a flash drive, and you can use it anywhere if you have USB ports on your computer
? Use at work where it is not desirable or impossible to install soft, or there are not enough resources for this
? Cheapness and sufficiently large capacity of flash drives on which you can store your favorite programs

Finding Portable versions of almost all popular programs is not very difficult now, but what if you use some rare or specific software? The answer suggests itself - do it yourself.

Let's look at the step-by-step creation of a portable version of the program Firefox 3.0.6

Download the program distribution from the offsite.

To create portable we need a program, we use it.

So, let's begin.

Unpack the program archive Thinstall Virtualization Suite to any folder. Run Setup capture.exe.

We take the first snapshot of the system before installing the program. Click Start. To create a portable, Thinstall compares snapshots of the system before and after installation.

We leave everything by default, scan drive C and all registry branches. Click Pre-install Scan.

The scanning process takes some time, wait for the following window to appear:

Do not close the window, minimize everything and proceed to installation Firefox.

Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation.

Launch and configure firefox.

That’s it, the program is installed and configured, we return to the previously hidden window and scan the system for changes with Thinstall. Click Post-install scan.

Select the main exe file that will launch the program:

Select Mozilla Firefox.exe and click Continue >>

All changes will be saved in the folder with the Thinstall program:

The changes have been saved, let's continue:

The folder with the program, all changes and the bat file is here:

C:\Thinstall Virtualization Suite 3.358 portable\Captures\Mozilla Firefox (3.0.6)\

Having finished cleaning, look at the changes in the registry in the following files:


And we delete from there everything that does not concern Firefox. We make sure that there are no extra spaces left - otherwise portable will not compile.

Section – responsible for file compression. Compression/decompression will consume system resources.

Section – is responsible for isolating the program from the real environment. WriteCopy – means that all changes from the program will be saved in the program folder. Merged – all changes will remain in the system.


SandboxName – the name of the sandbox (container) – the name of the folder in which all changes from the created portable program will be saved. By default this is the folder C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Thinstall. By the way, if you already use portable programs, look into this folder - you will find a lot of garbage there - not very convenient.

Option SandboxPath specifies the path to create the Sandbox folder; usually this option is not present in the Package.ini file; by default, Sandbox is created in the C:\Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\Thinstall folder.

To create Sandbox in the folder with the portable program file, specify SandboxPath=. in the section, for example, immediately after the description of the SandboxPath option.
This is much more convenient than searching for these files in Documents and Settings.

And finally, the final action - run build.bat and get the portable program in the folder bin.

We test the obtained result for its “portability”. If necessary, return files and settings from a previously saved archive (Captures\Mozilla Firefox (3.0.6)\) and create portable again.

PS. It is best to conduct all your experiments on a “virgin” system, preferably a virtual machine (VMWare VirtualBox). The latest program is free. Building portable software on a virtual machine will allow you to avoid the unpleasant consequences of messing up your operating system and the less garbage there will be in your build.

Make your programs portable!

After launching the Cameyo program, the user receives a simple interface with buttons:
one for creating a new container, and the other for modifying previously created packages.

Click on the "Studio" button, see the main program window in front of you and click on the button with the camera.

Wait while Cameyo Packager takes a snapshot of your system settings in its current state.

This may take quite a long time, it all depends

depending on your computer's performance, size and

configuration of the installed operating system.

After taking a system snapshot, the following window will appear:

Leave this window open and continue creating the virtual package.

Start installing the software you want to make Portable.

Run the Setup Wizard or the installation file of your program.

If you want, run a virtual package

the way you need for work.

When the installation of the program is complete, click the "Install done" button in the Cameyo packager window.

Now let’s be patient (you can’t do anything on the computer at this time!)

and wait for the process to complete.

Cameyo will take a system snapshot again (this time after installation)

and analyze the differences, this will take a few minutes.

That's all, the Portable version has been created, well done!

The package is located in a folder named "My documentslCameyo packages":

Cameyo has unique preset mechanisms:

application shortcut, name, icon, startup program, etc.
However, if you want. you can customize the created package.

Editing a virtual package.
Unlike other application virtualization products, Cameyo does not require you to edit each virtual package.
which you create. However, if you want to customize your package, you can launch the package editor.
Depending on your system configuration and the NET network available, you may see one screen or the other.
Click on the button that is marked in red:

Then open the package for editing:

Run the file (Cameyo.exe),

Click on File Open in the menu.

The next screen will show:

Basic settings:

Control of the program to be launched

to execute the virtual package.
If your application only has one capability

execution, then direct launch will be selected by default.
Otherwise the menu will be displayed:
Isolation mode:
Controls whether a virtual application can change

files/registry entries on the target system or not.
Isolation (default):

The virtual application will not be able to modify files and records

registry on the target system.

Instead, if it tries to make any changes, it will

redirected to a separate folder or registry key.

This folder can be set to "Data Storage" entry.
Full access: The virtual application will be able to modify files

and registry entries on the target system.


P.S. The developers warn that the success of the procedure for creating a portable program is guaranteed only if

if this program has never been installed on a computer before.

(newly installed) or “clean” virtual machine

An online service has been launched on the official website of Cameyo Let us build your virtual portable apps!, with which you can make a Portable program (portable application) without installing any software on your computer.
To do this, register and you will have access to a page with order options - to create a Portable (portable program)

On this page you can add an order/request for an online service Portable App Builder :
– You need to enter the name of the program that you want to make portable.
– Specify a remote link to download the application
– Download the package yourself. MSI (recommended) or .EXE (program distribution).

After completing the request, notifications will be sent by email. email stating that your order has been completed and the Portable program is ready for download.
Next, by following the link to the Cameyo website page, you can download a ready-to-use portable program.