How to correctly dial an extension number from a cell phone. Extension number: how to dial? Rules for dialing an extension number from a mobile phone and in tone mode

Landline telephone remains a proven and reliable means of communication. You can call it both from other city numbers and from cell phones. The main thing is to dial the number correctly.


  • To call from one landline phone to another, after picking up the handset, wait for the dial tone, dial the number 8, and after it another dial tone will be heard. Dial the area code, then the subscriber number. Wait for a response. In small cities, to make a call within the same code, you often do not need to dial either 8 or the code - just the number. In large cities, you need to dial both even when calling within the same code, and there can be more than one code for one city. If your phone code is the same, and the called party is different, but the call takes place within the same city, the cost of a minute of conversation usually corresponds to the intracity rate.
  • To call from a mobile phone to a landline, dial all the numbers together: 8, area code, number of the called subscriber. The number 8 can be replaced with +7, and the method of dialing plus depends on the phone model. Typically, this requires holding down the zero key for a long time or, on other devices, quickly pressing the asterisk twice. Please note that the cost of the call depends not only on what city you are calling, but also on where you are: in your home region (that is, the one where you purchased the SIM card) or in another.
  • If you are calling from a device connected to an office PBX, first dial the combination of numbers corresponding to access to a land line. It depends on the model and settings of the office PBX. Then dial the number 8 (sometimes this is not required), the area code and the subscriber number. The need to wait for a dial tone after dialing any numbers also depends on the PBX settings. Long-distance access may be blocked, and if not, then obtain prior permission from the organization's administration before making any such calls.
  • Some mobile operators provide the opportunity for unlimited (or limited to a certain number of minutes per day) calls to landline numbers on significantly more favorable terms than full unlimited tariffs. Check with your operator's support service to see if they provide this service.
  • Your question:

    How to dial a number from landline to cell phone?

    Master's answer:

    Currently, cellular communications are very widespread. Calling from one mobile phone to another is easy and simple: all numbers have a single, understandable format. But in the case of a call from a landline to a cell phone, certain difficulties arise when dialing the number.

    You will need the country code of the person you are calling when making an international call.

    We place a piece of paper with a mobile phone number in front of us. Otherwise, by making long pauses in dialing a number, remembering this or that digit, you give the telephone exchange a reason to interpret this as entering a long-distance code. This means that we risk calling the home phone of a subscriber you don’t know in another city.

    Remember the main feature of a call from a home phone to a cell phone: the first digits of the number. In this case, instead of “+7” we type “8”. The prefix “+7” is the telephone code of Russia. The city PBX, which routes all telephone calls made from home numbers, accepts by default as calls made within local subscribers. 8 is a number that indicates the need for long-distance communication. Moreover, when making a call to a mobile number, the number 8 is also used.

    We dial eight and wait for the beep. Next, we dial the remaining numbers according to the principle of dialing them on a mobile phone. First, enter the three-digit (928, 903, 918, etc.) operator code (Megafon, Beeline, MTS, etc.) and the remaining seven digits of the subscriber number.

    The complete sequential dialing scheme is as follows: 8 (beep) *** (operator code) ******* (direct number).

    If you need to call a mobile number that belongs to an operator in another country, proceed as follows. We dial the number “8”, then “10”, indicating an international call. We dial the country code of the intended call (we find out the code on official Internet sites or in the help desk). Using the home network principle, we dial the operator code and phone number. For example, when calling to Ukraine, we dial the number “8” (dial tone), “10” (indicating a long-distance call), “380” (code of Ukraine) *** (operator code) ******* (subscriber’s telephone number).

    Just a few decades ago, we had no idea that a time would come when we would be able to call from almost any corner of the globe! But often we forget the correct sequence of dialing numbers. But this is very important! Next, we will tell you how to dial a phone number.

    The most important thing is to choose the right package for your calls. Sometimes it is more convenient to buy two or even three starter packages, because the services are provided in such a way that calling numbers from other operators is extremely unprofitable. But now this is no longer a problem, there are phones for two or more SIM cards.

    Calls to Belarus

    First, dial eight (if you are calling from Russia), then dial ten, so you get to the international line. The next step is to dial “375” (code of the Republic of Belarus). Then enter either the city code or the mobile operator code, and only then dial the phone number.

    How to dial a phone number correctly

    It all depends on what phone number you are calling from: mobile or landline. If you are calling from a mobile phone, then first you need to dial the country code: plus three hundred and eighty, then dial the operator code, followed by the number itself. But it is possible that audibility will not be the best, and the call may be interrupted at any moment. From a landline phone the dialing procedure is slightly different. This is the sequence: 8 (beep) then 10, then we dial the Ukraine code, then the city code (you can find it out on the Internet), and then we just dial the phone number itself.

    There are times when you run out of funds on the hundredth or it’s simply expensive to call from a mobile phone.

    Find the number to call so that you don’t dial an extra digit when calling. You need to dial, as they say, “in one fell swoop,” since if you dial for a long time with pauses, then the station may understand this as a call to another city on your home phone.

    It should be taken into account that when dialing from a home number to a cell phone, instead of seven, you need to dial eight. Plus seven is the code of the Russian Federation. A city PBX, which forwards all calls from landline phones, implies that the call is going to a landline number, and it is the number eight that makes it clear to the mini PBX that the number is international or cellular.

    As we wrote earlier, after dialing eight you wait for the beep. Then dial your cell phone number. In sequence: operator code (three digits), number (seven digits).

    If you are calling a mobile number of another operator in another country, then the procedure is very similar to the previous one. We dial eight, wait for the dial tone, then dial ten (indicating that this is an international call), after which we dial the number of the mobile operator.

    We hope that our article will help you more than once, but it should also be noted that for older people it is better to write a phone number for calling abroad or to a cell phone with all beeps or no beeps. That is, after the number where there should be a beep (or vice versa there should not be one), manually write “beep” or “no beep”.

    Today, almost every large enterprise organizes correct and coordinated work through the introduction of so-called extension numbers. An extension number is a numeric identifier assigned to a specific line of an enterprise, for example, a specific department. So, you may notice that the telephone number of the company you need to call consists of two parts. The first will mean the main telephone number of the company, while the second (usually indicated in parentheses) will be the same extension number that will connect you with the desired department or person. Not everyone has encountered this or not everyone can do it, so we’ll tell you how to dial an extension number correctly.

    Extension number: dialing rules

    To begin, dial your main phone number. Usually this is followed by the words of an answering machine, which lists all available extension numbers so that a person can select what he needs and get through. You must listen to the answering machine to the end!

    Next, you need to switch the phone (if it is not switched) to tone mode. Tone mode is a dialing mode when you hear beeps of a certain tone (different for different numbers) when you press the phone buttons. Another mode - pulse - is when when typing you hear clicks of a certain length (the larger the number, the longer the clicks). There are two ways to connect the tone mode. First, on the device itself there is a special button (maybe on the back side) “Pulse-Tone”. We need it to be Tone. The second method: after listening to the answering machine, press the asterisk “*” button on the device (among the numbers, usually at the bottom). You will hear a characteristic switching sound, give the phone time to switch.

    After switching to tone mode, start entering the extension number on your phone (no need to reset, just dial the number right away). You will hear a beep (tone) for each button press, this will mean that you are doing everything correctly.

    Sometimes the PBX fails and you may be connected incorrectly. It's okay, just ask the person you're talking to to dial the extension number and transfer you to where you need to go. As a rule, company employees are concerned about the reputation of the organization and will treat your situation with understanding.

    If you need to make a call using this scheme, it is better to use a regular phone, since dialing an extension number from a mobile phone is not always possible. Plus, the money for the call will be read from the very beginning of the connection with the answering machine.

    Your question:

    How to dial an extension phone number?

    Master's answer:

    When you dial the phone number of a large enterprise, you often have to deal with the problem of dialing an extension number in order to talk to a specific person or contact the desired department. Such extension numbers allow the company to organize the correct and coordinated work of all employees. However, many do not know how to dial extension numbers correctly.

    First, study the phone number of the desired company. If the number consists of two parts, then the first will represent the main phone number, and the second, which is usually written in parentheses, means the extension number. It is the second part that will help you connect with the required department. Now dial the main number on your phone and call it. You will hear an answering machine response.

    You need to fully listen to his greeting, because otherwise the call may fail and you will have to dial the number again. At the end of the message, the answering machine will list all extension numbers, and then prompt you to dial the required number after a beep.

    Now you need to check whether your landline phone is in tone mode. This is necessary for normal communication with the extension number. If the mode is disabled, then you just need to press the “star” button on your phone. It is located below, under the main numbers. Some landline phone models also have a dedicated Pulse-Tone button. If your telephone already operates in tone mode, then simply dial the extension number.

    Wait for your phone to switch to tone mode. Then start entering the numbers of the extension number. As you dial, you will hear various short beeps with different frequencies. They mean that you have correctly switched to tone mode on your phone.

    After dialing the extension number, wait for an answer. Sometimes an organization's PBX may fail, causing you to be connected incorrectly. If this happens, then simply ask the person who answered the phone to connect you correctly this time. As a rule, company employees treat such requests with understanding. If not, then you will have to dial the main number again, and then the extension.

    It is not advisable to make calls to extension numbers using a mobile phone. After all, not each of them can support the tone mode of the PBX, so you are unlikely to be able to get through. Mobile operators also charge such calls as landline calls. And the countdown of time and money begins from the moment the answering machine answers you. So such a call can cost you a pretty penny, or you won’t get through at all due to insufficient funds on your cellular device.