How to legally use other people's videos? What are the dangers of a YouTube warning on your video channel? Your Youtube will not be published

You won’t believe it, but every song and music track has its own creator-author-performer, to whom this very song belongs. These strange people sometimes get very upset when their work is used for free and without permission, especially for commercial purposes. This is where copyright laws and types of content licenses come into force, you can read more about them, for general development and just in case.

We spent hours poring over the video, editing it to a music track, or racking our brains over how to download music from VKontakte, upload it to the iPhone, and then add it to iMovie, and then Instagram sent something like this:

Your Instagram video was removed by an automatic parser due to copyright infringement of the song used.

Usually at this moment panic begins. If only so much time was wasted, and it’s somehow unpleasant to receive a reprimand from Instagram, and it won’t take long to lose your profile. But if you go into the details of a deleted post, you can click the button “I have the rights to this music,” and “I fully understand the consequences of violating the rules.” After this, the publication will be restored and the video will be published again.

To be honest, I don’t know the algorithm of events that happen next. It is quite possible that such requests are collected into an analogue of a log file, recording each post challenged by the user and sent further to the copyright holders. At least that's what I would do. Therefore, it may happen that in a month or two, or maybe a year, a big and scary music label will contact you with an invoice for using their music, or they will simply delete your profile for violating the rules.

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Yes. Your account can be deleted for using music for which you do not have the rights. Therefore, you should think twice before such antics. Is the game worth the candle?

So what should I do?

Where can I get free music for Instagram?

The first and easiest option to get around copyright laws is to take music that these very laws do not protect. You heard it right, the Internet is full of “copyright-free” music, or rather with a free distribution license. Where can I find it? There are a ton of sources on Google, just search on Google, I’ll list just a few of them, GOOGLE:

Enough, perhaps. If you think that among such music there are often various poor tracks that the creators themselves abandoned at birth, you are mistaken. There is enough cool and high-quality music, the main thing is to understand what you are looking for.

We fool the algorithms

The easiest way is to record music on a voice recorder and use it. Or, when shooting a video, turn on the desired track in the background in advance; no problems should arise with the use of such music, but its quality will be so-so. Although history already knows precedents when videos from concerts were removed at the request of copyright holders.

Another option is to speed up or slow down the music a little. This trick doesn’t work every time, but who’s stopping us from trying? Instagram will not recognize the edited track, and you will deprive yourself of wonderful hours of searching for a new composition.

I’ve come across advice in the style of “Turn on your video on your laptop and record it on video from your phone,” then Instagram will stop swearing at music. Not an option at all, I already cry every time I watch how videos from Full HD or 4K turn into a blurry, unclear what’s in the tape, and then there’s double compression. The quality of the final publication will be below par.

The most unusual option for music on Instagram

It turns out you can buy the song! For example, here collected more 500.000 songs and sound effects costing from 1$ . Most of the music is really in the area 19$ , but in some cases the price can reach up to 39$. Not the most budget option, but the most civilized. - another catalog with 200.000 tracks that can be purchased legally. The prices are affordable and the selection is extensive.

And yes, you can always use "old" music that is in the public domain. Usually the wait is not that long, just +50 years from the date of death of the author/performer. The truth is, something tells me that it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to find current hits there.

Bottom line

Whatever you do with your music and content on Instagram, do it right. At first glance, copyright infringement is simple and cheap, but the world of digital content distribution is evolving and the consequences may turn out to be much more expensive and harsher than they seemed at first glance.

I don't think you would be happy about a situation in which someone starts posting your content under their own name in another account :)

Comments. Finally, YouTube introduced a new comment system and provided new features:

  • You'll now see posts from the video creator, popular people who commented on the video, and people in your Google+ circles at the top of the list.
  • You can choose who sees your comments. Either they will be seen by all users on YouTube and Google+, or only by people in your circles, or by users from a favorite list.
  • You have new tools to review and approve comments before they are posted on your channel. You can block certain words or save time by automatically approving comments from some of your followers. This will give you more time to distribute and create your videos.

This is a significant development of YouTube for the better, since now setting up YouTube comments helps the channel owner save time on moderation.

So, the new comment system provides new opportunities for YouTube channel owners. What should they do and how to set everything up correctly?

1. Turn on comments now.

If you have disabled comments on your videos, then it's time to enable them. This can be done as follows:

1. Click the arrow next to the Add Video button at the top of the page.

2. Select Video Manager.

3. Click the "Edit" button under the video you want to edit.

4. Click the "Advanced Settings" button.

5. Change the settings in the “Comments” section, then “Save changes”.

And don't worry: You now have anti-spam tools (as YouTube comment settings have become more extensive). If you would like all comments to be moderated before they are posted, please follow steps 1-4 (listed above). Then, under Allow Comments, select Approved.

When someone leaves a comment, you will receive an email notification that will direct you to a page where you can approve or delete the comment.

2. Turn on the “Discussion” block on your channel

If you have disabled commenting on , then enable the Discussion tab now. If discussions are enabled on your channel, you can choose whether your comments will appear immediately or after approval.

To enable discussions:

1. Click on the pencil at the top right of the page and select "Change review settings."

2. Click on the “Enable” button and then save the changes by clicking on “Save”.

If the Discussions tab is enabled, other YouTube users can post comments on your channel. And don't worry: the new YouTube comments setting gives you tools to combat spam and unwanted comments.

To see possible actions for comments left, click on the arrow in the upper right corner of a comment on your channel.

Setting up YouTube comments in the “Discussions” tab:

  • "Delete" - removes the comment from your YouTube channel.
  • “Complain” - a channel ban prohibits the user from leaving comments on your channel. You can remove a user from the banned list later.

Additionally, you can require approval for all new comments before they are posted on your channel. When someone leaves a comment, a blue banner at the top will let you know. You can then review the comment and approve or delete it. You can also mark comments to prevent spam. You can enable this feature in your channel settings.

There are also several automated filters. In your comments settings, you can find a list of allowed users and users who are prohibited from posting comments on your channel.

To configure them, go to the “Community” tab - “Comment Settings”

  • Approved users.

How and why can you lose your YouTube channel??? — The main reason is copyright infringement !!!

Is it possible to bypass them and not get banned???

We'll talk about this, as well as the possible consequences of bypassing ↓↓↓

Why is uniqueness harmful?

Let's immediately find out what the consequences of attempts to circumvent copyright on Youtube may be.

1) Firstly, any user can complain about your channel if they suspect you of stealing content.

→ In this case, uniqueness will not save you. You will receive a strike. If you bypassed uniqueization, then in the event of a complaint from the copyright holder, your channel will most likely be deleted.

These are the pies

2) Secondly, you need to remember periodic checks content by the Content ID system. Even if users don't report you, sooner or later you may get banned. Especially considering that the system is constantly evolving !!!

P.S.— People often ask on the Internet: does the Spin Blaster program help avoid a strike?

Answer: It simply creates multiple copies of your content, but it does not provide protection as such.

After we have found out what the consequences of copyright infringement on YouTube are, let's look at possible ways to get around them ←

Current methods:

  1. Classic uniqueness
  2. Cutting short fragments from other people's videos
  3. Bypass verification for new channels
  4. Disputing Content ID claims
  5. Bypass rights to audio recordings

Let's take a closer look at ways to avoid copyright infringement on YouTube. ↓↓↓

1) Using short pieces

The Content ID verification system does not find fragments shorter than 30 seconds. Such fragments can be considered legal. You won't be blocked for them.

Here is a screenshot from the system ↓

2) Classic uniqueness

Here are some ways to bypass copyright blocking on Youtube: ⇓⇓⇓

These methods will allow you to download an unlimited number of videos, but do not forget that the risk of blocking still remains.

How to check risks?

Before uploading a video to a channel, it is better to check it.

There are two ways to do this: ↓↓↓

How to dispute applications?

Is there anything that can be done about a copyright infringement complaint???

System applications can be disputed !

This can be done in three cases: ↓↓↓

  1. Within 30 days from the date of submission, the copyright holder did not review it
  2. She is illegal!
  3. You can prove your rights to this content


If the application is found to be legitimate, you risk getting a strike if you try to challenge it.

How to avoid checking content on a new channel

What is its essence???

→ The advantage of this method is that there are no repeated checks, and videos will be blocked only if viewers complain about them

But this method has a big disadvantage: it can only be used once before confirming your account via SMS !!!

What about music?

There are rumors that there is a song guide on YouTube. That is, if you use other people’s tracks in your videos, then even using effects for the sound will not save you from a ban.

How can you solve this problem without using paid music???

1) During the video editing process, before adding music, first right-click on the track and select Properties from the context menu.

2) Go to the Summary tab and clear all entries.

3) Save.

YouTube takes track data from the file properties

Therefore, such cleaning will help you bypass the blocking !

Here are other ways: ↓↓↓

  • You can write music yourself (not suitable for everyone)
  • Use music from or from other sites that allow free downloading and use of tracks !!!

Apply logo

Using your logo on your video will help you avoid being blocked. Even if competitors complain about you, they will need to find the original video without a logo to prove copyright infringement !

Affiliate Program Protection

→ Affiliate networks also provide some protection against bans.

You can work directly with , if you are 100% sure of the “purity” of your videos….

However, if you use someone else's content, over time you will be denied access without explaining the reasons !

There are alternative networks- For example, QuizGroup.

It is large, money is paid on Webmoney, it has an accessible threshold for adding new partners.

P.S.— When working with it, problems with using music and a number of others disappear ↓

Be sure to check

→ To find out if you have violated someone else's rights, open the Copyright section in Video Manager. There you will see a list of your videos with violations, if any.

The most common violation is “Coincidence with Third Party Content.”

It means that auto-check found unlicensed music or a fragment of a video previously published on Youtube in your videos.

Bottom line

We looked at the most popular ways to bypass copyright blocking on YouTube. Use with caution and only in extreme cases !

Remember that the best defense against a ban is to create original content without violating anyone's rights !!!

Not certainly in that way. As usual, there are nuances. When you started your YouTube channel, you probably read Terms of Use of this service. Clause 8.1B states that you provide

« each user of the Service a non-exclusive, royalty-free license in the Russian Federation and other countries of the world to access Your Content through the Service, as well as to use Your Content and, in particular, the rights to reproduce, distribute, process or create derivative works from it, and publicly display , making available to the public, as well as publicly performing such Content to the extent permitted by the functionality of the Service and these Terms».

That is, every Youtube user, when posting something, agrees in advance that other users can use and process it. At the same time, in the same Terms of use There is clause 9.1, which directly prohibits the use of content marked with trademarks:

« Such Content may not be downloaded, copied, reproduced, distributed, transmitted, broadcast, displayed, sold, licensed, or otherwise used for any purpose without the prior written consent of YouTube or, as applicable, YouTube's licensor. YouTube and its licensors reserve all rights not expressly granted in and to their Content.».

2. What does Russian legislation say about this?

In addition to the exclusive rights of broadcasting organizations, regarding programs that are made by the television company itself (for example, shows, etc.), most likely, the television company has copyright on them. The television company does not have copyrights for the content that the company uses from other copyright holders (for example, films, music), but other copyright holders have these rights, who can also make claims against you. Therefore, answering this question about your recording of a television broadcast and its subsequent publication on your Youtube channel is illegal.

6. Okay, but if I download a video from a TV company’s YouTube channel and post it on my personal account, is this allowed?

This is possible if you have obtained the written consent of the copyright holder (TV channel). Or if you are posting a video that is already published under a Creative Commons license. If not, then our advice is to add other people’s videos not to your YouTube channel, but to your channel’s playlists. This way you respect copyright. If you host a YouTube player on an external site, and the copyright holder of the video does not want anyone to post his video on other sites, he checks the box “Embedding and playing this video on external sites is PROHIBITED.”

7. Do I have the right to post my own video material, which contains parts of other people’s TV shows and my comments on them?

This is a very common case when, after publishing such material, you receive a warning about violation of the TV channel’s copyright. Here we are talking about quoting fragments of television programs, and it is applicable Art. 1274 Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which allows the free use of works for informational, scientific, educational and cultural purposes.

Paragraphs are most applicable to YouTube channels. 1 and 2 paragraphs 1 art. 1274 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, namely:
permitted without the consent of the author or other copyright holder and without payment of remuneration:

  1. Quoting in the original and in translation for scientific, polemical, critical, informational, educational purposes, in order to reveal the creative intent of the author of lawfully published works to the extent justified by the purpose of quoting, including the reproduction of excerpts from newspaper and magazine articles in the form of press reviews;
  2. The use of lawfully published works and excerpts from them as illustrations in publications, radio and television broadcasts, sound and video recordings of an educational nature to the extent justified by the intended purpose.

To date, there is no clear definition of the volume of citations in Russian legislation. There is a definition of the Plenum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which says that “quoting is made to illustrate, confirm or refute the author’s statements, it is permissible for the purposes specified in the Law (scientific, critical, informational purposes and in press reviews), only from published works and to the extent justified by the purpose of quoting” (Determination of the RF Armed Forces N78-G03-77 dated December 5, 2003).

So, if you receive a warning that you have violated the TV channel’s copyrights, be prepared to convincingly prove that you did this solely for informational purposes and to the extent justified by the purpose of quoting. Perhaps the YouTube administration will believe you.

8. I've heard a lot about video uniqueness. Can I use it?

We don't recommend it. This is also illegal. Uniquenessing a video is a way of changing it so that it is not matched to its original through the Content ID system and remains acceptable for users to view. For example, this is increasing or decreasing the viewing speed, scaling, applying various effects, frames, mirror rotation, video blur, etc. If such a video is found on your channel, the copyright holder will file a complaint against you, and the YouTube administration will satisfy it. This video will be removed from your channel, you will be prohibited from uploading videos longer than fifteen minutes, and other restrictions may be set. If you are reported three times, the YouTube administration will delete your channel for numerous violations of the rules. And it will be almost impossible to restore it.

How to add a video to YouTube without violating copyrights and ruining the reputation of your channel. Many YouTubers will object: “Why save someone else’s content on your channel, especially if it’s the author’s channel?”

There are different situations: the necessary information is contained in the video, which you will have to return to more than once. And I just liked the video, its design, presentation, etc....

In addition, adding other people's videos, if you do it correctly, helps promote your own content through related videos. The main condition here is to do everything right: from selecting the right video to setting up your own video and playlist.

But most often we do the following: download the video and re-upload it to our channel. This method is unsafe from the point of view of copyright infringement and may not have very good consequences.

If someone else's downloaded video was published under the standard YouTube license, then it is protected by copyright and illegal use may result in a strike; the owner can delete the video. Three such violations will result in the channel being blocked..

To avoid this we will use legal opportunity to add original video to your channel by adding to the playlist.

how to add video

I mentioned using videos under the Creative Commons license when I reviewed the YouTube video editor.

How can I find out what license a video has? This information is located under the video description. Click on the word “more” to see full information about the video.

If the video is allowed for reuse, then you can re-upload it to your channel. Although, I would not recommend doing this. After all, the author can always change his mind and change the Creative Commons license to a standard one. Yes, unfortunately or fortunately, the author has such a right.

Therefore, it is safer to use another method of adding copyright content to your channel - by adding it to a playlist.

I showed you in detail how to do this in a video tutorial, which I suggest you watch.