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Raymond Colomb

Population ()

6,248,436 people (11th place)

Density Timezone ISO 3166-2 code Coordinates: 27°50′ S w. /  48°25′ W d. / -27.833; -48.417 27.833° S w. 48.417° W d.

(G) (I)


Administrative structure

Administratively, the state is divided into 6 mesoregions and 20 microregions. There are 295 municipalities in the state.


Santa Catarina is one of the most dynamically developing states in Brazil. The state's economy is dominated by agriculture, manufacturing, and a rapidly growing service sector.

Santa Catarina is the main coal mining center of the country. Annual coal production is about 5 million tons.

Rich deposits of white porcelain clay provide the production of ceramic tiles, which are considered among the best in the world and are supplied to 60 countries.

In addition, the state has developed beef cattle farming, logging, Paraguayan tea harvesting, lead mining, and manufacturing of car parts, refrigerators, and plastic pipes. It is in Santa Catarina that the city of São Bento do Sul is located, widely known for its furniture products.


The state's location on the Atlantic Ocean has made Santa Catarina popular as a tourist destination. Santa Catarina is one of the country's most popular whale watching destinations during the breeding season.

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Excerpt characterizing Santa Catarina
“My God, if only he were here; Then I would not have the same way as before, with some stupid timidity in front of something, but in a new, simple way, I would hug him, cling to him, force him to look at me with those searching, curious eyes with which he so often looked at me and then would make him laugh, as he laughed then, and his eyes - how I see those eyes! thought Natasha. - And what do I care about his father and sister: I love him alone, him, him, with this face and eyes, with his smile, masculine and at the same time childish... No, it’s better not to think about him, not to think, to forget, completely forget for this time. I can’t stand this waiting, I’m going to start crying,” and she moved away from the mirror, making an effort not to cry. - “And how can Sonya love Nikolinka so smoothly, so calmly, and wait so long and patiently”! she thought, looking at Sonya entering, also dressed, with a fan in her hands.
“No, she’s completely different. I can't"!
Natasha felt at that moment so softened and tender that it was not enough for her to love and know that she was loved: she needed now, now she needed to hug her loved one and speak and hear from him the words of love with which her heart was full. While she was riding in the carriage, sitting next to her father, and thoughtfully looking at the lights of the lanterns flashing in the frozen window, she felt even more in love and sadder and forgot with whom and where she was going. Having fallen into a line of carriages, the Rostovs' carriage slowly squealed in the snow and drove up to the theater. Natasha and Sonya hastily jumped out, picking up dresses; The count came out, supported by footmen, and between the ladies and men entering and those selling posters, all three went into the corridor of the benoir. The sounds of music could already be heard from behind the closed doors.
“Nathalie, vos cheveux, [Natalie, your hair,” Sonya whispered. The steward politely and hastily slipped in front of the ladies and opened the door of the box. The music began to be heard brighter through the door, the illuminated rows of boxes with the bare shoulders and arms of the ladies, and the noisy stalls glittering with uniforms flashed. The lady who was entering the adjacent benoir looked at Natasha with a feminine, envious gaze. The curtain had not yet risen and the overture was playing. Natasha, straightening her dress, walked along with Sonya and sat down, looking around at the illuminated rows of opposite boxes. The feeling that she had not experienced for a long time that hundreds of eyes were looking at her bare arms and neck suddenly seized her both pleasantly and unpleasantly, evoking a whole swarm of memories, desires and worries corresponding to this feeling.
Two remarkably pretty girls, Natasha and Sonya, with Count Ilya Andreich, who had not been seen in Moscow for a long time, attracted everyone’s attention. In addition, everyone vaguely knew about Natasha’s conspiracy with Prince Andrei, they knew that since then the Rostovs had lived in the village, and they looked with curiosity at the bride of one of the best grooms in Russia.
Natasha became prettier in the village, as everyone told her, and that evening, thanks to her excited state, she was especially beautiful. She amazed with the fullness of life and beauty, combined with indifference to everything around her. Her black eyes looked at the crowd, not looking for anyone, and her thin, bare arm above the elbow, leaning on the velvet ramp, obviously unconsciously, in time with the overture, clenched and unclenched, crumpling the poster.
“Look, here’s Alenina,” said Sonya, “it seems like she’s with her mother!”
- Fathers! Mikhail Kirilych has grown even fatter,” said the old count.
- Look! Our Anna Mikhailovna is in a state of flux!
- Karagin, Julie and Boris are with them. The bride and groom are now visible. – Drubetskoy proposed!
“Why, I found out today,” said Shinshin, who was entering the Rostovs’ box.
Natasha looked in the direction in which her father was looking and saw Julie, who, with pearls on her thick red neck (Natasha knew, sprinkled with powder), was sitting with a happy look, next to her mother.
Behind them, Boris’s smoothly combed, beautiful head could be seen with a smile, his ear tilted towards Julie’s mouth. He looked at the Rostovs from under his brows and, smiling, said something to his bride.
“They talk about us, about me and him!” thought Natasha. “And he truly calms his bride’s jealousy of me: there is no need to worry! If only they knew how much I don’t care about any of them.”
Anna Mikhailovna sat behind her in a green current, with a devoted will of God and a happy, festive face. In their box there was that atmosphere - the bride and groom that Natasha knew and loved so much. She turned away and suddenly everything that was humiliating in her morning visit came back to her.
“What right does he have to not want to accept me into his kinship? Oh, it’s better not to think about it, not to think about it until he arrives!” She said to herself and began to look around at the familiar and unfamiliar faces in the stalls. In front of the stalls, in the very middle, leaning his back to the ramp, stood Dolokhov with a huge, combed-up shock of curly hair, in a Persian suit. He stood in full view of the theater, knowing that he was attracting the attention of the entire audience, as freely as if he were standing in his room. The most brilliant youth of Moscow stood crowded around him, and he apparently took precedence among them.


Other cities: Blumenau ( Blumenau), Criciuma, Chapeco.

State official website :

Economy: food industry, industrial agriculture.

Important media : Noticia; Santa

The state of Santa Catarina is located in the south of Brazil (the state borders Argentina, the states of Parana and Rio Grande do Sul), occupies 95.4 thousand square meters. km. Population – about 5 million people. Along with the states of Parana and Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina is a state located in a temperate climate. Just like Sao Paulo, the state is named after a Catholic saint.

In 1675, the capital Florianopolis was founded; the city is located on an island connected to the mainland by a bridge. The very first German village was founded in 1829, then settlements founded by German immigrants began to appear in other areas of the state. To this day, the influence of German culture and language is still noticeable in several cities. The state of Santa Catarina became the main concentration of immigrants from Germany, who brought German culture and order to the new lands.

Immigration increased greatly at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, and large numbers of Germans and Italians settled in the interior of the state of Santa Catarina.

The state is one of the most developed and dynamic states in the country. The economy of Santa Catarina is characterized by balance and diversity, with the greatest development in agriculture, industry and the rapidly growing service sector. Although the state accounts for only 1.1% of the Brazilian territory, it ranks 7th among the 26 states in terms of economic potential and real contribution to the national gross product. Over the past 10 years, the state's GDP has tripled and reached $23.5 billion. (per capita state – 5 thousand dollars).

The state's economy is concentrated in the following industrial centers: Joinville (textiles and metalworking enterprises), Blumenau (textile factories), Risium (ceramics), Lajes (logging and pulp and paper production), Florianopolis (electronic factories, services). Enterprises located in these cities produce modern products that can successfully compete in the world market.

Santa Catarina is one of the largest food producers in Brazil and ranks 5th among food exporting states. Local companies are actively entering the global market. About 1,400 companies and firms in the state sell their products in 164 countries. Over the past 22 years, the state's exports have grown 30 times.

The ceramic tiles produced there are considered one of the best in the world (they are supplied to 60 countries). Two of the world's largest ceramic tile companies were founded in this region. The rich deposits of white porcelain clay and the availability of the latest technology have allowed dozens of companies to gain a good reputation both in Brazil and abroad. In total, over 100 thousand people work at their enterprises.

Industrial complexes of the state of Santa Catarina

The industrial complex of Santa Catarina is one of the most important in Brazil. Industrial enterprises produce hundreds of types of finished products and a wide range of different products used in the production process by other companies. Car components, bus bodies, engine compressors, electric motors, refrigerators produced in Joinville, Jaragua do Sul and other cities in the northern regions of the state are supplied to the world market.

The state's 300 factories produce 70% of plastic pipes, assemblies and other products of the total national production.

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    The state of Santa Catarina is located in the south of Brazil (the state borders Argentina, the states of Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul). In the east it is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and in the west it borders with Argentina. The administrative center is the city of Florianópolis. Europeans always feel at home in Santa Catarina. The fact is that this state is nicknamed the “corner of Europe”: there are no illiterate or unemployed people here. The city of Blumenau is known throughout the world, where the Oktoberfest beer festival is organized every year. Santa Catarina is the wine and grape capital of Brazil.

    Buy plane tickets to Santa Catarina: Catarina, Catarina
    • Review of Santa Catarina My dream was the World Cup in Brazil, but unfortunately I didn’t get it. So I thought after this post, maybe Rio de Janeiro... July 24, 2014
    • Review of Santa Catarina FIFA World Cup – first impressions of an eyewitness. The football championship in Brazil, I tell you, is not the same as anywhere else. This is the single breath of the entire country, no less. Yesterday, on the opening day of the championship and the first game of the Brazilians, the whole country changed its color to yellow, which mixed with tropical greenery and the piercing blue of the sky. Not just everyone, but literally EVERYONE dressed in the yellow T-shirts of their home team. From salesmen to professors! Have you seen the yellow stands at the stadium? Is not... June 17, 2014
    • Review of Santa Catarina BUZIOS is a village that is still very far from the Antalya coast, and even from Marmaris as “to China on foot” (these are the mildest examples in comparison with “Russian” Turkey). Calling it a “vacation on the Atlantic coast!!!”, as the tour operator does, is simply CHEATING! Prices in this village of Buzios are sky-high! And this is in the complete absence of normal infrastructure and service!!! For example: there is not a single toilet on the beaches, and there is also nowhere to change clothes. The sand itself... January 25, 2012
    • Review of Santa Catarina The town of Tibau do Sul Tibau do Sul is located in northeastern Brazil in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, 85 kilometers south of Natal, at the mouth of the Guarairas Lagoon. The population is somewhere around 9 thousand people. About seven kilometers from Tibau to Sul is the village of Pipa, the most cheerful in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. There are bars open all night and live music. This is an international city where you can hear speech in any language of the world. There are 3 hotels in Tibau. One of them... June 2, 2010
    • Review of Santa Catarina Rio is a cool city. Dress modestly - T-shirt, shorts, flip-flops and you won't have any problems on the street. Don't go to favelas. Forget about swimming on city beaches. Sand is practically not washed out of hair and swimming trunks. In general, this is a paradise for surfers and lovers of local exotica. Local girls are super Thailand relaxing. For extreme sports enthusiasts, I recommend a tandem paragliding jump from the Anvil. If you're ready for Rio, don't skimp and go to the carnival. This is something the video doesn’t convey. 3 days and 2 nights is enough to get to Rio Igausu Falls... July 31, 2009
    • Review to