Hardware license 1c was not detected. No license found. The program protection key or the obtained software license was not found - Solution. How to correctly install hardware security keys

And today I will describe some errors associated with 1C protection and ways to solve them.

Message "No license was found to use the program" similar to what was issued before “Program protection key not found!”. Since 1C:Enterprise does not provide details about the error, this message may hide one of the following problems.

If we have a software license, then we need to obtain a software license from the licensing center, I will describe step by step.

Activation of 1C software licenses

1. When starting, we get on the screen “No license was found to use the program!”, Click “YES”
2. Select on which computer the license should be installed: “On this computer” or “On the 1C:Enterprise server computer”
3. Select “Initial acquisition of a license” or “Updating licenses” or “Re-obtaining licenses”
4. Next, select who should have access to the license, probably better “All users of this computer”
5. Method of obtaining licenses: “Automatically”, “On electronic media” or “Manually”
6. Fill in the registration data and save it to a file
7. The resulting license file must be moved to C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\1C\1Cv82\conf\2*.lic or
C:\Users\All Users\1C\1Cv82\conf\2*.lic

It will also work if the license is placed in
C:\Program Files (x86)\1cv82\conf

If we have a hardware license, then there may be one of the following problems:

Key not found. One of the most common mistakes. This error occurs
if you don't have a key or try to use a key for another product. For network keys, the error occurs if the Hasp License Manager is not running on the machine or a non-network key is installed; there may also be no network.

The number of licenses has been exceeded. This error occurs if the number of active users (sessions) exceeds the specified number of licenses in the key. Also, when working on a network with 2 license managers (Hasp License Manager) with the same names and keys of the same series and 1C, the application finds first the key with which the maximum number of connections has already been established, which leads to an error.

The key does not contain a license. Occurs when two keys of the same series are installed on the computer, 1C will use one of them. When two 1C license managers work on a network, the application may be the first to find a key that does not contain the required license.

Terminal Service detected. The local security key is not visible in the terminal session. This can be avoided if you start a terminal session with the Admin key.

How to correctly install hardware security keys

When using more than one key, you must specify the name of the license manager for server in the nhsrv.ini file:

The server name must consist of Latin letters and numbers and be no more than 7 characters long.

File nhsrv.ini is located in the same directory as the license manager, and if the license manager is installed as a service, then in the Windows\System32 directory. In the nhsrv.ini file, you can also specify the IP addresses of individual users whom we want to prohibit from connecting to the license manager.

On client machines the file nethasp.ini must be edited by specifying the IP addresses and names of license managers:
NH_TCPIP = Enabled

NH_SERVER_NAME =server1, server2

Good luck to everyone!
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P.S. Cool! Equalizer girl

This article will describe in detail the set of actions that must be performed to obtain a software license for the 1C:Enterprise client version 8.3 (in versions 8.2 And 8.1 the set of actions is similar) in automatic mode.

1. What you will need

2. Preparation for obtaining a license

  1. Before installation, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the types, options and features of license accounting by reading
  2. It is necessary to decide in advance on the option of installing the license: on the current computer or on .
  3. If you install a license for , the installation should be performed directly on the terminal server itself.

3. Obtaining a license

To initially obtain a license, launch the 1C:Enterprise program in one of the modes: Configurator, thick or thin client. If a software license or is not found on this computer, a message will be displayed stating that the license was not found and the Obtain a License Wizard will start.

If the “1C:Enterprise” license has been detected, but you need to obtain an additional software license, launch “1C:Enterprise” in the Configurator mode, then select “ Service» — « Obtaining a license».

The License Obtain Wizard will also launch. On the home page select " Get a license».

Then enter the registration number of the kit and the PIN code from the 1C:Enterprise delivery. If the license needs to be installed on this computer (or on a terminal server), immediately click “ Further" If the license needs to be installed on the 1C:Enterprise server, then click on “ Additionally", then set the flag " Server installation", enter the server name, port number, set the flag " Automatic receipt" and only then click " Further».

On the next page select " First start» in case of initial receipt of a license for this supply.

Attention!!! The next step is very important for working with this set of licenses in the future. After all, when restoring or transferring a license, the questionnaire data will need to be reproduced with character accuracy.

Please fill out all license holder fields very carefully. If the license was purchased for an individual, you must set the appropriate switch. After filling in all the information, set the flag “ I agree to repeat this data to the letter when restoring the license", be sure to save the information by clicking on " Save data"(I also recommend additionally taking a screenshot of the screen) and click " Further».

The next step is collecting data about the computer. Since this is the first receipt, before issuing a license, only the registration number and PIN code are checked at the Licensing Center, and the received key computer parameters are entered into the Licensing Center database.

If the initial data is entered correctly, the system receives data from the Licensing Center, generates and writes a license file to the computer in the directory determined by the set of license installation parameters. This can be one of the directories (in Windows OS):

  • Directory of files for a specific version of the platform. By default - C:\Program Files\1Cv82\8.2.XX.YYY\bin\conf
  • Directory %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\1C\1Cv82\Conf or in %LOCALAPPDATA%\1C\1Cv82\Conf for Windows Vista and higher.
  • The directory that is specified in the conf.cfg file located in the bin\conf directory of a specific platform version.
  • Directory %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\1C\1Cv82\Conf or in %ProgramData%\1C\1Cv82\Conf for Windows Vista and higher.

Make sure that the file is present in one of the listed directories and click the button “ Ready» having completed the master’s work.

Attention!!! You cannot place the same software license file simultaneously in several directories accessible to 1C:Enterprise applications. This will cause the license file to be blacklisted and unusable. Copying a license file into two or more directories is a violation of the License Agreement.

After all the steps taken, launch the 1C:Enterprise client and make sure that the license is installed correctly.

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1C:Enterprise 8.2: No license was found to use the program. Infinite activation

Our client encountered a completely standard situation: Windows 10 received a large update package and after restarting the PC when starting 1C:Enterprise, the user saw a window with the text “No license was found to use the program.” Nothing out of the ordinary yet. But after entering a new 1C:Enterprise pin code and a message about successful activation, the next time you enter the program, the message that the license was not found pops up again. Let's figure out what's the matter.

So, software license. License not found. What are we doing?

  1. Click “Yes” in this window, answering the question “Obtain a license from the licensing center?”
  2. Select “Restore license”.
  3. Enter the current PIN code.
  4. Enter the 1C:Enterprise delivery number (from the yellow sheet from the envelope), if it is not entered, enter a new PIN code from the same sheet, or request a new PIN code from the licensing center, check the registration data.
  5. We go through the wizard to the end and see the message “License successfully obtained.”

But after starting 1C, the absence message appears again. The reason lies in the “remnants” of the old license, which is still present on your PC, but is no longer valid. You need to clear 2 folders of files:

  1. Folder in Application Data: C:/Users/%Username%/AppData/Local/1C/1Cv82/*.lic

    Instead of %Username% Your account name must be indicated. This folder must contain a file with the extension *.lic, For example, 20160530140954.lic, which means that the last time the license was obtained was in 2016 on the 05th month of the 30th at 14 hours 09 minutes 54 seconds - this is a simple timestamp. Cleared. But activation most likely will not succeed and at the end of the activation wizard you will see a message "File sharing error" indicating the path to another activation file.

  2. Let's delete the second file too. It is located in another folder: C:\ProgramData\1C\1Cv82\conf\*.lic

    We repeat the procedure from point 1: delete files with the extension *.lic.

  3. Let's go through the license activation wizard again - everything should work!

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