Bing: Microsoft's new search engine. Description of the Bing search engine

Search is a sore subject for Microsoft. The company believes that this is the only area where they are inferior to Google. The Redmond giant tried to rectify the situation in several ways. A few years ago, he launched the Live Search search service. There was no success, and Microsoft's share of the search market gradually decreased. Then the company took a different route - it tried to buy Yahoo's search business. The deal did not materialize, and Redmond decided to develop the search on its own. Microsoft began acquiring startups whose search technologies were interesting and strengthening its development team by luring programmers from Yahoo. For example, Qi Lu, who headed the Internet search division at Yahoo, ended up at Microsoft.

Bing differs from traditional search engines in that it does not produce the usual list of results with links to found documents, but tries to process the available data. Let's say, if a user is looking for a pizzeria in his city, then Bing will give a list of places where pizza is prepared, provide the address and opening hours, and the average cost of the dish. You will also be able to find out an assessment of the atmosphere, menu variety, and quality of service. All this helps to make the decision “where to go?” In fact, Microsoft focuses on assistance in decision making. “Bing” is most useful when you are planning a trip, shopping, or looking for a bar/cafe/cinema in your city.

In addition, Bing has several features that make working with the site more convenient. I liked how the video search results page was made (for each video there is a preview, just hover your cursor), an additional snippet for found documents (it is located on the right and is visible when you hover your cursor) and search categories (on the left side of the screen there are links that allow you to refine your query. For example, if you are looking for information about swine flu, you will see links to symptoms, causes, and prevention methods).

Despite the fact that Bing does a good job of searching English-language resources, it is virtually useless for Russian users. Yandex and Google give much more relevant results.

As a result, Microsoft turned out to be a really good search engine. It is no better than Google and will not lure away its users, but it is quite capable of attracting users of other search engines.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to talk about not very popular in RuNet Bing search engine and the Hotmail mail service. The owner of these services is the well-known company Microsoft, which has tightly hooked most of the population of our planet on its operating system. But this is not enough for them and the company’s ambitions extend to the Internet.

Looking ahead a little, I will say that world search engine Bing although it is seriously inferior to Google, it still ranks second, and their email service Hotmail, until recently, was the world leader in this segment.

It’s impossible to say the same about Runet, but Bing can still be useful to webmasters from the Runet, and recently it has no boundaries and is seriously trying to change the situation with the ease of use of it (by renaming it

Bing - the success story of the number 2 search engine in the world

The share of this search engine worldwide is not that large - only four percent:

Thus, it turns out that even the Bing search engine, which does not officially work with Russia, can be very useful to us, due to the fact that it still indexes sites in RuNet and has unique operators in its arsenal.

Outlook Mail (formerly Hotmail) - Login and Registration

The Hotmail email service appeared even before the search engine (in 1996) and achieved much greater results in its segment. Actually, Microsoft simply bought a successful and promising project in 1997, and was able to make it the most popular at the moment.

True, now they managed to move him from Olympus, and he’s not far behind. In RuNet, as many years ago, most users use .

Now it has moved, accordingly, to second place, and Yahoo mail remains in third. The gap, however, is quite small:

In Russia, Hotmail is not yet so popular, because only a couple of years ago RuNet users were given the opportunity to work with the Russian-language interface of this mail service. By this time, the overwhelming number of Runet users were already tightly hooked on, Gmail and . However, all this does not detract from the merits of our today’s hero, and I want to talk about this in a little more detail.

The first distinguishing point is that Hotmail does not limit users in the size of the mailbox provided for storing correspondence and attachments. A pleasant nuance, although few people will find the Gmail box with its 10 gigs small, but nevertheless this can be attributed to the advantages of Bing’s relative.

In general, I won’t tell you in detail about Hotmail. Why? Because he doesn't have much time left to live. It will be replaced by another email service from Melkomyagkih called Thus, Microsoft wants to completely distance itself from the old brand, which in the minds of many users (mostly bourgeois) has become firmly associated with a slow and glitchy email system.

Login to mail (

New service will have to compete with the new leader in the person of Gmail on equal terms and nothing should remind of Hotmail's childhood illnesses.

In any case, you will first need register, which will then allow you to work not only with email services (new and old), but also with Xbox LIVE and Windows Phone. In general, we register for all occasions.

If you don’t want to give up your cell phone number, then in addition to indicating an alternative email, you will also have to select a security question and an answer to it, which you will definitely forget over time. After which you can immediately use your Hotmail mailbox:

By the way, in addition to working with mail, you can communicate in the Hotmail interface via MSN Messenger, work with the calendar, or go to your SkyDrive cloud storage. The interface cannot be said to be very modern, but we should not forget that its days are already numbered and all users of this email service will forcibly transferred to in 2013).

Actually, you can right now switch to working with mail through the new Outlook interface (transition instructions), which is currently in the testing stage. In a nutshell, just open the page in the same browser where you previously opened Hotmail.

And if you are not automatically authorized, then enter the login and password received during registration. You will be warned that no disasters have occurred with your mailbox and you can continue working with correspondence in the new and pleasant-looking Outlook interface:

The settings button (gear in the upper right corner) allows you to add an area for reading correspondence, dividing the screen area either horizontally or vertically (in Gmail, this feature is only available through the Lab).

Settings and capabilities of Outlook mail from Bing (formerly Hotmail)

Well, if you want to create an alias for your mailbox on the Outlook service, then select “Other mail settings”:

On the page that opens, select “Create an alias for Outlook.” You will be asked to enter your password again, after which you will be asked to come up with an E-mail ending in Hotmail and

Incoming correspondence that ends up in this mailbox can fall into the Email inbox with the ending or into a separate folder (you will be offered a choice immediately after creating an alias.

And I will briefly mention capabilities of the Outlook email service replacing Hotmail:

  1. Unlimited box size
  2. Ability to create a bunch of aliases
  3. Ability to recover deleted emails (there is a corresponding link in the Deleted Items folder at the very bottom)
  4. is integrated with Microsoft's ally - which may seem convenient to many users (especially from the burzhunet) (there is a corresponding icon in the upper right corner, to the left of the gear)

As a fly in the ointment, let me remind you of the dampness of Microsoft's new email service.

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The Bing search engine does not officially work in Russia. Yandex is installed by default on Microsoft devices. Why might you need to promote your site on Bing? At the moment, there is only one answer: if you want to advance in the bourgeoisie.

Why Bing and not Google:

  • Less competition. At the same time, the traffic is just as solvent.
  • Growing audience . Bing search traffic in the US reaches 21%.
  • Competition with Google . Microsoft is taking steps to develop its search engine. For example, Firefox defaults to searching in Bing.
  • Quality traffic. Bing has a lower bounce rate and a greater depth of views.

But you need to remember that the ranking factors in Bing and Google are different, and what is good for Bing is not good for Google, and sometimes can even get in the way. For example, the Microsoft search engine prefers the exact occurrence of a key phrase in the domain name. But this strategy does not bring significant benefits to Google. And if you re-optimize the site - using exact occurrences of key phrases in headings, subheadings and inside the texts themselves (the way Bing likes it), you can fall under the filter. Therefore, when promoting a site in Bing, be careful and compare ranking factors in two search engines to see if optimization for certain requirements in one system will lead to a drop in ranking in the other.

Many SEOs and website owners do not pay attention to Bing ranking factors, optimizing their sites only for Google. However, over the past few years, Bing's market share has slowly but steadily increased as Microsoft has attempted to compete with Google in the online information search space.

Why you should pay attention to Bing

The best thing about change is that most people hate it. Change pushes us out of our comfort zone, which is why many tend to avoid it. But this fear creates new opportunities for those who are not afraid to change and try new things.

For over 19 years, the SEO industry has been focused solely on ranking sites in Google. This resulted in other search engines being ignored, and Bing was no exception to the rule.

Bing Ranking Factors

A common belief is that if a site ranks well in Google, it will rank well in Bing.

But that's not true. Search engine algorithms are very different. Just compare search results for the same term and you'll quickly see what I mean.

So if you don't want to miss out on potential customers, it's important to understand the key differences between Bing and Google.

Don't forget about users

User interaction is one of the strongest signals in Bing. Therefore, active audience participation increases the chances of high positions in this PS.

To evaluate a site, a search engine uses a term known as “ pogo stick" It refers to a situation where someone enters a search query into the search bar, clicks on the result in the search results, and then clicks the “ Back" to return to the search.

If the percentage of people who go to the site and immediately return to the search results is high, the search engine will consider this signal as evidence of poor interaction. But if people stay on the site, it has every chance of reaching the top.

Click Through Rate Matters

Bing counts clicks on search results, adds user interaction data to them, and uses this mix of signals to improve search results.

For example: if, all things being equal, the site in position #1 in the SERP receives a 20% click-through rate, and position #2 receives 40%, this is a clear indication that result #2 is more in line with the user's intent, providing a better user experience. It wouldn't be surprising if they switch places soon.

For successful ranking in Bing, it is necessary to write titles and descriptions taking into account not only the occurrence of key phrases, but also users. Think about clickable descriptions with keywords.

The Importance of Social Signals

It seems like everyone already agrees that social signals matter when ranking a website on Google. But they also affect Bing. However, in the second case, the dependence on them is much stronger.

By using social signals in your website promotion strategy, you create conditions for good ranking of the resource in both Google and Bing.

Backlinks are no longer what they used to be

In Bing, backlinks lose their usual importance. Compare search results for the same query in Google and Bing, and you will notice that the sites with the highest rankings in the Microsoft search engine have significantly fewer backlinks.

Note: Bing prefers “editorial” links from text rather than from the sidebar, footer, or list of links below.

You need anchor text

Bing places a lot of importance on anchor texts. They are more important here than on Google. So if you want your link to count for ranking purposes, use anchor text.

Bing is not as good as Google at keyword matching. Therefore, this PS needs to be chewed and spoon-fed, that is, key phrases must be written in the exact entry. But you can’t go overboard with optimization. Otherwise, it will be easy to run into Google Penguin.

Keywords in domains

Having a keyword in the domain name helps a website rank well in Bing. This is not a mandatory requirement, but a recommendation.

Again, you need to remember about Google and filters, which are unlikely to like the exact entry in the site address. Therefore, it is best to use names that include keywords, but not in exact occurrences.

The Role of Page Authority

Bing doesn't place as much importance on backlinks as Google does, but it does value a site's authority.

It is much more difficult to rank a new domain in Bing than in Google. But if your domain is many years old, it has every chance of ranking at the top.

An old domain that has a keyword in it is a goldmine for ranking in Bing. It will give you top positions in search results.

PageRank doesn't matter

PageRank is a value indicating the “importance” of a page. The algorithm was created at the very beginning of Google's SEO history and is important for ranking in this search engine. The same cannot be said about Bing - there seems to be no correlation between PageRank and positions in Microsoft's Google Search Engine.

Content and keyword density are important

Bing prefers sites with a lot of unique content. Long texts are perceived better here than short ones. This is explained by the fact that Bing is behind Google not only in processing anchors, but also all content. Therefore, in Microsoft's search engine, it is better to use specific keywords for which you want to rank your page.

Create your own pages for each keyword.

But avoid duplicate content. Otherwise you will end up under Google Panda.

Bing doesn't like duplicate content either. It recognizes it and excludes it from search results. But the pages may remain in the index.

Keep track of the site structure

The Bing search engine gives some interesting tips regarding website structure.

First of all, she likes content that is located closer to the main page. For successful promotion, you cannot place texts more than three clicks from the home page.

You should also use nesting, which builds on the transition from general topics to more specific ones. For example, SEO> Link Profile Creation> Blog. Or Garden> Furniture> Chairs.

Internal optimization

On-page optimization in Bing is similar to Google. In meta tags, it is preferable to use keywords in the exact occurrence.

Bing puts a lot of emphasis on title tags, but takes user interaction signals into account.

You should only have one H1 tag per page. Next, you should use subheadings H2 and H3.

Note: Bing sometimes uses an H1 instead of a page description in search results. So be creative when creating your headlines. Don't rely solely on the exact occurrence of the keys.

HTTPS is out of favor

Google recently announced that HTTPS is now used as a ranking signal, albeit a very minor one.

But Bing chief lead Vincent Veren said they won't use HTTPs as a ranking factor because it has no real significance.

Sanctions in the Bing search engine

We don't know much about Bing's penalties, but they certainly aren't as bad as Google's animalistic updates. There is not such a variety of animals here. The speed of application of sanctions is also lower: Bing does not detect website flaws as quickly. Therefore, the leash here is much longer than in Google.

How to check if a site is under sanctions

Bing makes it easy to check whether your site is sanctioned or not. All you have to do is open Bing Webmaster Tools, press the button " Summary" and go to the section " Site status" If there you see the state " Blocked: Yes“- your site needs to be saved.

It's time to switch to Bing

The Bing sun is just rising. In the near future, its share in total search traffic will grow rapidly. Why? For example, because in the US Firefox made Bing the default search engine. Once this happened, within 24 hours Google usage dropped from 82% to 63%, while Bing/Yahoo usage rose from 9% to 29%. Perhaps the trend will soon spread to other countries.

The future of search is changing - whether you like it or not. It's time for SEOs to take a look at Bing.

Bing is a search engine from Microsoft. Thanks to it, you can search the global network (you will find everything you are looking for, and even more), search for pictures (find images that you have long dreamed of), videos (watch any videos).

The Bing search engine can display all results either exclusively in Russian, or only for the Russian segment of the network. In addition, in this system you can easily familiarize yourself with related search queries. If you want to work with a Russian-language interface, then you should go to the bing ru search engine.

Bing search bar (working)

general information

Until recently, the search engine had other names and addresses:

  • MSN Search ( – from the beginning of launch – until 09/11/06;
  • Windows Live Search ( - until 03/21/07;
  • Live Search ( - until 1.06.09.

At the moment, the Bing system is considered the second highest rated search engine in the world. It has a number of unique features - viewing search results on one page (no need to flip), dynamically adjusting search results (the amount of information) that is displayed as a search result: only the title, short information or a full summary.

It is designed to help you quickly find the necessary information and effectively apply it when making serious decisions. Great attention is paid to areas such as online orders, travel planning, health, etc. With the introduction of the Best Mach feature, which is capable of analyzing information that appears in search results, Bing will impose on the user what he “needs”. The Instant Answers feature is designed to save time by adding a variety of useful information to the page.

In order to compete, the two companies Yahoo and Microsoft, although their search engines compete with each other, announced a partnership in July 2009. Under this agreement, Microsoft shares its Bing technology, which becomes the basis of . Yahoo's response is to provide access to its search technologies. Moreover, it becomes the exclusive seller of advertising, using Bing technology as its main one.

Also, the Bing search engine has several innovations that simplify the search experience, making it more convenient.

When searching for a video, you can preview the video (just move the cursor). For found documents, an additional snippet appears, as well as search categories (thanks to which you can clarify the question. For example, when searching for information about any disease, you will be given links to symptoms, causes, methods of prevention and treatment).

Bing search engine - free download

Bing Toolbar is a flexible, customizable toolbar that gives you quick and easy access to multimedia, messaging, social media, and more. It also has an integrated security center, with which you will travel through virtual reality without fear and will be able to set the settings in the Bing toolbar and options at your discretion.

Toolbar bing search engine download is an add-on to your browser that allows you to search for information on the Internet.

This toolbar has a built-in search field in which you can immediately enter search queries without going to the site itself, as well as several buttons that will redirect you to categorized content.

Thanks to these buttons, you can easily read news, use the Autofill function, monitor the weather in your city, watch videos, and read RSS feeds about sports competitions.

By downloading Toolbar for free, you will have access to your Microsoft's services, such as your Hotmail inbox or mailing tools. This makes it possible to share web pages by sending its URL via email or using Windows Live Messenger.

You can change the color of this toolbar as you wish using the option called “Tint”. Everything will happen automatically; the Autofill function will enter your name, address and phone number in the required fields.

Toolbar bing search engine free download works on Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox browsers, which means that Microsoft Silverlight must be installed on your system.

Bing search engine: install for free

Naturally, browsers from their companies already have their own search engine installed by default, this is Google, in Explorer it is Bing, in the Yandex browser it is, of course, Yandex. But they are not built in forever; you can change them to the desired search engine at any time. There are no particular problems with changing standard settings in Internet Explorer or Google Chrome. Although for occasional use it is enough to enter the address: into the browser line.

In order to set the Bing search engine in Chrome as the default, you should open the browser menu (look in the upper right corner), and then click on “Settings”. In the Search section, select the desired search engine. If the search engine you want to install is not in the list, then click on the “Configure search engines” button and add the desired system. Next, close the settings tab and you can use it to search for information of interest.

Changing the search engine in Explorer is a little more complicated than in other browsers. Click the “Settings” button located in the upper right corner, then from the list that opens, select the Manage add-ons command. The next step is the “Find More Search Providers” button in the search section. Install the Bing search engine, if there is another one, use the “Add” button, and then select “Default”.

The easiest way to install the Bing search engine is in Firefox: click “Tools” -> “Settings”, a window opens in front of you where you should select the “Basic” item. In the Home page field, enter the address of the search engine and save. Now, when you open Mazila, the desired Bing search engine will open by default.

How to remove bing search engine

Although the bing search engine from Microsoft is a fairly successful project, most users in our country are accustomed to using Google or Yandex.

If you use Microsoft products, such as Internet Explorer, or the operating system is Windows with automatic updates, then the chance of getting Bing as the default search engine, and on all browsers, is quite high. The next Windows Update may automatically install the Bing Bar. Therefore, many people ask the question: “how to remove bing search engine?”

There is nothing complicated about this, just remove or turn off the Bing Bar add-on, and then change the starting search engine in the browser settings.

Let's look in more detail, with examples on Firefox, on how to remove the bing search engine.

First of all, you should get rid of the Toolbar. We go to the control panel, to do this we perform the actions “Start” -> “Control Panel”, in the list that opens we find Bing Bar and delete it.

The Bing Toolbar is no longer available in browsers, but it may open the Bing search engine by default. I described how to change the home page address a few paragraphs above.

That's all, there are no difficulties with deleting the Bing search engine.

Historical data and interesting facts

Microsoft began working on its search engine at the end of the last century and in the fall of 1998 it introduced Microsoft Network Search - MSN.

After 8 years, Microsoft introduced a new version of the search engine - Windows Live Search. The beta version was released on March 8, 2006, and on September 12 it completely replaced MSN Search.

The new version of the search engine allowed the user to search among data of a specific type: web pages, news, images, music. MSN aimed to ensure that their search engine collected over 2.5 billion queries per month from around the world and was extremely useful to users by providing more accurate answers.

To increase interest in the Live Search search engine, it was decided to launch a viral marketing campaign. The search results were displayed on the right side of the screen, against the background of a modern metropolis, while an animated character appeared on the left - the image of a young girl Ms. Dewey. She commented on the entered query and clearly demonstrated the search results. And during downtime, users were entertained in every possible way.

In 2007, Microsoft announced that the Live Search search engine was leaving the Windows Live product suite and was being integrated with the Ad Platform, which was led by Satya Nadella. As a result of this change, the Live Search search engine has merged with Microsoft adCenter.

In the same year, they launched testing of the Tafiti search engine (translated as “explore”), which was based on Live Search and Microsoft Silverlight.

But Microsoft didn’t stop there either, and in mid-2009 they began testing the next generation search engine, giving it the name Kumo (translated from Japanese as “spider” and “cloud”). As a result, in June 2009, this engine became the basis of the current Bing search engine, which replaced Live Search.

Microsoft manager David Webster initially proposed naming the new search engine Bang. According to him, it is short and easy to remember, and also easy to write. However, this name was abandoned because it could correctly be used as a verb and denote an Internet search. They took a similar name - Bing, which should remind users to make a decision. However, according to another version, Bing stands for bing is not google.

Today, the Bing search engine is used in most smartphones and mobile phones produced in Canada and America.

Bing search engine success

The key to success in the near future may be the use of mobile applications. The number of gadgets and mobile devices is increasing every day. In addition, in some parts of the world, smartphones and tablets are more often used to access the global network than desktop PCs. Nokia model mobile phones are still selling quite well, and as a result of the fact that Microsoft bought this company, it actually took the users of these phones under its control. Now they will use the default bing.

Thanks to the fact that Bing actively interacts with social services, and also uses innovative search mechanisms, such as scanning local drives, memory cards, flash devices running Windows 8, it acquires enormous opportunities for its further development. In addition, Apple is one of Bing’s supporters, as representatives of this giant themselves claim.

A quick search for information has already faded into the background. Today, users are more interested in unique materials that can be found on the Internet. Therefore, along with searching web pages, photos, videos, maps and games, and social networks are also indexed. This is done to ensure that the user receives the most complete information possible that would best suit the request.

Reward for using search

Users of the bing search engine can use the Bing Rewards feature to accumulate wealth. Registered users who are logged in can accumulate search points for searching for relevant information, so you can earn money.

For completing two operations, a person receives 1 point in his account; per day he can earn 15 points by working on a computer or laptop and 10 points by searching through a mobile device. Having earned 475 points, the user can exchange them for 5 dollars; this money cannot be withdrawn, but it can be spent in Amazon or Sephora stores. You can also get discounts on applications for Windows and Windows Phone.

And users who work very intensively with the bing search engine are awarded the status of silver or gold client.

), which is quite popular in the world, but its share in RuNet is extremely small. However, those who create and promote websites in the burzhunet should definitely take this search engine into account.

Registering and adding a site to Bing's webmaster

But nevertheless, it is worth paying attention to search engines such as Bing and. Especially if your project has an English version (or you plan to implement this in the future) or it is completely focused on the bourgeoisie.

Toolbars can be useful because they can help the web crawler determine which of your documents should be visited first. As you probably already know, this is achieved by adding a webmaster panel in the appropriate place. About , and for WordPress - .

The map does not restrict the search robot from moving around your site (), but Sitemap.xml tells the bot the structure of your resource, which has a beneficial effect on the speed of its indexing (including new documents).

The fact is that the bot will not spend more time on you than it is allotted for it. He will simply move on to the next project, and will return to yours only after some time. So that during his short visit he managed to index as many useful pages as possible, and such things as Sitemap.xml and the robots.txt file were invented.

The sitemap shows where the material to be indexed is located, and robots.txt tells where the search bot should not go, because there is nothing interesting there. Toolbars for webmasters allow you to check the functionality of the latter, as well as indicate the path to the former. Although this, of course, is not all the possibilities.

Bing is owned by the well-known company MicroSoft. Previously, this search engine was called MSN Search, and even earlier Windows Live Search or Live Search. The current reincarnation of the brainchild of the small softies is perhaps the most successful. They managed to become one of the top three global search leaders. They are still far from Google (), of course, but they have already successfully absorbed Yahoo and even managed to digest it.

So, in order to access the webmaster panel called Webmaster Center, you will need to follow this link. Click on the “Login” button:

If you already have a “Windows Live ID”, then enter it in the right “Login” area, and if you have not registered there yet, then to complete this action you will need to follow the “Register” link:

On the registration page you can also get a free mailbox in their Outlook email service:

As a result, you will be taken to the “Bing Webmaster” page, where you are immediately prompted to enter the URL of your resource.

But then they will ask you in full. And the site map address, and its name, and your full name, and much more. Even the times of the greatest influx of traffic will be of interest to them (apparently, so as not to further overload your server with their requests).

Well, in the end you will be asked to prove your ownership the resource that you add to the Bing webmaster panel. What would happen without this, what if you are not the owner of this site, but, for example, on the contrary, you are a competitor or simply a harmful type who wants to do nasty things to the author.

All these methods were described in detail by me in reviews of similar services from Yandex and Google (see links at the very beginning of this publication), so it will be unnecessary to repeat. Personally, I always preferred the first option. In this case, it will be enough to connect via FTP (for example, using Filezilla) and upload the downloaded file from the Bing service (BingSiteAuth.xml) to the root of your resource.

The second way to confirm permission in Bing for a webmaster is to insert the specified meta tag between the opening and closing HEAD tags in your resource template. The problem may arise that it is not entirely clear in which file of the engine you are using that the contents of the HEAD tags are generated. Therefore, I will briefly explain.

If you have Joomla, then you will need to open INDEX.PHP for editing from the folder with the template you are using (read more about them): /templates/Name of the folder_with_your Joomla template. At the beginning of this file you will find the opening and closing HEAD tags, between which insert the specified meta tag.

If you have a blog on WordPress, then you will need to open HEADER.PHP for editing from the folder with the theme you are using (): wp-content/themes/Folder_with_your_theme_.

If you have a forum on SMF, then you will need to open the file index.template.php from the folder with the theme you are using: Themes/default . Using Notepad++'s built-in search, find, for example, this piece of code:

// The ?fin11 part of this link is just here to make sure browsers don"t cache it wrongly. echo " ";

and between these two lines starting with the LINK tag, add the code for the ownership confirmation meta tag.

I can’t say anything worthwhile about the third option for confirming rights, because I have never used it yet. After you fulfill one of the proposed conditions for confirming ownership, you need to click on the “Check” button, after which the road to the Bing panel for webmasters will finally be open to you.

Working as a Bing webmaster

Its appearance has changed somewhat and, it should be noted, for the better, because everything has been translated into Russian and a number of interesting and useful tools have been added.

There is nothing so extraordinary here, however, everything you need is available. You can see how many pages are in the Bing index, how many errors were recorded during indexing, and look at the sitemap files that you downloaded. You can also look at the statistics of clicks from the search and those keywords that most often led to transitions to your resource.

If you go through the tabs of the left menu, then in the area "Site setup" You can delete or add a sitemap, point the search engine to individual pages of your project that have not yet been indexed by it (this is actually an add-on -).

You can also regulate the activity of the Bing robot by reducing or, conversely, increasing the height of the column for each hour during the day. It is clear that at night you can set more activity, but during the day you can ask this search engine not to index at all, especially if your resource is quite visited.

Well, it will also be possible to remove from the Bing index those Urls that should not be there.

On the tab "Reports and Data" webmaster Bing will present you with a graph on which you can display the daily number of clicks and impressions of your resource in search, as well as other less interesting information. Below you can find out which of your documents aroused the greatest interest among users of this search engine.

There you can also find out the queries from which Bing search visitors most often come to you, and at the very bottom you will see statistics on errors detected during indexing, which can be examined in more detail by simply clicking on the numbers. And there will be even lower ones.

On the tab "Diagnostic Tools" You are offered a number of interesting tools:

Keyword research, in my opinion, which helps to select keywords and evaluate the frequency of their request in the Bing search engine.

The Link Explorer allows you to see all the external links that point to the page in your project that you enter into the specified form. Markup checkers will point out errors in special markup if you used it, and SEO analysis tools will point out for a given page those things that may prevent it from ranking higher in searches.

In my opinion, overall it turned out to be a very good account for webmasters who have an interest in Bing. Try and evaluate.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

You can watch more videos by going to

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