How to open a PDF file. Programs for reading pdf. What program to open a file in pdf format

PDF is one of the most common formats for documentation, e-books and instructions. In PDF format, you can save information in any form, and it will be displayed the same everywhere, i.e. The formatting and layout of the document will always be the same. This is why the PDF format has earned its recognition.

To begin with, I would like to immediately clarify that the programs that will be discussed open PDF files only FOR VIEWING, i.e. It is IMPOSSIBLE to change anything in a document using them. Some programs only allow you to modify the text, but not the content. The PDF format itself is quite specific, and even with the help of editors, the process of editing it is not at all similar to working with a Word document.

In the simplest case, you can read the file in any modern browser: Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer, Edge. The functionality will be limited: only viewing content and printing. To do this, simply drag the file to an empty browser tab. But if the PDF file does not open this way, then try installing one of the programs.

Uncompromising Acrobat

In order not to have any problems with displaying PDF files, it is best to install the program of the format developer itself - Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Just select the program language “Russian” if the download page itself does not correctly determine it. The installation process is trivial, just click “Next” all the time.

Adobe has a complete package for working with PDF documents, including creating and editing - but it is paid.

Acrobat Reader provides a good range of features and customization flexibility for ease of use. It's completely free for both home and commercial use and is on my list. When you first start, you will need to confirm the use of a free license. Most likely, you won’t even have to go into the settings, because the program works great by default.

In the latest versions of Adobe Reader, there is still a very small opportunity to change the file. These are tools for highlighting text and inserting comments. The title “Text Highlighting” is probably not a very good Russian translation, because... “Text highlighting” is more suitable. To highlight the text, click on the icon in the toolbar and select the text, and the add comments icon is located immediately to the left.

By default, text is highlighted in yellow. You can change the highlight color only after highlighting with the default color. To do this, double-click on the selection and in the window click on the icon and select “Properties”. From there you can remove the highlight and add or change a comment.

Alternative programs for PDF

Acrobat Reader, of course, is far from the only PDF viewer. The developers managed to make an ordinary viewer a relatively heavy product. Basically there are no problems, but the program takes a long time to install and sometimes slows down.

Foxit Reader

The program is lightweight and has a simple interface. As a result, Foxit Reader launches quickly and is less demanding on computer resources.

Particular attention is paid to security, namely, at the first launch it is suggested to set the safe mode, in which attachments in the document are not opened and scripts are not run. Foxit Reader allows you to select text, insert comments, graphic objects, multimedia files (video and audio), but you can edit text only in the paid package Foxit PDF Editor.

However, over time, Foxit Reader has also become heavier, so I advise you to run its portable version.

Portable versions are distinguished by the fact that they are lighter and installation is very quick or not required at all. When you first start it, a window with two buttons will pop up, select “Not Now”. For the program to become in Russian, you need to go to the menu “File -> Preferences -> Language -> select Russian”

And restart the program with the “Restart Now” button.

The easiest - Sumatra PDF

This is already an open source project, the program is the lightest and is not at all demanding on resources. Can open not only PDF, but also CHM, XPS, DjVu, CBZ and CBR files.

Two versions are available: for installation and portable (works without installation). Since Sumatra PDF is already very lightweight, I advise you to download the full version, so you can immediately install the program to open all PDF files by default.

The program has practically no settings, everything is easy and simple.

PDF is an acronym for Portable Document Format. It was created by Adobe to represent various text and graphic information in this file. Typically, these files can only be viewed and printed, but some can also be edited using special programs.

PDF format usually contains information about goods and services; they can be instructions, a book with pictures. Some compare this format with the doc and docx format. Only it is heavier and, so to speak, a “magazine version”. Indeed, when you open this type of file, you seem to find yourself in a kind of magazine that is very pleasing to the eye.

Since Adobe created such a format, it means there must be a program that opens this file. It's called Adobe Acrobat Reader. It is best to download the program from the official website of the developer, because that is where the latest version of the program is always located.

Downloading and installing PDF readers

Download the package from is a free trial and a paid version), we begin to install it. We will be prompted to additionally install McAfee Security Scan antivirus. It's up to you to install it or not. The download and installation process takes about 10 minutes and proceeds in standard mode.

In addition to Adobe Reader, there are many third-party programs that also read and work with these files.

The main two that are popular besides Adobe Reader itself are Foxit Reader (recommended) and STDU Reader. The first can completely replace the program from Adobe, because it has a fairly large set of tools for working with PDF files.

Moreover, it is completely free. Official website

Second program - STDU Reader More suitable for working on weak computers. In addition, the latter program works very well with most “book” formats.

Now you know which programs you can use to open a PDF file.

How to open a PDF file?

Files with the .pdf (Portable Document Format) format are a type of electronic document that was created by Adobe. In this format, documents are easy and convenient to view.

You have probably come across such documents more than once, especially if you are a schoolchild, student or office worker. Files of this format are quite common on the Internet. These can be not only text documents such as abstracts, coursework or textbooks, monographs and books, but also various magazines, tutorials with illustrations and much more. Therefore, the need for a program to open such documents is completely justified. Typically, such software does not take up much space on the device, and working with it is easy and fast. Programs for opening PDF files are mostly free and available for download on the Internet.

Let's look at possible ways to open and edit documents, or rather, special programs, applications and online services for phones, tablets, computers and other modern gadgets. So, how to open a pdf file using these methods?

Ways to open and edit a pdf file on a computer

There are several most common programs with which a pdf file will be available for viewing and editing. So, which program should you use to open a pdf file?

Nowadays, many text documents and books are made in PDF format. They are very simple and convenient to use. But sometimes it happens that the PDF (file) does not open. What to do about it?

Why won't the PDF (file) open?

This is the most popular format for reading electronic documents. It has earned its popularity due to its ease of use and versatility. Additionally, documents in this format cannot be edited. This is very convenient if the file contains an electronic seal and signature or cannot be changed. Of course, it does not guarantee absolute protection and the contents can be obtained, but you will have to tinker with it.

Since this is a file type, it, like other types, may not open for some reason. The reasons why PDF (files) do not open may be the following:

  • lack of a special utility for this;
  • the file is damaged or incorrectly saved;
  • not fully downloaded or unzipped.

Programs for opening PDF

The lack of a special program for reading this format is the most common reason why a PDF (file) cannot be opened. However, this problem can be solved very easily. All you need to do is download the service required for this.

Adobe Acrobat Reader

Perhaps the most common program for reading PDF format. It has a wide range of tools and settings for viewing a document. It has many useful features such as stamping, adding a comment, merging files, etc. The best part is that it is free.

If the PDF (file) does not open, download Adobe Reader from the official Adobe website. The installation process is very simple: you will need to click “Next” several times, unchecking the “bonus” software if offered.

Foxit Reader

Also one of the most common free readers of this format. It has very extensive functionality. With its help, you can not only view and print documents, but also create, sign, bookmark them, etc. You can download it from the official Foxitsoftware website. The installation process is also very simple.

It happens that some kind of glitch occurs in the software, due to which the PDF file does not open. The problem is that instead of the reader, some other application becomes the default. The fix is ​​easy. Right-click on any PDF document and click “Properties”. In the “Application” section, click “Change”, and then select a utility from the list. If it is not there, click “Browse” and find Adobe Reader on the system drive.

How to create a PDF file correctly?

It is worth noting that the reason why the PDF (file) does not open may be incorrect saving. Of course, this is unlikely to happen through Word, but if this procedure is done through a specialized website, then this is quite possible. Such a nuisance may arise due to a failure of the Internet connection or incorrect operation of the service itself. Therefore, if such a nuisance does occur, you just need to recreate the document again.

The easiest way to create a PDF document is from Microsoft Word 2007 and later versions. This can be done as easily as possible. Click on the “File” button (blue button in the upper left corner), then “Save as”. In the “Type” drop-down window, select PDF and click “Save”. If there is no such function, you need to install a special plugin for this. You can download it from the official Microsoft website.

In addition, there are many converter sites that convert texts from .doc format to .pdf. Everything is simple there too: upload the text in .doc format to the service, click “Convert”. Next, simply download the resulting PDF back to your computer.

Another way is to use a special converter. For example, doPDF. Install, click on “…”, select the desired text, click “Create”. Then click on “Browse” and select the desired location to save.

Incorrect unzipping

It happens when the PDF does not open after unzipping. The file is damaged and nothing can be done with it. The only way out of this situation is to unzip it again. To prevent this from happening, you should always check the transferred data.

A similar problem occurs when a document was downloaded from the Internet and for some reason did not download. In this case, it should be downloaded to your computer. Some browsers support the function of resuming paused data, so you just need to resume downloading. Or download a new one.

Open in browser

Few people realize, but the PDF format can be opened in a browser. The fact is that web browsers have a special plugin from Adobe that allows you to do this. Finding it is easy; you just need to enter a special command in the address bar to call up the list of plugins. It is different for each browser:

  • browsers on the chromium platform (Google Chrome, Yandex, Amigo, etc.) – chrome://plugins;
  • opera – Opera://plugins;
  • Mozilla Firefox – about:plugins.

There you can disable, enable or delete them. If the Adobe plugin is not there, you can install it without any problems. For example, download on official websites of web services.

If the PDF file does not open, there is no reader, and the Internet is turned off, you can open it using a browser. Right-click on the document, “Open with”? select the program.

Good day!

Magazines, books, scanned documents, forms, drawings and more are now often distributed in PDF format. Whether you like it or not, without special software for working with these formats - it’s neither here nor there...

Actually, in this article I have collected some of the most popular products for working with this format. I think that the material will be relevant both for those who have encountered some problem and cannot read a specific PDF file, and for those who are looking for a convenient tool for everyday tasks.

The article will present programs of different types, functionality, design, and requirements for system resources. I hope everyone will be able to choose a “software” for their current tasks. And so, closer to the point...


For example, formats such as txt, fb2, html, rtf, doc are much more convenient to read in special formats. e-readers than in Word or Notepad.Link -

Top 6 PDF Viewers

Adobe Acrobat Reader

My website page saved in PDF is open

One of the most common PDF readers (which is not surprising, because Acrobat Reader is a product from the developer of this format) .

It has some of the widest capabilities for reading, printing and editing PDF. I would like to note that not so long ago this reader was integrated with the “cloud” (Adobe Document Cloud), thanks to which it has now become much more convenient to work simultaneously on a PC and mobile gadgets!

It must be said that Adobe Acrobat Reader has amazing compatibility: some PDF files (especially large ones), which are not displayed correctly in any other readers, are presented here in normal mode.

Therefore, in my opinion, even if you do not use this particular program, it would not be a bad idea to have it in reserve...

Add. possibilities:

  • quickly convert a PDF file to Word or Excel program formats;
  • Now you don’t have to have paper forms - you can fill them out electronically and send them by mail. Adobe Acrobat Reader allows you to do this;
  • In addition to the Adobe Document Cloud, you can configure your system so that the PDF will be available on such popular cloud drives as: Box, Dropbox and ;
  • The reader allows you to create annotations and comments on the files being viewed.

STDU Viewer

A very compact, free and universal program for reading various formats: PDF, DjVu, XPS, TIFF, TXT, BMP, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, etc.

I would highlight the key advantages: low demands on PC resources, you can open several documents at once in one window, the contents with quick links are displayed on the side panel. There is also a conveniently built-in bookmark system that allows you to return to the last place you read in one click.

In addition, easy page scaling, rotating pages 90-180 degrees, printing a document, adjusting gamma and contrast, etc. are available.

It is possible to convert PDF and DjVu files into text formats. In general, the program deserves attention and acquaintance!

Foxit Reader

A very convenient PDF file reader. I would like to immediately note its relatively low system requirements (in relation to Adobe Reader), a convenient bookmarking system, a side menu (with the contents of an open book), and a modern interface. In general, the abundance of all kinds of functions and capabilities is amazing (in fact, one can say: a multifunctional program).


  • the program interface is as close as possible to Word, Excel, etc. (which causes a clear affinity for the product);
  • the ability to quickly customize the toolbar (add what you often need and remove what you don’t use);
  • the program supports touch screen (in full);
  • the ability to create a PDF portfolio;
  • filling out PDF (Acroform) and XFA forms (XML form architecture);
  • support for all modern versions of Windows 7, 8, 10.

Sumatra PDF

Supported Formats: PDF, eBook, XPS, DjVu, CHM.

If you are looking for a very simple, compact and fast PDF viewer, then I am not afraid to say that Sumatra PDF will be the best choice! Both the program itself and the files in it open as quickly as your system allows.


  • The design is made in the style of minimalism (so popular recently). Main priority functions: viewing and printing files;
  • support for 60 languages ​​(including Russian);
  • there is a portable version that does not require installation (you can carry it with you on a flash drive, and if anything, you can open the PDF on any PC);
  • unlike its analogues (including Adobe Acrobat Reader), the program correctly scales pictures in black and white (a very useful thing when reading books);
  • correctly reads and recognizes hyperlinks embedded in PDF;
  • Sumatra does not block an open PDF file (relevant for those who work with TeX systems);
  • Windows XP, 7, 8, 10 (32.64 bits) are supported.

PDF-XChange Viewer

Multifunctional program for viewing PDF files. I would especially like to note its relatively low system requirements, rich functionality, simple and user-friendly interface. By the way, the program supports Russian.


  • detailed settings of the font, display of pictures, navigation settings, etc. allow you to comfortably read even large files;
  • the ability to view several files at once (including protected ones);
  • detailed configuration of the viewing area and toolbar;
  • the ability to convert PDF documents into image formats: BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, etc.;
  • integration with popular translators ABBYY Lingvo and Translate It!
  • There are plugins for IE and Firefox browsers;
  • the ability to send PDF by email directly from the viewing window (very convenient when you have a lot of scanned documents);
  • allows you to extract text from PDF, and much more...

Hamster PDF Reader

Simple, convenient, tasteful! Hamster PDF Reader (preview from the main page of the official site)

Hamster PDF Reader is a relatively new program that allows you to view not only PDF, but also formats such as XPS, DjVu. The program interface is designed in the style of Office 2016 (similar to Foxit Reader).

The program is not replete with functions, but it has everything that most people need: viewing settings (font, sheet, brightness, full-screen mode, etc.), printing, bookmarks, etc.

Another plus: the program does not need to be installed (there is a portable version). Thus, you can write it to a flash drive and always have it on hand for working with PDF.

In general, it’s an interesting and uncluttered product that allows you to solve the most mundane tasks.

Additions on the topic are welcome...

All the best and happy reading!