White spots on iPhone display. Detecting and eliminating dots on the iPhone screen

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Such a phenomenon as spots on iPhone screen, can be classified according to mechanical and technological impact. For example, they appear if the phone is dropped into water and liquid penetrates inside. Here you will need service maintenance to remove all negative consequences. The most common are dark, yellow, red or white defects at the points of contact with the display. Among them, the most popular on iPhone 4s, 4, and other models are volume control, menu icons, call start and end buttons.

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iPhone screen replacement cost

Stains on the iPhone screen: how to solve the problem

For example, on iPhone 5s it is often practiced complete replacement screen. Learn more about iPhone 5s. You may also need to reduce the pressure on your iPhone when using it in the future.

A black spot on an iPhone 5c, 5 often appears as a result of the glass falling onto a hard surface. In this case, the dark spot indicates microscopic cracks in the matrix. A solution to the problem is possible only in our specialized center, since without the appropriate equipment it cannot be replaced.

A light spot may appear due to failures software. A firmware update will be required here. You can do this either yourself or from mobile equipment repair specialists.

Industrial defects and battery overheating

Spots on the iPhone screen may indicate a manufacturing defect, as well as overheating of the device. Therefore, you must definitely bring your phone to our service center, where you will have the temperature sensor replaced. This will be the only solution to the problem.

Another common situation is that a pink, blue, yellow, green or other stain appears as a result of the plastic changing color during action high temperatures from battery operation. We recommend coating the inside of the device with a cooling solution, which can easily be done in our service workshop.

What to do when the reason is not clear

To determine the cause of stains on the gadget the best option will contact our specialist. He will determine correct method repairs and will tell you the cost of work and all other operations, if necessary. We guarantee that the repair will be of the highest quality and competent, and in the future you will not be afraid of such troubles.

All gadgets with touch screens have one similar problem: spots appear on the smartphone display. The reason is careless handling: touching with fingers or carelessly throwing into pockets, on tables, in bags. So the display needs to be cleaned periodically. When removing stains from your iPhone, you shouldn’t lose sight of a few simple rules.

How to clean an iPhone display

An oleophobic coating of the thinnest structure can protect the screen from grease. However, if handled incorrectly, this coating will deteriorate.

So cleaning should be done with extreme care, using only a microfiber cloth. You can buy it at a computer store, or you can even buy an optics cloth. The following cleaning steps are provided.

  • The device is turned off, all cables are disconnected, the ports are covered with adhesive tape.
  • A microfiber cloth is used - soft, fluffy. Use it to carefully wipe the screen. To avoid damaging the coating, do not press on it.
  • Without touching the joints and ports, wet wipe wipe the device. In this way, stubborn spots, streaks and stains, and sticky marks are removed.
  • After wiping, the iPhone should be wiped dry.

Important! Do not wash the phone, use paper towels or use abrasive materials.

What if the black spots can’t be wiped off?

The liquid used is intended for cleaning the display. You cannot use acids, vinegar, or other household chemicals: they will destroy the oleophobic coating layer.

Spots of special origin

  • The device fell and the matrix cracked. Then black spots appear.
  • Yellow spots occur when the smartphone overheats. Overheating can occur due to the gadget being near heating devices or in the sun.
  • White spots may appear after exposure to moisture or strong pressure as a result of an impact.

Yellowness appears due to damage to the adhesive layer of the display. And the yellowing screen of a new phone is a sign that the glue has not yet dried. After a while, the spot will dry out and most likely disappear.

Usually such stains do not harm the work, but they are unpleasant for the user to see. They may also indicate a serious breakdown. Then iPhone repair in Kirov should be ordered from specialists. It is best to immediately visit our service center to have your gadget repaired. It is convenient and relatively inexpensive.

When people buy an iPhone, they begin to think that this phone will be simply flawless and there will be no problems with it. But unfortunately this is not so and one of the iPhone problemsyellow spots on the screen.

I myself have encountered this situation and my friends too, so I have some experience with this issue and I will be happy to share all the information with you.

Why do yellow spots appear on iPhone?

So, first I’ll tell you about my case. It was an iPhone 4S and it served me for 4 long years. In principle, he is still in good condition and serves as my second phone.

Somewhere after the third year of use, a yellow spot appeared on the left side of the screen. It was not too big and is best seen against a white background.

Out of curiosity, I once went to the service center, to which, without an answer about the reason, they simply told me that I needed to change the screen. Not knowing the reason for the appearance, I simply continued to use my smartphone.

A little later I turned to a friend who started studying iPhone repair and then a version appeared that it was due to moisture and it was simply impossible to remove it.

This whole story ended with the fact that I dropped my gadget and the screen did not break, but stopped showing the image. And then we had to change the display.

After reading on the forums, the most popular versions are:

  • not dried glue;
  • moisture;
  • pressure on the screen;
  • high and low temperatures.

What the actual reason is is generally impossible to find. Therefore, I’ll simply tell you what to do in such situations and how to live with it further.

What to do if yellow streaks or spots appear on your iPhone?

When this yellow spot appeared on my iPhone, I was really upset. After all, the phone served for a long time without any incidents and this made me incredibly happy.

But as you can see, nothing is perfect. And from my life experience, you only have three options if you discover this miracle:

  1. go to the service center and change the screen;
  2. if it’s under warranty, then we go to the store and demand to exchange it for a new one;
  3. We just walk around with the stain and try to get used to it.

At one time, I chose the third point, because the stain is quite small and does not particularly interfere with the work. Replacing the original display with something incomprehensible is also not a good option.

But as I wrote above, by coincidence, I changed the display. I was lucky that they just found the original donor for this case.


Typically, this problem has been the most common since iPhone 4. This does not seem to be the case with modern ones, but yellow spots are quite an insidious thing.

I would like to wish you that on your iPhone more no such spots appeared. After all, sometimes the cost of a screen simply goes through the roof and not everyone wants to spend extra money.

If you notice White spot on the iPhone screen, this indicates problems in its operation. Image defects indicate breakdowns of internal components and components. To determine the nature of the malfunction, you need to find out the causes of the stain on the screen.

An external examination and detailed diagnostics of the smartphone will allow you to determine the functionality of the iPhone. If you are familiar with the device modern smartphones, you can do it yourself. If stains appeared immediately after purchasing the phone, contact the service center to have it checked. warranty repair or replace mobile device.

Causes of image defects

If white dots, black spots or white stripes appear on the iPhone screen, this means that the smartphone has been affected by negative factors. These include:

  • software glitches
  • mechanical damage (dropping the phone, pressing the touch screen hard)
  • moisture ingress (contact with any liquids)
  • factory defects (damaged pixels, stuck together sensor and display, illiterate LED assembly)

If cracks appear on the iPhone screen after a fall, then particles of dust, sand, and moisture can get inside the case through them. This will inevitably lead to defects in the operation of the backlight, and if the cause is not eliminated in a timely manner, such important parts as the matrix, touchscreen, and display will fail.

The ingress of moisture inevitably leads to oxidation of parts. Problems with the screen may not appear immediately, but over time, not only stains, but also more serious deviations will appear.

Software failures that appear as spots indicate a failure of the microcircuit responsible for controlling the screen.

Signs of a gadget malfunction

A white spot on the iPhone screen is one of the signs of a breakdown. If you see dark spots or light spots, it means that one of the parts has failed:

  • matrix
  • plume
  • touchscreen
  • backlight

WITH similar problems owners Apple technology are very common, but how to remove a stain, White background or points on the screen are not known to many. Knowing the cause, it is much easier to fix the breakdown. To do this, you need to change the screen module, install protective glass independently or with the help of specialists.

How to fix problems yourself?

If the iPhone screen is white, you can try to do it yourself certain actions. First of all you need:

  • inspect the device for external damage to the screen (cracks, scratches, stains)
  • clean the glass from dust and sand
  • reboot the phone
  • turn the backlight on and off

If these steps do not help, and the iPhone screen is purple, you need to contact a specialist. As practice shows, methods self-elimination faults give a temporary effect, in the future you need to resort to the help of specialists. Once you determine the extent of damage to your device, you can figure out how to restore it.

If you ignore minor deviations in the operation of your smartphone, this will result in more expensive repairs.

Benefits of qualified help

If a stain appears on the display, this significantly affects the operation of the smartphone, so this problem cannot be ignored. If the iPhone screen is dark after a fall or moisture has entered the case through cracks, stains are visible, contact professionals who repair phones as quickly as possible.

The internal parts (cable, pixels, backlight) of Apple technology are very fragile and can be easily damaged. Specialists use high-precision equipment and tools to remove stains and restore the backlight on the iPhone screen.

When contacting specialists, immediately discuss with them:

  • repair cost
  • deadlines for completing the work
  • duration of warranty

If you are satisfied with the terms of cooperation, then you can trust your mobile device to a specialist.

Where to find qualified craftsmen?

Finding experienced professionals who provide inexpensive services is not so easy. The Yudu website has registered craftsmen who repair smartphones, remove stains and replace any non-working part at an affordable price.

Sometimes you may get unlucky and after a couple of months or more, ("dead") dead pixels may appear on your display.

An excursion into history. What is a dead pixel?

The image on a monitor with a liquid crystal display, as with a cathode ray tube, consists of dots, locally called pixels. They are the ones that form the various pictures that we see through changing colors. The pixel also has its own permanent hierarchy - three subpixels, black, red and green. The final color is achieved by changing the position of individual subpixels and pointing towards it light beam different power. IN modern monitors, using the so-called active matrix, each pixel is controlled by its own thin film transistor (TFT, Thin Film Transistor), the failure of which forms on the screen black inactive point - dead pixel . It does not change its color when the image changes precisely because of a technical malfunction of the control transistor. Such dead pixels can only be restored by replacing the corresponding transistor, which can only be done in special laboratory conditions, which is clearly not available to ordinary users.

If you are so “lucky” and you have just such a black dot on the display of an iPhone, touchscreen or even a monitor, then good luck... But if you have a dead pixel glowing, let’s say brightly green, as was the case in my case with the iPhone 3GS, then you can “revive” it!

Stuck dead pixels

There is another type of dead pixels - stuck . A sign of their appearance will be a light dot on dark background. This happens when an individual subpixel gets stuck in one position. Respectively it does not respond to changes in the image on the display, but lights up in a certain way light color . Such defects, unlike blackheads, can be restored at home through some software and physical manipulations.

Unfortunately, I didn’t take a photo of this pixel when it wasn’t working, but there are many “lucky” people on the Internet with similar symptoms.

Treating a dead (stuck) pixel

The essence of the method is simple, suitable for both iPhone display and LCD monitor. For monitor owners, go to the website http://www.jscreenfix.com and click on Launch the JScreenFix. A window appears with small colored dots that quickly change color.

For iPhone owners or touch, download a short (518kb) video jscreenfix_qvga_ipod.m4v. Run it for 10-15 minutes and your dead pixel will miraculously come back to life.

The trick to this method is that it performs high-speed color changes on individual pixels, allowing you to programmatically realign a stuck pixel.