Bitrix Legis. "Bitrix24" - what is it? Description, connection and configuration. Invitation to Bitrix24.Network

To simplify and at the same time increase business efficiency, a special system has been developed - Bitrix 24. With this CRM you can automate the process of setting tasks, monitor their implementation, draw up a work plan, and also communicate with employees in the same way as on social networks.


Bitrix 24 is a CRM system that provides significant assistance in organizing the work of a company. In simple terms, thanks to this software you can combine all business information in one workspace. Data about employees, planned projects, calendars, all documentation, etc. are entered into the database.

Instructions for Beginners

Even if you have never used such systems, there should not be any particular difficulties. The advantage is that registration is quite simple and does not require verification of passport and other data. Immediately after registration, you will be able to purchase a suitable tariff plan.


First of all, you need to connection to the Internet. To log in to Bitrix24 you need to register. After confirming your email, you can log in through the authorization form or social network. In the first case, you just need to enter a password and e-mail.

Another way is to log in via a social network. In order not to constantly enter your login and password, you can register once in Bitrix24.Network by entering the data from Bitrix24 in the form. During subsequent logins, you will only need to click on the social network icon and you will be logged in automatically.

Personal Area

After entering, we find ourselves in a work area that will allow us to carry out the following operations:

  • assign tasks to employees and monitor their implementation;
  • upload any files to the Internet to your own storage;
  • communicate with each employee via instant messaging service;
  • work with documentation;
  • make plans;
  • work from a mobile device via an Internet connection;
  • keep track of working hours;
  • create a calendar of meetings;
  • grant limited access to certain employees.

Functionality and structure

Let's understand the technology for processing leads and making transactions. So, when selling in the system, the following actions occur:

  • lead registration (receiving an order, all information about which, along with client data, is sent to the manager);
  • formation of a potential transaction (a commercial proposal is drawn up and sent to the customer);
  • If the proposal is approved by the client, a contract is drawn up;
  • sales are carried out under the contract, followed by shipment and payment;
  • closing the deal.

In addition to generating potential deals, CRM allows you to create reports (including sales funnels), use the product database, and save all data on user interactions through the “My Cases” module.


The use of telephony is an additional service:

  • work is possible only through an Internet browser;
  • each outgoing call is paid after the free minutes are exhausted;
  • it is possible to combine telephony with an office PBX;
  • The ability to forward calls outside the system is excluded.
  • Social intranet. Just imagine: it's easy for you to communicate with colleagues and work together on projects. You see the reaction to your actions and ideas, and quickly receive positive feedback. It is convenient for you to search for the necessary documents, records, reports. You are always aware of all changes in the company. You don't need to learn how to use these tools. This is a social intranet.
  • A single point of access to projects, tasks, documents, contacts. Do you use a large number of different tools in your work and are tired of it? Bitrix24 replaces them all, providing a single entry point to all your projects, tasks, contacts, files and correspondence with colleagues. Plus instant search through all accumulated “knowledge”.
  • Mail is not suitable for communication within the company. Messages and file sharing allow you to completely abandon email within the company, instantly receive all information and quickly find it within messages, tasks and files. No file storage or archives with correspondence, everything is in one place and always at hand!
  • This is your internal network. Social communications reveal the potential of a company and people, allowing you to discuss not only work issues, but also your interests, and share your impressions. You will learn a lot about your colleagues and will be able to prove yourself.
  • Mobile app. All Bitrix24 features are available from mobile devices. Don't limit yourself to the office - work from a cafe, airport, or from a mobile device connected to the Internet.
  • Security of your information. All your projects, tasks, communication, files and search for them will be available at one address - - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And only you and your employees will have access to them.

Bitrix24 comes in three editions:

  • Project (free version);
  • Team;
  • Company.

Who needs the "Project":

  1. You have a small company or department, you do not work on a project with external contractors, and you have a small document flow.
  2. Or are you just a group of like-minded people discussing common ideas and sharing their impressions.
  3. The sales department of your company needs a CRM to work with clients and process orders from the online store.

When you need a "Team":

  1. You have more than 12 people in your company, and you actively work with files and documents.
  2. You work on projects and tasks together with your partners, suppliers, clients.
  3. You are a charity or non-profit organization with a large number of employees.

My choice is "Company":

  1. You will understand how many hours each employee worked per day or per month. You will have access to reports on all completed tasks.
  2. You will be able to quickly receive employee work reports and evaluate them.
  3. Meetings and planning meetings can be automated: invitations can be sent out automatically, appointments can be added to employees’ calendars, tasks can be assigned and completed in minutes.

Comparison of editions:




Cloud location5 GB50 GB100 GB
Social communications
Tasks and projects
Files and documents
Time tracking

Meetings and planning sessions

Work reports

Your own domain

** On the free plan, only one online store can be connected to CRM. With the “Team” and “Company” tariffs, you can connect online stores unlimitedly.

Bitrix company is a well-known developer of corporate web applications and project management systems. One of the company's products is the Bitrix24 cloud service. The functionality of the service includes a full set of tools for effective activities: calendars, social network, remote work with documents, chat, video calls, telephony and CRM. The Bitrix24 service is needed to solve a wide range of problems:

  • creating a unified workspace;
  • ensuring prompt communication between employees;
  • control and recording of staff working hours;
  • organizing work remotely;
  • creating a centralized client base, attracting new and retaining existing clients;
  • analysis of individual and general business indicators.

The Bitrix24 service allows you to record all tasks in a single system, assign performers and project managers, distribute the workload between team members, and set deadlines. Bitrix24 is designed to carry out current affairs and implement long-term large-scale projects. Using the service involves registering a company in the system and opening a Personal Account. As a rule, registration is handled by the organization's system administrator. He can subsequently add other employees to his Personal Account.

Functionality of the Bitrix24 Personal Account

Since the Bitrix24 service is intended primarily for effective communication, the functionality of the Personal Account ensures fast and clear interaction between company employees. In addition, the Personal Account serves as a storage, accounting and promotion tool. Thanks to the Personal Account, registered users can perform the following actions:

  1. Organize a video conference with four employees.
  2. Discuss the nuances of the project in a business chat.
  3. Add new tasks, assign performers, set deadlines and control the workflow.
  4. Store files and business correspondence in a cloud service.
  5. Keep records of working hours.
  6. Create events in the calendar.
  7. Invite new employees.
  8. Systematize interaction with clients.
  9. Exchange documents, edit them and view the history of edits.
  10. Create Bitrix24 mailboxes and read mail from your Personal Account.
  11. Reward the best employees with electronic badges.

With the help of the Bitrix24 Personal Account, you can effectively coordinate business processes, optimize personnel management and automate the interaction between the company’s employees and clients. The Bitrix 24 application has elements of social networks familiar to many. Thanks to this, using your Personal Account does not require special skills.

Registration in your Personal Account

To enter your Personal Account, you need to go to the main page of the official website and click on the “Login” link in the right corner. The system will offer two options: log in using your email and password, or through an account on one of the social networks. First, an administrator registers in the Personal Account. The procedure is performed in two stages:

  1. The first stage is email registration and subsequent confirmation or authorization using a social network account. If the user provides an email address, the system must check that it is up to date. To do this, an email will be sent with a link, which, when activated, will send the user to a page with a registration form. When you log in through your account, your email address is confirmed automatically.
  2. The second stage is company registration. To create a Personal Account, you will need to fill out a form indicating the name of the company, as well as the first and last name of the person who is registering. Then you need to enter the name for the company page on the portal in the required field and come up with a password. To complete registration, the user must read and accept the terms of the license agreement. The last step to create a company account is to click the “Create” button.

When registering via email, it is recommended to immediately proceed to the second stage. If you delay completing registration, the next time you log in, the system will ask for a password that was not recorded. When you try to recover your password, the system may refuse login.

Authorization in your Personal Account

The next time you log into your Bitrix24 Personal Account, you will need to enter the e-mail and password specified during the registration process. If your password is lost, you can recover it by clicking on the “Forgot your password?” link. An email with a hyperlink to re-create your password will be sent to your contact email address.

You can log in to your Personal Account through your Bitrix24.Network social network account. After going to the social network website, you must indicate the login and password for your Personal Account in the authorization form. Once the authorization is complete, the user must open the drop-down list in the upper right corner and select their company. After this, he can log into his Bitrix24 Personal Account.

Bitrix24 is a complete set of tools for the fast and effective development of your business.
The system allows you to solve many problems:

  • Create a unified workspace for your company;
  • Ensure prompt communication between employees, exercise control over the execution of work;
  • Communicate with colleagues and collaborate with external partners;
  • Create a client database and store all contacts in it, work with leads, attract new clients, conduct repeat sales and record all actions in the CRM system;
  • Control transactions and maintain all reporting of the organization;
  • Automate your company's business processes.

This is only a small part of the capabilities of Bitrix24!
In this article we will tell you in detail how to create a personal account and log into the Bitrix24 system.

If you do not yet have your own portal, then to register in the system, go to page official Bitrix24 website and click "Entrance" > “Create now” or "Create for free" in the center of the page.

Stage 1. First in Personal account you need to register alone from users or administrator portal. To do this, select the appropriate registration option - via e-mail or social network.

After that, a letter will be sent to the specified email address with a link to the portal, with which you can Bitrix24 login.

Stage 2. Now you need to register the company. Fill out the form indicating the company name and details of the user who is registering. Next, enter the name for the organization’s page on the portal in the required field and create a password. After accepting the terms of the license agreement, click "Create".

Attention! If you register via email, it is better to immediately proceed to the second stage of creating your Personal Account after receiving the email. Otherwise, the system will ask for a password that has not been registered again. Thus, you will not be able to log into your Bitrix24 account.

How to log into your personal account?

To login Bitrix24 personal account go to page official Bitrix24 portal and click the button "To come in" in the upper right corner of the page. You will be able to log into your registered Bitrix24 corporate portal (by entering e-mail And password) or select the one you need from the previously created ones.

Also login Personal Area possible using the site Bitrix24. Network. To do this, enter your email address and account password. By clicking on the button, you can select the desired account and start working in the system.

It's okay if you suddenly forget your account password. Bitrix24 provides a button "FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD?", by clicking on which you can restore access to the system by email address.

If a colleague invited you to the portal and you want to log into Bitrix24 for the first time, check your email. An email will be sent to your email with a link to log in to the corporate portal. This link is a one-time use link, so you will need to create a new password. Ready! Start growing your business with Bitrix24.

Portal employees can use the network in their work with clients and counterparties Bitrix24.Network The portal must have a module installed Social services. Contact your administrator if you are unable to register with Bitrix24.Network.

Bitrix24.Network- a network for business communications that brings together partners, colleagues, suppliers and other counterparties in one environment, which allows you to reduce the use of various communication tools to a minimum and store the communication history in one place.

Registration on the network is carried out using the link If necessary, you can link your accounts in other social networks to Bitrix24.Network, in which case you will be able to use your contacts from these networks.

Note: it is possible to link a Bitrix24.Network profile to a user of the boxed version of Bitrix24 as an external social network (along with Facebook and others), and, accordingly, authorization through it.

The transition to the network page from existing portals of the Bitrix24 service is carried out by command My Bitrix24.Network page from the menu Personal page:

This command will take you to your page on this network:

Bitrix24.Network is essentially a messenger with chat, voice and video calling capabilities used for business communications. All features of the messenger are available not only to Bitrix24 users, but also to those who were invited by participants. The portal operates in different languages.

Working with Bitrix24.Network

Working with the Bitrix24.Network messenger is absolutely similar to working with the regular Bitrix24 service, with the exception of the capabilities of Bitrix24.Disk, going to the Live Feed and telephony. If you already have a desktop application installed, then it is better to communicate through it.

If messages from your correspondent were not delivered on time for some reason (you are offline, for example), then these messages will be sent to you by e-mail. The peculiarity is that the messages will arrive in the Bitrix24.Network interface language that your client uses. For example, a client uses a Spanish interface, the email message will look like this (although the correspondence is in Russian):

From your personal page on the network, you can quickly go to any of your portals, create a new one and set single sign-on parameters for all the portals in which you work.

To merge accounts:

  1. Go to the page Single sign-on,
  2. Add all your accounts (email + password),
  3. Set one of the e-mails as the main one.


  1. Changing the password for your Bitrix24 corporate portal is only possible through your profile in Bitrix24.Network, link Edit profile.
  2. You cannot link more than 7 portals to your account.

Invitation to Bitrix24.Network

To invite colleagues to the network, just use the “Invite to Network” button and either invite by email, or, if you have a contact on any of the social networks, find it through the search bar.