What is Bitrix. What is Bitrix What is 1C Bitrix

trial version

Trial version Full-featured trial versions of the 1C-Bitrix: Site Management product are available free of charge and can be used for 30 days. Based on any trial version, you can start developing your own website. During the trial period, you will be able to purchase a license key and continue working with the site, saving all the work done and all data.

The “First Site” edition is distributed only through the 1C-Bitrix affiliate network, so downloading a trial version of this edition from our website is not available.

For developers.

To test the product, developers can use packaged distributions - in .zip and .tar.gz archives for installation under Windows and Unix. 312.8 MB

Remote installation on hosting using the BitrixSetup script Using the BitrixSetup script, you can download the distribution kit of a trial or commercial version of the product from the site directly to your site, without downloading the file to your local computer. In addition, the script allows you to unpack the distribution without accessing the site via ssh or external programs.


72.3 MB

Virtual machine BitrixVM7.3.0 virtual machine with 20 GB disk capacity for OVA (Sphere and etc.)
"1C-Bitrix": Web Environment" - Linux is used for quick and easy installation of all software necessary for the operation of 1C-Bitrix products and solutions on the Linux platforms CentOS 6 (i386, x86_64) and CentOS 7 (x86_64).

Using "1C-Bitrix: Virtual Machine", you save time and money: on deploying and setting up a server, on purchasing the necessary equipment, on ensuring the security of the project. You can use the virtual machine for free. The machine is also available for rent from hosters at the price of a hosting plan.

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) Amazon EC2 is a web service that provides scalable computing power and is designed to quickly and easily deploy web applications on Amazon sites (clouds). 1C-Bitrix specialists have prepared pre-configured BitrixVM images (AMI images) for quickly launching 1C-Bitrix applications in Amazon EC2, which include:
  • CentOS 7.5
  • NGINX + Apache2
  • MySQL5 with InnoDB support
  • Mail server agent
  • A UNIX-like Control Menu with common tasks
  • IP address via DHCP, or configured by Amazon Elastic IP
  • HTTPS support
List of ami by region: Region BitrixVM-7.3.0_CentOS7.5_x64_EBS BitrixVM-7.3.0_CentOS7.5_x64_HVM_EBS

Posted by: Ivankin Evgeniy
in technology

12 myths about “1C-Bitrix: Site Management”

For almost 5 years of developing websites on the 1C-Bitrix platform, I have often encountered various kinds of prejudices, and sometimes even absurd misconceptions about this CMS. In this article I will try to dispel these speculations and myths.

CMS (from the English Content Management System) is software that allows users to post or change information already posted on the site without involving site developers. This means that the user does not need to have programming skills in order, for example, to publish news, an article, or add an image on his website.

I have been working with the CMS 1C-Bitrix for almost 5 years, as they say: I made websites on Bitrix when it was not yet mainstream and I can confidently say that this system now suits me completely and covers almost all possible tasks that come to us. client. I have worked with many popular CMS and some frameworks, and in 95% of projects I will choose 1C-Bitrix as a tool for implementation. This is not to say that this system is ideal, it also has its disadvantages, which are absent in a number of free site management systems, but all its advantages more than cover the small number of disadvantages, which are becoming fewer and fewer every year, and the system is becoming more universal and flexible .

“1C-Bitrix: Site Management” is a flexible and multifunctional system that is suitable for creating most projects from small to large and highly loaded portals and online stores.

Back in 2010, 1C-Bitrix had many shortcomings for which it could be criticized for a whole day in a row by two teams, perhaps it was from those times that most of the clichés regarding this system began. Despite the problems that took place 5 years ago and are no longer relevant now, I still sometimes hear the opinion that 1C-Bitrix is ​​a shitty bad site management system. To my question: “why do you think so?”, most often the interlocutor cannot clearly answer or begins to give the only and most important argument, in his opinion, is that 1C-Bitrix is ​​a paid system. That is, it turns out that we know that 1C-Bitrix is ​​a shitty CMS, but we no longer remember why.

I have selected the most common misconceptions and questions from clients and fellow developers and will try to answer them.

1. We are a small company and have a small budget. We heard that 1C-Bitrix products are only suitable for large web projects.

“1C-Bitrix: Site Management” is suitable for almost any project, and the cost of editions depends on the needs of each individual website. The total cost of the project often does not depend on which CMS is used. Sometimes it turns out exactly the opposite: when using the CMS “1C-Bitrix: Site Management” you avoid the costs of developing many components and functions of the site, since they are already included in the edition, and all that remains is to configure them correctly while reducing development time.

2. Why should we buy “1C-Bitrix: Website Management” if we can order a website on a free CMS?

The main advantage that you should first pay attention to if you are creating a website for your business is the guarantees that the commercial system gives you. This is characterized by technical support for your project, regular updates, including security updates, and assistance in resolving any non-standard issues.

If you choose a free CMS, you will be entirely dependent on the company that develops the site for you; the concept of alienability here in most cases is not applicable. It is also important that developers of free systems, as a rule, do not pay enough attention to security. As a result, many vulnerabilities of such systems are known and remain unfixed for a long time, and this is a huge risk for business. Have you often heard about Bitrix vulnerabilities found? I haven’t heard about them since 2010, but consistently several times a year I hear about new critical vulnerabilities in free CMSs such as WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, which allow you to gain either full or partial access to a site.

3. I heard that 1C-Bitrix is ​​crookedly written and resource-demanding, so it will require very expensive hosting?

Expensive hosting is required for projects with high traffic, complex structure and dynamic content. In such situations, there is practically no difference whether a website is made on 1C-Bitrix or on another CMS, since free analogues do not have much better resource requirements. It also happens the other way around: for sites developed by the Start editorial team, which are simple sites with low traffic, cheap virtual hosting for 1,500 - 2,000 rubles is sufficient. Also, the 1C-Bitrix platform includes unique technological tools that, when used professionally, allow you to increase the performance of a website tenfold; other CMSs currently have no full-fledged analogues.

4. I am a programmer, I want to make websites on a world-recognized CMS with a large community of developers, a bunch of ready-made modules and open source code.

1C-Bitrix is ​​the most popular commercial CMS in the RuNet, which in its share surpasses almost all free systems. 1C-Bitrix is ​​popular not only in Russia and has been translated into many languages. Since 2010, the source codes of 1C-Bitrix have been open. The community of Bitrix programmers is now very large and getting qualified help on any issue is not difficult, especially if there is Russian-language documentation for the product. By default, 1C-Bitrix already includes a large number of modules that depend on the edition, which allow you to implement most basic tasks; there is also the 1C-Bitrix Marketplace with a large number of ready-made modules, components and standard sites, both paid, and free ones. And unlike most free platforms, 1C-Bitrix is ​​regularly updated and at least 2 times a year they present a major release update with new system functionality.

5. Only amateurs make websites on 1C-Bitrix. I will make a site on the trendiest frame because I'm cool.

This is a big misconception. Using 1C-Bitrix it is not difficult to create standard websites using ready-made solutions. To make a good non-standard website you need to have good website development skills in PHP and Bitrix-framework. By making a website on any free framework, you take on many standard tasks that are available in Bitrix out of the box and are well thought out, both from a functional and security perspective. The customer can spend a lot of time and money before seeing a finished site on the framework, which in many respects will be inferior to the site on Bitrix. The framework makes sense to use for very simple sites that do not require any admin, or for very complex and loaded projects for which it simply does not make sense to use 1C-Bitrix, such a project could be a small social network or some large portal with a specific functionality, but as a rule, a large team of professionals works on such projects and does it on their own framework.

6. I heard that sites on 1C-Bitrix work slowly.

Lies and provocation. With proper use of special technologies such as caching, CDN, composite, etc. and proper configuration of the system, 1C-Bitrix can work faster than its competitors. Today, the CMS from 1C-Bitrix is ​​more demanding of resources, unlike its competitors, but this difference is not great, especially these days when server capacity is increasing every day, and the cost of hosting services is decreasing. Yes, it’s unlikely that Bitrix can be paired with hosting for 500 rubles a year, but it’s worth thinking about, if you don’t have several thousand for hosting, is it worth starting a business on the Internet?

A striking example of the fact that 1C-Bitrix can be used on large projects are the sites of such well-known brands as Eldorado, SportMaster, Euroset, Svyaznoy.

7. Promotion and further development of a website on 1C-Bitrix is ​​more difficult and more expensive than on other CMSs

This is completely misleading. 1C-Bitrix does not limit the site in any way for search engine optimization. Moreover, the SEO optimization module included in all editions of the product helps make the work of promotion specialists more comfortable and efficient, facilitating many routine operations. Also, the system does not limit the possibilities for further refinement and improvement of the project.

8. Is the 1C-Bitrix license purchased for only 1 year? And then buy again? Why should I update if my site is already working?

"1C-Bitrix: Site Management" is purchased for an unlimited amount of time. In the first year of using 1C-Bitrix: Site Management, clients have the right to receive all product updates and technical support with a commercial SLA. Subsequently, technical support and updates can be extended for 22% of the cost of your edition.

It is not necessary to renew the license; the site will work without an active license. But we recommend that all our clients renew in order to receive system updates, partner support and take advantage of some other nice features of the system that only work with an active license.

9. I need a website with an admin panel and functionality customized for my tasks - it’s easier for me to pay a programmer and he will write a CMS from scratch for me.

Today, only a tiny percentage of websites created have unique functionality that cannot be implemented in 1C-Bitrix. Basically, sites solve similar problems, which are typified and the corresponding modules are already included in the CMS system. Developing this functionality from scratch today makes no sense, and will most likely lead to huge time and financial costs and ultimately to the collapse of the project. In addition, you will always be tied to the system developer, but even so, it is not always possible to obtain high-quality technical support after launch. You can also be confident in the security of your project - 1C-Bitrix products are tested and certified by leading companies in the field of IT security.

10. Will we be able to edit information on the site ourselves?

One of the important features of the 1C-Bitrix CMS is that with proper implementation of the project, the system allows a person without basic knowledge of layout and programming to be able to independently edit most of the information (adding news, updating prices, changing the number of products on a catalog page, etc.) .

11. “1C-Bitrix: Site Management” is a finished product, why do you need a developer?

“1C-Bitrix: Site Management” is not a ready-made site, it is a platform for building and managing a site. It happens that customers take a demo version, make minimal changes to the site header, fill it with their information and launch the project.

In general, creating a website is a technical task that usually requires specialists. Even if the solution to a problem seems simple at first glance, a specialist can, based on experience, avoid difficulties and pitfalls, offer the best solution and complete the task faster than an untrained person after reading technical documentation.

12. We don’t need a connection between 1C-Enterprise and a website and we don’t use 1C at all, so it makes no sense for us to buy “1C-Bitrix: Site Management”.

These are two completely different products, and the presence or absence of one of them does not in any way affect the operation of the other. A website based on “1C-Bitrix: Site Management” is a tool for working with clients via the Internet, whether informing and collecting information, or selling services and goods via the Internet.

And what else?

This list can be increased several times; I tried to collect the main questions and misconceptions about the product.

Instead of continuing this list, I’ll write a couple of lines about what I value most in 1C-Bitrix. What we like more, as a company specializing in website development, is that 1C-Bitrix always listens to its partners, clients and developers, because together we can make the product even better, many functionality is implemented in new versions, precisely at the request of clients and developers, this does not always happen quickly, but if the functionality is really interesting, then it will definitely be implemented at the first opportunity. Also, 1C-Bitrix always shares its plans and course of CMS development, which rarely happens with its competitors, who roll out their updates slowly and silently.

From all of the above it follows that you should not be afraid of the 1C-Bitrix platform, tell us your tasks and we will tell you whether this platform is suitable for you and in almost 100% of cases we will confidently say that it will suit you. I tried to review popular misconceptions about this wonderful platform, which originate from cliches from the past and simply human laziness, which does not allow a person to fully understand the system and appreciate all its wonderful capabilities.

1C-Bitrix is ​​convenient to use for large projects that require stability and a high level of protection. The platform is optimized for RuNet, which is manifested not only in the localization of the interface, but also in the support of domestic services: both other 1C products and solutions from third-party developers.

1C-Bitrix also offers built-in tools for monitoring site traffic, studying referral sources and user behavior. This module is weaker in functionality than Yandex.Metrica or Google Analytics, but it can also be used to collect basic information about the success of the site.

A large number of marketing tools are available by default on the engine. Among them:

  • System for sending notifications to registered users.
  • Widgets for communicating with clients on the site and beyond.
  • Authorization through social networks and social bar to share links.
  • Analytical data demonstrating a portrait of the audience and showing traffic.
  • A/B testing to study the effectiveness of a sales offer.

The standard functionality of the engine is expanded by installing applications from the Marketplace. Here you can find ready-made websites, integrations with third-party services, applications for managing and interacting with visitors. For example, there is the “1C-Bitrix: Administration” application, which allows you to manage orders, edit product cards, and monitor statistics.

Another solution is the 1C-Bitrix: Demo Store program, which eliminates the need to order the development of a mobile version. With this application you can create a catalog that will be available to customers from their phone. They will be able to make purchases through it, as well as subscribe to notifications about the arrival of new products.

Almost unlimited scalability is one of the main features of 1C-Bitrix. You can start with a small site that will be managed by one person, and over time you can reach a large portal with a bunch of employees and different opportunities for interacting with customers. And all this can be implemented within the same system - only the editions differ.


Websites are created based on templates that determine their structure and how content is presented. One layout can contain several themes, but the difference between them will be mainly in the colors. All templates have a responsive layout that ensures excellent display of content on different devices. You can customize the design using a visual editor, editing template files, as well as downloading solutions developed independently or ordered from specialists.

The visual editor's capabilities are limited. With it, you can edit content, change photos, place links and banners. The editor is available in the “Site Management” module, which adds a universal designer to the engine. There are more than 35 thematic templates and about 200 blocks available on it, which can be freely moved onto pages and modified.

However, the builder is more suitable for launching landing pages as part of the marketing promotion of individual products/services. Websites created in the designer are located on the same hosting as the main project and are available as its subdomains. This connection allows you to quickly pull up the necessary data - for example, place a product from an online store on the landing page and use the functionality of the main website to place an order.