This is interesting: how to change the language on the keyboard? How to change the language on the keyboard using hotkeys

On the keyboard keys, as a rule, there are two letters: in our case, from the Russian alphabet and English. This is done so that the user can type words in both Russian and English. This results in two layouts. In order to use them, it is possible to switch between layouts. How does this happen? Let's show it using the Windows operating system as an example.

First way

If you prefer to use a mouse when working, you can change the layout using the special icon located on the taskbar. Typically, the taskbar is located at the bottom of the screen, which means you need to lower your eyes a little and look for an icon that says RU or EN.

Click on the icon, after which a menu appears in which you select the second available language.

The layout has changed, as evidenced by the changed icon.

Second way

This method is convenient if you type and you cannot be distracted by switching the mouse, especially if you need to periodically switch the layout. For this purpose, a key combination was invented, pressing which changes the English language to Russian and vice versa. There are two keyboard shortcuts.

The first one is Ctrl+Shift.

The second is Alt+Shift.

There is also a third option, but it is extremely rare - pressing the E (`) key.

The process is simple: press both keys at the same time or hold down one first, then press the other, after which the layout changes. It may not be very convenient to use this option at first, but you will quickly get used to it.

By the way, if the option of pressing Ctrl+Shift works for you, but it is more convenient for you to use Alt+Shift or vice versa, you can change the keyboard shortcut. To do this, open the control panel: press Win+R on your keyboard, enter control and click OK.

In Control Panel, select the large icons, then click on Regional and Language Options.

A window will open. In it, select the “Languages ​​and Keyboards” tab, then click on the “Change Keyboard” button.

Another window will open. In it, select the “Switch keyboard” tab and click on the “Change keyboard shortcut” button.

Change the keyboard shortcut and click OK.

Automatic layout change

There are programs that, based on special algorithms, automatically change the layout when entering text. These are convenient, although they sometimes cause errors. One of the most popular such programs is Punto Switcher.

You can download it for free.

Good evening dear readers and guests of our site! In today's lesson we will take a closer look at how to switch the language on the keyboard? For a novice user, the question of how to change the language arises in the first minutes of working with a computer. Although you tell me, what could be simpler? But there is always a first time when just seeing it once is enough to remember it forever.

How to change the language on the keyboard?

When working in text editors, the Internet, or chatting with friends on social networks, there is always a need to switch the language bar.

If the language bar disappears, and this happens quite often, you will find a solution to this problem in this.

So, first, pay attention to the lower right corner of your desktop. There should be an icon for the language that is currently enabled.

Right-click on it and select Options. The “Languages ​​and text input services” panel will open in front of you.

Here, in the “General” tab, in the “Default input language” column, you can change the language that will be used by default after turning on the computer. In the “installed services” column you will be able to find the ones you need to work.

In the “language panel” tab, you can configure the location of the panel of the same name. It is usually located in the taskbar (near the clock).

In the “Keyboard switching” tab, by clicking on the “Change keyboard shortcut” button, you will open a menu where you can switch the language.

In the window that opens, you will see the inscription “Change input language.” It is this key combination that will switch the keyboard language for you.

I can say that for me personally, Ctrl + Shift on the left is more convenient. It is convenient because to switch languages ​​you do not need to move your hand, but use only one little finger.

But the Alt + Shift keys are also convenient for many users (by the way, this combination is selected by default in most builds of Windows that I have encountered).

Another convenient way to switch the language is to use the special program Punto Switcher, which has a very convenient (at least for me) automatic language recognition function.

Of course, sometimes it doesn't work where it should. But this happens very rarely. Moreover, its big plus is that it is completely free!

Installing this program will not cause you any difficulties, but be careful - this is a Yandex application, and along with it you can mistakenly install unwanted browser add-ons, so uncheck unnecessary boxes during installation!

And you don’t need to configure anything in it, at least at first, since the main function, how to switch the language automatically, works by default.

This video will make you smile:

That's all for today! In this tutorial, we looked in detail at how to switch the keyboard language, as well as how to change the language automatically. I hope this article was useful to you and there were no difficulties with it. Leave your feedback, how is switching language on the keyboard better for you?

If you are an inexperienced Windows user, then you have probably already encountered such a problem when you need to type text in Russian, but instead you end up with an incoherent set of English letters. This can only mean one thing - the input language on your computer is not Russian. Switching it is quite easy, just follow the simple instructions.

To switch the language using the mouse, do the following:

  1. Hover your mouse over the language bar. It's located at the bottom right of the taskbar.
  2. Left click. The language selection window will open.
  3. Click LMB on the language you need (in this case it is Russian). Ready.

Now the layout has changed, and you can type in Russian with peace of mind.

Method 2: Switch input language using the keyboard

This method is much simpler. Just remember certain key combinations and use them to switch languages ​​from now on. The following combinations are available:

  • Alt + Shift;
  • Ctrl + Shift.

Note! Before changing the language, you must first move the mouse cursor over the text input field, and only then change the language, otherwise nothing will work. The same applies to the first method (using the mouse).

If you are unable to switch the input language using one combination, you should be able to use another. If you don't like the keyboard shortcut you use to switch languages, you can change it. To do this, follow the following step-by-step instructions:

Also, using this menu, you can configure hot keys to switch to Russian or any other language. To do this, do the following:

If none of the methods helps you switch the language to Russian, then most likely you have not added this language. To add it, do the following:

Now that you have the Russian language installed, you can switch to it using any of the above methods.

Method 3. Automatic language switching

If you don’t want to switch languages ​​every time, you can use the special program Punto Switcher, which is freely available on the Internet.

  • this program is capable of automatically changing the input language if you forgot to do it yourself and entered the word on the wrong layout;
  • the program integrates a dictionary of a huge variety of words, which identifies input errors;
  • Punto Switcher is very convenient for communicating on social networks, but it can be difficult if you deal with words that are not often used (for example, professional terms or abbreviations). These words may not be in the dictionary, and the program will change the layout when it is not needed. You can set exceptions, but if there are too many of them, this will add unnecessary hassle to you, especially if you frequently enter passwords or email addresses.

One way or another, one of the above methods will definitely help you switch your keyboard to Russian. Choose the one that is most convenient for you and enjoy.

Video - How to switch to Russian on the keyboard

Hello everyone! Today my article is devoted to the topic: “How to set the language on a computer.” When you work with texts, you often have to change the language. Even to type certain characters, you need to combine some keys with the English alphabet. There are the following ways to change the language using the keyboard:

  1. Ctrl + Shift
  2. Alt left + Shift
  3. Ё or accent mark ` (in English Ё)

Most often the first two methods are used. You can easily check which one is installed on your computer. Use the first option, then the second, and watch the language bar in the lower right corner. The language should change Ru/En.

Another way to set the language on your computer. This can be done using the mouse. Click on the language icon (left button) and you will see a list of offered languages. You need to choose the appropriate option. If the language icon is missing, then you need to enable it using the settings: Start - Control PanelClock, language and region— Change the keyboard layout and other login methods.
In the window " language and regional standards» select: Languages ​​and keyboardsChange keyboard.
On the “Language panel” tab, check the “ Pin to taskbar».
On the " Switching keyboard» You can also choose any method to switch the language using the keyboard. To do this, select " Change keyboard shortcut».
When finished, click: Apply – Ok. From personal experience, I would like to note that there is a very convenient application - Punto Switcher. This program independently controls the input language and automatically selects the desired option. In the following articles I will talk about this program.

This is where I will end the article. Now you know how to set the language on your computer. I am sure that you want to receive such simple and necessary articles from me. To do this, enter your email at the end of the article and I will send them to you by email. I was glad to help you! All the best!

With UV. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky