General Director of Yandex. About the creation of Yandex. About mutual understanding between humans and AI

Co-founder and CEO of the largest search engine in Runet "" Arkady Yurievich Volozh was born in the Kazakh SSR in the city of Guryev (now the city is called Atyrau) on February 11, 1964. In 1981, he graduated from the RPMSH (Republican Physics and Mathematics School) in the city of Alma-Ata. During his studies, he sat at the same desk as the current one. technical director and co-founder of Yandex. After graduating from school, friends tried to enroll at Moscow State University, but, unfortunately, were unsuccessful. After that, their paths diverged for some time.
Arkady Volozh entered the Moscow Institute of Oil and Gas named after Gubkin (referred to as a kerosene among students) at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics, which he successfully graduated in 1986.

In 1988, immediately after the adoption of the Law on Cooperation, Volozh became the director of a cooperative engaged in computer sales. In 1989, armed with the acquired knowledge and skills, he took part in the founding of CompTek. However, the problem of information processing still interested Arkady. In the same 1989, together with Arkady Borkovsky, a specialist in computer linguistics at the Academy of Sciences, he opened the Arcadia company. In 1990, Arkady's school friend comes to work at the company.

The company developed a classifier of inventions, which was in demand among research institutes and organizations related to patent research. After the market reform, the product offered by Arcadia began to sell much worse, and Borkovsky left for America. At that time, programmers had achieved some success in the development of search technology, so Volozh did not abandon Arcadia to the mercy of fate, making it a structural division of CompTek.

In 1993, the first working version search application called "Yandex". In 1995, the company’s computers were connected to the Internet, and the need to develop technologies specifically for this segment of the IT market seemed completely obvious to Volozh. By 1996, through the efforts of Volozh and his team, Yandex was modified to work on the Internet, and in 1997 it was presented at the Softool exhibition, which was located on the portal of the same name at Yandex.Ru. In the same year, the search engine completely indexed the entire Russian segment of the Internet. As Arkady Volozh later recalled, at that time its volume was a little more than 4 gigabytes.

Since 1998, Arkady Volozh headed the Committee wireless networks access RANS (Russian Association of Documentary Telecommunications) and took an active part in the process of deregulation of frequencies for operators providing wireless access to the network. In 1999, Volozh actively contributed to the legalization of IP telephony in Russia.

Until 2000, Yandex developed under the wing of CompTek, and in the same year the search engine became a separate company, whose CEO became Arkady Volozh. In the same year, the head of the search engine finds investors to whom he sells part of the company, while maintaining full control above her. Arkady Volozh uses the proceeds to hire new specialists and develop services.

Today Arkady Volozh is a member of the board of directors and co-owner Russian company Infinet Wireless. In addition, he still runs the most popular and largest resource on the Runet. By the way, the director of Yandex was included in the top hundred of the management personnel reserve list approved by the President of Russia in 2009.

We thank the public relations service of the Yandex company for the photo provided.


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Founder and CEO of the largest search engine on the Runet, “Yandex” Volozh Arkady Yurievich was born in the Kazakh SSR in the city of Guryev (Atyrau) on February 11, 1964. In 1981, he graduated from the Republican Physics and Mathematics School in Alma-Ata. By the way, during his studies he sat at the same desk with the current technical director and co-founder of Yandex, Ilya Segalovich. After graduating from school, friends tried to enroll at Moscow State University, but, unfortunately, were unsuccessful. After that, their paths diverged for some time.

The history of the largest in RuNet begins somewhere in 1988. At a time when you are still young and no one knows famous programmer and the entrepreneur created the computer sales company CompTek. In parallel with the development of his business, Volozh was still working at the Institute of Management Problems of the USSR Academy of Sciences, where he was interested in data processing algorithms, which gave him the idea of ​​​​creating a program that would provide information search on the Internet.

Arkady has an idea about the need for a program that will search taking into account inflections in the Russian language. And just at this moment there is a person who can help him cope with this task. This person was Arkady Borkovsky, who worked on the problems of computer linguistics at the Academy of Sciences. This is how the Arcadia company was founded. And after much effort, the distribution kit of the “International Classifier of Inventions” was ready.

Things were going pretty well. The product was sold for about three years, and there was enough money to pay employees and advertise in newspapers. Later, the “Classifier of Goods and Services” was developed. But at this time the economy in the country in the early nineties dictated its conditions, and the demand for such software products decreased significantly. In contrast to Arcadia, Volozh’s other company, CompTek, was successfully gaining momentum in the supply of computers and deploying networks in financial institutions. Therefore, it was decided to reorganize Arcadia, which became CompTek's programming department.

Working on improving the code search engine continued. A team of specialists in the field of structural linguistics under the leadership of Yuri Apresyan provided a high-quality dictionary, and Ilya Segalovich and a group of programmers began to integrate it into existing technology, which made it possible to do search capabilities even wider. The new CompTek department then took on more complex tasks. In 1994, it was decided to create a system for working with the Synodal Translation of the Bible, and in 1995 - an academic publication of Pushkin and Griboedov for the Institute of World Literature.

Origin of Yandex

When it became clear in 1993 that work on new technology searches in Russian-language texts will continue, it was decided to come up with a simple and catchy name for it. At that time, many new programs for UNIX-like systems due to the lack of desire to come up with an original name, they were simply called by adding the combination “yet another” to any word, meaning “one more.” This is how “yet another indexer” appeared - “yet another indexer” or Yandex. I liked this name, especially since it can be deciphered as Language Index. Arkady Volozh suggested replacing the combination “ya” with the Russian “ya” to emphasize the focus on the Russian language. This is how Yandex appeared.

Then he offered an interesting interpretation: “I” in the word “Index” is translated into Russian as “I”. It turned out to be a kind of “index” in Russian. Already during the operation of the site, users came up with new transcript with the division of the Internet in the spirit of Eastern philosophy into INDEX and YANDEX. But these two interpretations appeared much later, after Yandex went online. So far, there was only technology that was tied to specific software products.

Arkady Volozh is a Russian top manager, founder and head of Yandex, who has shown a striking example of worthy competition for Western business.

Today, the Yandex search engine occupies a strong leadership position in the RuNet, has a large audience and provides a huge industry of services: mail, blogs, virtual money, games, free hosting.

Arkady Volozh: biography

A native of Kazakhstan (Guriev, now Atyrau) was born on February 11, 1964. Arkady Volozh, whose family was intelligent, grew up surrounded by humanists. Mom Sofya Lvovna taught music, father Yuri Abramovich was an oil worker, and his uncle was the famous violinist V.L. Usminsky.

Arkady, unlike his relatives, was interested in exact sciences, especially mathematics, which led the young man to the physics and mathematics school in Alma-Ata. It was here that an acquaintance took place and developed into a strong male friendship.

After graduating from school in 1981, friends went to Moscow to enroll at Moscow State University. Having failed the exams together, the guys nevertheless became students, but at different educational institutions: Arkady Volozh entered the Institute of Oil and Gas named after. and Ilya - to the capital's geological exploration institute. The guys' paths diverged, but only temporarily: in the future, Arkady's life's work - Yandex - will unite them.

Under the influence of change

Having completed his studies in 1986, the promising young specialist Arkady ended up at the Institute of Management Problems, where, along with other researchers, he was engaged in processing huge amounts of information. Promising scientific horizons opened up before Volozh, which were immediately crossed out by perestroika that broke out in the USSR. In 1988, the “Law on Cooperation” came into force, which pushed the young man to take his first cautious steps in business - an area hitherto unfamiliar to residents Soviet Union. The institute where Arkady worked received an order from the district committee of the CPSU to mandatory creation institution-based cooperative. Volozh Arkady Yuryevich with several other comrades was elected to work with the educated society, called “Master”, and became its co-founder.

First steps in business

Work in the cooperative consisted of a lot of varied and unusual things for Soviet times. Thus, the organization purchased seeds from collective farmers and supplied them to Australia, in exchange receiving foreign personal computers. The barter rate was quite simple: a carload of computers was exchanged for a carload of seeds.

Arkady, who was responsible for the technical part of the issue and was involved in setting up the received office equipment, realized how promising the new business was. Therefore, I put aside my dissertation for a while and began to study the language of all businessmen - English. In this he was helped by the American Robert Stubblebine, who, as it turned out, had the idea of ​​​​supplying office equipment to the territory of the Soviet Union. I think this turned out to be a good thing, and he invited Robert to join the “Master”. However, for certain reasons (possibly ideological), the management of the cooperative rejected this idea.

In 1989, Arkady Yuryevich Volozh left Magister and, together with an American friend, organized the CompTek company in the capital, the purpose of which was the same supply of office equipment to Russia. Stubbline, who easily established a business, found buyers himself. Volozh, who due to circumstances had retrained as a competent practicing businessman, was within the competence of technical issues related to setting up office equipment. While still working at Magister, Arkady managed to earn 2 personal computers. Having implemented them, the young man purchased an apartment in the capital, which he would hardly have succeeded in other circumstances, even if the name of Arkady had received worldwide recognition in the scientific world.

How to simplify the search process?

Volozh, who was involved in processing significant amounts of information, constantly thought about the need to simplify the process of finding the necessary information. For the most part, Arkady was assisted in this by Borkovsky - also Arkady, who was studying Volozh's plan to create some kind of search mechanism necessary information and Borkovsky’s extensive knowledge of the morphology of the Russian language contributed to the formation of the Arcadia company in 1988. Having hired competent programmers, the founders decisively moved towards fulfilling their plans.

Founder of Yandex: on the path to success

The first successful project was an invention classifier, commissioned by the Institute of Patent Information. The small program, which weighed 10 MB, was liked by the customer and other organizations related to patent science. Profit this software brought for 3 years; Then things began to decline somewhat. In addition, it was the 90s, which forced state employees to survive and brought science into decline.

This prompted Arkady to decide in 1993 to merge Arcadia, which was facing the risk of collapse, into CompTek. This is what helped Volozh preserve both his staff of talented employees and the existing developments in the field of search technologies. In addition, CompTek was doing great at that time: personal computers were selling like crazy. The company, expanding the scope of its own interests, simultaneously took up distribution network technologies on Russian territory. In the 90s, Volozh’s friend Ilya Segalovich joined them.

The first successes of Arcadia include the colossal work on the digital edition of the Bible. Almost half of the holy book was typed by hand; The circulation transferred to floppy disks began to sell well. Next came a large order to create electronic version works of Russian classics.

"Yandex" - the search engine of Runet

Along with its main activities, the software department was engaged in finalizing the search device, completed in 1996 and called “Yandex”. After 2 years, Yandex found itself in 7th place in the top of the most popular Russian-language sites.

In 2000, Arkady Yuryevich Volozh, the founder of Yandex, became the general director of an independent Internet company of the same name. In 2007, he returned to science and headed the department of data analysis at the capital's Institute of Physics and Technology. The successful Russian entrepreneur has many awards and prizes to his name, and his fortune in 2013 was estimated at $1.15 billion.

23:00 17.02.2013

Arkady Volozh is the “father” and CEO of one of the popular search engines - “Yandex”, a famous businessman and “Person of the Year” according to many media outlets, is annually included in the ranking of top executives and, at the same time, is an excellent husband and father of three children.

Biography of Arkady Volozh

Arkady Yurievich Volozh was born in 1964 in the city of Guryev, Kazakh USSR. WITH early childhood showed interest in the exact sciences, especially mathematics. That is why I studied and graduated from a specialized physics and mathematics school in Alma-Ata. It must be said that the future “colleague in the workshop”, Ilya Segalovich, also studied with him. Together with Ilya, Arkady Volozh conquered Moscow universities, but fate decreed that they, despite the fact that they were together all the time, entered different educational establishments. In 1986, Arkady graduated from the Gubkin Institute of Oil and Gas with a degree in applied mathematics, and Ilya graduated from the Moscow Geological Exploration Institute.

After university, Arkady Volozh began working at the Institute of Management Problems of the USSR Academy of Sciences. At the same time, he simultaneously studied in graduate school.

The first steps in business came precisely during these years. In 1988, he co-founded the first Moscow Computer Cooperative. The cooperative's operating principle was simple: a carload of Soviet seeds was exchanged for a carload of Austrian computers. The future billionaire was responsible for the technical component in this matter: he set up computers and programmed.

During the same period, he met the American Robert Stubblebine, who hatched the idea of ​​​​supplying computers to the USSR. Arkady Volozh invited him to join the cooperative, but the management was against it. So, they began to work together, founding the company Comptek in 1989. Robert sold computers, Arkady looked after the technical side of the process.

While working in a cooperative, Arkady Volozh was able to earn two computers, by selling which he bought an apartment in Moscow, where his whole family moved.

An acquaintance with Arkady Borkovsky, who studied computational linguistics at the Academy of Sciences, led to the creation of another company, Arcadia. The company's very first product was an invention classifier, which weighed about 10 megabytes. This was the prototype of the future search system. To expand the audience of customers, the program was recorded on discs and sold. However, market reform hit the company, which cannot be said about Comptek. This company continued to prosper. It was decided to join Arcadia to more successful project. It must be said that the heyday of Comptek was associated with the wholesale construction of new communication networks, the emergence of banks and exchanges. The programmers considered their main victory during this period to be the appearance of a digital version of the Bible, and soon academic editions of Russian classics.

Creation of Yandex

In 1995, the connection to the Internet took place, and it became clear: this is an area in which it is necessary to develop, which means it is necessary to launch and make a working search system as quickly as possible, the idea of ​​which, starting in the 1980s, the future general director sought to implement “ Yandex". At this time, the paths of Ilya Segalovich and Arkady Volozh intertwined again. Segalovich, having learned that Volozh was connected with computers, asked to find him a place at his place. And, in the words of Ilya himself, “I caught fire looking at Arkady! This is how it should work! And that’s how I started working.”

As a result, in 1996 the first launch of Yandex took place. The name was coined from the word “index”, which was later transformed into yandex (short for “yet another indexer” - another indexer). And already in 1997, they completely indexed the entire Russian Internet, creating a search robot.

It is also interesting that Arkady Volozh tried to sell the idea of ​​a search system to both Rambler and Infoart. But the leaders of these projects considered this idea unpromising and unprofitable. It’s hard to imagine how many times they regretted it later.

In 1999, Volozh actively began promoting Yandex. He met with many leaders Russian Internet market, but none of them agreed to the terms general director"Yandex". Arkady Volozh insistently demanded to retain ownership of the company. Thanks to this policy, very soon Yandex and netBridge launched a joint project - the Hammer auction. ru, and then, where everyone could create their own personal page.

The Yandex company received its official legal name, registration and general director in the person of Arkady Volozh in 2000. In the same year, Yandex became the first Internet resource to launch a large-scale advertising campaign on television. This is where the company motto comes from: “Everything can be found!”

Over the past 10 years, Yandex has undergone many changes: new services have appeared, other company products have developed, contextual advertising. Now the Yandex search engine is a real multiportal. This project generates about $300 million annually. The company's offices are located in different cities of Russia, and Yandex officially operates in Turkey and in the state of California in the USA.

On May 24, 2011, another significant event happened in this popular company - Yandex shares were listed for the first time on the main American exchange NASDAQ. The sale of shares raised more than $1 billion. Thanks to this success, Arkady Volozh shaved off his famous mustache, thereby marking new era in the development of the largest Internet resource.

It must be said that the crisis practically did not affect the “brainchild” of Arkady Volozh. After all, online business never stops for a minute. And the founder of Yandex himself is constantly at work. “A crisis is a good opportunity to clarify: everyone should understand why they exist. It is always possible to close a project and fire staff, the main thing in a crisis is to highlight the main thing and deal with it,” Volozh said at a time of difficult economic situation in the country.

What is the secret of the success of this search engine? The billionaire himself admits that all his life he knew how to choose people with whom to work. It cannot be said that the company revolves only around Volozh’s personality. On the contrary, the entire company consists of charismatic, purposeful and hardworking leaders, which allows us to turn the most ambitious plans and dreams into reality. Another key to success is global indexing. But, according to Arkady Volozh, main secret success in work: “What made Yandex the leader of the Runet? This is an ongoing work. Sometimes I see someone somewhere asking: “How to make a million?” What can you answer quickly and in one word? Work!"

Achievements and awards of Arkady Volozh.

  • In 2009, Vladimir Putin created a presidential reserve list of management personnel consisting of one hundred people. This list includes Arkady Volozh.
  • Sole owner of Yandex. No one has the right to own, control or manage.
  • Heads the Department of Data Analysis at the Faculty of Innovation and high technology at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Mathematics.
  • In 2010, according to the Kommersant newspaper, he took first place in the Media Business category.
  • The Russian Venture Company named him “Leader of an Innovative Company” in 2010.
  • Forbes in 2011 took first place in the ranking of 30 best managers Runet.
  • At the end of 2012, he ranks 97th in the list of the richest businessmen in Russia according to the Russian-language version of Forbes magazine, with a fortune of about $1 billion.

Arkady Volozh is confident that the era of computerization and information technologies only at the beginning of its journey. He does not doubt for a second the correctness of his choice and knows exactly where he will direct his energy and ideas in the future. The basis of any success, according to one of the richest businessmen, is the attitude towards people and your business. At the basis of any technology are human minds, which means that everything that is done is done for people. It is important to create all products, services and applications first for yourself, and then people will definitely start using them. And Yandex is a clear example of this.

Arkady Volozh was born on February 11, 1964 in the city of Atyrau, Kazakh SSR. His father, Yuri Abramovich Volozh, is a geologist, a specialist in Caspian oil fields and one of the discoverers of the Kashagan field, since 1968 he was the head of the Kazgeofiztrest party in Alma-Ata; subsequently - Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, senior researcher at the Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Mother - Sofya Lvovna Volozh, teacher at the Guryev Music School.

Graduated from the I.M. Gubkin Institute of Oil and Gas with a degree in applied mathematics in 1986. He was engaged in research in the field of processing large volumes of data at the Institute of Control Problems of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

In 1989 he founded Comptek and served as CEO until 2000. In the same year, he opened the Arcadia company, together with Arkady Borkovsky, they released a product for classifying inventions with a volume of about 10 MB, which was used in research institutes and organizations related to patent science.

In 1998, as head of the Wireless Access Networks Committee Russian Association documentary telecommunications Arkady participated in the process of frequency deregulation for operators wireless access. In 1999, he was one of those who influenced the fate of the legalization of IP telephony in Russia.

In 1997, Volozh took the first step to create the Yandex company - 3 servers with hard drives with a capacity of 1 GB, onto which all the contents of the Runet were indexed. The result of these investments was that Yandex became one of the seven most popular sites in the Russian-language segment of the Internet in 1999.

Since 2000 - General Director of Yandex. Since 2007 - Head of the Department of Data Analysis at the Faculty of Innovation and High Technologies of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.

In December 2012, during the Council on Economic Modernization and innovative development Russia under the President of the Russian Federation, Arkady Volozh turned to Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev with proposals to standardize the forms of providing information from government agencies and its greater openness, which should improve the processing of received information search engines Yandex in automated mode.

In March 2013, he was included in the list of billionaires compiled annually by Forbes magazine; his personal fortune was estimated at $1.15 billion. In the same month, as a result of the secondary placement of Yandex shares on the stock exchange, he sold 5.14 million shares for $117 million.

Volozh transferred the post of Yandex CEO on September 1, 2014 to Alexander Shulgin and took the position of head of the Yandex group of companies.

Married, four children.