How to fix orange square in wrye bash. using Nexus Mod Manager


ALWAYS And READ THE REQUIREMENTS CAREFULLY(SKSE, SkyUI and tede) mods, their compatibility/incompatibility with other mods, FAQ fashion (if any), installation methods- this is all VERY important information! Most questions will disappear after reading this information.

Make sure you have the latest versions of: , video drivers, VCRedist, etc. This will help you not only in this game!


  • 1. Install Skyrim(Legendary edition is not necessary, but is desirable, because some mods require DLC)
  • 2.
  • 3. Download/install the mod manager
    (or, as a last resort, ).
  • 4. Download/install the program Attention does not work with Windows XP and earlier versions!
  • 5. Download/install the mod . For people who don't want the SkyUI menu, but want the mod settings menu, there is .


*If you have done this, then proceed directly to installing mods!

If you don't have a problem with an empty window when dragging mods in the "Installers" tab.

You need to click on the item highlighted in red in the figure below:

  • 1. Right-click on an empty space in the “Installers” tab.
  • 2. Click on the item "Enabled"
  • 3. "Do you want to enable Installers?" (We're dreaming!) Click "Yes"!
  • 4. Wait while the program processes your folder with installer archives and the game.
  • 5. ???????
  • 6. PROFIT

...using Nexus Mod Manager


...using Wrye Bash:

Open the program Wrye Bash

  • 1. Go to the tab " Installers"
  • 1.1 Right-click on the desired mod and select " Uninstall"
    Mod removed!
  • 2. Go to the tab " Mods"
  • 2.1 We check that all the checkmarks are GREEN.
    *The one that most often suffers from color changes is "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". If its color is different from green, you need to re-create the patch (see point 4.2 in installing mods using Wrye Bash).

...using Nexus Mod Manager.

Open the program NMM

Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim "Wrye Bash SSE v307.36"

Description and instructions

Version: 307.beta1

Wrye Bash - A powerful utility for managing mods and saves for the games Skyrim, Skyrim SE, Fallout 4. Wrye Bash allows you to quite correctly install/uninstall new mods into the game, and most completely removes from the game all the “tails” from the uninstalled mod.

- Added support for the games Fallout 4 (version and higher) and Skyrim SE (version and higher).
- When using ModOrganizer, you must launch Wrye Bash from MO, as described on the ModOrganizer page.
- Now Wrye Bash itself can read the new .bsa and .ba2 file formats (in the games Skyrim SE and Fallout 4), so there is no need to manually extract strings files into the game folder first, Wrye Bash itself will find strings files in .bsa or .bsa files. ba2.
- Well, a ton of changes and fixes since the last release, which was a year ago. The authors have not yet written what exactly has been changed and updated. In fact, all the descriptions that we have remain relevant, nothing new, but where the game Skyrim is indicated in the description, just don’t pay attention, all the descriptions and instructions are also applicable for Fallout 4 and Skyrim SE, just change the program settings and paths to your respective game.
* When upgrading from a previous version 306 to 307, read below what to do. During the installation, the installation window will disappear for a while, so do not panic and wait, the installation window will appear and the installation will continue, since the Visual C++ package will be updated while it disappears.

1. Wrye Bash allows you to quite correctly install/uninstall new mods into the game, and most completely removes from the game all the “tails” from the uninstalled mod - it returns almost all the meshes and textures it overwrites to their previous form, and also removes MOST of the scripts introduced by the mod.
2. Allows you to edit the loading order of mods.
3. Allows you to edit game ini files
4. Allows you to rename and delete saves, as well as create profiles - in fact, separate folders in which saves and basic game settings are stored. Thanks to this, you can play both for several characters simultaneously, and for several players on one computer (and all this - with YOUR OWN set of mods for each profile!) - the saves will not overlap and interfere with each other.
5. Makes it possible to create a special esp file called a bashed patch. With the help of this patch, among other things, you can easily and simply, without resorting to the use of any additional mods, change many global variables of the game, in fact, completely changing its gameplay.
6. Allows you to work with saves. More on this below.
7. Well, and one more thing, Wrye Bash can do a lot of other things, which in 99 cases out of 100 are simply not needed by the average player, but are often necessary for creators, localizers and mod testers.

- Installed Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 x86 & x64 package
- Skyrim version
- Skyrim SE version and higher
- Fallout 4 version and higher

If you previously used installer 306, then when installing version 307, it is recommended:
1.Run installer 307
2.Uncheck all the boxes in the installation window. (We just installed the patched uninstaller.)
3.Run the corrected uninstaller in the folder %COMMONPROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Wrye Bash\uninstall.exe (should also be in the Start menu - All programs - Wrye Bash)
4.The corrected uninstaller will correctly perform the uninstallation procedure of the previous version.
5.Reinstall Vrai Bash again with the new version 307.
* I personally didn’t understand anything, but that’s what it says in the comments on the Nexus.

1. Launch Wrye Bash 307 Setup.exe.
2. Click Next.
3. Check the boxes Install for Skyrim and Wrye Bash. DO NOT check the Wrye Bash checkbox.
4. Installation location - root folder of Skyrim or Fallout 4 or Skyrim SE. NOT DATA, but the root folder. For me it’s like this: (see screenshot below)

5. Click Next.
6. Click Install. We wait. Ready

Now you need to check the installation is correct
- The Mopy folder should appear in the game folder
- The Skyrim Mods or Fallout4 Mods or SkyrimSE Mods folder should appear in the folder where the game is installed. (If you look at the screenshot above, in my case this is the GAMES folder)
- The file Bashed Patch, 0.esp should appear in the DATA folder. If it is not there, then: go to \Mopy\templates\Skyrim\. Copy the Bashed Patch, Skyrim.esp file from there to the DATA folder. In the DATA folder, rename it to Bashed Patch, 0.esp.
- All is ready. You can run the program from the folder \Mopy\Wrye Bash.exe. Let's launch. When you first start, it may hang for about 30 seconds - wait.

Here I want to describe the program panel. It may be different for everyone

Green square – enables/disables SKSE loading along with the game
- Pink square – if you check this box, Wrye Bash will close when you start the game.
- The third button is to start the game.
There will also definitely be buttons for a mod scanner for errors, a document browser, settings and help. But it’s convenient to add sorter buttons here, for example. How to do:
- Find the folder game folder\Mopy\Apps
- In this folder we drop the shortcuts of the programs that you want to see on the panel. (on the .exe file of the desired program RMB - create a shortcut. Transfer this shortcut to a folder).
Starting from version 304, you can fit absolutely any program here. But there is still a mechanism from older versions, when some programs are grabbed automatically (they must have a special library).

How to use:(It will be divided into sections. Whoever needs it will read it)

The main function is to work with mods. And so, we have this window in front of us:

In my case, the requirements for master files are as follows: CCO first. Then SkyRe_Main. But for me it’s the other way around.
LOOT, BOSS or your own opinion will help you sort. I will only point out that an orange warning does not always lead to bugs in the game. Sometimes it cannot be eliminated at all.
But if the square is pink, then something will definitely not work. This usually indicates a lack of master files. Point at the problematic plugin and look at the list of master files.

1.3. A check mark means that the plugin is enabled.
Plus sign - the mod has been combined into the Bashed Patch (more on that below).
Dot – the mod has been imported into Bashed Patch.
Empty – the mod is not active.

1.4. A little more about sorting. Especially for those who like to install mods manually and in bulk.
Often users have different versions of the same mod, or different mods that perform a similar function and are incompatible with each other. Mutually exclusive groups can be used to tag these mods so that you don't accidentally activate more than one file. When more than one mod from a group is activated, all overlapping files will be highlighted in orange
To declare such a group, you need to put a comma in the name of the mod. The part of the mod name before the comma will define all files included in the group (i.e. the part of the name before the comma must be the same).
- "Drop Lit Torches in Combat" has files with different settings: normal, B (Brighter), NM (no messages) and BNM (brighter + no messages).
- Rename them to: "Combat Torch, A.esp" (regular), "Combat Torch B,esp", "Combat Torch, NM.esp" and "Combat Torch, BNM.esp. As a result, you will have a group of files created "Combat Torch"
And if you plug in two versions of this mod, bash will warn you with an orange square. In general, it is considered good form to make variable mods with such names, but alas, not everyone does this; more often they put a dash.

1.5. By pressing RMB on the plugin, a menu is available. You can see what's interesting there. The most necessary thing is to delete the plugin or copy it.

1.6. The most important thing in this section. Remember, in the installation I wrote about the Bash Patch,0.esp file? So, with ANY sorting method, it should be LAST! The very best. For what? About it in a separate section.

Installing Mods with Wrye Bash

Wrye Bash has an undeniable advantage in installing plugins - they can be deleted with all their tails and files. There are a lot of opportunities for modders here. I will describe the settings for the average player. And so – go to the “Installers” tab. The program may freeze for several minutes and then display a blank window. So you need to stuff these installers into it.
* Go to the Skyrim Mods\Bash Installers folder. It is located in the same folder where the game is located. (from my example C:\Games\)
* We put archives with mods that we want to install into this folder. 7z, rar, zip supported. I will further call these archives packages.
* Return to the “Installers” tab. ATTENTION! The more files you put into the folder, the longer it may take to load.

2.3.1 And so - install the packages
* If there is a magic wand on the package square (the archive contains the Wizard.txt file):
- RMB on the package. Select “Master Installer”.
- an installer dialog will appear where you can select step-by-step installation options.
- click APPLY and you're done

2.3.2 For everything else:
- select the package we want to install.
- in the right window, select by ticking what we want to install. In the windows “sub-packages” and “esm/esp filter”
- RMB on the package, select “Install”.
If you later decide to pre-install or reinstall some parts of the package - RMB, select “normalize”.

- If a package is grayed out, it means that the structure of this archive is not supported by Wrye Bash. Manual installation only
- However, if the file is gray, but the files in the archive still have a similar placement structure to the game (for example, the installation folders were placed in a shared folder, then “bash” will no longer understand it), then you can do this:
- LMB twice on the package. The archiver will open.
- extract the necessary folders.
- in the installers the extracted file will appear as a package, but not with a square, but with a diamond.
- continue to install as in 2.3.1 or 2.3.2, depending on the content.

Colors of squares during installation:

Green – the packet is fully synchronized. Those. its contents are located in the DATA folder.
Red - some files included in the package are missing from the DATA folder.
Orange - all files of the package are in DATA, but some esp/esm files are not identical to the original ones in the package itself, i.e., for example, a patch / alternative version of the mod was installed, or the user simply changed the files after installation.
Yellow - all package files are located in the DATA folder, but some resource files (models, textures, etc.) do not match. That is, for example, a patch / alternative version of the mod was installed, or the user simply changed the files after installation or replaced them with some others.
White – the archive is recognized and is ready for installation.
Gray – the archive is not recognized and cannot be installed.
Cross X on any square – the archive is damaged.

- I tried to describe the capabilities of the installations in the most accessible way, without using terms and without being distracted by rarely encountered moments. If there are any questions, I’ll add them.
- To remove a mod – RMB on the package, select “Uninstall”. This will remove ALL files related to the package. If the package files have been overwritten (package NOT with a green square), the system will skip these files. Those. the mod that overwrote them will not break.

File Bashed Patch, 0.esp.

This file allows you to combine many plugins, combine level lists, and configure the game without some mods.
- When you have decided on the loading order of the plugins, you need to create this Bashed Patch, 0.esp. If it is not in the list of plugins, see the Installation section. RMB on it, select “Create a patch”.
- Merge patches – if plugins can be merged (has the Merge tag), they will be displayed on the right. By checking the box, the system will combine them in this mod and disable them from the download list (see section Working with mods).

Next comes the sections for importing all kinds of data. It’s better to check the boxes everywhere - then greater compatibility of plugins will be ensured. (level sheets are aligned, the names will be the same, etc.)
- Game parameters fixes

You can slightly customize the game settings without using third-party mods.
- Click “Create a patch”, wait, connect.

Next, I will describe a couple of features that are not related to the mod.
Tab “Add-ons for INI” – you can change the parameters in the Skyrim.ini file right here.
The Saved Games tab allows you to do several useful things.

Square colors:

The color of the checkbox displays the general state of the save file (correspondence of all master files to connected mods):
Purple: Perfect
The master files of the file completely match the currently connected mods
Blue: Good
Saving is compatible with the current set of plugins. There may be mods connected that were not used when creating this save.
Green: Good, but the master files do not match the current set of connected mods
To synchronize the list of mods with the necessary master files, use the Load master files command
Orange: The loading order of the save master files has changed
Skyrim and TES CS will take this normally. However, if some mods conflicted with each other, for example, changing the same item, then due to the changed loading order, the final parameters of this item may also change
Red: There are no master files for the save file
Check if all the necessary save mods are connected

Q: How can I view the ID of an item from a plugin in WB?
A: On the plugin, in the “Mods” tab, RMB – Details. It will give out the ID of everything by category.

Q: What is PCM, LMB?
A: Right Mouse Button, Left Mouse Button

Q: Is it possible to use WB to force a plugin to do.../change the way the plugin works/remove it from the plugin/add it to the plugin, etc.
A: No, you can't. WB is just a program that allows you to operate plugin packages and view them superficially, but there are other programs for changing them.

Q: I arranged the order of the mods, activated some, exited WB, launched the game through another launcher and the order changed. What to do?
A: The game should only be launched from WB. Button below. Otherwise, all these launchers are fighting for the right to place your mods and do not see each other. WB doesn’t arrange it itself, it takes lists from a file, which the programs fiddle with each time.

Q: What should the archive look like for WB to fully understand it?
A: The archive must contain 1 level of attachment of pre-installation files. Those. the archive should have a folder, and in it there should be files and folders that should be placed in the DATA of the game. There can be several root folders themselves.

Q: Why the Fomod folder?
A: It is for installation via NMM

Q: There is a lot of rubbish in the archive - text documents, screenshots. I don’t want to put them on and clean them with my hands?
Oh no. RMB on the Package column header. Below, choose what to skip. Then WB will not install these files

Q: I want to install packages with an automatic installer. Where to get it, how to make it?
A: If not, then just write it yourself. The syntax is described in the WB help. Knowledge of English is minimal

Q: Kryakozyabry in the game after the creation of the bashed Patch. In general, there are cracks somewhere after installing WB
A: WB of old versions did not work well with the Cyrillic alphabet. This is not observed on 305, but sometimes it happens. Check if there are Russian letters on the path to installing WB or the game. It is also better to have the account name in English. If there are Russian letters somewhere, it’s better to change them. If cracks are in the game after creating the patch, check the encoding of the plugins. At the bottom of the WB settings button is the encoding of plugins. Should be Russian

Q: Where is the Skyrim Mods\Bash Installers folder? It's not in the folder where the game is installed!
A: Launch WB, it will appear

Q: I just placed the archive in SkyrimMods\Bash Installers, but it is already red in the Installers
A: By default, WB immediately evaluates the contents of the package. Red is the absence of package files in DATA. Since you just placed the project in a folder, you haven’t unpacked the files yet - naturally, WB warns about this in DATA. When choosing a package, the reason will be indicated on the right

Q: I installed the mod using WB. Then another, which replaced the files of the first. Now I want to delete the second one. Will the first files be in place?
A: Yes, WB will return files from mod 1. Conflicting files and the mods they belong to can be viewed on the right in Installers

Q: I installed the mod manually/with another program. I want to change/delete it using WB
A: WB does not know that the mod is already installed. However, if the package is in the correct folder, it will show matches in the right window

Q: Some mods support NMM. I want to use its installer, but I want to see the package in WB Installers
A: When installing NMM, specify the mod folder SkyrimMods\Bash Installers

Q: I placed the archives in the Bash installers folder, but the Installers tab is empty. The program doesn't see them.
A: This option may be disabled. In the RMB Installers tab on the Packages column header - enabled

Like 3

Wrye Bash - A powerful utility for managing mods and saves for the games Skyrim, Skyrim SE, Fallout 4. Wrye Bash allows you to quite correctly install/uninstall new mods into the game, and most completely removes from the game all the “tails” from the uninstalled mod. Instructions for use:

* For Skyrim, Skyrim SE and higher, Fallout 4 v1.10.138.0, latest version of Enderal
* Support for Enderal: Forgotten Stories. This includes all patcher updates described below - Wrye Bash supports the same features as for Enderal and Skyrim.
* Correct ESL support for Skyrim SE and Fallout 4. Wrye Bash now understands how to properly handle .ESL files. Patch merging has been disabled for Skyrim SE and Fallout 4 - instead Wrye Bash has been given the ability to detect plugins with .ESL support and can mark them as .ESL, freeing up a slot in the mods' load order.
* Skyrim SE now supports the same patchers as Skyrim LE (Except for the merge patch as described above).
* New patchers: keyword import and text import
-- Target new keywords and text tags
-- Import keywords available for Skyrim LE, Enderal and Skyrim SE
-- Keyword import corrects keyword changes (KWDA & KSIZ sub-entries)
-- Text import is available for all games except Fallout 4
-- Text import corrects various types of long texts (eg text in a book, weapon descriptions, etc. - mostly DESC sub-entries)
* 46 new settings for Skyrim, Enderal and Skyrim SE
* wxPython 3 update: We've updated our GUI, making almost everything faster. Please note that we have done our best to fix any bugs found, but this is a very far-reaching change and we are likely to have missed something.
* Refactoring. A lot of it. INI, game processing, cosaves (shared saves), saving profiles, loading process, saving / restoring settings. Countless process errors have also been fixed.
* Significant overhaul(s) of Redme for consistency, readability and maintainability.
*Upcoming changes:
-- FOMOD support - experimental support
-- Improved Fallout 4 support
-- See our 307th stage of development, everything else that will be in future releases
* Error messages:
Follow the directions on the Wrye Bash wiki page. Report a bug and please post bug reports in the AFKMods thread or in the Wrye Bash Discord. Don't write directly to the GitHub tracker! If we can reproduce the bug, one of the maintainers will open the issue there and add the appropriate tags/step.

- The program code has been reworked and cleaned. Many bugs have been fixed.
- Reworked Bashed Patcher for Skyrim Special Edition. Please read the note below regarding this update.
- Added support for saving games Skyrim SE and Fallout 4.
- Added support for mods with .esl files from the Creation Club and saving these mods.
- Increased the maximum number of plugins when using .ESL files
- Supports installation of BodySlide files and data**
- Improved FNIS support**
- Improved support for installing content from the DynDOLOD mod.
- Support for plugins with MCM menu for Fallout 4 and mods with MCM menu in Skyrim LE/SE.
- Improved support for plugins running through SKSE64.
- Support for shared saves from skse64.
- Significantly improved (faster!) file system operations.
- Improved handling of files with dirty files (these are mods that have files like desktop.ini, thumbs.db that were accidentally packed into mod archives)
- (Fix) Improved BCF (BAIN Converter File) support for Skyrim, Skyrim SE, Fallout 4.
- (Bugfix) Bash will no longer include mods with .BSA files in merges plugins.
- (Fix) Improved crash handling and exception generation.
- (Correction) Fixed several errors with the processing of settings.INI files.
- (Bugfix) Improved handling of settings. This part of the code is in the process of being finalized.
**Note: Bash skips executables as a security measure. For a workaround, see how to create Bodyslide executables with bash.
+ Special Note to Bashed Patcher for Skyrim Special Edition: This version is a form of version 44, which means you will receive an error if you have any plugins from the classic Skyrim LE game in your mod load order that have not been converted correctly to SE Creation Kit (SECK). The program will continue to create the patch, but you may experience unusual behavior in the game. Do not contact us for help with issues related to the use of plugins that have the old form 43 from the game Skyrim LE.

On a note:
CAREFULLY! Many letters. I am writing this guide for an inexperienced user. Because the advanced ones have long figured it out on their own and read the certificate (the certificate is clear, but voluminous and in English). An inexperienced user simply does not need all the functionality. But if there are questions that are not covered here, I will try to answer. And most importantly, anyone who wants to understand and work with the program will have to read this manual to the end.

1. Wrye Bash allows you to quite correctly install/uninstall new mods into the game, and most completely removes from the game all the “tails” from the uninstalled mod - it returns almost all the meshes and textures it overwrites to their previous form, and also removes MOST of the scripts introduced by the mod.
2. Allows you to edit the loading order of mods.
3. Allows you to edit game ini files
4. Allows you to rename and delete saves, as well as create profiles - in fact, separate folders in which saves and basic game settings are stored. Thanks to this, you can play both for several characters simultaneously, and for several players on one computer (and all this - with YOUR OWN set of mods for each profile!) - the saves will not overlap and interfere with each other.
5. Makes it possible to create a special esp file called a bashed patch. With the help of this patch, among other things, you can easily and simply, without resorting to the use of any additional mods, change many global variables of the game, in fact, completely changing its gameplay.
6. Allows you to work with saves. More on this below.
7. Well, and one more thing, Wrye Bash can do a lot of other things, which in 99 cases out of 100 are simply not needed by the average player, but are often necessary for creators, localizers and mod testers.

- Installed package
- Skyrim version
- Skyrim SE version and higher
- Fallout 4 version and higher

If you previously used installer 306, then when installing version 307 and higher, it is recommended:
1.Run the 307.xx installer
2.Uncheck all the boxes in the installation window. Then click Next until the installer finishes (We just installed the patched uninstaller).
3.Run the corrected uninstaller in the folder %COMMONPROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Wrye Bash\uninstall.exe (should also be in the Start menu - All programs - Wrye Bash)
4.The corrected uninstaller will correctly perform the uninstallation procedure of the previous version.
5. Reinstall Vrai Bash again, new version 307 and higher. Don't worry about Wrye bash uninstalling during this procedure, your settings will still remain in place and the installed mods/files will remain as they were.
* The above procedure is to eradicate bad registry entries all previous installers have sat through that confuse subsequent installers. For those who have used the installer before and ended up with weird additional locations you don't need (and incorrectly remove)... this solves the problem.

The main link is version 307b3
By add. link - old versions 305 and 306 and 307
1. Run Wrye Bash Setup.exe.
2. Click Next.
3. Check the boxes Install for Skyrim and Wrye Bash. DO NOT check the Wrye Bash checkbox.
4. Installation location - root folder of Skyrim or Fallout 4 or Skyrim SE. NOT DATA, but the root folder. For me it’s like this: (see screenshot below)

5. Click Next.
6. Click Install. We wait. Ready

Now you need to check the installation is correct
- The Mopy folder should appear in the game folder
- The Skyrim Mods or Fallout4 Mods or SkyrimSE Mods folder should appear in the folder where the game is installed. (If you look at the screenshot above, in my case this is the GAMES folder)
- The file Bashed Patch, 0.esp should appear in the DATA folder. If it is not there, then: go to \Mopy\templates\Skyrim\. Copy the Bashed Patch, Skyrim.esp file from there to the DATA folder. In the DATA folder, rename it to Bashed Patch, 0.esp.
- All is ready. You can run the program from the folder \Mopy\Wrye Bash.exe. Let's launch. When you first start it may hang for 30 seconds - wait.

Here I want to describe the program panel. It may be different for everyone

Green square - enables/disables SKSE loading along with the game
- Pink square - if you check this box, Wrye Bash will close when you start the game.
- The third button is to start the game.
There will also definitely be buttons for a mod scanner for errors, a document browser, settings and help. But it’s convenient to add sorter buttons here, for example. How to do:
- Find the folder game folder\Mopy\Apps
- In this folder we drop the shortcuts of the programs that you want to see on the panel. (on the .exe file of the desired program RMB - create a shortcut. Transfer this shortcut to a folder).
Starting from version 304, you can fit absolutely any program here. But there is still a mechanism from older versions, when some programs are grabbed automatically (they must have a special library).

How to use:(It will be divided into sections. Whoever needs it will read it)
- The main function is to work with mods. And so, we have this window in front of us:

In the left panel all our plugins are in the order in which we have them arranged. We can drag and drop plugins wherever we want right in this window if we suddenly decide to change places.
- .esm files are highlighted in blue text
* Black - esp. files
* Green - merged plugins. A little later about them.
* Purple - plugins with the NoMerge tag. They just read it to avoid questions and forgot about it.

We watch the squares carefully
* Green - the plugin is installed correctly (ATTENTION! Wrye Bash itself does not sort plugins. It takes the installation correctness exclusively from the list of plugin master files!)
* Orange - a warning that all the master files for the plugin seem to be there, but most likely they are not installed in the order in which they are specified in the plugin. How to find out? Click on the plugin - all the information about it will be on the right.

In my case, the requirements for master files are as follows: CCO first. Then SkyRe_Main. But for me it’s the other way around.
LOOT, BOSS or your own opinion will help you sort. I will only point out that an orange warning does not always lead to bugs in the game. Sometimes it cannot be eliminated at all.
But if the square is pink, then something will definitely not work. This usually indicates a lack of master files. Point at the problematic plugin and look at the list of master files.

1.3. A check mark means that the plugin is enabled.
Plus sign - the mod has been combined into the Bashed Patch (more on that below).
Point - mod imported into Bashed Patch.
Empty - the mod is not active.

1.4. A little more about sorting. Especially for those who like to install mods manually and in bulk.
Often users have different versions of the same mod, or different mods that perform a similar function and are incompatible with each other. Mutually exclusive groups can be used to tag these mods so that you don't accidentally activate more than one file. When more than one mod from a group is activated, all overlapping files will be highlighted in orange
To declare such a group, you need to put a comma in the name of the mod. The part of the mod name before the comma will define all files included in the group (i.e. the part of the name before the comma must be the same).
- "Drop Lit Torches in Combat" has files with different settings: normal, B (Brighter), NM (no messages) and BNM (brighter + no messages).
- Rename them to: "Combat Torch, A.esp" (regular), "Combat Torch B,esp", "Combat Torch, NM.esp" and "Combat Torch, BNM.esp. As a result, you will have a group of files created "Combat Torch"
And if you plug in two versions of this mod, bash will warn you with an orange square. In general, it is considered good form to make variable mods with such names, but alas, not everyone does this; more often they put a dash.

1.5. By pressing RMB on the plugin, a menu is available. You can see what's interesting there. The most necessary thing is to delete the plugin or copy it.

1.6. The most important thing in this section. Remember, in the installation I wrote about the Bash Patch,0.esp file? So, with ANY sorting method, it should be LAST! The very best. For what? About it in a separate section.

Installing Mods with Wrye Bash
- Wrye Bash has an undeniable advantage in installing plugins - they can be deleted with all their tails and files. There are a lot of opportunities for modders here. I will describe the settings for the average player. And so - go to the “Installers” tab. The program may freeze for several minutes and then display a blank window. So you need to stuff these installers into it.
* Go to the Skyrim Mods\Bash Installers folder. It is located in the same folder where the game is located. (from my example C:\Games\)
* We put archives with mods that we want to install into this folder. 7z, rar, zip supported. I will further call these archives packages.
* Return to the “Installers” tab. ATTENTION! The more files you put into the folder, the longer it may take to load.

2.3.1 And so - install the packages
* If there is a magic wand on the package square (the archive contains the Wizard.txt file):
- RMB on the package. Select “Master Installer”.
- an installer dialog will appear where you can select step-by-step installation options.
- click APPLY and you're done

2.3.2 For everything else:
- select the package we want to install.
- in the right window, select by ticking what we want to install. In the windows “sub-packages” and “esm/esp filter”
- RMB on the package, select “Install”.
If you later decide to pre-install or reinstall some parts of the package - RMB, select “normalize”.

- If a package is grayed out, it means that the structure of this archive is not supported by Wrye Bash. Manual installation only
- However, if the file is gray, but the files in the archive still have a similar placement structure to the game (for example, the installation folders were placed in a shared folder, then “bash” will no longer understand it), then you can do this:
- LMB twice on the package. The archiver will open.
- extract the necessary folders.
- in the installers the extracted file will appear as a package, but not with a square, but with a diamond.
- continue to install as in 2.3.1 or 2.3.2, depending on the content.

Colors of squares during installation:
Green - the packet is fully synchronized. Those. its contents are located in the DATA folder.
Red - some files included in the package are missing from the DATA folder.
Orange - all files of the package are in DATA, but some esp/esm files are not identical to the original ones in the package itself, i.e., for example, a patch / alternative version of the mod was installed, or the user simply changed the files after installation.
Yellow - all package files are located in the DATA folder, but some resource files (models, textures, etc.) do not match. That is, for example, a patch / alternative version of the mod was installed, or the user simply changed the files after installation or replaced them with some others.
White - the archive is recognized and ready for installation.
Gray - the archive is not recognized and cannot be installed.
Cross X on any square - the archive is damaged.

- I tried to describe the capabilities of the installations in the most accessible way, without using terms and without being distracted by rarely encountered moments. If there are any questions, I will add them.
- To remove a mod - RMB on the package, select “Uninstall”. This will remove ALL files related to the package. If the package files have been overwritten (package NOT with a green square), the system will skip these files. Those. the mod that overwrote them will not break.

File Bashed Patch, 0.esp.
- This file allows you to combine many plugins, combine level lists, and configure the game without some mods.
- When you have decided on the loading order of the plugins, you need to create this Bashed Patch, 0.esp. If it is not in the list of plugins, see the Installation section. RMB on it, select “Create a patch”.
- Merge patches - if plugins can be merged (has the Merge tag), they will be displayed on the right. By checking the box, the system will combine them in this mod and disable them from the download list (see section Working with mods).

Next comes the sections for importing all kinds of data. It’s better to check the boxes everywhere - then greater compatibility of plugins will be ensured. (level sheets are aligned, the names will be the same, etc.)
- Game parameters fixes

You can slightly customize the game settings without using third-party mods.
- Click “Create a patch”, wait, connect.

Next, I will describe a couple of features that are not related to the mod.
Tab “Add-ons for INI” - you can change the parameters in the Skyrim.ini file right here.
The Saved Games tab allows you to do several useful things.

Square colors:
The color of the checkbox displays the general state of the save file (correspondence of all master files to connected mods):
. Purple: Perfect
The master files of the file completely match the currently connected mods
. Blue: Good
Saving is compatible with the current set of plugins. There may be mods connected that were not used when creating this save.
. Green: Good, but the master files do not match the current set of connected mods
To synchronize the list of mods with the necessary master files, use the Load master files command
. Orange: The loading order of the save master files has changed
Skyrim and TES CS will take this normally. However, if some mods conflicted with each other, for example, changing the same item, then due to the changed loading order, the final parameters of this item may also change
. Red: There are no master files for the save file
Check if all the necessary save mods are connected

Q: How can I view the ID of an item from a plugin in WB?
A: On the plugin, in the “Mods” tab, RMB -Details. It will give out the ID of everything by category.

Q: What is PCM, LMB?
A: Right Mouse Button, Left Mouse Button

Q: Is it possible to use WB to force a plugin to do.../change the way the plugin works/remove it from the plugin/add it to the plugin, etc.
A: No, you can't. WB is just a program that allows you to operate plugin packages and view them superficially, but there are other programs for changing them.

Q: I arranged the order of the mods, activated some, exited WB, launched the game through another launcher and the order changed. What to do?
A: The game should only be launched from WB. Button below. Otherwise, all these launchers are fighting for the right to place your mods and do not see each other. WB doesn’t arrange it itself, it takes lists from a file, which the programs fiddle with each time.

Q: What should the archive look like for WB to fully understand it?
A: The archive must contain 1 level of attachment of pre-installation files. Those. the archive should have a folder, and in it there should be files and folders that should be placed in the DATA of the game. There can be several root folders themselves.

Q: Why the Fomod folder?
A: It is for installation via NMM

Q: There is a lot of junk in the archive - text documents, screenshots. I don’t want to put them on and clean them with my hands?
Oh no. RMB on the Package column header. Below, choose what to skip. Then WB will not install these files

Q: I want to install packages with an automatic installer. Where to get it, how to make it?
A: If not, then just write it yourself. The syntax is described in the WB help. Knowledge of English - minimal

Q: Kryakozyabry in the game after the creation of the bashed Patch. In general, there are cracks somewhere after installing WB
A: WB of old versions did not work well with the Cyrillic alphabet. This is not observed on 305, but sometimes it happens. Check if there are Russian letters on the path to installing WB or the game. It is also better to have the account name in English. If there are Russian letters somewhere, it is better to change them. If cracks are in the game after creating the patch, check the encoding of the plugins. At the bottom of the WB settings button is the encoding of plugins. Should be Russian

Q: Where is the Skyrim Mods\Bash Installers folder? It's not in the folder where the game is installed!
A: Launch WB, it will appear

Q: I just placed the archive in SkyrimMods\Bash Installers, but it is already red in the Installers
A: By default, WB immediately evaluates the contents of the package. Red is no package files in DATA. Since you just placed the project in a folder, you haven’t unpacked the files yet - naturally, WB warns about this in DATA. When choosing a package, the reason will be indicated on the right

Q: I installed the mod using WB. Then another, which replaced the files of the first. Now I want to delete the second one. Will the first files be in place?
A: Yes, WB will return files from mod 1. Conflicting files and the mods they belong to can be viewed on the right in Installers

Q: I installed the mod manually/with another program. I want to change/delete it using WB
A: WB does not know that the mod is already installed. However, if the package is in the correct folder, it will show matches in the right window

Q: Some mods support NMM. I want to use its installer, but I want to see the package in WB Installers
A: When installing NMM, specify the mod folder SkyrimMods\Bash Installers

Q: I placed the archives in the Bash installers folder, but the Installers tab is empty. The program doesn't see them.
A: This option may be disabled. In the RMB Installers tab on the Packages column header - enabled

Video instructions for working with Wrye Bash in Russian from Valera Noble () see the VIDEO section

One of the most prominent representatives of the gaming industry, which fully supports user modifications, is Bethesda Game Studios, which gave the world the The Elder Scrolls series.

The fifth part of the series, Skyrim, still remains very popular among players around the world, which is the merit of not only the developers, but also the modders. Today, there are more than ten thousand add-ons of various functionality and complexity, and the average fan has about two hundred installed add-ons.

The appearance of so many modifications sooner or later should have led to the creation of special programs for managing additional game content. One of these utilities is Wrye Bash, which has a rich set of functions and settings. The program is quite difficult to learn, but both casual players and enthusiasts are definitely worth learning how to use Wrye Bash.

Program features

The main purpose of the utility is complete control over the process of installing and uninstalling new game modifications while carefully interacting with the script component and preserving the original game files. A very useful option that allows you to avoid cluttering the Data folder with thousands of files.

Additional functionality of the program:

  1. Working with saves - creating several configurations with individual settings and a list of installed add-ons. Considering that the maximum allowed number of modifications installed in the game is 255, the ability to create your own list of mods for each save/character will be useful to many players.
  2. Sorting add-ons (changing the download order). A considerable part of modifications use the resources of the game (or other add-ons) and, if necessary, access the storage location for these files - the so-called master file, which must be installed and located higher in the download list. When installing another mod with such connections, the program will warn the user about the need to adjust the position of the file in the list.
  3. Combining modifications, editing level lists. In this case, it usually makes sense to use Wrye Bash to prevent conflict situations, as a result of which files from add-ons “overlap” each other, or when the mod limit is exceeded (for example, combining 10 types of weapons from different add-ons into one esp file ).
  4. Editor of game configuration files. Eliminates the need to navigate to these files manually. May be required when installing some global add-ons.
  5. Mod Developer Tools.

How to install Wrye Bash

The program is free, so it is freely available and can be downloaded from any resource. The installation process looks like this:

  1. Run the downloaded installation file, click Next.
  2. Mark the game for which the program is being installed, leave other items unchanged.
  3. Specify the root directory of the game as the path, click Next, then Install.
  4. Make sure that everything is done correctly: the installer will create a Mopy directory in the root directory of the game, and a Bashed Patch 0.esp file in the Data directory. Sometimes the program does not create it, in this case you need to force copy Bashed Patch, Skyrim.esp from...Mopy\templates\Skyrim there, and then rename it to Bashed Patch, 0.esp.
  5. Run the program.


The main menu is located at the bottom of the program window. The first icon on the left is responsible for launching the game in conjunction with the Skyrim Script Extender, the next one is for closing Wrye Bash when the game starts. Accordingly, they can be marked or unchecked. Clicking on the third icon launches the game.

This is followed by icons for settings, help, running a scan, and the document browser. The user can set the remaining buttons himself. As a rule, utilities necessary for modders and players (Boss or Nexus Mod Manager for example) go here. They may appear there when installing Wrye Bash (this depends on their settings), but they are added manually by creating a program shortcut in the...Mopy\Apps directory.

How to use Wrye Bash

It will not be possible to master all the functionality of the program right away. Modders will even have to study English-language instructions. Wrye Bash turns out to be more accessible to use for ordinary players.

The main program window is divided into two parts. On the left are all modifications installed in the game, arranged in loading order (this order can be changed right here by simply dragging it or using the appropriate utilities). The same part of the window displays information from other tabs of the program. The right side displays detailed information about the game components.

Each of the modifications is marked with a color: esm archives are in blue, regular esp ones are in black, merged modifications are highlighted in green, and those available for merging are highlighted in purple. The colors of the cells of each modification carry other information:

  • A green cell indicates the correct location of the mod in relation to the master file.
  • An orange cell indicates a violation of the file order recorded in the addon. Keep in mind that often the required file order does not affect the game in any way.
  • A pink cell means the required master file is missing or its location is incorrect.
  • Receipt stamps in the cell are an installed and active modification.
  • + signals that the mod has been processed by a bash patch.
  • The dot is a sign of import.
  • There is no check mark - the addon is disabled.

The operation of modifications processed using a patch (most often we are talking about combining several mods into one) is controlled by the Bashed Patch file, 0.esp. This file should always be at the very bottom of the list, which will avoid errors and conflicts in the game.

To install addons, the program provides an “Installers” tab. Initially it is empty. To install mods, Wrye Bash, like other utilities, has a special directory created during the installation phase in the same directory as the game folder (...Mods\Bash Installers). Here you need to place all the necessary archives with additions, and then re-enter the tab. The program will take some time to load all modifications.

Both automatic installation (if the modmaker wanted to make his modification appropriate) and manual installation are supported. With automatic installation, using Wrye Bash is usually not difficult: you just need to right-click on the desired archive and then click “Master Installer”. Depending on the complexity of the modification, you will be asked to configure options for its installation, then click Apply. In manual mode, you need to select the addons you are interested in, call up the context menu and click “Install”.

In cases where the archive has content that is not supported by the program (an archive within an archive, for example), it will be marked in gray. In this case, you can still try to install the modification by unpacking this archive and starting the installation. Wrye Bash will not be able to install the mod only if the structure of the files itself is broken (does not correspond to the game one).

When installing the add-on, you should also pay attention to the color designations:

  • White color - the archive is supported by the program, and the mod can be installed.
  • Gray color - the program cannot recognize the file.
  • Green color - the program records the complete correspondence between its settings and the files in the game directory.
  • Yellow color - the files are in place, but there are compatibility problems, or a change or replacement of one or more mod files has been recorded after installation.
  • Red color - one or more modification files are not in the directory.
  • A cross on any field indicates that the archive is damaged.

Removing mods

To remove an addon, just call up its context menu and click “Uninstall”. If modification files have been modified by another add-on, the program will not delete them.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Wrye Bash

Game platform: TES V: Skyrim Legendary Edition
Name: Wrye Bash
Current version: 307b2
Mod language: English Russian
Size: 18 MB
Wrye Bash Team


Wrye Bash- A powerful utility for managing mods, plugins, saves.


  1. WryeBash allows you to quite correctly install/uninstall new mods into the game, and most completely removes from the game all the “tails” from the uninstalled mod - it returns almost all the meshes and textures it overwrites to their previous form, and also removes MOST of the scripts introduced by the mod.
  2. Allows you to edit the loading order of mods.
  3. Allows you to edit the game's ini files.
  4. Allows you to rename and delete saves, as well as create profiles - in fact, separate folders in which saves and basic game settings are stored. Thanks to this, you can play both for several characters simultaneously, and for several players on one computer (and all this - with YOUR OWN set of mods for each profile!) - the saves will not overlap and interfere with each other.
  5. Makes it possible to create a special esp file called a bashed patch. With the help of this patch, among other things, you can easily and simply, without resorting to the use of any additional mods, change many global variables of the game, in fact, completely changing its gameplay.
  6. Allows you to work with saves. More on this below.
  7. Well, and one more thing, WryeBash can do a lot more, in 99 cases out of 100 it is simply not needed by the average player, but is often necessary for creators, localizers and mod testers.


  • Installed Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 - 2013 x86 & x64 package
  • Installed Skyrim


  1. Launch Wrye Bash 306 Setup.exe.
  2. Click Next.
  3. Check the boxes Install for Skyrim and Wrye Bash. DO NOT check the WryeBash checkbox.
  4. Installation location: Skyrim root folder. NOT DATA, but the root folder. For me it’s like this: (see screenshot).
  5. Click Next.
  6. Click Install. We wait. Ready

Checking the correct installation.

  • The Mopy folder should appear in the game folder
  • The Skyrim Mods folder should appear in the folder where the game is installed. (If you look at the screenshot above, in my case this is the GAMES folder)
  • The file Bashed Patch, 0.esp should appear in the DATA folder. If it is not there, then: go to \Mopy\templates\Skyrim\. Copy the Bashed Patch, Skyrim.esp file from there to the DATA folder. In the DATA folder, rename it to Bashed Patch, 0.esp.
  • All is ready. You can run the program from the \Mopy\Wrye Bash.exe folder. Let's launch. When you first start, it may hang for about 30 seconds - wait.


  1. Green square – enables/disables SKSE loading along with the game
  2. Pink square – if you check this box, WryeBash will close when you start the game.
  3. The third button is to start the game.
    There will also definitely be buttons for a mod scanner for errors, a document browser, settings and help. But it’s convenient to add sorter buttons here, for example. How to do:
  4. Find the folder game folder\Mopy\Apps
  5. Into this folder we drop the shortcuts of the programs that you want to see on the panel. (on the .exe file of the desired program RMB - create a shortcut. Transfer this shortcut to a folder).
    Starting from version 304, you can fit absolutely any program here. But there is still a mechanism from older versions, when some programs are grabbed automatically (they must have a special library).

How to use:

  • The main function is to work with mods. And so, we have this window in front of us:
    In the left panel all our plugins are in the order in which we have them arranged. We can drag and drop plugins wherever we want right in this window if we suddenly decide to change places.
  • .esm files are highlighted in blue text
  • Black – esp. files
  • Green – merged plugins. A little later about them.
  • Purple – plugins with the NoMerge tag. They just read it to avoid questions and forgot about it.
  • We watch the squares carefully
  • Green – the plugin is installed correctly (ATTENTION! WryeBash itself does not sort plugins. It takes the installation correctness exclusively from the list of plugin master files!)
  • Orange is a warning that all the master files for the plugin seem to be there, but most likely they are not installed in the order in which they are specified in the plugin. How to find out? Click on the plugin - all the information about it will be on the right.
    In my case, the requirements for master files are as follows: CCO first. Then SkyRe_Main. But for me it’s the other way around.
    LOOT, BOSS or your own opinion will help you sort. I will only point out that an orange warning does not always lead to bugs in the game. Sometimes it cannot be eliminated at all.
    But if the square is pink, then something will definitely not work. This usually indicates a lack of master files. Point at the problematic plugin and look at the list of master files.

1.3. A check mark means that the plugin is enabled.
Plus - the mod is combined into the Bashed Patch (more on that below).
Dot – the mod has been imported into Bashed Patch.
Empty – the mod is not active.
1.4. A little more about sorting. Especially for those who like to install mods manually and in bulk.
Often users have different versions of the same mod, or different mods that perform a similar function and are incompatible with each other. Mutually exclusive groups can be used to tag these mods so that you don't accidentally activate more than one file. When more than one mod from a group is activated, all overlapping files will be highlighted in orange
To declare such a group, you need to put a comma in the name of the mod. The part of the mod name before the comma will define all files included in the group (i.e. the part of the name before the comma must be the same).

  • "Drop Lit Torches in Combat" has files with different settings: normal, B (Brighter), NM (no messages) and BNM (brighter + no messages).
  • Rename them to: "Combat Torch, A.esp" (regular), "Combat Torch B,esp", "Combat Torch, NM.esp" and "Combat Torch, BNM.esp. As a result, you will have a group of files " Combat Torch."
    And if you plug in two versions of this mod, bash will warn you with an orange square. In general, it is considered good form to make variable mods with such names, but alas, not everyone does this; more often they put a dash.
1.5. By pressing RMB on the plugin, a menu is available. You can see what's interesting there. The most necessary thing is to delete the plugin or copy it.
1.6. The most important thing in this section. Remember, in the installation I wrote about the Bash Patch,0.esp file? So, with ANY sorting method, it should be LAST! The very best. For what? About him in a separate section.​

Installing mods with WryeBash

  • WryeBash has an undeniable advantage in installing plugins - they can be deleted with all their tails and files. There are a lot of opportunities for modders here. I will describe the settings for the average player. And so – go to the “Installers” tab. The program may freeze for several minutes and then display a blank window. So you need to stuff these installers into it.
  • Go to the SkyrimMods\BashInstallers folder. It is located in the same folder where the game is located. (from my example C:\Games\)
  • We put archives with mods that we want to install into this folder. 7z, rar, zip supported. I will further call these archives packages.
  • Return to the “Installers” tab. ATTENTION! The more files you put into the folder, the longer it may take to load.

2.3.1 And so - install the packages

  • If there is a magic wand on the package square (the archive contains the Wizard.txt file):
    • RMB on the package. Select “Master Installer”.
    • An installer dialog will appear where you can select step-by-step installation options.
    • Click APPLY and you're done.

2.3.2 For everything else:​

  • select the package we want to install.
  • In the right window, use the checkboxes to select what you want to install. In the windows “sub-packages” and “esm/esp filter”
  • RMB on the package, select “Install”.

If you later decide to pre-install or reinstall some parts of the package - RMB, select “normalize”.​

  • If a package is grayed out, it means that the structure of this archive is not supported by Wrye Bash. Manual installation only
  • However, if the file is gray, but the files in the archive still have a similar placement structure to the game (for example, the installation folders were moved to a shared folder, then “bash” will no longer understand it), then you can do this:
  • LMB twice on the package. The archiver will open.
  • extract the required folders.
  • The extracted file will appear in the installers as a package, but not with a square, but with a diamond.
  • then install as in 2.3.1 or 2.3.2, depending on the content.

B]Colors of squares during installation:​

  • Green – the packet is fully synchronized. Those. its contents are located in the DATA folder.
  • Red - some files included in the package are missing from the DATA folder.
  • Orange - all files of the package are in DATA, but some esp/esm files are not identical to the original ones in the package itself, i.e., for example, a patch / alternative version of the mod was installed, or the user simply changed the files after installation.
  • Yellow - all package files are located in the DATA folder, but some resource files (models, textures, etc.) do not match. That is, for example, a patch / alternative version of the mod was installed, or the user simply changed the files after installation or replaced them with some others.
  • White – the archive is recognized and is ready for installation.
  • Gray – the archive is not recognized and cannot be installed.
  • Cross X on any square – the archive is damaged.


  • I tried to describe the capabilities of the installations in the most accessible way, without using terms and without being distracted by rarely encountered moments. If there are any questions, I’ll add them.
  • To remove a mod, right-click on the package and select “Uninstall”. This will remove ALL files related to the package. If the package files have been overwritten (package NOT with a green square), the system will skip these files. Those. the mod that overwrote them will not break.

File Bashed Patch, 0.esp.

  • This file allows you to combine many plugins, combine level lists, and configure the game without some mods.
  • When you have decided on the order in which the plugins will be loaded, you need to create this BashedPatch, 0.esp. If it is not in the list of plugins, see the Installation section. RMB on it, select “Create a patch”.
  • Merge patches – if plugins can be merged (have the Merge tag), they will be displayed on the right. By checking the box, the system will combine them in this mod and disable them from the download list (see section Working with mods).
  • Next comes the sections for importing all kinds of data. It’s better to check the boxes everywhere - then it will be ensured O Greater plugin compatibility. (level sheets are aligned, the names will be the same, etc.)
  • Game settings fixes
  • You can slightly customize the game settings without using third-party mods.
  • Click “Create a patch”, wait, connect.

Next, I will describe a couple of features that are not related to the mod.
Tab “Add-ons for INI” – you can change the parameters in the Skyrim.ini file right here.
The Saved Games tab allows you to do several useful things.
Square colors:
The color of the checkbox displays the general state of the save file (correspondence of all master files to connected mods):​

  • Purple: Perfect
    The master files of the file completely match the currently connected mods
  • Blue: Good
    Saving is compatible with the current set of plugins. There may be mods connected that were not used when creating this save.
  • Green: Good, but the master files do not match the current set of connected mods
    To synchronize the list of mods with the necessary master files, use the Load master files command
  • Orange: The loading order of the save master files has changed
    Skyrim and TES CS will take this normally. However, if some mods conflicted with each other, for example, changing the same item, then due to the changed loading order, the final parameters of this item may also change
  • Red: There are no master files for the save file

Check if all the necessary save mods are connected.​

Video instructions for working with Wrye Bash in Russian