Chrome plugins won't launch. The Adobe Flash Player plugin does not launch in Google Chrome. How to remove or disable Chrome extensions

The Adobe Flash Player plugin in the Google Chrome browser is a fairly important addition that allows you to run animation, multimedia files, games, etc. on websites. Despite the active transition of web resources to HTML5 technology, the demand for Adobe Flash is still high. But sometimes you may encounter problems with the plugin’s stable operation when launching video players on websites. We will tell you how to solve this bug and how to properly update Flash Player and connect it via chrome://plugins.

Adobe Flash Player plugin connection error

Why does the error occur?

So, when loading a video in the Chrome browser, the user may receive the following notification on a gray screen: “The Adobe Flash Player plugin is disabled. To enable it, follow the link chrome://plugins". This notification is caused by a malfunction of the plugin and there can be many reasons for such a bug.

  1. Single failure- caused by an error in packet transmission and can be solved by simply reloading the browser or website via CTRL+F5.
  2. Long no updates- the presence of old versions of the plugin that do not have fixes and additions may cause an error.
  3. Technical problems on a web resource server are a very rare occurrence and are resolved unilaterally by the site owners.
  4. Impact of virus programs- there may be problems with displaying the plugin in Google Chrome due to the presence of hijacker Trojans or third-party software.

We have listed the main types of failures, but there are many more. All these problems are solved in a completely standard way.

Enable Adobe Flash Player in chrome://plugins?

If such a problem cannot be solved by a simple reboot, you need to check if the plugin is connected to plug-in modules.

Here's an additional one Video instruction for this action

In most cases this helps, but it happens that even after doing all these steps, the problem still remains. Below we will show you how to carry out a complete update and configuration. Attention (!) - make sure that modules are not duplicated in the list

Removing the error through a full update

So, let's follow a few steps that will help remove the “Adobe Flash Player plugin is disabled” error.

After all these points, open the browser - check again and connect via chrome://plugins. If the problem does not go away, write about it in detail in the comments. We will try to analyze the situation and give you practical advice.

Many features in the Google Chrome browser depend on additional plug-ins called plugins. They introduce many new functions to the program’s functionality and “teach” it to recognize various technologies and data formats. You can change the settings of some extensions in the browser settings menu. The control panel with the most important addons is hidden from users so that they cannot disrupt the normal operation of the program. This article describes how to add, enable, and disable plugins for Google Chrome.

Extension Manager is a special interface in Chrome with which users can easily enable and disable already installed extensions, as well as remove them from their browser. In addition, through it you can open Google’s online application store and add new useful add-ons. To open the manager, users need to do the following:

This page provides a list of all addons that are connected to your web browser. Opposite each of them there are checkboxes with which applications can be temporarily disabled and enabled again. The trash can icon allows you to completely remove the plugin and all associated information.

Some addons allow you to change their configurations. Click on the “Settings” hyperlink under the element’s name to go to its settings page. Here you can enable or disable the use of extensions in incognito mode.

An alternative way to get to this page is through the Google Chrome settings menu. You need to open the control panel and open the section called “Settings”. On the left side of the page that opens there will be a navigation menu with which you can go to the desired section.

Adding new extensions

By default, the Google Chrome distribution has virtually no extensions, with the exception of an add-on for working with documents online. At the same time, there are a huge number of plugins that can make your work with the browser much more convenient. This page describes the most useful applications for Chrome.

In order for the plugin to start working, you need to install and enable it. There are 2 ways to do this: through the Google online catalog and through the official website of the application. The first method is universal, since not every addon that you want to install has its own website.

The second one is faster, since you don’t have to look for extensions among a large catalog. You just need to go to the desired resource and click on the “Install” button. For example, this way you can connect Yandex Elements. Go to and click “Install” next to the desired application.

To get to the Google directory, you need to click on the “More Extentions” hyperlink in the plugin manager. An alternative way is to go to Here you can use the search menu, as well as sort by category or rating to find the addon you need. Select the application and click the "Install" button to enable it.

Two types of plugins

All plugins for Chrome can be divided into 2 types: user and service. The first ones are intended for the convenience of people who work at a computer. These are various translators, programs for downloading music, ad blockers, email services and widgets for the toolbar.

Service addons are installed and connected automatically, without user intervention. They are needed for the browser to work correctly with various technologies and interfaces. A striking example is Adobe Flash Player. It is included in the Google Chrome distribution and updates itself. Without it, it would be impossible to play most browser games, watch videos, listen to music, use online banking services, and so on.

To prevent users from accidentally deleting or disabling any of the important addons, the developers “hid” them in a separate menu. It cannot be accessed through the Chrome browser settings. How to do this is written later in the article.

About Plugins

This is a special panel designed for experienced Google Chrome users. Here you can disable any of the service plugins, configure their launch, or find out detailed information about the technologies used.

To get to this page, enter the command “chrome://plugins/” or “about://plugins/” in the address bar and press Enter. You will see a list of all utility plugins used. Each of them can be easily disabled using the “Disable” hyperlink.

Nowadays, almost every active web browser user installs additional plugins or extensions that add new features to the browser. However, the component does not always begin to function properly after installation; in some cases, the user is required to perform a self-activation procedure. This is exactly what we want to talk about in today’s material, talking about three available methods for solving this problem.

We strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with all three of the following methods, as the activation procedure will depend on the type of add-on you have installed. You may have to use any of these options at some point, which will allow you to avoid having to refer to the instructions again, since you will already be familiar with the information.

Separately, we note that starting from version 57, the page with plugins, as well as the ability to manage them, was removed by the developers. This topic was discussed a year before the innovations, but came into effect not so long ago. Now the company offers users to manage only extensions, which we will discuss further. If suddenly you are still working on version 56 and lower, you can go to chrome://plugins/, to enable one of the elements there by clicking on the corresponding button.

Method 1: Main menu of the extension

First, let's talk about the simplest and fastest method, which is present only in some extensions. Certain developers implement a kind of pop-up menu where the add-on is controlled. There you can activate it and take advantage of additional functions.

If, when you click on the plugin icon, nothing happens or the required button is simply not there, then this activation method is not suitable for you. Continue reading the following instructions to find the best option for you.

Method 2: Extensions Menu

The main method, which is convenient for most users, is to enable extensions through the main menu of the web browser. It is convenient because it allows you to quickly activate almost all installed add-ons and at the same time see how many of them are currently running. The whole procedure looks like this:

This method is universal in almost all situations, except for those when some extensions are built into others, which we will talk about in more detail in the next instructions.

Method 3: Custom Extensions

Nowadays, many enthusiasts and advanced users can easily create their own plugin as a script and load it into the browser. Special extensions into which scripts are installed help such tools function. Such utilities will not be visible on the panel as icons or in the main Chrome menu, and their inclusion follows a slightly different principle.

We put this method in last place only because today such scripts are installed by a rather narrow circle of users, so everyone uses the first two options for enabling extensions.

At the end of today’s material, I would like to note that sometimes users encounter problems when enabling add-ons. Most often this is due to unstable operation of the tool itself or browser problems. First of all, it is recommended to reinstall the add-on, and if this does not help, then check for updates for the web browser, since other methods for eliminating such errors with new versions of Chrome no longer work.

The error “Failed to load plugin” in Google Chrome usually appears when you try (the message is displayed in the frame field). Accordingly, the reason for its occurrence is a problem with the Flash plugin. In Google Chrome, unlike other browsers, the Adobe Flash element is integrated and comes with the distribution. It does not need to be installed and connected separately, it is automatically supported.

From this article you will learn why the plugin in Google Chrome does not load and does not work and how to fix this problem.

Method #1: Update your browser

Sometimes Flash does not respond to a request because its version is outdated, as is the browser version. In this case, the problem can be fixed easily and simply - through an update.

And it is done like this:

1. Click the “three dots” button in the upper right corner of the Chrome window.

2. In the drop-down menu, move the cursor to the “Help” item.

3. In the additional panel that appears, click “About the browser...”.

4. The new tab will automatically request a new version of the web browser (the message “Checking for updates” will appear).

Upon completion of the procedure, the browser writes: “You are using the latest version...”.

Method #2: Force the plugin to be enabled

Try changing the plugin activation setting in Chrome options:

1. In the line for entering URLs and search queries, type the command - chrome://plugins.

2. In the Adobe Flash Player block, click on the “Always run” box so that a checkbox appears in it.

Method #3: Manually update the Flash module

1. In the address bar, enter - chrome://components.

2. In the “Adobe Flash...” column, click the “Check for updates” button.

Method #4: Delete the plugin folder in the browser directory

If, after following the previous methods, Flash still won’t load, try taking more radical measures. Eliminate the folder where the plugin elements are stored. The next time you start Google Chrome, it will automatically restore it and update the plugin accordingly.

This operation is performed as follows:
1. Click the “Folder” icon in the taskbar or press the “Win ​​+ E” key combination.

2. Go to a new window and press the ALT key.

3. In the additional menu that appears, click on the “Service” section.

4. Select “Folder Options” from the drop-down list.

5. In the settings panel, go to the “View” tab. Scroll to the bottom of the list of settings in the Advanced Options field.

6. In the “Hidden files and folders” column, click the mouse to activate the “Do not show hidden...” add-on.

7. Click OK.

8. Now that hidden folders are visible on drive C, go to the browser directory:

Drive C → Users → folder with your account → AppData → Local

9. Right-click on the PepperFlash folder. In the Windows context menu, run the “Delete” command.

10. Restart your browser.

Note. If you still cannot launch Flash after this operation, try uninstalling Google Chrome, and then downloading and installing its new version.


Once you have resolved the problem, clear your browser. While in the Chrome window, press “Ctrl+Shift+Del” together. In the “Clear history” panel, enable all items in the list, set the history period to “all time”, and then click “Clear...”.

Clean up the operating system using the CCleaner utility (its free version can be downloaded from the website -

Remove unnecessary files and fix errors in the registry.

Good luck setting up Google Chrome!

Google Chrome is the most popular browser ever created. More than half of all Internet users use it on a regular basis. However, like any program, Google Chrome is subject to errors. Sometimes they are associated with external problems: viruses, antiviruses, errors during profile synchronization, etc. But sometimes errors appear inside the program code or are caused by changing settings. In any case, the problem can be solved.

chrome://plugins won't open

On various sites you can find articles on how to manage plugins in the Google Chrome browser. They link to a special management address where you can remove or switch plugins, add-ons and other content management tools.

It is unlikely that anyone will now be able to follow the above path. Browser developers removed this page from the settings starting from version 57.0 and moved some of the settings to chrome://settings/content. At the same time, the interface has become much more convenient and understandable.

Shockwave Flash plugin is not responding

If Flash Player starts acting up, then the plugin is either disabled or outdated (damaged, outdated version, etc.). In the first case, it is enough to change one setting in the browser interface, and in the second, install the appropriate utility.

Don't believe that Chrome updates the plugin automatically.

The browser often puts off checking its components for updates. Therefore, it is better to act independently and immediately.

First you need to check your browser settings:

If the instructions above did not help, and the toggle switch was already turned on, then the problem is in the plugin itself. It needs to be installed:

Your profile cannot be loaded correctly

From time to time, an error like “Your profile could not be loaded correctly” appears in Google Chrome. This problem does not mean that surfing functions are impaired; you will be able to continue using the browser. The only negative is the lack of data synchronization with the Google server. Therefore, all newly created bookmarks, saved passwords and other information will be lost when the browser is removed or the system is reinstalled.

With a profile loading error, the browser will not synchronize personal data

To prevent this from happening, you need to end Chrome processes or delete the profile from your computer and sync it from scratch. The first method is to completely close all browser tasks:

If this solution does not help, you need to delete all information from the profiles that are on the computer. At the same time, the data that remains on Google servers will not be affected.

Depending on the operating system, the address of the directory that stores profile data may differ:

  • %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\ - for Windows XP;
  • %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\ - for Windows 7, Vista, 8, 10.

To quickly navigate to a specified folder, copy the line into the address bar of Explorer and press Enter.

Using quick navigation, open the folder with Chrome profiles

Let's move on to deleting:

Considering that my work computer is used by a lot of people, it is very common for the profile to load to fail. I have to fix the problem, since the error doesn’t really bother anyone. But one day I encountered a situation where deleting all profiles did not lead to any results: when entering account data, bookmarks and passwords simply were not restored, and not on any profile. It turned out that on that day Google’s servers were undergoing maintenance, and synchronization simply did not take place. Therefore, if the second error resolution instruction did not help, wait a few hours for the data to return.

Video: How to fix profile error in Google Chrome

Privacy violation error, or “Your connection is not secure”

Not all errors are browser related. Some arise due to problems with the sites themselves, an insecure connection to a resource, or certain restrictions in terms of regional policy. Simply put, the error means there is a problem with the site's certificate. It's quite easy to get around this limitation.

To access the site, you need to ignore the error, i.e. add a special parameter to the properties of the program shortcut:

If this instruction did not help, you must also check the date and time settings:

  1. Press the Win + I key combination and go to the Time and Language applet.

    Press the key combination Win + I and go to the “Time and Language” applet

  2. We check the time and time zone settings. We also move the toggle switches “Set time automatically” and “Automatically set time zone” to the off position.

    Correctly set the time, time zone, and also disable auto date selection

  3. We restart the PC, then try to access the site again.

Video: how to fix the “Your connection is not secure” error

An “Oops” error is a serious disruption to the operation of the browser or the joint actions of the operating system and the browser.

The “Oops” error means a critical problem in the browser

The first thing you need to do after receiving the “Oops” error is to check your PC for virus activity. Further proceed according to the circumstances:

  • If viruses are detected and cured, you need to restore system files using a special utility:
    • In the Windows menu (Win + X) select the “Command Prompt (Administrator)” tool;

      In the Windows menu, select the item “Command Prompt (Administrator)”

    • enter the command sfc /scannow and launch it;

      In the “Command Line” we enter the command sfc /scannow and run it

    • wait for the verification to complete and reboot the PC;

      If system errors are detected, the utility will restore Windows files

    • if errors were found, after a reboot we recheck for problems;

      To make sure there are no more errors, we check the system files again

  • If there are no viruses, go to chrome://conflicts in the Chrome address bar. If a conflict is detected, the program will point to the corresponding file that will need to be deleted.

    You can check chrome://conflicts to find out which files are interfering with Chrome.

Google Chrome won't download files

If Chrome has stopped downloading the requested files, but other browsers download the same files without problems, this indicates that the browser's software codes have been damaged. The only way to fix the error is to reinstall the browser:

  1. Open the Windows menu and select the “Applications and Features” item.

    In the Windows menu, select the item “Applications and Features”

  2. In the list of programs we find Google Chrome, click to open the information, click “Delete” and confirm the action in the pop-up messages.

    Select the Google browser and click “Delete”

  3. Copy the line %USERPROFILE%\AppData\ into the address bar of Explorer and press Enter.