Change the Windows welcome screen. How to change the Windows Welcome screen

In this lesson we will learn with you how to change the welcome screen in Windows 7.

Welcome Screen– this is the image that we see when the operating system boots. When we turn on the computer, after about half a minute we see a blue picture, and in the middle there are usually the words “ Welcome", this is the welcome screen. You can look at the picture below and immediately remember:

The picture that appears on the welcome screen in this moment, can be seen by pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctr+Alt+Delete.

In this lesson we will learn how to change this image.

How to change the welcome screen? To change the welcome screen in Windows 7, of course, you can try to dig into the registry and get something as a result. But it seems to me that for a beginner this will not be the most simple options

. Therefore, I suggest using separately installed software. There is such a program, it's called Windows 7 Logon Background Changer

. Using it, you can very easily change the welcome screen in Windows 7. You need to download it first.

Download the program from the official website using the link above. Open the folder with the program and launch the Win7LogonBackgroundChanger file with the monitor icon by double-clicking on it with the left mouse button.

Our program has started. Here the main space is occupied by the picture that we currently have as the welcome screen, and below we see those pictures that we can install. In order to right now change welcome screen

Click once on the picture you like, it will immediately appear in the main window in the middle and now to save the changes you have made, you need to click the button at the top of the program “Apply”.

In the window that appears, we confirm our intention to change the welcome screen by clicking the “ Yes".

We wait a few seconds while the welcome screen changes.

You can look at the result right away; you don’t have to restart the computer to see the welcome screen when loading. You just need to press the key combination Ctr+Alt+Delete. Immediately we will see the welcome screen that will appear when the system boots.

Now let me tell you how to put your own pictures or photographs on the welcome screen, and not just those built into the program. To do this, you need to select the pictures that you would like to put on the welcome screen, you can have one, you can have several, you will change them from time to time. So, you need to select pictures, create a folder, for example on drive (C:) called Welcome Screen and put all the selected images there.

Click on this button and select the folder with images.

All of them were loaded from the folder and will be displayed at the bottom of the program. We select the one we like and save by clicking the “Apply” button.

We can see the result again by pressing the key combination Ctr+Alt+Delete.

Using it like this special program Can In order to right now in Windows 7. That's it this lesson finished, see you in the next ones.

Windows7- this is one of the most popular versions systems. We are all used to seeing a greeting blue screen with the words “Welcome.” Of course, it can get boring, despite its attractiveness, and there is an opportunity to change it. Not everyone knows how to do this, but with the help of our tips you will certainly succeed. To call this screensaver just click Ctrl/Alt/Del.

This article describes three ways to change the Windows 7 welcome screen:

1 . Using the LogonBackgroundChanger program.
2. Using the TweaksLogon program.
3. Change the Windows 7 welcome screen without programs.

Method 1.

1. Download the LogonBackgroundChanger app from the Internet.
2. Unzip the directory.
3 . Double-click the Win7LBC.exe file.
4. Follow all instructions.

5. At the bottom of the screen there will be the inscription “Preset Startup Screensavers”. Choose any one you like. If you want to choose your own, click “ChooseAFolder” and select the desired directory.

6. When you decide on the picture, click “Apply”, then “YES” and wait.

7. If you select a large image, the application will cut it down to 256Kb.

8. To see what happened, use the combination Ctrl/Alt/Del.

Method 2.

1 . Download the TweaksLogon app from the Internet.
2. Unzip the folder.
3. Find the TweaksLogon.exe file and run it.
4. Follow all instructions.
5. This application does not have drawing templates like the previous one. Therefore, select yours by indicating the path to it. (“Select Backgroud” button).

At large size pictures You will see a window:

Agree with downsizing.

6. The background will be changed. To check, press TEST.

7. To return, click RevertToDefaultLogonScreen.

Method 3. Change the Windows 7 welcome screen without programs.

1. This method allows you to change the screen background without installing programs.

2. Go to START and type regedit.

3. In the window that opens, find OEMBackground and right-click. Change the value to 1.

Hello, dear readers! Surely after long-term use operating room Windows systems 7, you're getting bored standard image, which expresses a greeting when entering the OS? The same screensaver constantly catches the eye, which can cause not the most pleasant emotions in many people.

If that's the case, why don't you change start screen to a drawing or photograph that is more interesting to you? This is not as difficult to do as it might seem at first glance - the replacement operation will take you a few minutes at most. So, it's time to figure out how to change the background Windows greetings 7, so that the background when loading can always please you!

Using software to achieve a goal

This method is intended not only for users who do not want to perform many actions, but also for those who are afraid to perform operations with the system registry. To change the screensaver when logging into the OS, you must first download and install software called “ Logon Background Changer" Its weight is barely more than 700 kilobytes, so there will be no problems with downloading and subsequent installation. Instructions for replacing the background:

  1. Launch the software indicated above and prepare the image that you want to install on the login window.
  2. IN running application select “Choose a folder” and select the one you want from the lower list of images.
  3. Once you have made your selection, click “Apply” and confirm the changes to the OS settings.

After confirmation, the image will be saved and set to loading screen. Now you can go to it (CTRL+ALT+DEL) and view the results of your work. All actions will take a maximum of 3-5 minutes.

How to achieve what you want using the system registry?

Advanced users can disable or change the picture by contacting Windows registry 7. If you also want to try to do everything yourself, use the detailed instructions below:

In the search menu, type regedit and press Enter. After completing the steps, the editor window will open.

In the left list of folders, find the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion, then go to the Authentication folder, then LogonUI and open the Background location.

Here in the right window you will find the OEMBackground file. If it doesn’t exist, then create it. Click right click mouse: create /parameter DWORD 32 and name the file OEMBackground. After clicking on this file 2 times, a window pops up and in it we indicate the value 1.

When you are done with the registry, create system folder System32\oobe storage folder and name it Info, and in it, in turn, create a backgrounds folder. This is where you need to upload the desired background image. Look at the picture, what is circled in red, you should get the same path.

When you place an image on the specified path on the disk, it must be in JGP format and no larger than 256 KB in size, it will be automatically installed on the loading screen. To save the changes you need to restart your PC.

Share this article with your friends so that they too can make their OS more fashionable, attractive and beautiful. Don’t forget to subscribe to new articles and instructions to be among the first to know about the most useful and popular information on literacy and efficient work with a computer. See you again!

Hello, friends!
Is it possible to change it yourself? standard screen greetings (downloading) Windows on yours and how to do it?

In this article I will talk about the three most simple and available ways replace the Windows Welcome screen with any image of yours.

Method 1 – Tweakslogon program

Tweakslogon– the simplest tool for replacing the screen saver when logging into Windows. All you need to do is launch the program, click “Change Logon Screen” and select any picture you like. program.

Attention! Your drawing should be no more than 256Kb. Don't know how to fit right size? I recommend reading my article “How to resize an image using a program Microsoft Paint». .

To see what you got, just click “Test” in the program window or the key combination Ctrl+Alt+Del.

Method 2 – Windows 7 Logon Background Changer program

Windows 7 Logon Background Change– the program allows you to select any image, which will be automatically optimized and adjusted to change the background image. You can download the version of the program either from the official website

Create separate folder for pictures and fill it with your photos or any pictures in good resolution. The quantity is at your discretion, you can have one.

Next, launch the program and click the button → Choose a folder. Specify the folder you created. If you did everything correctly, your pictures will be loaded in the bottom slider. Choose the most suitable one and click Apply. Now evaluate what happened by pressing the key combination Ctrl+Alt+Del.

Method 3 – Editing the Registry

This method is for inquisitive minds, when simple means not interesting. You can learn about what a registry is and why it is needed by reading the article. In the seventh Windows versions, change background Windows boot possible using the operating system itself. To do this, you need to make small changes to the registry.

Start → Regedit in the search bar → Enter. If enabled (User Account Control) confirm the action by clicking → Yes.

We are interested in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE parameter, click on it right key mouse → Find. In the search window, enter OEMBackground (uncheck all options except parameter names).

The section will open:


We are interested in → open it by double-clicking the left mouse button. In the "Change DWORD Value" window, change the value from 0 to 1.

Now let's create a couple of folders. Go to: C:\Windows\System32\Oobe and create a folder named “info” (without quotes), in this folder create another one named “backgrounds” (without quotes).

Last operating system from the corporation created by Bill Gates and his friend, differs from its predecessors in an incredible number of innovations regarding its appearance.

The number of options that allow you to change the appearance of the OS has also increased. Today we’ll look at how to change the welcome screen for Windows 10, which the user sees every time the operating system starts.

In the top ten, Microsoft finally allows you to change the background of the welcome screen in Windows using built-in tools, which was not the case before. Now this process is carried out very quickly, and it does not require the use of an external software. Although we will also touch on that.

Let's start with how to change the login screen background. Windows system 10 tools provided by the developer. This can be done in literally a couple of clicks, and does not cause difficulties even for people who…

1. Open “Settings” of the system (Win + I).

2. Go to the personalization section.

3. Click on the name of the third tab.

4. In the “Background” menu, select “Photo”.

By the way, the new OS allows you to display information of interest to the user on the lock screen and create a slide show on it, consisting of standard or selected graphic files from any directory.

5. Specify the proposed image or click “Browse” and select your image in the native screen resolution.

Check what the new one looks like background picture You can use the Win+L keys. Logon Changer

Before you start using the application, think carefully about the use third party software may lead to problems in the functioning of the operating system.

The utility is located on the website:

1. Be sure to set the “tens” rollback point.

3. Install it and launch it from the installer window.

4. Click on the first icon at the top of the interface and set the path to the picture to which we intend to change the lock screen photo.

As a result, the picture will be replaced.

The second button will help you return everything back: “Revert Wallpaper”.

To see what happened, press Win+L to bring up the lock screen.

As you can see, it’s easy to understand even with the English version of the utility.

additional information

Windows 10 allows you to disable the background image during login account by editing the corresponding key system registry. Instead of a photo or other raster file the background will be filled with the primary color selected in personalization (see first section).

1. Run regedit in the search bar.

2. Open the HKLM branch.

5. In the “System” subsection, create a DWORD key with the name “DisableLogonBackgroundImage” and the value 1 (one in hexadecimal).

Removing the key or changing its value to zero will return everything to its place.